2019年高考英语一轮复习 夯实基础 Unit 4 Earthquakes 新人教版必修1.doc

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2019年高考英语一轮复习 夯实基础 Unit 4 Earthquakes 新人教版必修1.doc_第1页
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2019年高考英语一轮复习 夯实基础 Unit 4 Earthquakes 新人教版必修1.doc_第2页
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2019年高考英语一轮复习 夯实基础 Unit 4 Earthquakes 新人教版必修1.词汇知识1(xx辽宁卷)The accident caused some _ to my car, but its nothing serious.A. harm B. injuryC. ruin D. damage答案与解析D句意:这场事故对我的车造成了一些损害,但并不很严重。damage是指损害不严重,可修复,由句意可知D项正确。harm常用作do harm to; injury常指伤害、受伤等; ruin“完全破坏;废墟”,均不符合句意。2A group of soldiers with water and food were sent to _ the farmers trapped in the cave.A. view B. organizeC. rescue D. settle答案与解析C句意:一组士兵带着水和食物前去营救陷于洞穴中的农民。rescue“援救;营救”,符合句意。view“观看;注视”; organize“组织;成立”; settle“使定居;安排;解决”。3(xx武穴中学月考)Some parents are just too protective. They want to _their kids from every kind of danger, real or imaginary.A. benefit B. remove C. shelter D. distinguish答案与解析C句意:一些父母太过于保护。他们想保护他们的孩子免受各种危险,包括真实的或虚构的。shelter . from .“保护免受”,符合句意。benefit“有益于”;remove“移开”;distinguish“区分;辨别”。4The moment she heard the news that her baby was lost, she _ tears.A. recovered from B. burst intoC. broke out D. suffered from答案与解析Bburst into为固定搭配,意思是“突然爆发”,后常跟tears, laughter等名词作宾语。5_, the headmaster rose to indicate that the conversation was _.A. At an end; in an endB. In the end; at an endC. In an end; at the endD. At the end; in the end答案与解析B句意:最后,校长站起来暗示谈话结束。in the end“最后;终于”; at an end“结束;终结”,常用作表语。.语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。It was my first trip to India, alone. One day, as I _6_ (walk) through a local market, a tenyearold boy came over and begged me to buy a book, _7_ had the words “Interesting India” on its cover. I bought it, thinking that when I returned home it would remind me _8_ my wonderful Indian adventure. The book claimed that Indias people were very weling of tourists, and never tried _9_ (cheat) them. As I read I felt deeply touched by these warm words.Suddenly, a monkey came down from a nearby tree, snatched the book from my hand and took _10_ away, along with my bag which contained all my belongings. I couldnt do anything _11_ stand and stare. Then a man approached me and asked _12_ I wanted my belongings back. He said it would cost me five US dollars. I had no other choice _13_ (leave), so I agreed to pay, but only after my bag was returned.He blew a whistle and the monkey immediately threw the bag down. I picked it up and gave him the money. I later learned that _14_ man made his living this way: tricking tourists. This was the _15_ (bad) thing I ever experienced in “Interesting India”答案6.was walking7.which8.of9.to cheat10it11.but12.if/whether13.left14.the/that15.worst

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