2019-2020年高考英语 任务型阅读专题(三) Word版含答案.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语 任务型阅读专题(三) Word版含答案任务型阅读要求考生根据阅读文章提供的信息用恰当的词语完成与短文相关的图表,并有一定字数的限制。主要考察学生获取信息的能力(对应信息查找题)、组织信息的能力(对应信息转换题)和概括表达信息能力(对应信息归纳题)。 任务型阅读中的题型主要包括原词重现,固定搭配,词性句型转换,提炼概括四大类. 我们就词性句型转换来谈谈解题步骤,解题技巧。解题步骤:一般根据题目特点,可分为以下三步:1)略读快速浏览抓住文章中心大意以及文章的结构(借助所给图表结构)。2)细读带着问题,找到文章对应点,确认题型,分析整理归纳信息并且准确表达信息。3)复读复读文章,反复揣摩所填之词是否符合文章内容,其拼写是否正确。解题技巧:一 同意词,同意句转换,即练习将一种词转换成另一种该词的同意词类,表达的意思跟原句一样,只要在文中找到关键词即可。例如:1 原文:Each day you should carry out your plan according to your schedule b.e转换成: Make a specific and practical plan and then write it down on your calendar 2 原文: Studying is like climbing a mountain and you should take one step at a time转换成:Language learning is similar to mountain climbing . Take one step at a time and you will fulfill your dream3 原文:A regular exercise routine can provide relatively quick positive 转换成: Working out regularly , which will keep you motivated二 原词变形: 做此类题首先要理解题意,其次仔细比较原句和题目,明白的意图,只要找出题眼就不难得出答案。1 原文:Shortly after he reached the peak, Simpson fell through an overhanging ledge of snow and broke his leg转换成:After reaching the peak , he fell and broke his leg2 原文:Do not delay or make up any excuses because you fail to plete your daily task转换成:Do not delay or make up any excuses for your failing to plete your daily task3 原文:but the rewards of ridding ourselves of this heavy baggage can last a lifetime转换成:The roots of a harmful attitude that you should get rid of 三 句义转述:做此类题首先要理解题意,其次仔细比较原句和题目,找到另外一种说法跟原句意思相近的,然后再根据情境,填词,注意词的形式的变化1 原文: We express our attitude in our words and actions转换成: We express our attitude by speaking and behaving2 .原文 :It can be optimistic or pessimistic .It can wear you down or cheer you up转换成 : Your own inner voice , which gives you the greatest influence3 原文: The more humor and laughter in your life , the less stress youll have转换成 : Filling your life with humor and laughter , which will do good to your health四 词性的变化 :此类题目主要是一些词性的变化,形容词到副词,动词到名词,名词到动词,名词到形容词,大部分都是一些固定搭配,平时要注意躲积累这些高频词或词组。1 原文 By building houses for poor people and helping them be responsible for their lives转换成:Habitat builds houses for the poor and helps them to take responsibility for their own lives .2 原文 This cyclone Nargis had been one of the strongest to have ever occurred , reaching a death toll of nearly 150000 people转换成: The xx cyclone called Nargis had been one of the strongest , leaving nearly 150000 people dead3 原文 All of these terrible disasters that were unavoidable转换成: These terrible disasters couldnt be avoided4 原文: Attending such programs can often improve retention(记忆力) rates for children so that they are better prepared for the school year to e转换成: Children can not only have fun in summer camps but also make preparations for the ing school year.Practice(1)If we agree that the function of education is to prepare us for life,then there is very little time to waste. So,while we can,we ought to concentrate on teaching children something really useful. Here is what our school should teach.Politeness is a mark of civilization. The sooner children learn this,the better. In any case,a lot can be acplished by a smile and good manners.Like it or not,our adult lives will be consumed by the struggle for money,but we dont make an effort to teach children how to manage it. So our schools have a duty to teach them this ability from the beginning.Were likely to accept something we are told,but thats not what educated people do. Educated people are reasonable and they look at facts. If our schools teach nothing else,they should at least teach critical(批判性的)thinking.Children should learn to take care of their health. They should know that if they eat junk food(垃圾食品),they will bee fat and unhealthy. They should be very clear about what happens to their bodies when they drink or smoke.All of us are part of society. We have rights and responsibilities. We ought to understand what they are. We have to know a little bit of history and geography,because we need to have an environment in which to relate to the people around us.How will we test students on these? We cant. But thats not a reason to avoid teaching what is important. Our schools should spend every moment they have telling this to our children:“This is life,this is what you are going to face,and this is how you deal with it. ”Very Useful (1)_IntroductionEducation should be a (2)_for lifeAdviceImportant things should be (3)_ in schoolsTeaching subjectsHow to behave (4)_The basic skill of (5)_moneyHow to (6)_in a critical wayHow to keep (7)_The rights and responsibilities one has in (8)_(9)_Children should be taught what (10)_is and how to deal with it 答案1 Education 2 preparation 3 taught 4. politely/properly/well 5. managing 6 think7 healthy/fit 8 society9 Conclusion 10 life

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