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2019-2020年高三英语2月联考试题第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.Who is ing for tea?A.Mark.B.John.C.Tracy.2.What will the man do next?A.Stay for dinner.B.Go to the railway station.C.Prepare for the dinner.3.What does the man e for?A.A dinner.B.A meeting.C.A party.4.What size does the man want?A.9.B.35.C.39.5.What are the speakers talking about?A.Life in Southeast Asia.B.Weather conditions.C.A holiday plan.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置.听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟(听完后.,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间.。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6.Why doesnt the man want to book the seats downstairs?A.They are too expensive.B.They are unfortable.C.They are too close to the stage.7.When does the man plan to see the performance?A.On October 1st.B.On October 21st.C.On October 25th.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题.8.Whats the plaint of the mans neighbor?A.Loud noise.B.Bad sleeping room.C.An important meeting.9.What were the man and his friends about to do?A.Change a room.B.Apologize to their neighbor.C.End their activity.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10.What is Miss Lan going to work as in Ola city?A.A doctor.B.A nurse.C.A teacher.11.What worries Miss Lan so much?A.She no friends in Ola.B.The work in Ola is hard to do.C.The people in Ola are not friendly.12.How will Miss Lan keep in touch with Mr.Huang after she arrives in Ola?A.By e-mail.B.By phone.C.By letter.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13.Why did the man miss the womans phone call yesterday?A.His phone was turned off.B.He was taking a shower.C.He didnt take his phone with him.14.What did the woman do yesterday?A.She went shopping.B.She went to a concert.C.She played puter games.15.Why did the woman call the man?A.To invite him to her wedding.B.To ask something about Megan.C.To invite him to her sisters wedding.16.When will the woman pick up the man next Saturday?A.At 13:00.B.At 13:20.C.At 14:00.听第10段材料,回答第17至20 题。17.What does Alexandra Grace work for?A.New Zealand Embassy Beijing.B.QS World University Ranking System.C.The Multi-cultural Environment Organization.18.What stops some students choosing New Zealand for study?A.Its environment.B.Its size.C.Its population.19.Whats the total yearly cost for a Chinese student to study in a New Zealand university?A.20,000 dollars.B.25,000 dollars.C.45,000 dollars.20.What message about New Zealand does the speaker mainly convey?A.Its multi-cultural environment is good for tourists.B.Its higher education is suitable for Chinese students.C Its breath-taking scenery is absolutely worth seeing.第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并将答案填在答题卷上。21.Fred let _ that he was prepared to leave pany when the new manager took office.A.secretB.slipC.promiseD.standard22.Chinese tourists made 83 million overseas travels._ Malaysia,Thailand and South Korea ranked the top of their favorites.A.among whichB.among whoseC.of whomD.of whose23. How much do you charge for the iPhone? Well,it cost me $ 400,but Ill _ 20% as its no longer new.A.reduce toB.decrease toC.knock offD.cut off24. I wonder what makes you a good salesperson. I _ as a waiter for three years,which contributes a lot to my todays work.A.serveB.servedC.have servedD.had served25. Someone wants you on the phone. _ nobody knows I am here.A.Although B.And C.So D.But26.An increasing number of learners are buying online courses in the belief _ they are much convenient and cheaper.A.which B.if C.whetherD.that27. What about the protection of these new machines? Lets keep the surface _ dust by putting a cover over them.A.far fromB.apart fromC.free fromD.away from28. What do you think of the professors speech? I was listening carefully but I could not _ everything he said.He spoke too many local idioms.A.take onB.take inC.take upD.take over29.The 90s people seem to have enjoyed the great benefits _ about by the great level of cultural and economic development.A.brought B.bringingC.to be broughtD.having brought30.It is widely acknowledged in foreign panies that employees should be _ in terms of innovation capability.A.examinedB.evolvedC.evaluatedD.encouraged31. Why did you miss the interview yesterday? Terribly sorry.My pet dog got seriously injured and I _ it all the day.A.attendB.was attendingC.had attendedD.have attended32. David is a green hand at such things. But I believe he is quite _ to the task.A.relevantB.accessibleC.equalD.unique33. Frank, Ive learned about your plan.May I make some suggestions? _.A.Just for funB.Take it easyC.With pleasureD.Go right ahead34. Helen,are you going Io the airport to pick up Jack the day after tomorrow? _ tomorrow night.I would go.A.Were he to e backB.If he was about to e backC.Had he e backD.If he would e back35. It really annoys me when ones smart phone goes off during a meeting! Yeah,me too.It really _.A.beats my brains outB.pulls my legC.gets on my nervesD.hangs in here第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)请认处阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并将答案填在答题卷上。When Mercado dreamed of being a professional model,she surfed the Internet for someone with a physical disability in the modeling world.That was eight years ago,when disabled models were 36 .Thus,her search 37 empty.“I didnt think it was a 38 .Thats not because I wasnt worthy of it,but because I didnt see 39 else like me out there.” However,Mercado,who was diagnosed with spastic muscular dystrophy(肌肉萎缩症)as a teen,has helped 40 that reality because of not giving up.Last year,Mercado signed with IMG Models,the powerhouse agency that 41 top supermodels,“Theres 42 been a problem with the team not getting what they need to get from me.Theres never been a(n) 43 - she has a disability,this is not going to work because the photos wont look nice. ” She says.“If Im a 44 ,a clothing pany wants to display their clothes 45 me.Thats all it should be.”Her small body has more than a dozen surgical 46 and she felt both nervous and ex-cited when she decided last year to 47 them for a lingerie(内衣) pany.“ 48 Im very outspoken with what I believe in.Im very much of a 49 person still at heart.But I wanted to 50 a new challenge.”She liked 51 people that everyone can feel attractive in their own skin,“You shouldnt be ashamed of your own 52 .In the meantime,shes focused on using her blog to encourage those who want to follow her example.She 53 her success to confidence,faith and never 54 .“I turned my weakness into my strength.Im a(n) 55 that you can do what you want,because ” she pauses,“Just because! Thats it.You just can!”36.A.popularBmonC.reservedD.scarce37.A.came upB.put upC.held upD.looked up38.A.responsibilityB.possibilityC.stabilityD.flexibility39.A.nothingB.nobodyC.anythingD.anyone40.A.escapeB.proveC.changeD.avoid41.A.rejectsB.representsC.praisesDplains42.A.everB.justC.neverD.even43.A.suggestionB.excuseC.assessmentD.notice44.A.modelB.directorC.designerD.manager45.A.onB.inC.aroundD.beside46.A.symptomsB.marksC.scarsD.wounds47.A.growB.bareC.hideD.cover48.A.As thoughB.As usualC.Ever sinceD.Even though49.A.ambitiousB.kindC.shyD.active50.A.resistB.abandonC.runD.meet51.A.observingB.remindingC.informingD.warning52.A.bodyB.failureC.misfortuneD.strength53.A.considersB.tendsC.owesD.admits54.A.blowing upB.giving upC.calling offD.putting off55.A.exampleB.advisorC.professorD.motivator第三部分 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并将答案填在答卷上。AInspiring Archaeological Study Tours across the World in xxAn Archaeological Tours getaway is an archaeology lovers vacation like no other.We have an exciting selection of tours departing in xx with unsurpassed service.Heres a small selection of what we have to offer.Also a code for you: Never allow (Jogs to run freely there to keep the plants and animals live in peace and get rid of rubbish properly.Be careful to bury your toilet waste and keep to the designed tracks.Guatemala & BelizeCo on the trail of Mesoamerican civilizations in the lush forests,rugged foothills(丘陵地带),and modern cities of these fascinating sites in central America.January 6-20,2017l$6,495Ghana,Togo & BeninWitness the meeting of thriving traditions,ancient past,and forward-looking present in inparable West Africa.February 7-22,xx1$7,495Ancient EgyptFrom the pyramids of Giza to the Valleys of the Kings and Queens,discover the glorious splendors of ancient Egypt.February & November 2017l$5,995Central MexicoFollow the ancient civilizations of the Toltec,Aztec,Zapotec,Olmec and Mixtec across the centre of magnificent Mexico in North America.March 11-24,2017l$5,795IranDiscover the beauty and majesty of Irans long-passed empires,early modem dynasties,and timeless scenery.April,September & October 2017l$7,995Malta,Sardinia & CorsicaExplore the characteristic geological environments and unique cultural and political histories of these three islands in South Europe.April 19-May 4,xx1$7,49556.According to the travel leaflet,visitors should tour _.A.with calmness and curiosityB.with self-defence and honourC.with convention and religionD.with self-discipline and protection57.Tom is keen on early modern dynasty while his wife enjoys Africa traditions.Which places are their best choices?A.Ancient Egypt and Central Mexico.B.Guatemala,Belize and Iran.C.Ghana,Benin,Toga and Iran.D.Malta,Sardinia and Corsica.BFrauds(诈骗犯)play plex psychological tricks to fool others,says Colin Barras.and that means anyone can be cheated unless they know what to look for.None of us likes to be cheated,and David Modic has done some researches on it.Its the personal passion that has convinced Modic to study the psychology of cheating.He s not alone:the field is thriving,and the information that researchers are uncovering is valuable to us all-from those single in search of love to the technology wizards(人才) in charge of the worlds online security.Modic is particularly interested in what makes people easy to fraud.Its mon to imagine that only the foolish or poorly educated might fall victim-but even hard evidence suggests this is not the ease.Take Paul Frampton,an Oxbridge educated academic professor of physics for example.In xx Frampton was given almost 5 years in prison for drug smuggling in Argentina,after falling victim to an online dating frauds.And then theres John Worley.As a psychotherapist,Worley knows more than most of us about controlling lifes right ways.But in xx he was put on trial for bank fraud after being a victim of a fraud.This fraud sees people contacted by someone claiming to be a Nigerian government official appealing for help moving large sums of money out of the country who just requires a little money upfront (预付的)to release the fortune.Worley was found guilty and sentenced to two years in prison.Intelligent and experience offer no protection against cheaters,says Modic.“If it did,then better educated people and older people would be less likely to fall for scams.And that is not supported by my research.”To look for answers to that question,Modic and Frank Stajano have quizzed thousands of people,asking them first whether they think various frauds are reasonableand whether they have fallen victim to them before asking them to perform a personality test.The research has identified a number of characteristics that people who are victims of frauds seem to in mon.Some of these traitslike a lack of self-control we would probably recognize as dangerous.But othersa trust in authority,a desire to act in the same way as our friends,or a tendency to act in a consistent waywe might think of as good characteristics.58.According to the passage,the frauds may _.A.threaten the worlds online security B.play their tricks in a consistent wayC.receive much education of psychology D.have high intelligence to help cheating59.Paragraph 3 mainly tells us that _.A.who and what makes people easy to fraudB.all walks of life would be likely to fall for scamsC.the poorly educated may be easier to be cheatedD.government officials should be responsible for frauds60.Modic and Frank Stajanos researches find out that the victims _.A.often follow friends actionsB.also share good characteristicsC.are considered to be dangerousD.shouldnt have a trust in authorityCElectronic sensors built into paper could be used in a range of ways from information storage to touch screens and more.Electronic sensors built into cartons(纸盒)may make it easier to tell when its time to throw out rotten milk or orange juice.And thats just the start.At least thats the goal for researchers working on putting electronics into paper.Theyre trying to figure out how to bine the flexibility,low-cost and recyclability of paper with the information-carrying ability of electronics.Daniel Torbjork,a physics graduate student in Finland,has been working on the problem.Hes published a review of the field in the the journal Advanced Materials.Much research has been focused in this area.While most electronic applications require patterned conducting(传导的) structures,conductive paper could be used in applications such as energy storage devices.sensors,electric heaters and others,according to Torbjork.“You could even have some interactive functions in magazines,” Torbjork said,“You could put a simple game in a package.If you want a touch screen,press a button and then something happen.Sensors in paper could tell us when something has gone bad.”Additional applications,such as information storage and security paper,have been suggested for magnetic papers containing magnetite.In Massachusetts,researchers have figured out how to post a video of such a device put into a paper airplane.German researchers have also put electronic chips in paper bank notes to defend counter-feiters(造伪币者).Paper is a good material but printing electronics also requires low-cost manufacturing.As many US and European paper makers lose market share to cheaper paper from China,these big paper panies are looking for added value products.Thats where electronic paper devices could make a difference.“The major obstacles are papers large surface roughness and chemical impurities.”Torbjork says.But others in the field think that electronic sensors in paper are still far from the consumer marketplace.“I don t think it s going to happen.” said Roy Horgan.“You need a conductive surface.It could be 10 years out.What we are looking for are solutions that you can mercialize today.”Solar Print is partnering with Italian automaker Fiat to develop a unique auto-glass with tiny photostatic cells(光电)that can capture electricity from the sun.In the meantime,using paper to conduct electricity is still a “blue-sky” project.“I would love to See someone prove me wrong,because that means that its actually happening.” Horgan said.“If someone es up with conductive paper,then thats a very interesting technology.”61.Putting electronics into paper will _.A.cut the cost and impurity of paperB.depend on flexible conductive structureC.help consume rotten milk or orange juiceDbine the advantages of paper and electronics62.Paragraphs 4 to 7 mainly talk about the _ of the conductive paper.A.practical useB.theoriesC.structuresD.design process63.Some paper makers wele the new technology probably because it will _.A.put an end to fake moneyB.make the paper smootherC.add more value to paperD.improve the printing technology64.From the passage,we know that Roy Horgan _.A.has a burning desire to make a great profitB.showed much interest in Solar Print industryC.is not confident about the conductive paperD.started a “blue-sky” project to study paperDLita CabEllut is one of Spains most successful artists,but the woman whose paintings now sell for six figure sums spent her early years living on the street.“My childhood was like that of thousands of street kids around the world.” says Lita.She used to wander the streets and slept in the open air.Lita was born in a village in Aragon,north-east Spain,in 1961.While she was a baby,Lita was left with her grandmotherbut in reality she spent most of her time out on the streets.“I ran after the walkers.They gave me money to buy packs of cigarettes or sandwiches,and I kept the change.” Looking back,she says.“Art,of course,was there because art is always around us.” But she was occupied with survival then.According to the xx annual report,now her vivid portraits can sell for $100,000 or moreactors Hugh Jackman and Halle Berry,as well as chef,Gordon Ramsay,are each reported to own one,such as The Coco numero 4,Alam and Eddy Wenting and about 200 painting,drawings and more.Among the works and masters on exhibition the visitors will find the best pieces,most importantly Eddy Wenting.So what changed the course of Litas life so dramatically? Litas grandmother died when she was about 10 years old and she ended up in a Barcelona orphanage(孤儿院)before being adopted by “a beautiful Catalan family” two years later.She wont reveal much about them,except that they introduced her to art.They took her to Madrids Prado museum,and introduce 13-year-old Lita to A Pilgrimage to San Isidro,which was painted between 1820 and 1823.“I recognized Goyas painting the expressions in the eyes of the people that I crossed in the streets when I was little,” she says.“This painting describes the hope,the terrific moments that the human being can have when you lose your security.For me,when I saw this painting for the first time I felt the plicity(关联)of being a witness.”It made such an impression on her that she tried to copy another Goya,one of his sweeter works describing a country boy with a girl and a dog.The result was not spectacular but her adopted family encouraged little Lita to keep paintingthey even paid for private tutors to make up for lost time.And for the first time in her life,she also started going to school.“Its difficult for me at school as I was so far behind Its hard to start learning to read and write when you are 13,and then theres the psychological difficulty of being put into a class where classmates are much younger.I had a lot of private classes to learn everything.”She slowly made progress,started to listen to the “voice of art” and decided to study art at Amsterdams Academy.The “three big masters” who influenced her the most were Spains painter Goya,the sculptor Donatello,and German poser Bach.After graduating for many years,she stayed in the Netherlands and managed to establish a studio and now she has one in The Hague,but success didnt e easily.“I did things like giving someone a painting so they would pay my electricity bill and painting a house to get three months credit in a supermarket.When you are in a growth period as an artist you have to defend it amazingly because you need time to bee a master.If you exchange that time for money,you dont get that lime back to develop


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