2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 3 Australia测试题 新人教版选修9.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 3 Australia测试题 新人教版选修9第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AOn my first job as a sports editor, I didnt get a lot of fan mails, so I was surprised to see a letter on my desk one morning. When I opened it, I read: “Sweet piece of writing on the Tigers. Keep up the good work.” It was signed (署名) by Don Wolfe, the sports editor. Because I was a green hand, his words could not have been more encouraging. I kept the letter in my desk drawer for a long time. Whenever I doubted I had the talent to be an editor, I would reread Dons note and be confident again.Later, when I got to know him, I learned that Don had a habit of writing encouraging notes to people in all walks of life. “When I make others feel good about themselves,” he told me, “I feel good, too.” Why are encouraging note writers in such short supply? My guess is that many who shy away from the practice are too self-conscious. They are afraid they will be misunderstood. Also, writing takes time and it is far easier to pick up the phone. The disadvantage with phone calls, of course, is that they do not last. It is a matter of record, and our words in a note can be read more than once and treasured. So, who around you deserves a note of thanks or approval? A neighbor, your librarian, a relative, your mate, a teacher, or a doctor? Words such as “greatest”, “smartest”, “prettiest” make us all feel good. Even if your praise runs a little ahead of reality, remember that expectations are often the parents of dreams realized.1. What might be the authors purpose in writing the text? A. To express thanks to the sports editor.B. To tell us the power of encouraging notes. C. To explain how to write encouraging notes. D. To ask readers to give encouragement to others. 2. Why did the sports editor write the author a letter?A. To fort him. B. To give him a new task. C. To promote his business. D. To encourage him to work better. 3. The author doesnt suggest making a phone call because _.A. it doesnt last B. it is quite direct C. it can be recorded D. it is easier to misunderstand4. From the text, we can infer that _.A. being a sports editor is not very interesting B. where there is a dream, there is a hopeC. Don Wolfe used to be a sportsmanD. people like to be praisedBMost of the energy we use now is made from “non-renewable” sources. The good news is we have plenty of alternatives the wind, sun and water can provide “renewable (可再生的) energy” which will never run out and does not give off carbon dioxide and therefore is good for the environment.So, what would a world powered by nature look like? Lets think about how your day might change. As you are woken up, the solar panels (太阳能电池板) on your roof would heat the water you bathe with. In the kitchen your mum would make breakfast with a kettle that could tell you just how much energy you are using, and where its ing from maybe from solar panels too. As you and your family leave the house, a “Smart” energy meter (仪表) would be able to tell you the amount of energy your family has used so far.You would get in your familys electric car, which would not give off any bad smoke. On your way to school, you would notice all the houses you pass have solar panels on their roofs and maybe a small wind turbine (风力涡轮机) if they were built on a hill, and some have water tanks collecting rain water to be reused. There would be no petrol stations, but you might see many other stations instead, where you could recharge (再充电) your car. Your school would also look different. Like your house, the roof would probably be covered with solar panels. Inside, the school would be heated by a biomass boiler (生物质锅炉), which burns recycled wood chips. A renewable cooling system in the school means that in the summer it will never get too warm!To make this renewable future possible, we need to think carefully about where our energy es from and how we use it. 5. What wouldnt you see on the way to school according to the text? A. Petrol stations. B. Solar panels on the roofs. C. Small wind turbines. D. Water tanks collecting rain water. 6. Which of the following best describes the world mentioned in the text? A. Healthy and safe. B. Convenient but unpractical. C. Energy-saving but too plex.D. Intelligent and free from pollution. 7. Which might be the best title for the text? A. Life in the future B. A world powered by nature C. The ways to preserve energyD. Renewable energy in the future CIf you have ever wondered what Noah s Ark (诺亚方舟), the enormous boat that saved Noah, his family and two examples of every animal species on the earth, may have looked like, you are in luck. Thats because a Dutchman (荷兰人) has created a life-size replica (复制品).Johan Huibers says he was inspired to build a boat after he dreamt that his country was pletely flooded! The carpenter began by creating a smaller version of what he likes to call Johans Ark in xx. Not surprisingly, it was an instant hit with tourists. Encouraged by the success, he used the funds generated from ticket sales, and in xx recruited (雇用) his two children and some friends, to build a version of the same size as the one described in the Bible.Whats even more amazing is the detail that lies inside. Just like the real deal, Johan has built storage spaces at the bottom of the ship where food can be kept for long periods of time. A curved (弯曲的) upper deck (甲板) is not only designed to accumulate rainwater, but also, serve as an “exercise” track for animals like horses and big cats! As for the animals? While the area inside is big enough to allow two real elephants to dance, Johan has restrained (抑制) that impulse! Instead, he has populated it with plastic substitutes of the animal and also giraffes, zebras and even buffalos (野牛)all life-size of course! But smaller species like chickens, sheep and rabbits got luckier. They are all alive and seem to be enjoying their life inside the Arks “petting” zoo. 8. What pushed Johan to start making a life-size replica of Noahs Ark?A. An interest in the Bible.B. Fear of the end of the world.C. The success of Johans first boat. D. A terrible experience in the Netherlands. 9. A curved upper deck is specially designed to _.A. store plenty of food B. hold more large animalsC. meet the need of animals D. prevent rainwater from getting in10. The underlined part “that impulse” in the last paragraph refers to “_”. A. taking small animals onboardB. bringing in large live animals C. using plastic substitutes of animals D. collecting all the animals in the world 11. In which section of a newspaper can you most probably read the text? A. Funny tales. B. The world of animals.C. Science and technology.D. Fantastic and amazing news.D Movies ing soonThe CroodsLength of time: 1 hour 32 minutesStyle: Family, ActionRelease date (上映日期): March 22, xxDirectors: Kirk De Micco, Chris SandersStarring: Nicolas Cage, Emma Stone, Ryan ReynoldsSummary A prehistoric family are forced to flee their cave after its destroyed by a disaster that threatens to change their lives forever in this animated (动画制作的) film featuring the voices of Nicolas Cage and Emma Stone. As a protective caveman father leads his family out of harms way, the clan (家族) crosses paths with a clever teen named Guy (voice of Ryan Reynolds), who offers to help them reach a distant land where they will be safe from a terrible disaster that will soon change the entire world.AdmissionLength of time: 1 hour 47 minutesStyle: edyRelease date: March 22, xxDirector: Paul WeitzStarring: Tina Fey, Paul Rudd, Nat WolffSummaryTina Fey and Paul Rudd star in director Paul Weitzs edy about an honest Princeton admissions officer. The officer meets a teenager who may be her long-lost son while recruiting (招收) students from an alternative high school. Years ago, Portia Nathan (Fey) quietly gave her newborn son up for adoption. Now shes got a great career recruiting students for Princeton University. Then, one day, she receives an unexpected call from her close college classmate John Pressman (Rudd), who runs an alternative high school thats home to some very gifted students. One such student is Jeremiah (Nat Wolff), who John believes could be the son that Portia gave up for adoption back in her youth. Meanwhile, as Portia puts her career in danger by changing Jeremiahs transcript (成绩单), an unexpected love story begins to happen.12. Who is a film director?A. Paul Weitz.B. Emma Stone.C. Paul Rudd. D. Nicolas Cage.13. In the movie The Croods, the escaping family is led by _.A. Ryan ReynoldsB. a smart teen C. the father D. the mother14. It can be inferred that John Pressman _.A. is played by Nat Wolff B. has adopted Portias childC. changes Jeremiahs transcriptD. knows about Portias experience15. In which section of a newspaper can we most probably read the text?A. New movies. B. Movie reviews.C. Adventure movies. D. Movie stars.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。How to prevent nearsightednessMyopia (近视), or nearsightedness, can be a severe inconvenience and may even cause big troubles when we operate cars or heavy machinery. Here are some tips that may help you to prevent myopia.1. 16 Whether its for the love of books or because you are studying for a test that just happens to take place tomorrow, dont overdo it. This means either getting away from a page-turner (引人入胜的书) or starting your studies a few days earlier. If prolonged (持续很久的) reading cant be avoided, try taking regular breaks to rest your eyes or take a nap (小睡). 2. Consume lots of eye-protecting vitamins (维生素). 17 Its very meaningful to get kids to eat this healthy orange vegetable, which is rich in vitamins. Still, good doses (剂量) of multi-vitamins will improve not only your eyesight but your health in general. 3. Do your reading or focusing in a well-lit room. Weak light may cause damage to your eyes and result in the need for glasses. 18 Buy a reading light or just turn on a bright lamp. 4. Be mindful of the distance between your eyes and the object youre focusing on. 19 It will also cause your head to ache and may dry out your eyes. 5. 20 Early detection of nearsightedness can lead to quick treatment and less serious symptoms. A. Try not to read for long lengths of time.B. You should also eat a lot of other green vegetables. C. Talk to an eye care doctor at the first signs of eye trouble. D. Of course the first choice that es to mind is the carrot.E. It will also give you a headache and cause you to bee tired.F. Encourage more outdoor activities, such as running, cycling and playing tennis. G. Whether its a book or the television, being too close is going to bother your eyes.第二部分 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)My morning routine includes stopping at the local convenient store to buy the Daily News. One morning not long ago, the convenience of the store proved 21 to people stuck in the 22 behind two small boys. As I approached the counter (柜台) to 23 the attendant, I noticed the two little guys standing at the front of the line, which was growing 24 by the minute. The man behind the counter was clearly agitated (心烦意乱的) with the boys as his 25 rose above the morning chatter in the store and he said to them, “Look, you 26 nineteen cents more to pay for this candy. If you dont have it, you dont 27 it.”I 28, as the small boys shuffled (移步) from one foot to another without any 29, just staring at the attendant, their wide eyes filled with tears. The people waiting 30 in line began to plain loudly, “Lets go, boys!” I shouted 31 the noise, “Ive got the nineteen cents. Take this dollar for my 32 and keep the change towards their candy.”The attendant seemed relieved to have the matter settled. Everyone in the line turned to look at me with the 33 of the two small boys who quickly snatched (抓住) the candy and 34 the store.I handed over the dollar, smiled at the attendant and left. As I made my way to my car, a small voice called out to me, “Hey, Lady!” I 35 to see one of the boys standing around the corner of the building. “That was pretty 36!”He was gone. I suppose it was a “thank you” of sorts and I was content to 37 that I would be the topic of their small 38 that morning. I was the “cool lady” who saved the day by paying for their candy. It made me smile to think that my small 39 had brightened their little world, even if for a 40.21.A. differentB. dangerousC. inconvenientD. important22.A. trafficB. lineC. waterD. mud23.A. recognizeB. thankC. pay D. serve24.A. hotterB. heavierC. thinnerD. longer25.A. voiceB. spiritC. powerD. price26.A. saveB. needC. earnD. collect27.A. getB. prepareC. carryD. finish28.A. respondedB. watchedC. stoodD. smiled29.A. reasonB. newsC. moneyD. word30.A. angrilyB. tenselyC. impatientlyD. sadly31.A. withinB. alongC. forD. above32.A. foodB. giftC. paperD. box33.A. exceptionB. changeC. noticeD. help34.A. searchedB. leftC. reachedD. managed35.A. turnedB. happenedC. choseD. tended36.A. easyB. braveC. satisfyingD. cool37.A. reportB. jokeC. proveD. think38.A. meetingB. argumentC. conversationD. article39.A. actionB. requestC. businessD. fortune40.A. lifeB. momentC. friendD. boy第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。W: I think I should give up my job in the hotel. Im tired of 41 now.M: Why do you resign your 42 there?W: I have worked in this hotel for a long time. And I want to find a new job 43 a change. M: Any other reasons?W: Of course. You see, 44 (work) in the hotel takes up too much time every day. I have to stay in the hotel from morning till night, 45 is rather boring. M: Sure, its true and it is a mon situation for most hotels. W: Well, apart from that, the salary is not good enough for my work. M: What are you going to do 46 you give up your job in the hotel?W: You know, I 47 (major) in English at university. So far, I have got a job in a foreign trade pany. 48 boss has already agreed to accept me. M: How about the pay in that pany?W: Of course its much 49 (high). Whats more, its more challenging and I shall learn more in the new pany. I will begin to work in this pany next month.M: 50 (congratulate)! Hope everything goes smoothly in your new pany. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 第三部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节 短文改错 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(/),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。 Nelson Mandela, a freedom fighter, was active in fighting against the equal rights of black people. During the time where Mandela lived, many blacks had no rights to voting and were out of work. They were put into position where they had either to accept they were more important, or fight the government. Mandela called on the blacks to attack the laws. Only when the peacefully way was of no use did we answer violence with violence. But to realize their dream, they blow up some government buildings. No matter what difficulties they were facing with, nothing could prevent their struggling. 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)假设你是高三学生李华,你的美国笔友John来信说他对汉语很感兴趣,希望你能给他一些学习汉语的建议。请给他写一封回信,包括以下要点:1. 养成每天学汉语的习惯;2. 多听,多看(影像资料),多模仿。注意:1. 词数100左右; 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考答案:1-15 BDADA DBCCB DACDA16-20 ADEGC 21-40 CBCDA BABDC DCABA DDCAB41. it 42. job 43. for 44. working 45. which46. after47. majored 48. The 49. higher 50. Congratulations短文改错 Nelson Mandela, a freedom fighter, was active in fighting against the equal rights of black people. forDuring the time where Mandela lived,whenmany blacks had no rights to voting and were out of work. They votewere put into position where they had either to accept they were more important, or fight the government. a lessMandela called on the blacks to attack the laws. Only when the peacefully way was of no use did peacefulwe answer violence with violence. But to realize their dream, they blow up some government buildings.they So blewNo matter what difficulties they were facing, nothing could prevent their struggling. 或把facing改为faced 书面表达Dear John,I am glad to receive your letter. In your letter, you mentioned that you are interested in learning Chinese and want me to give you some advice on it. I would like to give you some tips which I think can be helpful to you.Firstly, you should know that Chinese learning is not something easy. You should develop good learning habits and set aside some time every day to read or write Chinese. Secondly, you should listen more and watch more, especially some Chinese films. Try to imitate the pronunciation while listening or watching. Thirdly, you should try to speak Chinese as much as you can. You can find a Chinese friend and practice speaking with him. The more you practice, the better you can speak. Yours sincerely, Li Hua


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