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2019-2020年高考英语任务型阅读专题(一)含答案一、任务型阅读的题型特点江苏省高考英语任务型阅读题目要求“根据所读,用恰当的词语补全全文提纲,概括关键内容”。任务型阅读提供了两种示例表格式和树状式。题例中要求考生根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意每空一词。其中在第二示例中特别强调“补全填空应符合语法和搭配要求”。这些要求考生能够顺利读懂文章,并能够掌握文章大意和分析文章结构框架。同时也要求考生拥有扎实的语法和词汇知识,做到自如应用。二、任务型阅读题的解题技巧及方法:任务型阅读的解题方法和步骤:1. 在读文章之前,快速浏览和了解图表的类型及要求,明确阅读的具体任务,以便在阅读文章时直接查找相关信息,提高解题的速度和准确性。2. 通读、细读和复读文章,利用图表结构和内容帮助理解短文,把握短文的主题思想和理清短文的主体结构,获取关键信息。3. 获取关键信息后,根据题目要求,对信息进行梳理和加工,并通过恰当的语言形式,形成正确的表达。完成任务型阅读题的图表时,要注意以下五个方面:1. 抓住短文的主题思想:如果表格中提供了小标题,要特别加以注意,因为它通常揭示了段落主题。读懂标题有助于把握短文大意和表格结构。2. 理清短文的主体结构:了解短文的写作思路和线索,有助于加深对篇章内容的理解,同时短文的结构往往也是重要的命题线索,表格项目基本上就是根据篇章结构设计的。3. 分析表格设计思路:根据已有的表格内容提示来确定短文表格的设计线索,理清表格的设计思路。4. 确定表格中各项答案:在完成了上面三步的基础上,再回到短文中寻找确定答案的关键词语,从而确定正确答案。5. 书写答案时,要注意书写工整、语言规范,注意同一级栏目下词形的一致性,还要注意子母的大小写。三、任务型阅读题的解题策略1.注意词形转换、反义词、同义词、主动语态改为被动语态等 Dont forget there may also be some other problems. = Do _ there may also be some other problems. Sometimes they make mistakes when they are speaking because they are shy and nervous. = Shyness and _ make it easy to make mistakes. 28 of the 33 gold medalists wore the body covering Rastskin suit. =Rastskin suit was _ by 28 of the 33 gold medal winners at the Sydney Olympics. Toachievesuccess,youneedtohaveaclearaimandstrongdetermination. =Ifyouareto_,youshouldbedetermined. Dont speak in an angry way. =Dont speak _ After-school programming is an effective method to help young people bee contributing members of society. = After-school programming is an effective method to help young people make _to society. The wall of water, a kilometer high, rushes towards southern Africa at 800 kilometers an hour. Cities on the African coast are totally destroyed and millions of people are drowned.A tsunami(海啸) hits southern Africa, _ cities on the African coast, and_ millions of people. Be responsible for your own learning=Take _for your own learningSkin color is also affected by another source vitamin D.=Vitamin D is another source_ skin color. We should consider what the other person needs and expects. =Needs and _ of others should be taken into _.2. 注意句子结构转换 The cheating athlete is not easy to catch out. = The cheating athlete is not _ caught out. Building a list can be difficult. = A list can be difficult to _=It can be difficult to build a list It should offer important information. = Its _ to offer important information. Find some information before you talk to career advisers. =Find some information before _ career advisers.About half of the piece is destroyed, but the remaining part hits the South Atlantic at 200 times faster than sound.=One piece hits the South Atlantic at 200 times the _ of sound.Please greet others whenever you can. =Please greet others whenever_ As the pany expands, it bees more popular.=With the pany _, it bees more popular. Its worth taking the time. =The time you spend will be _3. 另选其它词来释义(注意常用短语的记忆) You are encouraged to keep records of the sources used by each person, which helps you trace back to the origin of the problems that may happen unexpectedly. =You are encouraged to keep records of the sources just in _. People play indoor sports in all weathers. = People play indoor sports _ the weather. Half of the parents didnt know about their childrens motor skills. = Half of the parents were not _ of their childrens motor skills.These amateur athletes will probably never bee rich or famous. They must work at their jobs while training. =These amateur athletes will probably never bee rich or famous and they must _ their work with training. Dont spend time on some meaningless words. =_spending time on some meaningless words. 四、实战训练根据所给句子的意思填上适当的词。每个空格只填一个单词。1.What should we do so that our munication will be effective? What should we do to municate _? 2.Good munication _ on (取决于)good personal qualities. 3.The total _ of libraries in North America is over 135,000. 4.In this way all works can be easily located by readers. In this way readers will have little _ locating what they want. 5. All you have to do is to take control of your emotions and make them positive instead of letting them control you. You have to control your emotions and make them positive instead of being _ by them. 6.Another great way to keep yourself motivated over the holiday is to find a friend who Another great way to keep up your _ for reading over the holiday is to find.7.Advertising agencies appeared in the latter part of the 19th century. Advertising agencies came into _ in the latter part of the 19th century.8. Advertising spending has increased dramatically in recent years. There has been a _ in advertising spending. 9. We prefer to be a little cautious at this stage. More _ is needed at this stage.10. In the early 1900s the birth rate began to fall and the divorce rate began to rise. The birth rate was on the _ and more people got divorced. 11.2.6 billion people lack proper wastewater treatment. 2.6 billion people are _ of proper wastewater treatment. 12. The UN aims to cut in half by the year xx the population unable to reach or afford safe drinking water. The UN aims to cut in half by the year xx the population having no _ to safe drinking water. 13. Your own weight is the amount of the force that holds you to the earth. The force that holds you to the earth is _ to your own weight. 14.Studies have shown that the presence of natural green spaces and plants is connected with a 50 percent reduction in the incidents of violent crime. The incidents of violent crime have _ in places where there are natural green spaces and plants. 15.Most of the worlds rainforests are topical rainforests that grow in warm places near the earths equator. The _ of the rainforests are topical forests, while another16. The trees take in carbon dioxide and give off oxygen. The trees _ carbon dioxide and give off oxygen. 17. Conservationists are looking for ways that people can use the forests without destroying them. Conservationist are trying to use the forests without causing _. 18.You should walk fast enough to cause you to breathe hard. Walk fast enough to cause you to breathe with _.19.The drawbacks of hosting the Olympics should be taken into careful consideration. The drawbacks need to be carefully _ as well. 20.She is considered as a role model and an inspiration by many of her peers.She is really a role model, _ many people. 21.The viewers who watch it five times a week learn more than those who watch it occasionally_ viewers learn more than occasional ones.22.The marriage lasted until 1990. Their marriage _ up in 1990. 23.They should concentrate on improving their skills. They should focus on the _ of their skills. 24.As Chinas economy continues to steam ahead, once popular forms of entertainment appeal to be losing their appeal. With Chinas _ development, some forms of entertainment no longer appeal to people 25. They are far better than those of the West. They are _ to those of the West.参考答案任务型阅读题的解题策略1. remember nervousness /tension worn succeed angrily contributions destroying; drowning responsibility affecting expectations; consideration/ account2. easily build necessary consulting speed/ rate possible expanding worthwhile3. case whatever aware/ conscious bine Avoid4.(1) Types/ Kinds (2) Advantages (3) Disadvantages (4) Similarities实战训练1. well/ effectively 2. depends 3. number 4. difficulty/ trouble 5. controlled 6. motivation 7. appearance 8. rise 9. caution 10. decrease/ decline 11. short 12. access 13. equal 14. decreased/ declined 15. majority 16. absorb 17. destruction 18. inspiring 19.considered 20. inspiring21.Regular 22. broke 23. improvement 24. economic 25. superior

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