2019-2020年高二上学期第一学段联考英语试题 含答案.doc

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2019-2020年高二上学期第一学段联考英语试题 含答案笔试部分第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从115各题所给的A、B、C、D项中,选出最佳选项,并将答案涂在答题卡相应位置上。It was a lazy morning during the Christmas week. We were enjoying breakfast when the doorbell rang. It was a little girl, standing at the doorway with a piece of paper and a face that carried an expression of want, rather a mon1during Christmas.She murmured that the paper was her booklist(书单) and that she was going around2 money to buy her schoolbooks. My children went inside and brought some3for her. This kind of incident happens very often in my hometown,4during Christmas.From where I was seated, I could see her clearly. She looked about ten years old and she wore a dress too big for her. She spoke in a5voice and looked at me straight in the eye. Something made me get up and6her.In answer to my questions, she said that her mother made hoppers and she7them before going to school. But the hopper money was not adequate to8the list; therefore, she was going from house to house asking for help.Her voice told me the story; her eyes told me that it was9. I said Id buy her what was on the list.We drove to a nearby bookstore. She sat10, with a strange look on her face. When the clerk was taking all the things on the list, the little girl kept staring as if confused. Perhaps she had never11so many new things before. They were merely exercise books, pencils, pens and such things. She whispered her12to us. Strange, I hadnt been aware that giving such13things to one in need, could bring me such a lot of happiness.As we drove back, I could see the little girl in the mirror. All the gifts I had given in my life never14up a face so much. She was grasping the parcel, smiling to herself. The total event made us all very15. Our Christmas became more meaningful.1.A.sight B.appearance C.moment D.experience2.A.borrowing B. begging C.receiving D. lending3.A.coins B.books C.food D.clothes4.A.absolutely B.especially C.casually D.hardly5.A.strange B.loud C.serious D. polite6.A.speakto B.carefor C.smileat D.holdto7.A.needed B.sold C.collected D.used8.A. buy B. make C.control D.cover9.A. painful B. interesting C. moving D. true10.A.silently B.eagerly C.Anxiously D. happily11.A.seen B.bought C.possessed D.accepted12.A.surprise B.satisfaction C. pleasure D.thanks13.A.wonderful B. simple C. expensive D.useful14.A.madeup B.litup C.putup D.shutup15.A. fortable B. amazed C. happy D. relieved第二节语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为1625的相应位置上。This was the touching moment when a giraffe bid a sad farewell to a dying worker who had spent his entire adult life 16 (clean) the animals enclosure(围场) at a Dutch zoo. The 54-year-old care worker, Mario, was ing to the end of his life due to a 17 (die) disease. According to his wish, his hospital bed 18 (take) into the giraffe enclosure at the zoo. 19 the mans amazement, one of the giraffes approached him and gave him a tender kiss goodbye. “It was such a heartbreaking scene 20 we couldnt hold back our tears.” One of the staff at the zoo said afterwards.Mario, weak 21 in high spirits, then asked for a moment to say goodbye to his colleagues at the zoo.“ 22 was very nice that we were able to work on the last wish of this man,” Mr Veldboer said. The Ambulance Wish Foundation,an organization 23 (found) in xx by Veldboer, is a charity 24 volunteers specialize in helping terminally-ill patients fulfill dying their wishes.Last year the charity took 25 86-year-old terminally-ill man back to his farm in Holland to say goodbye to his horses.第三节 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)AThe day when the jobs were handed out was one of the most exciting moments for all the children in the class. It took place during the first week of the term. Every kid was given a job for which they would be responsible for the rest of that school year.Some jobs were more interesting than others, and the children were eager to be given one of the best ones. When giving them out, the teacher took into account which pupils had been most responsible during the previous year. During the previous year Rita had carried out the teachers instructions perfectly. All the children knew Rita would be given the best job.But there was a big surprise. Each child received a normal job. But Ritas job was very different. She was given a little box containing some sand and one ant. Though the teacher insisted that this ant was very special, Rita felt disappointed. Most of her classmates felt sorry for her. Even her father became very angry with the teacher and he encouraged Rita to pay no attention to this insignificant pet. However, Rita preferred to show the teacher her error by doing something special with that job of little interest.Rita started investigating all about her little ant and gave the ant the best food, and it grew quite a bit bigger.One day, a man, who looked very important, came into their classroom and declared, “Your class has been chosen to acpany me, this summer, on a journey to the tropical rain forest, where we will investigate all kinds of insects. Among all the schools of this region, your class has best cared for the little ant.”That day the school was filled with joy and celebration. Everyone thanked Rita for having been so patient and responsible. And many children learnt that to be given the most important task you have to know how to be responsible even in what are the smallest tasks.26.Whatdidtheteacherbasehisdecisiononwhengivingoutjobstothechildren?A.Theircharactersandinterests.B.Theirclassperformanceduringthepreviousyear. C.Theirworkingperformanceduringthepreviousyear.D.Theirabilityofmanagingtheiraccountsduringthepreviousyear27.Whatdoestheunderlinedsentencemean?A.Eachchildgotanimportantjob.B.Eachchildgotaninterestingjob.C.TheperfectstudentgotthejobofeveryonespreferenceD.Themostresponsiblestudentgotthejobofleastinterest.28.WhatisRitasattitudetoherfatherssuggestion?A.Negative.B.Uncertain.C.Totallypositive.D.Acceptive.29.Wecaninferthatthemanwhomadethedeclarationisa_.A.hunterB.directorC.biologistD.principal30.Whatwouldbethebesttitleforthepassage?A.Neverplainaboutlife.B.Smalltaskscanleadtofortunes.C.Menarebestknownbytheirfriends.D.Responsibilityandintelligencebringgoodluck.BYou may not pay much attention to your daily elevator ride. Many of us use a lift several times during the day without really thinking about it. But Lee Gray, PhD, of the University of North Carolina, US, has made it his business to examine this overlooked form of public transport. He is known as the “Elevator Guy”.“The lift bees this interesting social space where etiquette (礼仪) is sort of odd,” Gray told the BBC. “They (elevators) are socially very interesting but often very awkward places.”We walk in and usually turn around to face the door. If someone else es in, we may have to move. And here, according to Gray, lift-users unthinkingly go through a set pattern of movements. He told the BBC what he had observed.He explained that when you are the only one inside a lift, you can do whatever you want its your own little box.If there are two of you, you go into different corners, standing diagonally (对角线地) across from each other to create distance.When a third person enters, you will unconsciously form a triangle. And when there is a fourth person it bees a square, with someone in every corner. A fifth person is probably going to have to stand in the middle.New entrants to the lift will need tosize upthe situation when the doors slide open and then act decisively. Once in, for most people the rule is simple look down, or look at your phone.Why are we so awkward in lifts?“You dont have enough space,” Professor Babette Renneberg, a clinical psychologist at the Free University of Berlin, told the BBC. “Usually when we meet other people we have about an arms length of distance between us. And thats not possible in most elevators.”In such a small, enclosed space it bees very important to act in a way that cannot be construed (理解) as threatening or odd. “The easiest way to do this is to avoid eye contact,” she said.31.The main purpose of the article is to _.A. remind us to enjoy ourselves in the elevatorB. tell us some unwritten rules of elevator etiquetteC. share an interesting but awkward elevator rideD. analyze what makes people feel awkward in an elevator32. According to Gray, when people enter an elevator, they usually _.A. turn around and greet one anotherB. look around or examine theirphoneC. make eye contact with those in the elevatorD. try to keep a distance from other people33. Which of the following describes how people usually stand when there are at least two people in an elevator?A. Door B. Door C. Door D. DoorThe point in the chart refers to one person.34. The underlined phrase “size up” in Paragraph 7 is closest in meaning to _.A. judge B. ignore C. put up with D. make the best of35. According to the article, people feel awkward in lifts because of_.A. someones odd behaviors B. the lack of spaceC. their unfamiliarity with one another D. their eye contact with one another CFollowing some of the tips forgreenliving helps save our planet. All of these involve just a few changes to ourdailyhabits. Just walk and limit the use of yourcar. One of the poster images of pollution is our vehicles. It burns fuel. It is not as efficient as we hope it could be, and we use it every single day. To lessen the effects of theairpollution caused by our vehicles, we should limit their use. If we can walk to our destination then just let us go. Not only do we lessen our carbon dioxide emissions, but we also get a good exercise out of it. Use a laptop instead of aputerdesktop. Laptops are more energy efficient pared to their bigger counterparts. A laptop is generally 50 percent more efficient in using electricity. Asidefromthat there are other benefits of a laptop. It is portable so you can work anywhere you like and that you get powerful features without the large size of desktop units. Turn off the faucet while you are brushing your teeth. It is always a better idea to use a glass when we are brushing our teeth and not to just let the faucet keep on running. Therefore,there is less water to waste while we are cleaning our pearly whites. Simply turn off the faucet when you are not using it. Make good use of natural light. We have agreatand natural lamp - the sun, and we should learn how to take full advantage of it during daytime. So instead of turning on our lights or lamps even if it is still not evening, we should pull up the drapes and let the natural light e infromthe windows. These are just some of the best tips forgreenliving, but of course there are still many of these tips if you just search for them. But you can do your own variation any time just always prioritize how you can use less energy and produce even lesser trash and pollution.36.Whatsthebesttitleforthepassage?A. HowtoSaveOurPlanetB. HowtoChangeOurDailyHabitsC. TipsforGreenLivingTodayD. GreenLivingandSeriousPollution37.paredwithaputerdesktop,alaptop_.A.lessenergyefficient B.fasteratworkC.easytorepair D.easytocarry38.Howmanytipsdoesthepassagementionforgreenlivingtoday?A.ThreeB.FourC.FiveD.Six39.Theunderlinedwordprioritizeinthelastparagraphcanbereplacedbytheword_.A.decreaseB.considerC.imagineD.guess40.WhichofthefollowingisNOTtrue?A.Afewchangestodailyhabitscanhelpalot.B.Whilewashingteethweshouldturnoffthefaucet.C. Vehiclesbringpollutionandweshouldtrytoavoid.D.Inthedaytimeweshouldnotpullupthedrapes.DImagine Sally and Anne having a drink in a bar. While Sally is in the bathroom, Anne decides to buy another drink, but she notices that Sally has left her phone on the table. Anne puts the phone into her friends bag before heading to the bar so that no one steals it. When Sally returns, where will she expect to see her phone?If you said shed look at the table where she left it, congratulations! You have a “theory of mind” the ability to understand that another person may have knowledge, ideas and beliefs that differ from your own, or from reality.This ability may not seem special but it involves doing something no other animal can: ignoring our own beliefs about the world that the phone is in the bag and take on an alternative world view.The “theory of mind” was first developed in the 1970s, when it was discovered that at around the age of four, children develop this ability. The standard way to test a childs “theory of mind” is called the Sally-Anne test. It involves acting out the events described earlier, only with puppets and a missing ball.When asked, “When Sally returns, where will she look for the ball?” most three-year-olds say shell look in the new spot, where Anne has placed it. The child knows the balls location, so they cannot imagine that Sally would think it was anywhere else.But around the age of four, that changes. Most four and five-year-olds realize that Sally will expect the ball to be just where she left it.For over two decades that was the dogma, but the idea has been challenged by new research that indicated “theory of mind” is present in babies just 15 months old.Such young children cannot answer questions about where they expect Sally to look for the ball, but you can tell what theyre thinking by how long they stare: babies look for longer at things they find surprising.When Sally searched for the ball in a place she should not have expected to find it, the babies did stare for longer. In other words, they seemed to understand that people can have false beliefs.36. The author told the story about Sally and Anne in the bar in order to _.A. test how clever the readers areB. explain how adults solve problemsC. introduce the concept of “theory of mind”D. show the difference between facts and beliefs37. Which of the following is true about the classic Sally-Anne test?A. It concluded that children developed the theory of mind around four.B. It showed children were confused by the Sally and Anne test.C. It found that three-year-old children didnt know how to lie.D. It proved that 4-year-olds were smarter than 3-year-olds.38. According to the passage, “the theory of mind” has been _.A. universally acceptedB. criticized by the scientistsC. clearly proven to be wrongD. challenged by some researchers39. When babies who cant talk are given the Sally-Anne test, why did they stare?A. They were surprised about where Sally was looking for the ball.B. They were happy to know that Sally was unable to find the ball.C. They were confused by the fact that Sally couldnt find the ball.D. They were interested in where Sally was looking for the ball.40. The passage includes the following contents EXCEPT _.A. new findings opposing the classic Sally-Anne testB. how different adults and children areC. how the Sally-Anne test is doneD. what the theory of mind is信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)下面是个留学国家的资讯及其学位申请者的信息,请阅读下列资讯和申请者的信息,并按照要求匹配信息。请将答题卡上对应题号的相应选项字母涂黑。首先,请阅读以下留学国家的信息:AThe US has always been on the top destination list for Chinese students, with its high education standards and enough scholarship.Good news: Its easier to get a US student visa (签证) nowadays. Last year, the refusal rate was only 20 to 30 per cent, much lower than a few years before, according to US Embassy.Concerns: Therere a lot to prepare. The TOFEL, GRE. Its longer time to apply to US universities than schools in the UK or Australia.Useful link: , usembassychina, org. cnBEasier access to visas and international environment are the UKs great attractions fox Chinese students.Good news: There many new scholarships this year, both from the government and universities, such as the Scotland International Scholarship.Concerns: Money. Its expensive to study in the UK, with an average cost of 200,000 to 300,000 yuan a year.Useful link: , educationuk, org. cnCCanadas multicultural environment is good for students studies and careers.Good news: Students are allowed to take off campus part-time jobs during their studies from last year. Itll help pay living expenses. Students can get two-year work permits after graduation.Concerns: Only a limited number of scholarships are available. They rarely cover the full cost of a study programme.Useful link: studycanada, caDGood climate, high quality education, favorable immigration (移民) policy: these make Australia one of the most popular choices among Chinese students.Good news: A new E-visa policy ensure a quick application process ( four weeks pared with 12 weeks before )Concerns: Tuition fees (学费) have risen in past years. The total cost is about 200,000 yuan to attend a university located in big cities like Sydney or Melbourne.Useful link: students, idp. eETulips, windmills and wooden shoes: this was the image that once drew tourists. But Holland has more to offer.Good news: From xx, Holland and China started recognizing each others education certificates. And from xx, the government provides 4 million Euros(欧元) for scholarships to Chinese students every year.Concerns: Not many Chinese know aboutDutch education. Speaking Dutch sounds not easy.Useful link: nesobeijing, FItaly is getting a lot of attention this year in China, with the China-Italy Year. Its art, culture and fashion appeal to many.Good news: China and Italy will recognize each others educational certificates soon. Its government-funded universities are tuition free to international students.Concerns: The language is a problem. Most classes are taught in Italy. Useful link: , studyinitaly, cn请阅读以下学位申请者的信息,然后匹配申请者和其拟申请留学的国家:46. Zhang Yuan has passed the IELTS and hopes to go to a foreign country for further study with easier access to visas and international environment, regardless of the tuition fee.47. Li Hong can afford tuition of about 200,000 yuan. She wishes to study in a foreign country with good climate and wishes to go on staying in the country after he finishes stu


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