2019-2020年高考英语二轮专题复习 综合测试题(一).doc

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2019-2020年高考英语二轮专题复习 综合测试题(一)说明:本试卷分为第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。满分150分,考试时间120分钟。第卷(选择题,共115分)第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1Why couldnt the woman get John to e?AJohn was too busy to e.BJohns phone wasnt working.CJohn wasnt at home when she called.2What does the man mean?ATom wont lend her money.BTom always keeps his promise.CTom will buy a puter for himself.3What does the woman advise the man to do?ATake the GRE test again in 8 weeks.BCall to check his scores.CBe patient and wait.4Who knows more about the prices of Sunrise Diner?AMorris and Jill.BThe woman. CThe man.5What are the speakers talking about?AWhether the girl likes math or not.BWho broke the window in the classroom.CWhy the girl doesnt e to the math class.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6至8题。6What are the speakers talking about? AA foreign guest. BA dinner. CChinese restaurants.7. When does the conversation take place? ABefore a dinner.BAfter a dinner.CIn the course of a dinner.8Where does the man sit? ANext to the woman. BNext to the womans husband. CBetween the woman and her husband.听下面一段对话,回答第9至11题。9What is the most probable relationship between the speakers? AMother and son. BWife and husband. CDoctor and patient.10How will the speakers go to the Fair? ABy taxi. BBy bus. CBy bike.11Why will the speakers take their raincoats to the Fair? AThey think everything is possible. BTheres some sign that means rain in the sky. CThe weatherman says its going to rain at noon.听下面一段对话,回答第12至14题。12What isnt the woman sure about the sports shoes? AThe style. BThe color. CThe size.13Why does the woman first think the man cant help her? AShe thinks her son doesnt like the color of the shoes. BShe thinks her son doesnt like the style of the shoes. CShe thinks her son is taller than any other boys of his age.14What can we learn from the conversation? AThe man is very helpful. BThe shoes are very expensive. CThe woman doesnt buy the shoes.听下面一段对话,回答第15至17题。15Why was Joans coat dirty?AShe was pushed to the floor.BShe fell by accident.CThe back of her seat was dirty.16Where does the conversation most probably take place? AIn the street.BIn the office.COn the underground train.17Who caught the robber? ATwo passengers. BThe conductor.CA policeman.听下面一段独白,回答第18至20题。18What is the speaker? AA teacher. BA guide. CA novelist.19Which novels were discussed last week? AA Tale of Two Cities & Great Expectations. BA Tale of Two Cities & David Copperfield. CGreat Expectations & David Copperfield.20What will the listeners do after listening to these statements? AThey will enjoy the film Oliver Twist. BThey will go on studying the other two novels of Dickens. CThey will discuss the characters of the four novels.听力材料:Text 1M: Have you called John to e and fix the TV set?W: I tried calling him again and again, but his phone was out of order.Text 2W: Tom said he could lend me some money to buy the puter.M: Tom always means what he says.Text 3M: I havent got my scores on the GRE test yet. Do you think I should call to make inquiries?W: Theres no hurry. The test scores are released at least 8 weeks after the lest.Text 4M: Morris and Jill are going to the Sunrise Diner tonight.W: Oh, the last time I went there I found that their prices had almost doubled.M: No kidding! I guess Morris and Jill will be in for quite a surprise.Text 5M: Why do you always look out of the window during math class, Meg?W: I dont know what youre talking about.M: Why do you always look out of window? Do you think math is boring?W: No, I dont. I like math a lot.Text 6W: Mr. Crozier, this way, please. Now, please take the seat, this is for you.M: Yeah. And you sit next to me according to the place card. Thank you very much for preparing such a grand dinner for me.W: For a guest from a distant place, it is our pleasure. And I hope youll enjoy it.M: I will, Miss Huang. Chinese dishes are famous, and you can find Chinese restaurants all over the world.W: Thats true. Thank you.Text 7W: What a fine day! Shall we go to the Fair today?M: That sounds like a good idea. Shall we go there by bus?W: Its not far. Lets take a taxi. It wont be expensive.M: No. Wed better take the bus.W: OK. Take the No. 20. It goes right to the Fair.M: Where is my coat?W: In the closet. But you wont need a coat today. The sun is shining brightly, and its going to get warmer.M: Are you sure its not going to rain?W: I dont think so, but anything is possible. Your raincoat is in the closet.M: Yeah. Ive found it. Your raincoat is under mine. Will you take it with you?W: Yes, please.Text 8M: Can I help you, Maam?W: Im looking for a pair of sports shoes for my son, but I dont know what size he wears.M: It doesnt matter. Ill help you. Can you tell me how old he is?W: Hes eight, but Im afraid you cant help me, because he is taller than other boys of his age.M: Thats no problem. You can take a size ten and let him try them on. If they dont fit him well, just bring the shoes back, and Ill exchange them for you.W: That would be great. Its so kind of you.M: Well. What color do you want?W: Any color will do. Any color is all right for a child.M: How about this pair? They look nice.W: Yes, youre right. Ill take them. How much do they cost?M: Thirty yuan.W: Here is the money. Thank you for your help.M: You are wele.Text 9M: Hi, Joan. Why are you late today? Youre never late for work.W: No, I never am, but.M: Wow! Your coat is very dirty! Did you fall?W: Yes, I had a terrible experience on the underground train. Listen to this! A man came up to me and pulled out a knife. He pointed it right at me.M: Oh, no! Are you all right? Did he hurt you?W: No, he didnt hurt me, but he took my handbag.M: Then what happened? What did you do?W: I caught hold of his knife, and he pushed me to the floor.M: Oh, no! Why did you catch hold of his knife! Thats dangerous.W: I dont know. I didnt think.M: What did the other passengers do? Did they help you?W: Yes, they did. Two men ran after the robber and held him.M: Did the police e?W: Yeah. The conductor called a policeman, and he took the robber to the police station.M: What a story! Thank God you are all right.Text 10W: Good morning, everyone! Last Tuesday we learned some basic personal information and knowledge about this famous writer and his worksCharles Dickens. Born in Portsmouth, England, on February 7th, 1812. In life, he has created and posed a lot of outstanding works, and they have won universal praise for him all over the world, such as Great Expectations, Oliver Twist, A Tale of Two Cities, David Copperfield and so on. Among them, we have already talked about the last two works. A Tale of Two Cities begins with “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times”. It is set against the background of the French Revolution and Dickens researched the historical background carefully. The novel is notable for its vivid representation of France during this troubled time. And the other novel David Copperfield is a biography with many of the story lines mirroring Dickens own life. In telling the story of the child David, Dickens displays the unique ability to make the reader see through the eyes of the child, capturing the very essence of childhood. All of these statements mainly refer to a simple reflection and review about his two novels, and then we will continue to discuss the other two: Great Expectations and Oliver Twist. Now let us turn to page 134!答案:15BBCBA610BAABB1115ACCAA1620BAABB第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21Thats a great sweater. I have never seen anything like it before.You think so? My grandmother _ it for me.Amakes BmadeChas made Dhad made解析:考查时态。这是一件很好的毛衣,我以前从来没有看到过这样的毛衣。你这样想吗?我奶奶给我织的。make这个动作发生在过去,所以用一般过去时。答案:B22Many of the students who hope to go to university will be disappointed because only one third _ for admission will be accepted. Aapply Bto apply Capplied Dapplying解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:许多希望上大学的学生会很失望,因为只有三分之一的申请者会被录取。“三分之一的学生”与apply是逻辑上的主谓关系,所以用现在分词作后置定语,故答案是D。答案:D23Has it ever struck you _ it would be like to have no one you could trust? Athat Bwho Cwhich Dwhat解析:考查主语从句。句意:你曾经想过你没有任何可以信任的人会是什么样子?what是在从句中充当like的宾语,同时引导主语从句,故答案是D。答案:D24Why do some rich people steal things _ they could easily afford to buy them? Aunless Bbefore Cif Dwhen解析:考查连词。when表示“既然”。句意:既然有些富人完全买得起东西,为什么他们还偷呢?答案:D25When Helen began looking for a job after college, she found that she couldnt get _ without work experience. Ait Bone Cthat Dthis解析:考查代词。句意:当海伦大学毕业后开始找工作时,她发现没有工作经验找不到工作。one可指代单数可数名词,表示同类中的一个,在此指代a job,为泛指。答案:B26_ February birth appears to increase the chances of being _ artist while March babies appear to go on to bee pilots. AThe; an BA; an C/; the D/; an解析:考查冠词。句意:出生在二月份的孩子成为艺术家的概率更高,而三月份出生的宝宝似乎更可能成为飞行员。表示月份的名词前用零冠词,但此处A February birth泛指出生于二月份的孩子,故用不定冠词;第二空,指从事艺术职业的人,可以用artists或an artist表示。答案:B27Jane was elected chairman of the mittee. This is the first time that a woman _ to the post. Ahas appointed Bhad appointed Chas been appointed Dhad been appointed解析:考查时态和语态。在“This is the first that.”句型中,从句用现在完成时,a woman与appoint之间为动宾关系,所以用现在完成时的被动语态,故答案是C。句意:Jane被选为委员会主席,这是第一次女人被任命到这个岗位。答案:C28There are many examples throughout the world _ talented players are ignored by their national managers. Awhen Bwhere Cwhich Dwhose解析:考查定语从句。where引导的定语从句修饰examples, where在从句中作地点状语。句意:世界各地有很多这样的例子,有天赋的运动员被他们本国的经理们忽视。答案:B29Lets go to see a movie and then go shopping._. I happen to be free this afternoon.AAnything you say BIt depends CNo way DGo ahead解析:考查情景交际。四个选项的意思分别是“悉听尊便”“那得看情况”“没门儿”“说吧,请吧”。根据答话人说的第二句话可判断A项正确。答案:A30I am _ about what I say because careless remarks are likely to hurt others feelings. Aenthusiastic Bconcerned Cdoubtful Dcautious解析:考查形容词辨析。四个选项的意思分别是“热情的,热心的”“担心的,忧虑的”“怀疑”“谨慎的”。句意:我对于自己要说的话非常谨慎,因为粗心的评论可能会伤害到他人的感情。故D项正确。答案:D31Looking back on the threeyear life in the mountain village, Thomas _ it as a milestone in his personal development. Avalues Bconfirms Cdeclares Dassumes解析:考查动词辨析。四个选项的意思分别是“重视,珍视”“证实”“宣布”“假定,承担”。句意:Thomas回顾在山村三年的生活,将其视为他个人发展的重要阶段。根据句意可知选A。答案:A32The spokesman was seated in front of all the journalists at the press conference, _ to answer all kinds of questions. Aprepared Bpreparing Cto be prepared Dhaving prepared解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:这个发言人在新闻发布会上坐在所有记者面前,准备回答各种各样的问题。prepare与spokesman为逻辑上的主谓关系,所以用现在分词。答案:B33Many Chinese airline panies had intended to get much business, but it _ so bad. Amade out Bturned out Cwent out Dcarried out解析:考查动词短语辨析。make out“辨认清楚”;turn out“结果是”;go out“外出交际,熄灭”;carry out“实施,执行”。句意:很多中国航空公司本想得到更多的生意,但是结果却很糟糕。由此可知B项正确。答案:B34Students should fully realize that there are other things more important than high marks, _, honesty and responsibility. Ain contrast Bfor example Cin other words Don the contrary解析:考查介词短语。句意:学生应该充分意识到有其他东西比高分更重要,例如:诚实和责任。for example“例如”符合句意。答案:B35Dont try to persuade your boss ; he wont have the _ of employing me a student fresh from college. Aintention Battention Csense Dattraction解析:考查名词辨析。四个选项意思分别是“意图,计划”“注意”“感觉”“吸引”。根据“Dont try to persuade your boss”可知,“他不会想雇用我一个刚毕业的学生”。由此可知A项正确。答案:A第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。A man died and was on his way to another _36_, either the heaven or the hell.He saw an extremely _37_ palace halfway and the owner of the palace _38_ him to stay and live in the palace. The man said, “I have been working _39_ during my life and now I just want to eat and sleep _40_ any work. ”The owner of the palace said,“_41_, there is nowhere else better than here for you.There is a wealth of _42_ in my palace and you can eat whatever you want without anyone _43_ you. _44_, you can rest assured (放心) that _45_ needs to be done by you.” Then, the man settled down in the palace.At the beginning, the man felt very _46_ at the rotation (轮流) of eating and sleeping. But _47_, he felt a bit lonely and empty. So he went to the owner and groaned, “It is very _48_ to live by just eating and sleeping every day. Now I show no _49_ in this kind of life any more. Could you help me find a _50_?”The owner replied, “_51_, there is no job here at all. ”After another several months, the man could not _52_ the present life and went to the owner _53_, “I really could not stand this sort of life any more. If you do not offer me a job, I would _54_ to go to the hell instead of living here. ”The owner of the palace smiled contemptuously(轻蔑地), “ Do you think it is heaven here? It is _55_ the hell!”36A.world BhouseChome Dhospital37A.summer BfairytaleCroyal Dsplendid38A.asked BwarnedCforced Ddemanded39Afortably BhardChonestly Dhappily40A.apart from BbesidesCwithout Dwith41A.If any BIf soCIf necessary DIf possible42A.jewels BtastesCbooks Dfood43A.stopping BdroppingCnoticing Dmeeting44A.However BOtherwiseCAnyway DMoreover45A.anything BeverythingCnothing Dsomething46A.surprised BhappyCmad Dfrightened47A.easily BcarefullyCconfidently Dgradually48A.strange BenjoyableCboring Drelaxing49A.interest BtrustCpatience Dcuriosity50A.partner BwayCmeaning Djob51A.Thats right BCheer upCSorry DNever mind52A.bear BloseChandle Drisk53A.indeed BalreadyCalways Dagain54A.hope BpreferCpromise Dexpect55A.no longer BalsoCactually Dstill解读:男子死后来到了另外一个世界,实现了自己的夙愿,然而却无法忍受那样的生活,这是怎么回事呢?让我们一起从文章中寻找答案吧!36解析:本句前半部分提到男子去世,由此可知他在去另外一个“世界”的路上。答案:A37解析:第三段中提到男子可以在宫殿中尽情享用自己喜欢的食物,由此可推知他在半路上看到的是一座极其“辉煌的”宫殿。splendid“辉煌的,华丽的”。答案:D38解析:根据第三段中宫殿主人所说的话可知,对方是在“邀请”男子留下来住在宫殿中。ask sb. to do sth.“邀请某人做某事”。答案:A39解析:根据本句后半部分的内容可知,男子生前一直都在“努力”工作。答案:B40解析:男子一生都在努力工作,现在只想吃和睡,不想做任何工作。答案:C41解析:听完男子的要求,宫殿的主人回答道:“如果是这样,再没有其他地方比这儿更适合你了。”if so“如果是这样”。答案:B42解析:根据“you can eat whatever you want”可知,宫殿中的“食物”非常丰富。另外,上一段中的“.now I just want to eat.”也是线索提示。答案:D43解析:男子可以在宫殿中吃他想吃的任何东西,没有人会“阻止”他。答案:A44解析:男子不但可以在宫殿中尽情地吃,“而且”还可以放心,不需要做任何事情。答案:D45解析:参见上题解析。此处表示的是否定含义,故用nothing。答案:C46解析:男子实现了自己的愿望,吃了睡,睡了吃,起初感到非常“高兴”。答案:B47解析:但是,随着时间的流逝,男子“逐渐”感到有点儿孤独和空虚。gradually“逐渐地”。答案:D48解析:男子向宫殿的主人抱怨,说每天只是吃、睡,这样活着太“乏味”了。答案:C49解析:男子厌倦了每天只是吃、睡的生活,对这种生活不再感“兴趣”。show interest in sth.“对某事物感兴趣”。答案:A50解析:根据下一段中的“job”可知,男子希望宫殿的主人能够帮助他找一份“工作”。答案:D51解析:结合本句后半部分的内容可知,宫殿的主人回答的是“抱歉”。答案:C52解析:又过了几个月,男子无法“忍受”当前的生活。下文中的“I really could not stand this sort of life any more.”也是线索提示。bear“忍受,经受住”;handle“应付,处理”。答案:A53解析:此处与第四段中的“so he went to the owner.”相呼应,说明男子“再次”去见宫殿的主人。答案:D54解析:如果你不给我提供一份工作,我“宁可”去地狱,也不愿住在这里。prefer to do sth.“宁愿做某事”。答案:B55解析:你以为这里是天堂吗?这儿“实际上”是地狱!答案:C第三部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给出的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AWele to one of the largest collections of footwear (鞋类) in the world that will make you green with envy. Here at the Footwear Museum you can see exhibits(展品) from all over the world. You can find out about shoes worn by everyone from the Ancient Egyptians to pop stars.56Where would you find a famous singers shoes?ARoom 1. BRoom 2.CRoom 3. DThe Footwear Library.57All exhibits in each room _. Ashare the same theme Bhave the same shape Care made of the same material Dbelong to the same social class58Which of the following is true according to the text? AThe oldest exhibits in Room 1 were made in the 1950s. BRoom 2 is the most visited place in the museum. CRoom 3 has a richer variety of exhibits than the other two. DResearchers e to the Footwear Library for data.59The purpose of the text is to get more people to _. Ado research Bdesign shoes Cvisit the museum Dfollow celebrities解读:本文向人们介绍了一个展示各类鞋的博物馆,在这里,你可以看到各种各样的鞋。56解析:考查细节理解。文章分别介绍三个展室和鞋类图书馆。根据三个展室中的Room 1部分的信息可知,可以在该展室内找到一位著名歌星的鞋子。答案:A57解析:考查推理判断。前三个方框分别介绍三个不同的展室,这三个展室均有各自的主题:名人鞋类、特殊用途鞋类、鞋状物品。故每个展室中的展品都有着相同的主题。答案:A58解析:考查推理判断。一号展室中的“Started in the 1950s”说的是该展室创办的时间,而不是展品的年代,故A错。根据第一个方框中的首句可知,一号展室应该是整个博物馆游客最多的地方,故B错。C项表述在文中无依据,可排除。根据第四个方框中的最后一句可知,人们来此是为了查阅资料,故选D。答案:D59解析:考查写作目的。文章主要向人们介绍了一个展示各种鞋子的博物馆。根据文章内容可知,本文主要是为了吸引更多的游客来参观这个博物馆。答案:CBLooking for a new weight loss plan? Try living on the top of a mountain. Mountain air contains less oxygen than air at lower altitudes, so breathing it causes the heart to beat faster and the body to burn more energy. Studies have found that athletes training at high altitudes tend to lose weight. Doctor Florian Lippl in Germany wondered how the mountain air would affect obese individuals if they werent doing any more physical activities than usual. Lippl and his colleagues invited 20 obese men to an environmental research station about 300 meters below the summit of Zugspitze, a mountain around 2, 970 meters near the Austrian border. This was no hiking expedition. They were allowed to eat as much as they liked. The men also gave blood so that researchers could test for hormones (荷尔蒙) linked to appetite and obesity. At the end of the week, the men, whose weight starting out was 105 kilograms, had lost about 1.5 kg on average. The mens blood pressure also dropped, which the researchers owed to weight lost. Exactly what caused the weight loss is uncertain. Loss of appetite is mon at higher altitudes, and indeed the men ate significantly less than usual about 700 calories(千卡) fewer per day. Appetite loss at high altitudes could certainly be key, notes Damian Bailey, a physiologist, who himself recently lost 11 kg during a 3month expedition to the Andes in Chile. Lippl says, halfjokingly, “If obese people plan their holidays, they might not go to the sea, but maybe to the mountains.”60The underlined word “obese” in the first paragraph probably means “_” Aunhealthy Bswollen Cvery fat Dweighty61Hormones were tested in the research because they could affect _. Aones body weightBones blood pressureCones way of living Dones heartbeating rate62What was found about the 20 obese men in the process of the research? AThey controlled what to eat. BThey took in fewer calories than usual. CThey lost appetite because of lack of physical activities. DTh


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