2019-2020年高考英语 词汇考前综合检测10.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语 词汇考前综合检测10一、单项填空1-9代词和连词1.(xx高考英语代词专题复习题)I know he failed his last test, but really hes _ stupid.A. something butB. anything butC. nothing but D. not but【答案】B【解析】句意:我知道他最近一次考试没通过,但他真的绝对不笨。anythingbut决不;nothingbut只有,只是,与转折的语气不符合。somethingbut和notbut都不是固定短语。故选B项。2.(xx届高考英语一轮强化检测)Try to be independent, for your parents cant do _for you all your life.A. something B. nothing C. everything D. anything【答案】C3.(xx年安徽省高考英语模拟)There was _ we could do about it the situation was beyond our control.A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothing【答案】D【解析】根据the situation was beyond our control(形势已经超出我们的控制的能力)可知,我们无能为力。4. (xx年陕西省高考英语模拟)I heard Tony was scolded by the head teacher this morning. Ah, yes. Mr. Lee wanted to check his exercises, but was done at all. A. none B. neither C. nothing D. no one 【答案】A【解析】句中的exercises是复数,故用none代替。句意:我听说托尼今天早上被班主任责备了。哦,是的。李老师要检查他的作业,但他一点也没做。 5.(xx年陕西省高考英语模拟)Its an either-or situationwe can buy a new house this year or we change the old car for an expensive one but we cant do . A. either B. both C. another D. others【答案】B【解析】根据句中的either-or可知,两件事中只能做一件,而not.both表示否定。句意:这是非此及彼的事我们今年或者是买一套新房子,或者把那辆旧车换成一辆贵的车,但我们两者不可能同时做。 6.(xx年重庆高考英语模拟)Listen! Someone is ringing the doorbell. Sara, would you go and see who _ is? A. he B. she C. it D. one 【答案】C【解析】句意:听!有人在按门铃。莎拉,请你去看看是谁? 人称代词it表示不确定的人或物。7.(xx年安徽省高考英语模拟)_ I could say anything more, Holmes had rushed off towards the station.A. Since B. While C. Unless D. Before 【答案】D【解析】before在句中引导时间状语从句,意为“没等”。句意:还没等我再说什么,霍姆斯就已经冲了出去向车站跑去。8.(xx年浙江省高考英语模拟)I had just finished my homework _ Mike called and asked me to play football with him.A. sinceB. after C. when D. until【答案】C【解析】在“.had (just) done sth when.句型中”,when表示“这时”。句意:我刚做完家庭作业,这时迈克打来电话,让我和他踢足球。9.(xx年陕西省高考英语模拟)Dont play video games all day. You should learn more knowledge and master more skills you are young. A. before B. while C. until D. once【答案】B10-18介词和介词短语10.(xx年陕西省高考英语模拟)We shouldnt get upset about the opinions of one or two of them. a single person cant stand for an entire country. A. Above all B. After all C. In turn D. In return【答案】B【解析】句意:我们不应该因他们中的一两个人的观点而生气。毕竟,一个人不能代表一个国家。above all 首先;最重要的;after all 毕竟;终究;in turn依次;轮流;反过来;in return回报;报答。 11.(xx年浙江省高考英语模拟)We should talk about the things _ childrens understanding in a simple way. A. over B. beyond C. above D. under 【答案】B【解析】beyond超过,非所能及。句意:我们应当用一种简单的方式谈论超出儿童理解能力的事情。12.(xx年浙江省高考英语模拟)As far as Im concerned, walking is a cheap, safe and enjoyable form of exercise. _, its environmentally friendly. A. In addition B. On the contrary C. In return D. As a result【答案】A【解析】句意:据我所知,走路是一种便宜、安全、令人愉快的锻炼方式,此外,它还很环保。in addition 此外;on the contrary相反;in return 作为回报;as a result因此,所以。13.(xx年陕西省高考英语模拟)Every graduate has the opportunity to apply for the positions in the government departments _ their family backgrounds. A. regardless of B. instead of C. because of D. apart from 【答案】A【解析】句意:不管家庭背景如何,每一个毕业生都有机会申请政府部门里的职位。regardless of 不管;instead of 代替,而不是;because of因为; apart from除之外。14.(xx年陕西省高考英语模拟)Your bedroom is in a terrible mess; you should put everything before your mother es back this afternoon. A. in return B. in turn C. in particular D. in place 【答案】D【解析】句意:你的卧室乱极了;你应该在你妈妈今天下午回来前把一切东西都放在合适的位置上。in return 回报,报答;in turn 依次,轮流,反而;in particular 特别的,尤其是;in place在适当的位置,合适的。 15.(xx届高三英语二轮复习专题限时训练)Mr. John was so humorous that we had a good laugh _ the meal.A. at B. over C. in D. between【答案】B16.(xx高考英语介词与介词短语一轮专题复习题)Young children are often advised not to spoil their appetite by eating sweets _ the three meals.A. amongB. duringC. betweenD. through【答案】C【解析】among指三者以上的人或物之间;during在期间;between指在两者之间;through通过,穿过。这里的三餐指的是早中餐之间和中晚餐之间,属于两者范畴。故选C项。句意:人们常常劝说年幼的孩子三餐餐与餐之间不要吃甜食而损坏了食欲。17.(xx届高三英语二轮复习专题限时训练)I used to feel very nervous when I stood up in front of others, but now I feel quite _when giving a speech to the school.A. at randomB. at length C. at ease D. at sight【答案】C【解析】句意:过去我站在别人前面就感到紧张,但是我现在在学校演讲很放松。at random随意的;at length充分地, 详尽地,最后,终于;at ease轻松的;at sight一看到就。故选C项。18-22名词18.(安徽省xx高考英语人教版课时作业)Currently, many American women are still faced with the _ of choosing between work and family mitments.A. desperation B. confusionC. dilemma D. Concern【答案】C19.(xx年高考英语二轮复习热点预测)Some students think they enjoy reading just out of interest, but others argue that a better score is their main _.A. recognition B. attractionC. occupation D. motivation【答案】D【解析】句意:一些学生认为他们喜欢阅读是出于兴趣,然而另一些学生却认为得高分才是他们去阅读的动力(motivation)。recognition认出、attraction吸引力、occupation占有,职业等三项均不符合语境,故排除。20.(改编)Economists now see another reason to abolish the policy: China is facing a future labor . A. lack B. shortage C. absence D. storage【答案】B【解析】句意:经济学家现在又看到了另一个废除这个政策的理由:中国正面临未来劳动力短缺的问题。labor shortage动力短缺;lack也有“不足”之意,但用于“lack of”结构,故被排除;absence不在,缺席;storage(货物等的)贮存,贮藏”。易错选A,因对名词构成掌握不到位而误选。21.(xx高考英语名词专题复习题)Filmisnot onlyauniversalentertainmentmodeinmodern times,but also an important _ for cultural munication.A. transportation B. appearance C. controversyD. vehicle【答案】D【解析】句意:电影不仅是一种现代社会普遍的娱乐方式,而且也是一种重要的文化传播载体。transportation交通;appearance外表;controversy争论;vehicle车辆。根据情理可知电影可以传播文化,所以把它看作一种媒体,载体。故选D项。22.(xx高考英语名词专题复习题)Judging by the _ he keeps, Mark must be an extremely wealthy man.A. cooperationB. characteristicC. motivationD. pany【答案】D23-31副词和形容词23.(浙江省台州中学xx届高三上学期第三次统练)To make it more convenient for people to visit Taiwan, several _air services from the mainland have e into use.A. reliable B. permanent C. regular D. constant【答案】C【解祈】reliable可靠的,可信赖的;permanent永久的,永恆的,不变的;regular有规律的,定期的;constant经常的。句意:为方便人们访台,大陆已将一些常规航空服务投入使用。故选已C。24.(xx年浙江省高考英语模拟)If there had been _ difference, he thought, they should have noticed it.A. that a big B. a that bigC. big a that D. that big a【答案】D【解析】副词that表示“那么”相当于so,修饰形容词的固定结构为that+adj.+a/an+n.。that big a difference那么大的区别。句意:如果有那么大的区别,他认为他们理应注意到(本来应该注意到)。25.(xx年浙江省高考英语模拟)In those days it was considered not quite _ for young ladies to be seen talking to men in public.A. properB. perfectC. precise D. private【答案】A26.(xx年浙江省高考英语模拟)Its very dangerous to ride on the motorway, for there is a _ flow of traffic around the clock. A. limited B. changeable C. free D. constant 【答案】D【解析】句意:在高速公路上骑车是非常危险的,因为高速公路上日夜车辆川流不息。constant不断的,连续的。limited限制的;changeable改变的;free自由的,免费的。27.(xx年重庆高考英语模拟) I felt most bored today. I have never had _ as it is today. A. as boring a dayB. as a boring day C. boring as a day D. day as a boring 【答案】A【解析】as.as结构中第一个as为副词,修饰形容词的固定结构为as+adj.+a/an+n.。句意:今天我觉得很无聊。我从来还没有像今天这样度过了无聊的一天。28.(xx届江苏省牛津英语高考复习之词汇练习)Henrys news report covering the conference was so _ that nothing had been omitted.A. understanding B. prehensible C. prehensive D. understandable【答案】C 29.(天津市第一中学xx届高三上学期月考)John said he would provide you with anything you needed, didnt he?Yeah. It was _ of him, but I declined his offer. A. modestB. punctualC. instantD. considerate【答案】D【解析】句意:约翰说他将会给你提供你需要的任何东西,不是吗?是啊,他很体贴人的,但是我拒绝了他的好意。modest谦虚的;punctual严守时刻的,准时的;instant立即的,迫切的;considerate体贴人的。 根据语境故选D。30.(改编) _positions can be made known through the medium of the press if you want someone to fill it. A. Empty B. Blank C. Vacant D. Bare【答案】C【解析】句意:如果你们需要有人来填补职位空缺的话,可以通过新闻媒体报纸公布于众。empty空的;blank空白的;vacant(职位,位置)空着的,空缺的;bare赤裸的,根据题意,故选C项。31.(xx届高考英语一轮强化检测篇)Interest is as_ to learning as the ability to understand, even more so. A. typical B. specific C. vital D. available 【答案】C【解析】句意:兴趣与理解能力对于学习同等重要,甚至更为重要。typical典型的;specific特殊的;vital重要的;available可获得的、可利用的。故选C项。32-45动词和动词短语32.(xx年江苏省高考英语模拟)A recent survey shows that nearly 30 percent of canteen food rubbish bins on campuses nationwide, and this dumped food could feed over 10 million people.A. ends up in B. runs out of C. drops out of D. gets hold of【答案】A【解析】句意:最近的一项调查显示,全国校园食堂里,有近30%的饭菜最终被倒进了垃圾桶。这些被倒掉的食物可以养活一千多万人口。end up in最终处于,以告终;run out of用完,消耗掉;drop out of退出,脱离;get hold of得到,抓住。33.(xx年浙江省高考英语模拟)The long-held belief that certain foods can improve intelligence has to be a disappointment.A. put out B. turned out C. broken out D. carried out 【答案】B34.(xx年浙江省高考英语模拟)What do you think of my new skirt?It looks wonderful on you! Im sure it will make you _ in a crowd.A. turn out B. give out C. stand out D. set out 【答案】C【解析】turn out 出席,露面;give out 用完,消耗尽;stand out 突出,显眼;set out 出发。句意:你认为我的新裙子怎么样?你穿真是太漂亮了。我可以肯定地说穿上它让你在人群中非常显眼。35.(xx年浙江省高考英语模拟)Though he didnt object to my plan, his expression _ that he was dissatisfied with it. A. observed B. ensured C. indicated D. predicted【答案】C【解析】句意:虽然他没有反对我的计划,但他的表情表明他对它不满意。observe 观察;ensure 保证,担保;indicate 表明;predict 预测。36.(xx年浙江省高考英语模拟)Only a small number of people change their behavior in an effort to _ their privacy although a lot of private information has been let out.A. preserveB. observeC. reserve D. deserve【答案】A【解析】句意:尽管大量的个人信息被泄露了,但是只有少部分的人改变他们的行为方式来保护自己的隐私。preserve 保护,维持;observe观察,遵守;reserve保留,保持;deserve应得,值得。37.(xx年浙江省高考英语模拟)It is the present tense international situation that _ much more attention to our countrys safety. A. stands forB. answers for C. provides for D. calls for 【答案】D【解析】句意:正是目前紧张的国际形势需要更多地关注我们国家的安全。stand for 代表,支持;answer for 对负责;provide for 为作准备,防备;call for需要,要求。38.(xx年浙江省高考英语模拟)The unique approach _ in the new study helped me find out something different and meaningful. A. employed B. appointed C. attended D. occupied 【答案】A39.(xx年浙江省高考英语模拟)I had intended to go to your birthday party, but I found at the last minute that I couldnt _ it.A. tryB. helpC. meetD. make 【答案】D【解析】make it意为“及时抵达,赶上”。句意:我本来计划去参加你的生日聚会的,可在最后一刻我发现我来不及了。40.(xx年浙江省高考英语模拟)Its generally believed that social changes that have been _ by new technology have great effects on peoples life. A. brought about B. brought up C. taken up D. taken over【答案】A【解析】句意:普遍认为由新技术带来的社会变革对人们的生活会产生很大的影响。bring about 引起,导致;bring up 养育,抚养; take up占据,从事; take over 接管。41.(xx年浙江省高考英语模拟)You can have some reservations about what I have said, but you had better _ my orders as closely as possible.A. shape B. follow C. possess D. mind【答案】B【解析】句意:你对我所说的可以有保留意见,但是你最好尽量严格地执行我的命令。shape塑造,使成形; follow跟随,遵循;possess控制,持有; mind照看,关心。42.(xx年四川省高考英语模拟) Fresh air _ good health, so we should do whatever we can to improve air quality. A. accounts for B. calls for C. makes for D. applies for 【答案】C【解析】句意:新鲜的空气有助于身体健康,因此我们应该竭尽所能来改善空气质量。account for解释的原因;call for 需要,要求;make for 朝前进;有利于;apply for申请。43.(xx年浙江省高考英语模拟)It is the present tense international situation that _ much more attention to our countrys safety. A. stands forB. answers for C. provides for D. calls for 【答案】D【解析】句意:正是目前紧张的国际形势需要更多地关注我们国家的安全。stand for 代表,支持;answer for 对负责;provide for 为作准备,防备;call for需要,要求。44.(xx年陕西省高考英语模拟)The thin but fit girl suddenly on the final lap, caught up with other runners and came first in the 5,000 meters. A. put up B. turned upC. took up D. speeded up 【答案】D45.(xx年陕西省高考英语模拟)Before the camps, the kids might have thought Americans are difficult to , but through the experience during the camps, they know Americans are very friendly. A. recognize B. acknowledge C. approach D. confirm【答案】C【解析】句意:在参加夏令营之前,孩子们可能觉得美国人很难接近,但通过在夏令营里的经历,他们知道美国人是很友好的。recognize 认出,辨认出;acknowledge承认,认可;approach 接近,靠近;confirm确定,证实。二、完形填空How many times have you been discouraged by obstacles and difficulties? Most of the time, we think that there is some sort of outside force that 1 prevents us from being happy. Well, the truth is that“ 2 force you are thinking of is actually your 3 . Yes, your own attitude is 4 may prevent you from achieving fulfillment(成就感). Although the heart is the lifeline of the body, 5 , the brain actually affects your entire being. If you 6 tell yourself that you are not good enough, then eventually, the body does the same. Knowing this, you must 7 condition your consciousness into thinking that you can have a fulfilling life. People around you may sometimes tell you that you cannot do certain things, but who are they to 8 your life journey? If you tell yourself that people often pull you down in an effort to bring you to their (low) level, then you 9 a small victory. Take 10 that the ones who say that you can never be successful are the ones who are 11 in their own lives. Those losers are not supposed to spoil your life. You are only what you 12 yourself to be. Learning to believe in yourself is overing 13 . Many people are afraid of trying because they are afraid of failing. Remember the 14 , and then being able to overe it is a victory in itself. So you create a strong belief in yourself. 15 your limits, ever if that means more 16 , and condition your spirit into realizing that all these 17 help you achieve your true strength as a person. Once you learn this, you will quickly find that you are able to do much more than you even 18 that you could. The single most important 19 to being successful in any area of your life es clown to the way you think. Spend time every day feeding your mind with powerful education, mindset(思维模式)and knowledge and find other successful people to see what they did that you can start to 20 . 语篇解读:阻碍我们成功的只有我们自己,能够让我们成功的也只有我们自己。我们战胜了自己也就会取得成功。1. A. naturallyB. willinglyC. unbelievablyD. accidentally【答案】A【解析】副词在语篇中的运用。A.自然地;B.愿意地;C.难以想象地;D.偶然地;我们认为有一种外部的力量很自然地阻止我们幸福。根据句意说明BCD三项和句意不相符,故A正确。2. A. positiveB. interestingC. negativeD. optimistic【答案】C【解析】形容词在语篇中的运用。A.积极的;B.有趣的;C.消极的;D.乐观的;你所认为的消极的力量实际上就是你自己的思维。因为第一句中提到的阻止你幸福的力量,那么就是消极的力量了。故C正确。3. A. bodyB. mindC. heartD. life【答案】B4. A. whichB. thatC. whatD. why【答案】C【解析】连词在语篇中的运用。本句中的what引导的是一个表语从句,并在句中作主语。句意:你的态度是阻止你获得成就感的事物。故C正确。5. A. on the other handB. on the contraryC. as a resultD. in a word【答案】A【解析】介词短语在语篇中的运用。A.另一方面;B.恰恰相反;C.结果是;D.总之;尽管心是我们的生命线,但另一方面,头脑也在影响着我们整个人。根据句意可知A正确。6. A. carefully B. rudelyC. gentlyD. unconsciously【答案】D【解析】副词在语篇中的运用。A.仔细地;B.粗鲁地;C.温柔地;D.无意识地;如果你无意识告诉自己不够好,你的身体也会做同样的事情。这就是心理学上的心理暗示。故D正确。7. A. meanwhileB. otherwiseC. seldomD. therefore【答案】D8. A. continueB. breakC. planD. strike【答案】C【解析】动词在语篇中的运用。A.继续;B.打破;C.计划;D.击打;你周围的人有时候会告诉你什么事你不能做,但是他们能够计划你的生活吗?根据句意可知C项正确。9. A. declineB. achieveC. expectD. miss【答案】B【解析】动词在语篇中的运用。A.下降;B.实现;C.期待;D.错过;思念;如果你告诉你自己这些人总是要把你拉到他们一样的低水平,那么你就获得了小小的胜利。Achieve small victory获得胜利。故B正确。10. A. chargeB. controlC. partD. note【答案】D【解析】动词短语在语篇中的运用。Take charge负责;take control控制;take part参加;take note记住;请记住那些说你无法成功的人自己在生活里也是不成功的。故D正确。11. A. unfortunateB. unsuccessfulC. unimportantD. unrealistic【答案】B【解析】形容词在语篇中的运用。A.不幸地;B.不成功的;C.不重要的;D.不现实的;句意:请记住那些说你无法成功的人自己在生活里也是不成功的。故B正确。12. A. allowB. makeC. forceD. object【答案】A【解析】动词在语篇中的运用。A允许;B生产,制作;C强迫;D反对;句意:你是唯一允许你自己称为什么样的人的人。本句告诉我们能够影响我们的只有我们自己。故A正确。13. A. shameB. mistakeC. crisisD. fear【答案】D14. A. punishmentB. storyC. failureD. assessment【答案】C【解析】名词在语篇中的运用。A.惩罚;B.故事;C.失败;D.评估,评价;句意:记住失败然后克服失败本身就是一种成功。故C正确。15. A. LowerB. EstablishC. ChallengeD. Follow【答案】C【解析】动词在语篇中的运用。A.降低;B.建立,成立;C.挑战;D.采纳,跟随;句意:所以你要对自己有强烈的自信,挑战你的极限,即使这意味着更多的失败。故C正确。16. A. defeatsB. admirationC. inspirationD. findings【答案】A【解析】名词在语篇中的运用。A.失败;B.钦佩,羡慕;C.鼓励,鼓舞;D.发现;句意:挑战你的极限,即使这意味着更多的失败。故A正确。17. A. victoriesB. fallsC. experienceD. doubts【答案】B【解析】名词在语篇中的运用。A.成功;B失败;C.经历;D.怀疑;你要调整你的精神来意识到所有这些失败都能帮助你实现你真正的优势。故B正确。18. A. broadcastB. imaginedC. sentencedD. caught【答案】B19. A. lessonB. similarityC. shelterD. key【答案】D【解析】名词在语篇中的运用。A.教训,课程;B.相似点;C.庇护所;D.关键;the key to.“的关键”。句意:在你的生活中任何一个领域里获得成功的最重要的关键因素来自你的思维。故D正确。20. A. modelB. submitC. share D. interview【答案】A【解析】名词在语篇中的运用。A.模仿;B.服从;C.分享;D.采访;句意:每天都花时间用坚实的教育来来充实你的思维,找到一些成功的人来看清他们所做的那些你能够模仿的事情。


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