2019-2020年高考英语 专题训练-任务型阅读 Word版含答案.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语 专题训练-任务型阅读 Word版含答案任务型阅读是根据普通高中课程标准(实验)提出的“优化学习方式,提高自主学习能力”的理念设计的,旨在考查考生根据学习任务的需要“用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析和解决问题的能力”。该题型要求考生在阅读所给语言材料的基础上对相关信息进行加工,在读透文章、把握主题、理清文脉和审清题意的基础上以完成表格或图表的形式完成相关文字表达的任务。一、文脉导引细节理解类 二、主题概括同意转述类任务型阅读:请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入恰当的单词。注意:每个空格只填一个单词。Have you ever wondered why there are so many skin colors in the world? Do you know why people living in particular areas usually have a certain color? Biology and history are the two reasons for this.Skin contains something called melanin, which determines a persons skin color. The more melanin a person has, the darker his or her skin will be. The amount of and the production of melanin are controlled by genetics, but can be affected by other things, such as sunlight. If a person lives in a place with less sunlight, a persons body will produce less melanin, making the skin lighter.Skin color is also affected by another source - vitamin D. humans all need vitamin D to build bones. People can get it by eating foods such as fish and milk, or from sunlight, so sunlight absorbed by melanin cannot be used for vitamin D production. Therefore, a darkskinned person will produce less vitamin D than a lightskinned person when they received the same amount of sunlight. The connection between vitamin D production and skin color is clear when we look at evolution. The earliest humans lived in Africa, their dark skin produced less vitamin D because of their dark skin. As a result, their skin made less melanin, so they could get enough sunlight to produce vitamin D. their skin gradually got lighter and they lost hair. Now, people living in areas with strong sunlight like Africa, have darker skin, while people living in other areas have lighter skin. The exception to this is the Inuit, who live in a place with little sunlight, but have dark skin because they eat a lot of fish and have enough vitamin D. Evolution has given us a rainbow of skin colors. Humans have always had melanin to determine our skin color. What has changed through history is the environment where we have lived. This has in turn changed our melanin production, and eventually, skin color. A World of Skin Color Brief 1 People living in a particular 2 usually have the same skin color and there are many different skin colors in the world.Reason for skin color The reasons for different skin colors mainly 3 in biology and history.Biology reasonsl The amount of melanin, by which a persons skin color is 4 , varies from people to people. The more melanin a person has, the 5 his or her skin will be.l Vitamin D is another source 6 skin color. Vitamin D is necessary for humans to build bones. Sunlight contributes to vitamin D in the skin. Historical reasonsl The earliest people in Africa dad dark skin with hair covering it because the sunlight is very strong.l When they moved to places where they could not get enough sunlight to 7 vitamin D, their skin color became lighter.l Generally speaking, people in areas with strong sunlight, have darker skin 8 people in other areas have lighter skin. 9 Melanin 10 an important role in our skin color. With our living environment changing, melanin production is changed, which leads to the changes in our skin color.江苏高考任务型阅读解题的有效性- 表格式:一、审题:1、审题目要求。 、是否可用文中的词填写。 、弄清字数限制。此任务阅读限定每个空格只填一个词;对是否用文中的词填写没有限制即可用文中的词。2、审任务设置类型。、 表格式。(结构常为对比陈述;通常分左右栏,左栏为文章提纲右栏文章细节。)此短文设置表格任务型。左栏为文章提纲:brief introduction、reasons、biology reasons、 historical reasons、conclusion;右栏为支撑每一topic的细节。、 树状式。(结构常为先总后分;通常分上下框,上框为topic sentences,下框为supporting sentences。)二、阅读:1. 读图表。(快速浏览,了解短文的写作提纲。)浏览图表,了解:topic sentence 1 details topic sentence 2 details 2. 读短文。、快读:快速浏览全文,抓住文章主题,同时结合图表,洞悉文章结构。Paragraph 1 Topic sentence 1 、细读:仔细阅读,获取充分信息,查出答题的对应信息点。第一空paragraph 1归纳结构类词;第二空对应信息点为why people living in particular areas usually have;第三空对应信息点为biology and history are the two reasons for this,要求学同义转换; 第四空对应信息点为which determines a persons skin color; 第五空对应信息点为by producing more melanin, making the skin darker; 第六空对应信息点为skin color is also affected by another sourcevitamin D; 第七空对应信息点为 a darkskinned person will produce less; 第八空对应信息点为 having darker skin, while people ; 第九空对应信息点为paragraph 5 归纳结构类词;第十空对应信息点为 had melanin determine our skin color.三、答题。1. 结构类的词: 、 熟记常见结构类词汇。归纳掌握常见的表达文章结构的概括性词汇:introduction(导入)、cause/reason(原因)、advantage(优点)、disadvantage(不足)、attitude(态度)、result/effect/consequence(结果)、suggestion/advice/tip(建议)、及dos和donts等。、 确定答案。、联系图表左栏的上下栏,确定用词及词的形式。(大小写、单复数、动词+ing等)、联系图表左栏与之相对应的右栏的细节,归纳结构类用词和词的形式。 (大小写、单复数、动词+ing等2. 细节类的词:、明确信息点。细读文章,明确答题的相应信息点在文中的具体位置,确定用词后归纳用词。、上下前后。、对照短文中的信息点,联系图表右栏的上下栏目,确定词(文中原词或归纳的词的形式。 (大小写、单复数、动词+ing等)、对照短文中的信息点,联系所填词的前后,确定用词(文中原词或归纳的词)的形式。敲定答案。根据短文信息点,联系填空上下前后,敲定答案。第一空 introduction;第九空conclusion,联系图表上下前后开头字母大写、单数。第二空信息点为areas, 联系前后搭配 a 故用area; 第三空同义转换 are lie; 第四空信息点为 which determines, 联系前后搭配 color is 转换为determined; 第五空信息点为 making the skin darker,故用darker;第六空信息点为 is also affected by,联系前后句子结构故用affecting做后置定语。第七空信息点为 will produce less vitamin联系前后 to, 故用原型produce。 第八空信息点为 skin, while people living in other , 故用while。第十空信息点为 had melanin determine our 联系前后搭配故用plays。四、检查。检查单词的拼写、大小写、单复数、时态、语态等。introduction area lie determined darker affecting produce while Conclusion plays实例分析: Teamwork is just as important in science as it is on the playing field or in the gym. Scientific investigations(调查) are almost always carried out by teams of people working together. Ideas are shared, experiments are designed, data are analyzed, and results are evaluated and shared with other investigators. Group work is necessary, and is usually more productive than working alone. Several times throughout the year you may be asked to work with one or more of your classmates. Whatever the task your group is assigned, a few rules need to be followed to ensure a productive and successful experience. What es first is to keep an open mind, because everyones ideas deserve consideration and each group member can make his or her own contribution. Secondly, it makes a job easier to divide the group task among all group members. Choose a role on the team that is best suited to your particular strengths. Thirdly, always work together, take turns, and encourage each other by listening, clarifying, and trusting one another. Mutual support and trust often make a great difference. Activities like investigations are most effective when done by small groups. Here are some more suggestions for effective team performance during these activities: Make sure each group member understands and agrees to the task given to him or her, and everyone knows exactly when, why and what to do; take turns doing various tasks during similar and repeated activities; be aware of where other group members are and what they are doing so as to ensure safety; be responsible for your own learning, though it is by no means unwise to pare your observations with those of other group members. When there is research to be done, divide the topic into several areas, and this can explore the issue in a very detailed way. You are encouraged to keep records of the sources used by each person, which helps you trace back to the origin of the problems that may happen unexpectedly. A format for exchanging information (e.g., photocopies of notes, oral discussion, etc.) is also important, for a well-chosen method not only strengthens what you present but also makes yourself easily understood. When the time es to make a decision and take a position on an issue, allow for the contributions of each member of the group. Most important of all, it is always wise to make decisions by promise and agreement. After youve pleted a task with your team, make an evaluation of the teams effectiveness the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and challenges. TitleWorking TogetherThemeEffective performance needs highly cooperated (71) .General rulesKeep an open mind to everyones (72) .Divide the group task among group members.(73) and trust each other.(74) Understand and agree to the (75) task of ones own.Take turns doing various tasks.Show concern for others to ensure safety.Take (76) for ones own learning.pare your own observations with those of others.Explore an issueBreak the (77) into several areas.Keep records of the sources just in (78) .(79) your information with others via proper format.Make all decisions by promise and agreement.(80) EffectivenessAnalyze the strengths and weaknesses.Find out the opportunities and challenges.语篇解读 本文重在讲述如何使团队协作更为有效地进行。第一段概述团队协作在科学研究中的意义;第二、三段联系学生实际引出同学间团队协作的三个规则;第四、五段提出调查研究类活动中如何进行有效协作;最后一段讲述如何对团队协作的有效性进行评估。答案与剖析71答案 teamwork 剖析这是对全文的高度概括,文中第一段的中心句即第一句“Teamwork is just as important in science as it is on the playing field or in the gym.”也给予了较为明显的暗示。72答案 ideas/opinions/views/thoughts 剖析 由文中第三段第一句“What es first is to keep an open mind, because everyones ideas deserve consideration and each group member can make his or her own contribution.”可知。注意:名词单复数的变化。73答案 Support/Encourage/Back 剖析 由文中第三段最后两句“Thirdly, always work together, take turns, and encourage each other by listening, clarifying, and trusting one another. Mutual support and trust often make a great difference.”可知。注意:根据表格中的行文规律,这里是祈使语气,应用动词原形且须大写,与上两行“Keep, Divide”相一致。74答案Suggestions 剖析由文中第四段中心句,即该段第二句“Here are some more suggestions for effective team performance during these activities.”可知。此外,表格中对应的右边一格正是suggestions的具体内容。注意:名词的单复数变化和大、小写。75答案 given/assigned剖析 由第三段第三行“Make sure each group member understands and agrees to the task given to him or her,”可知。注意:这里可以使用given的同意词assigned“分配”。76答案 responsibility 剖析由文中第四段倒数第三行“be responsible for your own learning,”可知。注意:这里根据表格内的表达方式需要进行词形转换。将形容词responsible转化成名词responsibility.77答案topic/subject/issue 剖析由文中第五段第一句“When there is research to be done, divide the topic into several areas, and this can explore the issue in a very detailed way.”可知。注意:这里可以使用topic的近义词:subject, issue.78答案 case 剖析 “just in case”在这里表示“以备用,以防用得着”,根据文中第五段第二句“You are encouraged to keep records of the sources used by each person, which helps you trace back to the origin of the problems that may happen unexpectedly.”可知。79答案 Exchange/Share 剖析 由文中第五段第三句“A format for exchanging information (e.g., photocopies of notes, oral discussion, etc.) is also important,”可知。80答案 Evaluate 剖析 由文中最后一段可知。注意:根据表格中表达方式的需要,文中名词evaluation应转化成动词Evaluate.高频词用法第一组“观点类” (opinion/view/attitude/idea/thought/mind)Opinion 意见、想法(feelings or thoughts) (about/of/on)View 1.(a personal)看法、意见、见解、态度 (about/on)2.(理解或思维的)方式/方法 (a way)(of)Attitude 态度、看法 (to/towards)Idea 想法、构思、主意(a plan,thought or suggestion)(for/of)1. 意见、看法、信念(an opinion or a belief) (about) 2. 3.目标、意图 (of)Thought 1.想法、看法、记忆 (of)2.关心、关怀、顾虑、忧虑 (a feeling of care or worry) (for)3.意图、打算;希望、念头(an intention or hope)(of)Mind 心思(thoughts, interest)第二组“原因类” (reason/cause/explanation)Reason 原因、理由、解释 (for)正当理由、道理、情理 (to do/for)Cause 理由、动机(a reason) (for) 原因 Explanation 解释、说明、阐述 (for) 解释性文字、说明性文字第三组“对比因果类” (advantage/function/quality/significance/disadvantage/problem/consequence/result/oute/effect/response)Advantage 优点 优势、有利条件 (over)Function 功能、机能(a special activity or purpose of a person or thing)Quality 质量、品质Significance (尤指对未来有影响的)重要性、意义Disadvantage 不利因素、障碍 (of/to)Consequence 后果、结果 (for)Result 后果、结果(of)Oute 结果、效果(the result or effect)Effect 效应、影响、效果(the effect of heat on metal)(艺术家或作家所要创造的)外观声响效果Response 反应、响应(a reaction)(to)回复、答复(spoken or written)(to)第四组“方法类” (way/solution/method)Way 方法、手段、途径、方式 (to do sth./of doing sth.)Solution 解决方法、处理手段(to)答案、谜底(to sth.)Method方法、办法、措施(a particular way) (of/for)第五组“目标类” (prediction/expectation/hope/aim/purpose/dream)Prediction 预言、预测Expectation 预期、期待(of)希望、盼望、期望、指望Hope 希望(a belief that sth. you want will happen) (of/for) 希望期望的事情(东西)Dream 梦想、理想Aim 目的、目标Purpose(the intention)意图、(aim)目的、(function)用途/目标第六组“意见类” (suggestion/advice)Suggestion 建议、提议(for/about/on)Advice 劝告、忠告、建议、意见 (on)第七组“信息类” (news/information/content/period)News 消息、音信 媒体对重要事情的新闻报道Information 信息、情报 (about/on)Content 主题、主要内容Period 人生或国家历史的阶段时期(时代)任务型阅读专项训练1(303,字数不足,未做过)认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入最恰当的单词。注意:每空格1个单词Human ancestor had mix of primitive, modern traitsThis undated handout photograph shows scientists David Lordkipanidze and Tea Jashashvili with remains of early human ancestors excavated at a site in the nation of Georgia. The earliest-known human ancestors to migrate out of Africa possessed a surprising mix of human-like and primitive features, according to scientists who studied remains dug up at a fossil-rich site in the former Soviet republic of Georgia.Writing on Wednesday in the journal Nature, the scientists described remains of three adults and one adolescent dating from about 1.77 million years ago, excavated at Dmanisi, about 55 miles southwest of the Georgian capital, Tbilisi. The remains shed light on a little-understood but critical period in human evolution - the transition from the more ape-like creatures known as australopithecines to the genus Homo, of which modern humans are a member.The spines and lower limbs found at the Dmanisi site appear very much like modern humans, suggesting these individuals, which walked fully upright, were highly capable of long-distance treks, the researchers said.But other aspects of the skeletons had more archaic characteristics. The arms were more like australopithecines than people, and the primitive skulls encased relatively small brains. Their simple stone tools also are less advanced than one might have expected, the researchers said. They described the remains as a surprising mosaic of primitive and modern features.These are the earliest humans found outside of Africa. This is the time when our genus spread outside of Africa, David Lordkipanidze of the Georgian National Museum, who led the research, said in a telephone interview. Their heads are primitive. Their legs are very human-like.Scientists had previously described skulls found at the site, but in recent years found far more extensive remains of the skeletons of these creatures, giving them a more detailed understanding of these denizens of early human history. Title: Human ancestor had mix of primitive, modern traitsPara. topicThe details1DiscoveryThe earliest-known human ancestors to migrate _1_ Africa _2_ a surprising mix of human-like and primitive features.3The _3_ of the discoveryThe remains drew _4_ to a little-understood but critical _5_ in human evolution.4The _6_ with modern humansThe spines and lower limbs found at the Dmanisi site _7_ very much like modern humans-walking fully upright and highly capable of long-distance treks.5The _8_ from modern humansThe arms were more like australopithecines than people, and the primitive skulls encased relatively small brains. Their simple stone tools also are less advanced than one might have _9_.7The more helpful evidence_10_ scientists have found far more extensive remains of the skeletons of these creatures, giving them a more detailed understanding of these denizens of early human history.2(字数373,未做过)认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入最恰当的单词。注意:每空格1个单词Central bank may raise mortgage rate The central bank is supposed to increase the interest rate of mortgage loans(按揭贷款) to 1.1 times the benchmark(标准)one-year lending rate this week, sources said.The move is an attempt to curb(控制) the rise in house prices and speculation(投机) in the property market.The current five-year lending rate has reached 7.83 percent after the central bank raised the interest rate for the fifth time this year on September 13.This means the interest rate for five-year mortgage loans could reach as high as 8.613 percent if the central bank makes a move this week.With the expansion of mortgage loans, and as the central bank continuously raises interest rates, mortgage loans are beginning to face a high danger of default(违约), China Construction Bank (CCB) said in its latest report.Total non-performing mortgage loans in three major mercial banks - CCB, the Industrial and mercial Bank of China, and Bank of China - rose to 19.2 billion yuan at the end of xx from 18.4 billion yuan in xx, according to CCB.The central bank is likely to stipulate mercial banks to raise mortgage deposits to at least 40 percent for homebuyers who intend to buy a second apartment, according to the source.Homebuyers will have to make a down payment of 40 percent to buy a second apartment, and for apartments for mercial use, the down payment will be raised to as high as 50 percent, he said. The minimum deposit for an apartment of more than 90 sq m is currently 30 percent while for apartments less than 90 sq m its 20 percent.The central bank will also ask mercial banks to end lending to property developers who hoard(囤积)land and house for speculation(投机) purposes, according to the source.Property prices in 70 major cities jumped 8.2 percent in August from a year earlier after gaining 7.5 percent in July, according to figures from the National Development and Reform mission.Housing prices in Beijing rose 12.1 percent from a year earlier, while prices in Shenzhen went up 20.8 percent.Title: Central bank may raise mortgage rateThe _1_ from the informed sources1). The central bank is _2_ to increase the interest rate of mortgage loans to 1.1 times the benchmark one-year lending rate.2). It is _3_ for the central bank to stipulate mercial banks to raise mortgage deposits for homebuyers who plan to buy_4_ apartment.3). The central bank will also _5_ mercial banks to _6_ lending to property developers who hoard land and house for speculation purposes.The _7_ for raising the mortgage rateThe action aims to _8_ the rise in house prices and speculation in the property market.A possible _9_As the central bank raises interest rates, mortgage loans may face a high _10_ of default.3(字数不足,未做过)认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入最恰当的单词。注意:每空格1个单词Men arent as tough as they think they areFrailty(脆弱), your name is man. So said Chinas doctors Sunday on the eighth Mens Health Day.Men in China are widely affected by bad living habits, a lack of awareness about mental and physical health issues, and a lack of exercise.Shan Li, a psychologist with the DRM Professional Counseling, said men are more heavily burdened with social responsibilities.They live in poorer mental circumstances and have poorer life quality than women in general, often frustrated but dont feel free to vent their emotions, Shan said.Zhang Kan, a psychologist, said: Men have shorter life expectancy than women an undeniable part of the reason lies in the psychology.Professor Gu Jun from the Shanghai University said men frequently are burdened with the pressure of work, marriage troubles, and at times difficulties with children.Shanghai Womens Federation (SWF) found that some 20 percent of plaints it received were from men.This has sparked calls that there was a need for a federation for men.Other statistics show men have a general laxsidasical attitude towards health issues. Figures from the 412 Hospital in Shanghai showed that 90 percent of men dont know they should or believe they should have an annual health check.Twenty percent of men never do any kin

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