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2019-2020年高三第三次调研测试英语第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分20分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What is the man going to do?A. Lay the table. B. Clean the kitchen.C. Cook the food. 2. What is the relationship between John and Mike?A. Friends.B. Partners. C. Strangers.3. What will the man have?A. A blood test.B. A job interview.C. A physical examination.4. How far away is the railway station?A. About 30 miles. B. About 60 miles. C. About 90 miles. 5. Where might the conversation take place?A. On a bus.B. In a store.C. At a hotel. 第二节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至第8题。6. When will the boys dormitory be cleaned?A. Right now.B. After school.C. Tomorrow afternoon.7. Why are the boys going to clean the dormitory?A. Some parents will be there. B. It is bad for their health. C. There is a bad smell there.8. What is the womans reaction to the boys cleaning?A. Showing surprise.B. Offering help. C. Trying to stand it.听第7段材料,回答第9、10题。9. Why do Japanese enjoy a long life? A. They have many kinds of vegetables. B. They eat things free from fat and salt. C. They take in proper amounts of fat and salt.10. What does the man think long life related to? A. Food. B. Exercise.C. Feelings. 听第8段材料,回答第11至第13题。11. Which is the cause of the mans arm being burnt? A. The cup. B. The noodles.C. The cat.12. How did the man have his head hurt?A. A ladder hit his head.B. He fell over the table. C. His head hit the ground.13. What did the doctor ask the man to do?A. Keep his head clean.B. Keep his arm dry.C. Rest for two days.听第9段材料,回答第14至第16题。14. What do we know about the woman?A. She is out of work. B. She is good at typing.C. She is studying abroad. 15. Who will the woman get in touch with? A. Those who ask for information. B. Those who try to find a job. C. Those who intend to learn Chinese.16. How does the woman feel the job? A. Boring but easy.B. Interesting and easy.C. Interesting but hard.听第10段材料,回答第17至第20题。17. How might the students deal with new words while reading? A. Using a dictionary.B. Having a discussion. C. Paying little attention. 18. How long will the listening and speaking last? A. A half class.B. A third of class.C. A quarter of class.19. What is the position related to? A. Animals.B. Climate. C. Environment.20. What can the students do in face of problems? A. Depend on themselves.B. Ask their partners for help.C. Follow the teachers advice.第二部分 英语知识运用 (共两节, 满分35分)第一节 单项填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. Do you think an advertisement is _ help when you look for a college? Well, it all depends. Anyway, it gives me more of _ chance. A. a; aB. 不填; a C. 不填; theD. a; the22. As a weight-lifting athlete, Thomas is indeed too large, I think. But _ that, he is still one of the best athletes at present.A. in case of B. in spite of C. thanks to D. in response to23. Please check your answer with the key on Page 129. All right. Oh, its so simple. Why _ of that?A. hadnt I thought B. havent I thought C. didnt I think D. wasnt I thinking24. _ this job, he will have to be faced with the challenging situation he has never experienced before.A. No matter who will take on B. Who takes onC. Whoever will take onD. Whoever takes on25. Most students attitudes towards fashion are reported _ nowadays in a recent survey.A. changing B. to be changingC. having changedD. to be changed26. Henry hurried to the library only to find a notice at the gate, saying “No _ before12 noon”. A. permissionB. admissionC. submissionD. mission27. Im sorry to hear that some villagers got disabled in the earthquake. Thats too bad, but _.A. all is well that ends wellB. the darkest hour is nearest the dawn C. where there is life, there is hopeD. it is good to have friends in trouble28. Patience is a kind of qualityand thats _ it takes to do things well. A. whatB. howC. whichD. why29. Nothing but some ancient Chinese coins _ in the sunken ship since they began the exploration. A. were found B. has been found C. had been foundD. have been found30. Johnnys uncle promises that the boy _ get a nice present on Christmas Eve.A. should B. must C. can D. shall31. _ the moment they heard the starting signal given by the teacher. A. Ran the children down the hill B. Down the hill did the children runC. Down the hill the children ranD. Down the hill ran the children 32. Sorry, but I still dont quite understand that phrase. OK, let memakeanothersentenceto_itsmeaning.A.bring about B.bring up C.bringout D.bringin33. It is said that _ to classic music may be helpful in improving teenagers taste. A. exposedB. exposingC. being exposed D. having exposed 34. Many people tend to buy things from big store, _ they believe the qualities are good. A. at which B. of which C. which D. where35. Frank, Ive learned your plan. Could I make some suggestions? _.A. Just for fun B. Go right ahead C. With pleasure D. Take it easy第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Just recently I had been wondering if there was much point in doing little acts of kindness. So often they get 36 , and occasionally they e back to bite you!Then, just last week, after a long travel, I found myself 37 at a bus station. The bus was four hours late! So, I guess I wasnt in a good 38 .Thats when a woman asked me if I had any spare 39 to help her get a bus ticket.“Oh, sure,” I said sarcastically (挖苦地). “How much would you like?”As I spoke, I mentally kicked myself for my 40 and reached into my bag for some money. As I handed her five dollars, I heard low sounds from her stomach because of real 41 .I reached back into my bag and brought out a 42 I had bought earlier. I handed it to her with a(n) 43 that I hoped would make up for my earlier tone of voice. Getting a 44 look at her now, I realized she was extremely tired, like she had had several months of 45 days! As she took the food, a look of 46 washed over her. In return, she tried to give me a Milwaukee bus ticket! I dont live in Milwaukee and the ticket will probably 47 be used, but I took it.A few minutes later she came back over, apologized, and told me she was still 48 of five dollars. I took some singles out of my bag and slipped a twenty in there as well. 49 , the voice in my head told me I was being a fool. Five minutes later she came back again and tried to 50 my twenty. When I said it was for her so she could get something else to 51 , and that I was pletely serious and I wasnt taking it 52 , she started crying and hugged me.From now on, when I wonder if it is 53 trying to help someone, I will remember that woman. Maybe I am really making a 54 for someone. So, sure, sometimes my efforts might not be noticed, and sometimes they might e back to bite me, but they might actually 55 another human being!36. A. ignored B. appreciated C. acknowledged D. forgiven37. A. examined B. trapped C. confused D. delayed 38. A. habit B. place C. mood D. situation39. A. change B. timeC. handD. energy40. A. appearanceB. attitude C. selfishness D. experience41. A. painB. anxietyC. hungerD. fear42. A. souvenirB. ticketC. giftD. cake 43. A. shoutB. smileC. apology D. praise44. A. quickB. gentleC. good D. cold45. A. dark B. toughC. mysteriousD. special46. A. reliefB. regretC. doubtD. anger47. A. onceB. often C. sometimes D. never 48. A. ashamedB. awareC. short D. proud 49. A. EventuallyB. HoweverC. ThereforeD. Besides50. A. return B. showC. shareD. earn51. A. doB. tradeC. add D. eat 52. A. awayB. outC. backD. over53. A. hardB. funC. uselessD. worth 54. A. differenceB. profitC. decisionD. suggestion 55. A. exciteB. helpC. educateD. inspire第三部分 阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ABest High School Band Plays Turner Field The North Cobb High School Band routinely takes the field every Friday night during football season. The band plays at North Cobb football games. This week, the band had to get ready a little earlier in the week. Thats because they played before the Atlanta Braves baseball game at Turner Field. North Cobb won wsbtvs Best High School Band Tournament (锦标赛) last season. The prize for winning was a chance to play on the field at Turner Field before a Major League Baseball game. Tuesday night, the band collected the prize. “We were excited,” North Cobb High School Band drum major Madison Hall said. “Growing up in Atlanta, the Braves have always been such a famous figure in Atlanta, so we were really exited to have the opportunity to perform in front of a lot of people and in front of our munity.” The tournament featured 64 high school bands from across Georgia. Wsbtv users determined the top four bands through voting with the Atlanta Braves entertainment staff selecting the winner from the final four. They selected North Cobb. “We have a number of great students at North Cobb,” director Greg Williams said. “Weve got the best parents in the world,” he said. “The kids are so amazing, they are really bright, talented, and they work hard. They do anything we ask them to do and I really think thats a lot of keys to our success.” Under the leadership of Williams and assistant band director Scott Pannell, the band made its way onto the outfield grass just as Atlanta Braves catcher Brian McCann was warming up. “It was amazing,” said Pannell. “Just going out in the tunnel and going into the stadium. And just looking at the Braves players on the left and seeing them over by our kids, its just unbelievable.” The Atlanta Braves have once again partnered with wsbtv to reward this years winner of the Best High School Band Tournament a chance to play at Turner Field. 56. What did the band do on Tuesday night? A. They performed at a football game. B. They won wsbtvs tournament. C. They played before a baseball game. D. They got a sum of money as a reward.57. The North High School Band turned out the best mainly due to _. A. the support of the school B. the huge reward from wsbtv C. the hard work of its members D. the encouragement from McCann58. We can infer from the passage that _. A. the North High School Band is the pride of the Braves B. the petition between the school bands is very fierce C. the Atlanta Braves have been admired all over the USA D. only bright kids can be admitted to the North High SchoolBGateway Academy Pre-Sessional CoursesOur pre-sessional courses are ideal for students who have a conditional place at a British university, but who need to achieve a certain level of English in order to be accepted. The course aims to provide students with the English language and study skills that they need in order to be successful at university or another academic establishment. It is important to note that pletion of the course does not guarantee students entrance into a university. It is necessary for students to show during the course that they have understood the information and skills that they have been taught, and can apply them to their work. Pre-sessional students at Gateway Academy will benefit from: Small class sizes (no more than 10 students per class) Twenty three hours of tuition per week Individual support and tutorials Regular guest lecturers The use of the Academys study and recreational facilities, including the Language Library, the puter suite, and the academys sports facilities. A varied social programme including evening entertainments and weekend excursions to popular tourist attractions and cities such as Stonehenge, Oxford and Stratford-on-Avon.The course offers an all-around approach to learning, and covers reading, writing, speaking and listening skills. During the course, students will receive instruction on important techniques such as summary-writing, analysing essay titles, organising writing, note-taking in lectures, giving seminars and making presentations. Students will gain experience in working both individually and in groups. As part of the course, all students will work towards a 5000-word project in their own field of study. Students will receive guidance from their tutors on how best to conduct research and write it up effectively. Students will also work towards a presentation on the same subject.There is no final examination. The attendance, successful pletion of assignments and participation in class will be taken into account. Students will be given a full report on their progress at the end of the course. Students need to be aware that the course involves a great deal of coursework, which will require students to manage their time effectively.59. From the passage we can learn that _. A. the course is suitable for students of all levels B. the course will ensure your success at university C. you cant go to university without taking the course D. the course emphasizes the application of skills60. Students who take the course will probably _. A. make an overall improvement in EnglishB. get chances to travel everywhere C. teach themselves in their own field of studyD. take interest in making presantations61. It is implied in the passage that _. A. students are evaluated continuously B. students listen to guest lecturers every day C. students are free to attend their courses D. students should take part in sports activities 62. The passage is written in order to _. A. suggest ways to prepare for the course B. help readers find right courses C. introduce approaches to English study D. attract readers to the courseCWhy can some people sleep through noises like a honking car or flushing toilet, while others are awakened by the lightest sound?To find the answer, sleep researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital conducted an unusual study of 12 self-described deep sleepers. After tests confirmed that the healthy volunteers were solid sleepers, they took part in a three-night study in the universitys sleep laboratory. The participants spent the night in a big and fortable room. But the room also included four speakers positioned near the top of the bed.During the night, the deep sleepers were subjected to 14 different recorded sounds, like street traffic, toilets flushing, an ice machine dispensing and an airplane flying overhead. Next door, the researchers monitored their sleep patterns and brain waves.As expected, all of the participants slept relatively well, but there were differences in how they responded to the noisy interruptions. Some of the sleepers didnt wake up even when a sound was blasted at 70 decibels (分贝); others were awakened by sounds at 40 or 50 decibels.The researchers discovered that the difference in a sleepers reaction to noise could be predicted by the level of brain activity called “sleep spindles. A sleep spindle is a burst of high-frequency brain activity ing from deep inside the brain during sleep. The source of the spindles is the thalamus, a part of the brain that sends sensory information to the rest of the cortex (皮层).Before the study, the Massachusetts researchers theorized (推理) that the spindles are the brains way of preventing sensory information from passing through the thalamus and waking the rest of the brain during sleep. They found that the sleepers who experienced the most sleep spindles during the night were also the soundest sleepers and were least likely to be awakened by noise.Scientists already know that most people bee lighter sleepers with age, most likely because older people experience less “slow wave sleep, which is the deepest stage of sleep. People also produce fewer sleep spindles as they age. But even when controlling for the stage of sleep a person was in, the number of sleep spindles still predicted their risk for awakening because of noise.More research is needed, but the findings suggest that a better understanding of sleep spindles could lead to new behavioral or drug therapies for people with sleep disorders. For instance, future studies may try to determine whether diet, exercise or other behaviors may influence the number of sleep spindles a person produces during the night. 63. Some participants can sleep well through loud noises mainly because _.A. their brains dont respond to outside noisesB. their brains react differently to noisesC. they adapt to the environment quicklyD. they dont pay attention to the monitors64. Scientists believe that the key to affecting deep sleep is _. A. sleep spindles B. stages of sleep C. sleep disorders D. sensory information65. It can be learned from the passage that _. A. the older a deep sleeper bees, the lighter his sleep must be B. the more “slow wave sleep” one experiences, the deeper sleep one has C. the more frequently a sleepers brain works, the less information it sends D. the deeper sleep people have, the more likely they will be awakened by noise 66. From the passage we can predict _.A. more factors in influencing sleep spindles may be discovered B. more solid sleepers will take part in relative experimentsC. sleep spindles will be applied to changing ones behaviorsD. deep sleepers will probably enjoy a more healthy lifeDRays wedding had gone off smoothly. Everyone seemed to have had a good time. A few people had too good a time; they went home with designated (指派的) drivers. All evening, the gift table remained unguarded. Who would steal anything, Ray thought. He had never heard of such a thing happening at a wedding. But his best friend Aaron said there was a first time for everything. He strolled out regularly from the inside festivities (庆祝) to check on the gift table, making sure no one suspicious was hanging around it. Ray and Julia went on a 3-week honeymoon to Italy right after the wedding. When they got back, they opened all the gifts and sent out thank-you notes. But there was one problem. A married couple that used to be good friends had apparently given nothing. This surprised Julia, because Walt and Mary said they were thrilled to be invited. And, they actually seemed to have had a great time at the wedding. Frankly, Ray didnt even care if they hadnt given a gift. He just needed to know whether to send a thank-you note. Ray called Aaron. Aaron said maybe Walt had left an envelope on the gift table like Aaron had. “Yes, but we got your envelope with the cash inside,” Ray said. “Maybe my envelope looked too thin, and some thief thought Walts envelope looked nice and fat.” Aaron asked Ray if he had looked everywhere for Walts gift. Had he called up the


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