2019-2020年高中英语 unit5 section3 Using Language练习 新人教版选修7.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 unit5 section3 Using Language练习 新人教版选修7.单词拼写1When we reached the d_ of our journey, we were almost tired to death.2Apples are now so _ in market that they are cheap as dirt.3There is no need to debate about who really g_ this country at that time.4Our_(代理人) in New York deals with all US sales.5The railway lines run p_ to the road, so they will never meet.答案:1.destination2.abundant3.governed4.agent5parallel.用适当的介词填空1Macao, located _ the coast of the South China Sea, is a place I would like to visit most.2The railway line to be built next year will run parallel _ the highway.3This green is unusual _ the high plains area where the climate is very dry.4Russia is the largest country in the world, which is abundant _ natural resources.5I have decided to give my son some money for his independence_ the family.6I spent a relaxing morning on the ship while watching the sunrise _ the sea.7Have you decided how to go to Beijing,_ train or plane?8Sometimes we stood on the beach and watched the boats traveling _ the lake.9Missing school to watch the football match is out _ the question.10Your new birdhouse will hang unoccupied for a few weeks before _ birds settle.答案:1.on2.to/with3.in4.in/with5.from6.over7.by8.on9.of10.in.完成句子1The boy _ _ _ _ _ _(向他的老师道歉) for being late for school.2_ _ _ _ _(日复一日),no matter what the weather is like, he walks one hour.3The railway lines _ _ _(与平行) the road, so they will never meet.4As we all know, China is a country which _ _ _(在方面丰富) natural resources.5We cant go out in this weather; it is _ _ _ _(不可能的)。6She _ _(安顿下来) a foreign country and had a happy life after she retired.7In front of the office building _ _ _ _(停着一辆警车)8The country_ _ _ _(被西方人统治)before being liberated.答案:1.made an apology to his teacher2.Day in and day out3are parallel to4.is abundant in5.out of the question6.settled in7.stopped a police car8.was governed by westerners.完成填空I used to believe in the American Dream, which meant a job, a mortgage (按揭), credit cards, success. I wanted it and worked toward it like everyone else, all of us _1_ chasing the same thing. One year, through a series of unhappy events, it all fell _2_.I found myself homeless and alone. I had my truck and $56.I _3_ the countryside for some place I could rent for the _4_possible amount. I came upon a shabby house four miles up a winding mountain road _5_ the Potomac River in West Virginia.It was_6_,full of broken glass and rubbish. I found the owner, rented it, and_7_a corner to camp in. The locals knew nothing about me,_8_slowly, they started teaching me the_9_of being a neighbor. They dropped off blankets,candles, and tools, and began_10_around to chat. They started to teach me a belief in a _11_ American Dreamnot the one of individual achievement but of _12_.What I had believed in, all those things I thought were _13_for a civilized life, were nonexistent in this place._14_on the mountain, my most valuable possessions were my_15_with my neighbors.Four years later, I moved back into_16_. I saw many people were having a really hard time,_17_ their jobs and homes. I managed to rent a big enough house to_18_a handful of people. There are four of us now in the house, but over time Ive had nine people e in and move on to other places. Wed all be in _19_ if we hadnt banded together.The American Dream I believe in now is a shared one. Its not so much about what I can get for myself; its about _20_ we can all get by together.文章大意:本文为记叙文,题材为个人经历,主要讲述了“我”对美国梦的不同理解。1A.separatelyBequallyCviolentlyDnaturally答案:A我们每个人都各自追求着同一个梦想。separately各自地,分别地;equally平等地;violently猛烈地,激烈地;naturally自然地。2A.offBapartCoverDout答案:B根据下文I found myself homeless and alone可知“我”做的那些事都失败了,故选B项。fall off减少;fall apart破裂,崩溃;fall over不运转;fall out掉落。3A.crossedBleftCtouredDsearched答案:D“我”在农村寻找一处“我”能租得起的房子。cross横穿,越过;leave离开;tour周游,旅行;search搜寻。4A.fullestBlargestCfairestDcheapest答案:D根据下文a shabby house的提示可知“我”想以最低的价格租房子,故选D项。fullest最满的;largest最大的;fairest最公平的,最公正的;cheapest最便宜的。5A.atBthroughCoverDround答案:C沿着蜿蜒的山路行四英里,跨过西弗吉尼亚的波托马克河,“我”找到了一处破旧的房子。at在地点,在时刻;through在中间穿过;round在周围。6A.occupiedBabandonedCemptiedDrobbed答案:B那是一处废弃的房子,里面到处是破碎的玻璃和垃圾。occupy占领,占据;abandon丢弃,放弃,遗弃,抛弃;empty倒空;rob抢劫。7A.turnedBapproachedCclearedDcut答案:C根据上文房子里到处是玻璃和垃圾,“我”如果要住进去,当然要先清除垃圾,故选C项。turn转动,转身;approach靠近;clear清除;cut砍,割。8A.butBalthoughCotherwiseDfor答案:A根据下文邻居们开始教“我”如何和邻居相处可知上下文构成转折关系,故选A项。but但是;although尽管;otherwise否则;for因为。9A.benefitBlessonCnatureDart答案:D当地人对“我”一无所知,但慢慢地,他们开始教给“我”作为邻居的艺术。benefit益处;lesson课业,教训;nature自然,本质;art艺术。10A.stickingBlookingCswingingDturning答案:A他们放下毯子、蜡烛和工具,然后开始待在附近闲聊。stick around待在附近,逗留;look around环顾,环视;swing摇摆,摇荡,摆动;turn around转身。11A.wildBrealCdifferentDremote答案:C根据下文not the one of individual achievement可知现在“我”对美国梦的理解和以前不一样了,故选C项。wild野性的,野蛮的,荒野的;real真的;remote遥远的,偏僻的。12A.neighborlinessBhappinessCfriendlinessDkindness答案:A根据上文美国梦不是个体的成就可推断应该是邻里之间的友善,故选A项。neighborliness睦邻友好;happiness幸福,快乐;friendliness友好;kindness善良。13A.uniqueBexpensiveCrareDnecessary答案:D我过去坚信的文明生活所必需的所有的东西在这里都不存在。unique独特的,独一无二的;expensive昂贵的;rare稀少的,稀罕的;necessary必要的,必需的。14A.UpBDownCDeepDAlong答案:A根据第二段中four miles up a winding mountain road可知答案。15A.cooperationBrelationshipsCsatisfactionDappointments答案:B根据上文可知答案。cooperation合作;relationship关系;satisfaction满意,满足;appointment约会,委派,任命,约定。16A.realityBsocietyCtownDlife答案:C根据第二段内容可知,“我”当时沦落到去农村租便宜的房子,所以这里指四年后“我”又回到了镇上,故选C项。reality现实,事实;society社会;life生活。17A.creatingBlosingCquittingDoffering答案:B根据上文having a really hard time可判断很多人失去了他们的工作和房产,故选B项。create创造;lose丢失,失去;quit放弃;offer提供。18A.put inBturn inCtake inDget in答案:C根据下文可知“我”在自己的大房子里收容了很多人,故选C项。put in打断,插话;turn in上交;take in收容,让进入;get in进入,收获。19A.yardsBsheltersCcampsDcottages答案:B要不是过去“我们”团结合作共渡难关的话,“我们”现在都会在避难所了。yard院子;shelter避难所,躲避处;camp营地;cottage农舍,小屋。20A.whenBwhatCwhetherDhow答案:D真正的美国梦不在于“我”为自己获得了多少东西,而更在于“我们”如何实现共同的目标。.阅读理解In July of 1914, during World War I my grandfather, a career soldier in the Belgian army, was so severely wounded in his left arm that the surgeons couldnt determine if they should cut his arm off at the shoulder or at the elbow. He begged the doctors not to cut off his arm, and when he woke up from the operation, he slowly patted his left side: shoulder, elbow, hand. His arm was saved but his arm was useless hanging from his left side for the rest of his life. During World War II my grandfather once again faced an invading army of Hitlers Nazi troops in May of 1940. My grandfather quickly joined the Belgian underground, a resistance movement called the Dame Blanche. By luck, my grandfather heard that the Nazis got wind of his activities and he fled Belgium, escaped to Spain, where he was captured and placed in a prison camp but then was part of an exchange program with England: gasoline for Spain; prisoners of war for England. During his four years in England my grandfather broadcast encouraging words to his country, helped thousands of European refugees who were able to escape to England, and at the end of the war, he was a significant player in the reconstruction of Europe having received personal awards from Gen. Dwight Eisenhower and British Gen. Bernard Law Montgomery.My grandfather also loved flowers. When he retired from the army as a full general, he came to America every two years with my grandmother. During the summer he spent much of his time weeding, creating garden borders, loosening the earth, working the soil with his good right hand. Now when I see the flowers I will think of what my grandfather did in my garden. I will think of his smile and what he did to help preserve freedom for everyone in the world.文章大意:文章描写了爷爷在第一次世界大战和第二次世界大战中一些典垢经历,以及退休后爷爷的生活。1What is the purpose of the author in the passage?ATo tell his grandfather worked for the Nazi.BTo show his grandfather longed for freedom.CTo imply World War II caused great harm.DTo be proud his grandfather worked for England.答案:B主旨大意题。文章最后一句话表明了爷爷是一位为了自由英勇斗争的战士。因此选项B正确。2Grandfather was put into a prison camp in Spain _.Abecause he escaped to Spain illegallyBbecause he was captured by the NazisCbecause he turned against his countryDbecause he was sold out by his party答案:B依据文章第二段中的“my grandfather beard that the Nazis got wind of his activities and he fled Belgium, escaped to Spain, where he was captured and placed in a prison camp”可知,爷爷听说纳粹在追捕他,便逃离比利时到了西班牙,在那里他被抓获,并被关押在一个战俘营里。由此可知选项B正确。3Grandfather was given personal awards because _.Ahe helped European refugees in SpainBhe set up a useful broadcasting panyChe did a lot in the reconstruction of EuropeDhe had lost one of his arms in the war答案:C细节理解题。依据文章第二段中“he was a significant player in the reconstruction of Europe”可知,在欧洲重建的过程中,爷爷的作用是不可磨灭的。因此选项C正确。4It can be inferred from the last paragraph that _.Ahis grandfather has settled down in AmericaBhis grandfather shows great love for lifeChis grandfather prefers gardening to anything elseDhis grandfather was still a soldier when retiring答案:B推理判断题。依据文章尾段可知,作者眼中已经退休的大将、带有一只伤残胳膊的爷爷,是那么精心地侍弄园中的花草,由这件事可以看出爷爷是一个热爱生活的老人。故选项B正确。.语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。To a Filipino middleclass family, the New Year celebration is not plete without 12 kinds of roundshaped fruits on the dining table which the family members partake after the stroke of midnight on Dec.31.This is a Chinese tradition in_1_(wele)New Year which the Filipinos have adopted. The Chinese, however, need to have only eight round fruits on the table_2_the number 8 signifies good luck. For Filipinos the belief is_3_the 12 round fruits represent 12 months of the year and assure good fortune to the family members all year round.As a tropical country, it is not_4_(difficulty)in the Philippines to find roundshaped fruits such as oranges, watermelons, mangoes, pineapples, guavas, rambutans, jackfruits, and peaches.In the Chinese tradition, the pineapple is an important fruit _5_the New Year celebration because the “eyes”of the fruit _6_(symbol) success in ones career and more opportunities in _7_ing year._8_the Philippines, however, the pineapple is not given such importance. Filipinos do not place pineapples outdoors or on windowsills as some traditional Chinese families _9_.But most Filipino families have adopted the Chinese custom of presenting red envelopes with new crisp peso (the Philippine currency) bills to children. Many Filipinos also believe that_10_(have) money in their pockets and wallets at the stroke of midnight on New Years Eve will ensure a prosperous ing year. 1_ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6_ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._答案:1.weling2.because3.that4.difficult5.for6.symbolize7.the8.In9.do10.having


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