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2019-2020年高考英语考纲词汇词形天天练10 ( 1 )幸福,高兴,快乐 1. She nodded_to show her appreciation.2. Tears of_ flowed down her cheeks.3. He was_to be ing home.4. The story has a _ ending.(2)伟大,非常,十分,巨大 1. This clearly showed Lenins_as a party leader.2. I would _appreciate your help. 3. It was a_ loss to us all.(3)冻,冻冰,结冰1. Salt wate_ at a lower temperature than fresh water.2. The cold weather_ the lake.3. Its_in this room, cant we have a fire?4. _foods have taken the place of tinned foods in many homes.(4)惊吓,害怕, 吓唬1. She was filled with_at the sight.2. Dont_ him he is telling the truth.3. She was_to look down from the top of the tall building.4. The_horse ran away from the fire.(5)自由,随意,任性,免费,解放 1. Oil the wheel, then it will turn_. 2. The little country will gain its_next year. 3. She was too_in her behavior. 4.She_the bird from its cage.(6)愚蠢,傻子,愚弄,欺骗 1. Well, youve acted_and youll pay for it.2. Dont be so_. 3. You look_in that dress.4. A wise man changes his mind,a_never will.5. He cant_her; she sees through him every time.(7)飞,飞行 1. They made a successful_across the ocean. 2. The new airplane_at twice the speed of sound.(8)解释,说明 1. He made up a wonderful story to_his absence. 2.Is there any_for his strange behavior?(9)期待,预计 1. The result was beyond my_. 2. Do you_me to stay after that?(10)失败 1. So I suppose the peace move has_. 2. This work met with the same_.参考答案( 1 ) 1. happily 2. happiness 3. happy 4. happy ( 2 ) 1. greatly 2. great( 3 ) 1. freezes 2. froze 3. freezing 4. Frozen ( 4 ) 1. fright 2. frighten 3. frightened 4. frightened( 5 ) 1. freely 2. freedom 3. free 4. freed ( 6 ) 1. foolishly 2. foolish 3. foolish 4. fool 5. fool( 7 ) 1. flight 3. flies ( 8 ) 1. explain 2. explanation ( 9 ) 1. Expectation 2. expect(10) 1. failed 2. failure


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