2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Unit1 A land of diversity课时作业 新人教版选修8.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Unit1 A land of diversity课时作业 新人教版选修8.用所给词的适当形式填空1.By the time the teacher arrived at the station,the scientist_(leave)2.The thief was trying to find a way to escape_(punish)3._(race) discrimination still happens now in some countries.4.The high_(percent)of smokers from the youth worries the government.5.The_(major) are against the proposal.6._(apparent),he does not know much about this incident.7.The_(immigrate) from Asian countries sped up as the war happened more often.8.She was education minister before_(elect)president last year.9.Having filled in an_(apply),he was interviewed by the boss.10.Many people make a sharp_(distinct)between right and wrong.答案:1.had left2.being punished3.Racial4.percentage5.majority6.Apparently7.immigration8.being elected9.application10.distinction.完成句子1._(我从未想到)you could succeed in persuading him to change his mind.2.There is a great deal of evidence_(表明)that listening to soft music can reduce stress.3.Dont worry about the present situation in the world;_(大多数人喜欢和平而不是战争)4.I wish to congratulate you on your_(当选为主席)of the Students Union.5.The route_(已被画出)so that it is easy to find his house.6.John preferred to go into business alone rather than_(合作)anyone else.7.Mr Brown sent an email to the manager,_(申请一份工作)in the pany.8.These teenagers dont know much of the world yet;thats why they_(那么容易受骗)答案:1.It never occurred to me2.indicating3.the majority of people prefer peace to war4.being elected chairman5.has been marked out6.team up with7.applying for a job8.are so easily taken in.阅读理解(xx云南昆明高三复习教学质量检测)When traveling,its important to learn about the customs and etiquette (礼节) of the global village.What we consider polite behavior at home isnt always accepted outside our borders.Dont be regarded rude or disrespectful on your travels.Gift giving should be a happy,positive experience.When selecting a present for someone in Netherlands,dont purchase fancy kitchen knives or scissors.Giving sharp,pointy objects as gifts is considered unlucky.Be careful when presenting flowers to a friend or a business partner in Russia.Yellow blooms suggest cheat or a relationship break up.Traditionally,red carnations are placed on the tombs of the dead.Writing cards or notes while visiting South Korea,be mindful of your pens ink color.Writing a persons name in red ink traditionally suggests that the person has passed awayan important point to remember when giving a birthday card.Being early or on time is viewed as being rude,too eager or even greedy in Venezuela.If you are invited to someones home for a meal,its remended that you arrive 10 to 15 minutes later than the requested time.When having a meal in Egypt,dont use the saltshaker(盐瓶)Its insulting to your host to spread salt on your food,which means that you find the meal terrible.Japan is a very polite nation,and their fondness for etiquette extends to the mealtime use of chopsticks.According to Japanese custom,its considered illmannered to point at,play with,or stab (戳) food with chopsticks.If youre in the middle of eating,use the opposite end of your chopsticks to secure food from a shared plate.Using the end that touches your mouth is extremely offensive (冒犯的),not to mention the fact that its unhygienic(不卫生的)语篇导读:俗话说“入乡随俗”。因此,当人们在旅行的时候,了解各地的风俗习惯和礼节是非常重要的。地域不同和文化多元化导致不同地区的风土人情差异较大。人们只有充分了解了这些特点,才不至于在旅行时被认为有失礼节甚至粗鲁无知。1.When sending a gift to your friend in Netherlands,you should avoid_.Asharp knives Bred carnationsCyellow flowers Dlong chopsticks答案:A解析:细节理解题。根据第二段的第二、三两句“When selecting a present for someone in Netherlands,dont purchase fancy kitchen knives or scissors.Giving sharp,pointy objects as gifts is considered unlucky.”可知答案为A项。2.In South Korea,writing a persons name in red ink is not accepted because_.Ared often stands for violenceBit shows that youre not friendlyCit means that the person is deadDred is not a favorite color there答案:C解析:细节理解题。根据第二段的最后一句可知,用红墨水书写一个人的名字时,传统上表明这个人已经去世了。答案为C项。3.What does the underlined word“insulting”in Paragraph 3 refer to?AAdmirable. BChallenging.CRude. DRespectful.答案:C解析:词义猜测题。根据画线词所在句的后半部分“往吃的食物上撒盐,意味着你认为所吃的饭很糟糕”可知,insulting应与rude同义,表示“无礼的”。所以答案为C项。4.Where does this passage probably e from?AA news report. BA travel guide.CA museum guide. DA science book.答案:B解析:文章出处题。通读全文,尤其是文章第一段的内容可知,本文讲的是人们在旅行的时候充分了解当地的风俗和礼节的重要性。由此可知,本文很可能选自旅行指南。所以答案为B项。.阅读填空Break in Springtime In late March and April, most US schools, ranging from kindergartens to colleges, give students one to two weeks off from school._1_ Some families go on vacation, visiting a new state or even a new country. Students can also relax at home, reading books and watching movies. _2_ A number of coastal towns put on special musical performances and deals specifically for spring breakers. The Ultra Music Festival on Miami Beach, for instance, started on March 28 this year. _3_ Take Japan as an example. Instead of partying, many Japanese students work as interns or engage in studyrelated projects during their breaks. In the UK, students are given a reading week. _4_ _5_ Only a few universities, such as Renmin University and Yantai University,offer spring breaks to students. “Spring break in China is meant to push students out of their ivory towers to experience more diversity,” said Qin Jianguo, who works in the student affairs office at Shenzhen University.AHowever, the days off school are not only used for fun.BWhat about schools in China?CAlthough classes are paused during this week, students are expected to catch up on their reading assignments.DLast year, spring breakers spent about $ 1 billion in Florida and Texas, said CNN.ESome teachers dont even give assignments, allowing students to simply relax during their breaks.FIn addition to having fun, volunteering is on many students to do lists.GA more popular use of the break, however, is a tropical getaway with friends.语篇导读:本文是篇说明文。文章简要向读者介绍了一些国家的春假。1.答案:E解析:从文章篇章结构分析,本空应选择一个主旨句概括教师们在春假时的做法。2.答案:G解析:下面两句写的是海滨城镇迎接春假游客的情况,故G项中的“tropical getaway”与之对应。3.答案:A解析:本题要选择承上启下句,根据下文许多日本学生用春假的时间来丰富学业可知应选A。4.答案:C解析:空前的“a reading week”与选项C中的“reading assignments”对应。5.答案:B解析:从文章结构上很容易看出此空应与前几个要点并列,后面讲的是中国的情况,所以选B。.语法填空Once there was a clever farmer.Though he was poor,he decided one day to take the king a roast goose_1_a present.He had not had much to eat that day,and soon the smell of the roast goose became too much for him as he carried it to the king,_2_he ate one of its legs.When he came before the king and gave him the goose,the king at once saw that it had only one leg.Now,the king_3_was born with one bad leg,so he had never been able to walk_4_(proper)When he saw the goose with only one leg,he thought the farmer had done this to laugh at him.Of course he was very angry.The farmer_5_(tell) that if anybody laughed at the king,he would be killed at once.“_6_is the other leg of the goose?”the king asked.“All the geese in this part of the country have one leg only.”the farmer answered.“Do you think Im a fool?”the king shouted.“Certainly not,”said the farmer,“if you look out of the window,you will see geese with one leg by the lake.”The king looked,and there the geese were resting on one leg_7_the water.The king at once told one of his men to hit them with a big stick,and of course,they put down their other legs and ran away.“There,”said the king,“you_8_(lie)That shows that the geese here have two legs,like all other geese in the country.”“But it doesnt show anything,”answered the farmer,“if your men threw_9_big stick like that at me,I would grow two more legs myself_10_(help) me to run away faster.”语篇导读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了一个发生在聪明农民和残疾国王之间的有趣故事。农民为国王准备了一只烤鹅作为礼物,但由于经受不住烤鹅香味的诱惑而在途中吃掉了烤鹅的一只腿。国王以为农民在嘲笑他,因而非常生气,但农民靠着自己的聪明才智巧妙应对。1.答案:as解析:考查介词的用法。句意为:尽管他很穷,有一天他决定给国王带一只烤鹅作为礼物。由句意可知,此处应填介词as,意为“作为”。2.答案:so解析:考查连词。根据语境可知,前后两句之间为因果关系,所以此处应填连词so,意为“所以”,表结果。句意为:当他拿着烤鹅去国王那时,由于烤鹅的香味对他来说太诱人了,所以他吃掉了烤鹅的一只腿。3.答案:himself解析:考查反身代词。句意为:国王他自己天生就有一条残疾的腿,所以他从来就不能正常地走路。由句意可知,此处应填反身代词himself,表示“国王他自己”。4.答案:properly解析:考查副词。谓语动词walk的后面应用副词修饰,所以应填proper的副词形式properly,意为“正常地;恰当地”,walk properly意为“正常地走路”。5.答案:was told解析:考查动词的时态和语态。句意为:这个农民被告知,如果任何人嘲笑这个国王,这个人将会立刻被杀掉。由句意可知,此处应填动词tell的被动语态was told,表示“被告知”。6.答案:Where解析:考查疑问代词。根据语境可知,国王问的应该是“这只鹅的另外一只腿在哪里”。提问“在哪里”时,应用疑问代词where。故填Where。7.答案:by/beside解析:考查介词的用法。根据语境可知,窗外的鹅正用一只腿在水边休息。表示“在旁边;在附近”时,应用介词by或beside。8.答案:were lying解析:考查动词的时态和语态。根据语境可知,国王指责农民刚刚是在撒谎。表示过去正在做某事时,应用过去进行时。故填were lying。9.答案:a解析:考查冠词的用法。句意为:如果你的人向我扔了一根那样巨大的棍子由句意可知,此处应用不定冠词a,泛指一根巨大的棍子。10.答案:to help解析:考查非谓语动词。根据语境可知,此处应用动词不定式作目的状语,故填to help。句意为:我自己将多长出两条腿,用来帮助我逃跑得更快。.短文改错(xx东北三省四市高三联考)I have got a puter of my own at the last.It is a present for my grandparents.They say that use a puter is a must in the modern world.When they learnt that I was interesting in the machine but I did not have one,they immediately told me that they will offer me a laptop.Now with the machine in front,I feel gratefully to my grandparents.I promise him that I will do my best to make good use it.I will not only learn how to operate the puters,but also make programmes on it.If impossible,I will learn puter science at university.答案:I have got a puter of my own at the last.It is a present my grandparents.They say that a puter is a must in the modern world.When they learnt that I was in the machine but I did not have one,they immediately told me that they offer me a laptop.Now with the machine in front,I feel to my grandparents.I promise that I will do my best to make good use it.I will not only learn how to operate the ,but also make programmes on it.If ,I will learn puter science at university.


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