2019-2020年高中英语 素能提升演练(二十七) Unit4 译林牛津版选修8 含答案.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 素能提升演练(二十七) Unit4 译林牛津版选修8 含答案. 用下列句型翻译句子1. 约翰刚睡着电话就响了。(when连接并列句)_2. 这是我度过的最令人焦虑的一天。(否定词+比较级表示最高级)_3. 他刚在桌子旁坐下,就有人敲门。(hardly. . . when. . . 一就)_4. 我用了一周的时间才完成这项工作。(It takes sb. some time to do sth. 某人花费时间做某事)_5. 她上周的确给你写信了。(do表示强调)_. 单项填空 1. xx宿州模拟Hearing what he said was recorded by the recorder, I found nothing to say _ his actionAin honor ofBin need ofCin case ofDin defence of2. Our policy is to include high-quality films,_ who makes them. A. in favour ofB. regardless ofC. apart fromD. due to3. xx衡水模拟_ I say Clancy is a smart boy, he still needs to work hard to achieve his goal. A. ThenB. WhenC. WhileD. As4. xx唐山模拟The mascot of Shanghai Expo is “Haibao”. Its designed to _ the Chinese character for “human”, which goes with the theme of the Expo. A. reserveB. rescueC. resembleD. recognize5. She _ herself. She said she would never marry young, but she did. A. did contradictB. didnt contradictC. wasnt contradictedD. was contradicted6. I had planned to go to your party, but I had to finish that _ paper. A. regularB. ordinaryC. fancyD. tiresome7. She felt very _ when her husband forgot her birthday. A. desperateB. disappointedC. hopelessD. deserted8. We not only _ him on having passed the interview but also held a party to _ it. A. celebrated;congratulate B. congratulated;celebrateC. congratulation;celebrationD. celebration;congratulation9. xx赣州模拟 It is said that _ to classic music may be helpful in improving teenagers taste. A. exposedB. exposingC. being exposedD. having exposed 10. Jack was very upset because he was _ when they set about choosing a new manager. A. overtakenB. overeC. overworkedD. overlooked11. xx哈尔滨模拟I paid him 300 yuan for the sneakersOh, he charged you too muchYou _ them with half the moneyAcould have boughtBneednt have boughtCmust have boughtDwouldnt have bought12. When he didnt know how to get out of the building, a boy _ him _ . A. showed;outB. showed;inC. showed;aroundD. showed;off13. The passengers were robbed _ all their money. A. ofB. offC. fromD. away14. Mr. Wang was chosen to _ our school to attend the meeting. A. representB. stand forC. instead ofD. take the place of15. Jim has his wife do all the housework. Isnt he wise? Not really. He is _ . A. more wise than lazyB. wiser than lazy C. more lazy than wiseD. lazier than wise. 完形填空xx苏州模拟You may have heard of Osceola McCarty, an 88-year-old woman in Mississippi who had worked for over 75 years as a1woman. One day after she retired, she went to the bank and discovered that her small monthly2had grown to over 150, 000. Then to everyones surprise, she turned around and3almost all of the money to the University of Southern Mississippi (USM) for a4fund for students with financial needs. Immediately, she made national5. What you have not heard is how Osceolas gift had6my life. I am 19 years old and the first7of an Osceola McCarty Scholarship. I was a8student, and I was determined to go to USM. But I9being qualified for a regular scholarship by one point on the entrance exams, and a scholarship was the10way I could attend. One Sunday, I came across the story in the paper about Osceola McCarty and her generous11. The next day I went to the financial aid office, and they told me there was still no money12for me, but if anything came up theyd call me. A few days later, I was going out with my mother13the phone rang. I was told I had been chosen to be given the first Osceola McCarty Scholarship. I was14! McCarty worked hard her whole life, washing clothes by hand. Now that she is15, she sits most of the day and reads the Bible, that is, when she is not getting rewards. Every time I go to visit her, she has a new16. Shes even gone to the White House. She is so happy and proud. We have tried to talk her into getting a VCR (录像机) so she can tape the programs and see17on TVshe just smiles. McCarty gave me much more than a scholarship. She taught me about the gift of 18. Now I know there are good people in the world who do good things. She worked hard and helped others, and in turn she has inspired me to19when I can some day. So20I plan to add to her scholarship fund. 1. A. cafeB. buffetC. laundryD. laboratory2. A. expensesB. profits C. wagesD. savings3. A. returnedB. donatedC. deliveredD. removed4. A. welfareB. projectC. scholarshipD. research5. A. customsB. headlinesC. sympathiesD. doubts 6. A. affectedB. formedC. disturbedD. ruined 7. A. designerB. receiver C. contributorD. reporter8. A. considerateB. casualC. hard-workingD. sensitive9. A. advocatedB. avoidedC. regrettedD. missed10. A. normalB. wrongC. legalD. only11. A. gift B. ideaC. decisionD. plan 12. A. left B. raisedC. availableD. enough 13. A. sinceB. beforeC. thoughD. when14. A. excitedB. shockedC. puzzledD. encouraged15. A. dismissedB. retiredC. promotedD. transferred16. A. jobB. hobbyC. lifeD. award 17. A. everybodyB. everythingC. herselfD. us 18. A. givingB. understandingC. receivingD. loving19. A. give backB. give inC. give offD. give up20. A. suddenlyB. originallyC. eventuallyD. gradually. 阅读理解The personal puter has overtaken the family dog as mans best friend, according to a study. Researchers found that just 6 per cent of us believe that most people rely more on their dog than they do on their PC, while 67 per cent think the opposite to be true. Even 38 per cent of dog owners admit relying more on their PC than on their dog, although 36 per cent disagree. And 71 per cent of 18 to 24-year-old dog owners said they relied more on their puter. Paul Allen, editor of puter Active magazine, which conducted the poll with the Royal Society For The Protection Of Cruelty to Animals, said, “These days you can even take your PC for a walk, provided you have a laptop or tablet PC. ”“Its only a matter of time until the first PC that fetches your slippers. ”Researchers questioned 2, 000 British adults to find out about the change modern technology has brought to their home life. They found that male dog owners are almost twice as likely as female owners to rely on their puter than a canine panion. Mr. Allen said, “With broadband bringing them global news and newspaper sales falling, the family dog even misses out on the pleasure of taking the paper to his owner. ”But its not all bad news for honest dogs. “The family PC has given dog owners access to a wealth of resources and information that can help with the long-term care that a dog needs, ” Mr. Allen said. 1. Which of the following is the advantage that puters have brought to dogs? A. They can go out for a walk with their owners. B. They can be better looked after. C. They wont have to take paper to their owners. D. They can get on well with their owners. 2. The family dog even misses out on the pleasure of taking the paper to his owner because _ . A. people gradually lose their interest in newspapersB. family dogs dont want to do that any moreC. people dont want to read newspapersD. people prefer to use puters for news and information3. The underlined word “provided” means _ in the passage. A. offeredB. supposedC. as long asD. even though4. The purpose of the writer of writing the passage is to tell us _ . A. more and more people choose to use putersB. puters have reached every aspect of our lifeC. personal puters will replace family dogs as mans best friendsD. family dogs are not as useful as they used to be答案解析. 1. John had fallen asleep when the telephone rang. 2. I have never had a more worrying day. 3. He had hardly sat down at the table when somebody knocked at the door. 4. It took me a week to finish the work. 5. She did write to you last week. . 1.【解析】选D。考查介词短语辨析。句意:听到他说的话被录音机录了下来,我发现没有什么话可以为他的行为进行辩护。in defence of为进行辩护。in honor of为向表示敬意;in need of 需要;in case of 假使。【变式备选】Kathy, I dont like to argue, but _ the Venice Film Festival, I have to point out that we dont just have Hollywood films. A. in case ofB. in defence ofC. in spite ofD. in charge of【解析】选B。考查介词短语辨析。句意:凯西,我不想争论,但是我得为威尼斯电影节说句话,我得指出我们有的不只是好莱坞电影。in defence of为辩护,防卫;in case of假使;in spite of尽管;in charge of 负责。2.【解析】选B。考查短语辨析。句意:我们的政策是接受高质量的电影,不管是谁拍摄的。in favour of赞成,有利于;regardless of不管;apart from除之外;due to由于。3.【解析】选C。考查连词。句意:虽然我说Clancy是个聪明的孩子,但他仍然需要努力学习以实现他的目标。while和as都可译为“虽然,尽管”,引导让步状语从句,但as从句需用倒装语序而while从句用正常语序。4.【解析】选C。考查动词辨析。句意:上海世博会的吉祥物是“海宝”,它的设计类似中国汉字“人”,这和世博会的主题相配。resemble类似;reserve保留;rescue营救;recognize认出。【变式备选】Although bamboo _ a tree, the plant is actually a member of the grass family. A. likesB. differsC. distinguishesD. resembles【解析】选D。考查动词辨析。句意:尽管竹子看起来像树,事实上这种植物属于草。resemble看起来像,类似;like喜欢;differ不同于;distinguish 区分。5.【解析】选A。考查do表示强调。句意:她的确自相矛盾。她说她绝不会早结婚,但她却这样做了。contradict与相矛盾,此处did用于动词前表示强调。6.【解析】选D。考查形容词辨析。句意:我本打算去参加你的晚会,可是我还得完成那令人厌倦的考卷。regular定期的,有规律的;ordinary普通的;fancy异常复杂的,精致的;tiresome令人厌烦的。7.【解析】选B。考查形容词辨析。句意:当她丈夫忘记她的生日时,她感到很失望。disappointed感到失望的;desperate绝望的;hopeless没希望的;deserted被抛弃的。8.【解析】选B。考查动词辨析。句意:我们不仅祝贺他通过了面试而且举办了一次宴会庆祝这件事。congratulate sb. on doing sth. 祝贺某人做了某事;celebrate庆祝。9.【解析】选C。考查非谓语动词。句意:据说接触古典音乐可能有利于提高青少年的品位。be exposed to接触, 此处为动名词短语作主语。【变式备选】xx北京模拟_ to sunlight for too much time will do harm to ones skin. A. ExposedB. Having exposedC. Being exposedD. After being exposed【解析】选C。考查非谓语动词。句意:在阳光下晒很长时间对人的皮肤有害。Being exposed to sunlight for too much time为动名词短语,在句中作主语。10.【解析】选D。考查动词辨析。句意:杰克非常沮丧,因为当他们着手选拔新经理时他被忽视了。overtake追上,赶上;overe克服;overwork过度劳累,过分努力;overlook忽视。11.【解析】选A。句意:买这双运动鞋我付给了他300元。噢,他要价太高了,你本可以花一半的钱就可以买的。could have done本来能够做某事,但实际上未做;neednt have done sth. 本不必做某事;must have done一定做过某事。12.【解析】选A。考查动词短语。句意:当他不知道如何走出大楼时,一个男孩领他出去了。show sb. out 领某人出去;show sb. around领某人参观;show sb. in 领某人进来;show off炫耀。13.【解析】选A。句意:旅客们被抢走了所有的钱。rob sb. of sth. 抢走某人的东西。14.【解析】选A。句意:王老师被选作我们学校的代表出席会议。 represent 代表,符合句意。stand for往往表示字母、符号等“代表什么,象征什么”;instead of而不是;take the place of 替换,代替。15.【解析】选C。句意:吉姆让他的妻子做所有的家务。难道说他不聪明吗?并不真聪明。与其说他聪明不如说懒惰。more. . . than. . . 与其说不如说。.【文章大意】奥西奥拉麦卡蒂老太太将一生的积蓄捐给了南密西西比州大学做奖学金,我有幸成为该奖学金的第一名获得者。但是,奥西奥拉给予我的远远超过了一笔奖学金。从她那里,我学到了奉献的可贵。1.【解析】选C。考查名词。根据第15空前面的“McCarty worked hard her whole life, washing clothes by hand. ”可知Osceola McCarty曾做了75年的洗衣工。2.【解析】选D。考查名词。她发现自己每个月微薄的收入积攒下来已经超过了15万美元。saving节约;存款。3.【解析】选B。考查动词。下文多处提到南密西西比州大学奥西奥拉麦卡蒂奖学金,因此,她将钱捐给了南密西西比州大学。4.【解析】选C。考查名词。此题属于原词复现。由下文提到的Osceola McCarty Scholarship可知。5.【解析】选B。考查名词。她成了全国瞩目的新闻人物。headline在此意为“头条新闻”。6.【解析】选A。考查动词。奥西奥拉的礼物如何影响了我的一生,这是你们从未听说过的。这一句承上启下,下文谈该奖学金对“我”的影响。7.【解析】选B。考查名词。今年19岁的我,是第一位获得奥西奥拉麦卡蒂奖学金的学生。“得奖,获奖”用动词receive,此处receiver意为“接受者,获得者”。8.【解析】选C。考查形容词。想上大学是件不容易的事,所以要刻苦(hard-working)。这与“体贴的”、“随意的”、“敏感的”无关。9.【解析】选D。考查动词。我下定决心去南密西西比州大学读书。然而在入学考试中,我因一分之差而与正常的奖学金失之交臂。10.【解析】选D。考查形容词。奖学金是我上学的惟一途径。11.【解析】选A。考查名词。一个星期天,我偶然在报纸上看到了有关奥西奥拉麦卡蒂和她慷慨捐赠的报道。从第18空前的gift可以得到暗示。12.【解析】选C。考查形容词。available意为“可得到的,可利用的”。我就去了经济援助办公室。他们说还是没有可以帮助我的资金,但如果有消息的话,会随时通知我。13.【解析】选D。考查连词。此处的when相当于and then。几天后,我正要和妈妈出去就在那时(when)电话铃响了。14.【解析】选A。考查形容词。被告知我被选为奥西奥拉麦卡蒂奖学金的首位获得者,我的心情很“兴奋(激动)”。15.【解析】选B。考查动词。如今,奥西奥拉已经退休了。16.【解析】选D。考查名词。此题属于原词复现。根据前面的getting rewards可知。17.【解析】选C。考查代词。我们试图说服她去买一台摄像机,这样她就能把节目录下来,在电视上看到她自己而她只是笑笑。18.【解析】选A。考查动词。奥西奥拉给予我的远远超过了一笔奖学金。从她那里,我学到了付出(giving)的可贵。19.【解析】选A。考查动词短语。她也鼓励我在有能力时要懂得回报。20.【解析】选C。考查副词。最后,我决定为她的奖学金添加资金。. 1.【解析】选B。细节理解题。文章的最后一段向我们说明的是家庭电脑给宠物狗带来的好处就是有利于主人更好地照顾宠物狗。2.【解析】选D。细节理解题。文章倒数第三段说明的就是随着家庭电脑的普及使用,人们上网就可以看全球新闻,报纸销售量下降,所以宠物狗也就减少了为主人叼报纸的乐趣了。3.【解析】选C。词义猜测题。provided (that)相当于as long as 意思是“只要”,表示条件。4.【解析】选C。归纳判断题。本文的开头就点明了文章的主题,然后具体分析了这种现象产生的原因。主题就是个人电脑将取代宠物狗而成为人类的好朋友。

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