2019-2020年高中英语 Module 5 The Great Sports Personality 综合检测 外研版必修5.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Module 5 The Great Sports Personality 综合检测 外研版必修5.语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1The recent stories in this magazine,_ one of yours, have been_in the list of the best ones.Aincluding;includedBincluded;includingCincludes;included Dincluding;includes2Our school team_very well in the game yesterday and won the first place.Ainformed BperformedCreformed Duniformed3Being able to speak another language fluently could be a great_when you are looking for a job.Aadvantage BchanceChelp Dimportance4It is known to all that_you exercise regularly, you wont keep good health.Aunless BwheneverCalthough Dif5The chairman declared the meeting_in the end.Aclosed BclosingCopen Dopening6Hard work can often_a lack of intelligence.Amake up Bmake up forCmake up of Dmakes up7Can you help Mary with her English?Sorry, but I am_her at English.Ano good than Bnot better thanCno better than Dno worse than8He tried his best to solve the problem,_difficult it was.Ahowever Bno matterCwhatever Dalthough9It was because of bad weather_ the football match had to be put off.Aso Bso thatCwhy Dthat10_everything she needed _, she left the supermarket with satisfaction.AAs;buying BFor;to buyCWith;bought DBecause;to buy11_ to give up smoking, he threw away his_ cigarettes.ADetermined;remainedBDetermined;remainingCDetermining;remainedDDetermining;remaining 12The factory produces half a million pairs of shoes every year, 80%_are sold abroad.Aof which Bwhich ofCof them Dof that13Helen had to shout_.Amaking herself hearBto make herself hearCmaking herself heardDto make herself heard14_told to stop, the excited children kept on talking in class, so I got angry.AAs BWhenCWhile DThough15What do you want to do next? We have half an hour until the basketball game._.Whatever you want to do is fine with me.AIt just depends BIts up to you CAll right DGlad to hear that .完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) The Badge(徽章)of HonorI remember when my first son, Chris, was a baby.My husband dragged him out in all kinds of weather to go to AA meetings.Chris was_16_from person to person.One of the biggest, most handsome guys in the room always_17_say,“e on, man, give me the_18_.”One day, Chris threw his soft semiliquid(半流体的)food all over this guy.And this welldressed man, who was from one of the wealthier_19_in the munity was wearing what was an obviously_20_leather jacket.I just breathed noisily, and he_21_, and cleaned himself up.I apologized profusely(大量地), and tried to_22_him to let me pay to have his jacket_23_, but I failed.About a year later, this very_24_man led the meeting on his AA birthday.I had been_25_to attend as the mother of the baby.The man sat in the front of the_26_with my baby on his lap, and told his story.The whole group had watery eyes as he related_27_it meant for him to hold Christopher.He said, “I cant_28_these two people let a worthless drunk(酒鬼) like me_29_their brandnew(崭新的) baby.It kept me_30_every day just so I could hold the baby.” Then he showed the crowd the stain(污迹)on the_31_, and said, “This here is my badge(徽章) of honor.You all think its a_32_that cant be removed.To be honest, I wont let them try.This is visible proof _33_somebody thinks Im worthwhile.” I_34_said another word about George_35_either of the kids to the meetings.God needed them to work his miracles.16A.handed in Blooked afterCwaited for Dpassed around17A.could BshouldCmight Dwould18A.cup BpackCcookie Dbaby19A.schools BfamiliesCgroups Dpany20A.cheap BnewCexpensive Dbright21A.smiled BcriedCleft Dmissed22A.get BletChave Dtell23A.changed BcleanedCfixed Dtidied24A.same BsimpleCdifferent Dclever25A.forced BaskedCinvited Dtold26A.bus BbuildingCroom Dtable27A.how heavy Bhow muchChow often Dhow big28A.hear BunderstandCrealize Dbelieve29A.hold BseeCkiss Dtake30A.looking back Bgoing onCgoing away Ding back31A.trousers BjacketCbody Dshoes32A.stain BlightCdrop Dcolor33A.what BwhereCthat Dunless34A.never BalwaysCsometimes Doften35A.pulling BdraggingCcalling Drunning.阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)AThe Chinese American actor Bruce Lee, was born in San Francisco on November 27, 1940.Born a sickly child, he was named Li Jun Fan a female name by his mother to avoid evil spirits(恶鬼)His dad an Hong Kong opera singer returned back to Hong Kong along with his family in 1941.As a kid martial arts(武术) and bodybuilding(健美运动) were his only interest, studies didnt interest him.In 1946 he appeared in first of many films as a child actor.He appeared in 20 movies and rarely in school.He soon became involved with a gang and his mother shipped him back to America before his 18th birthday so he could claim his dualcitizenship(双重国籍) and avoid ending up in prison.He soon picked up a job teaching the Wing Chun style of martial arts that he had learned in Hong Kong.Lee could not get Hollywood to embrace him and returned to Hong Kong to make films.He made the Fists of Fury (1971), his martial arts debut(初次登场)Almost immediately, he became a pop figure, and the worldwide martial arts phenomenon(现象) was under way.The plots of all films he made were uniform: Lee makes a promise not to fight; people close to Lee are exploited(剥削) and Lee kills in revenge(报复)The films set boxoffice records in Asia and Hollywood finally gave him an action movie.But Lee died a month before the release of his first US film Enter the Dragon, considered the king of Kung Fu movies.During the filming of Game of Death, Lee died mysteriously of brain edema(浮肿)36Why Bruce Lee was given a girls name when he was born? Because_. Ahe looked like a girlBhe was often illChe was often attacked by evilDhis dad liked girl very much37The underlined word “embrace” in the second paragraph probably means_.Aallow Baccept Crefuse Dlike38Bruce Lee became famous in his_.A10sB20sC30sD40s39From this passage we can learn about Bruce Lee_.Ahis parents took him to American and became an AmericanBhe took part in filming when he was only 6 years old Che didnt study anything except martial artsDhis first famous movie was filmed in Hollywood in America40Bruce Lee died in Hollywood when he was filming_.AFists of FuryBEnter the DragonCGame of Death DStars of Martial ArtsBShe was only 15 years old and her life has changed forever.Few people knew the name Fan Ye until the pretty Chinese girl won a gold medal on the balance beam (平衡木) at the 37th World Gymnastics Championships in the on Aug.25,xx.It wasnt all easy, though.After performing well at the start, Fan and her teammates struggled at the championships.Unfamiliar with the new rules, they missed out on a team medal and finished fourth.Then Fan made an even bigger mistakefalling from the uneven bars(高低杠)。“I cried hard after the uneven bars, but I knew my tears would not help in the petition,” she said.“The only thing I could do was to follow my normal pattern on the balance beam.”Her coach, Lu Shanzhen, knows young people make mistakes and that Fan will probably fall again on her way to more success.But she quickly moved out of the shadows in the balance beam petition.To win her first world title was an emotional moment for little Fan Ye.There were tears in her eyes as she received her medal.“I was so excited,” she said, “The national anthem was played just for me!”Strong on the uneven bars and balance beam, and talented at floor exercises (自由体操), she hopes to win an allaround (全能)title.She has set her sights on the xx Olympics in Athens and then xx Games in Beijing.Fan is determined to be a success, just like her heroine the Russian gymnast Svetlana Khorkina, who won the allround title at the championships.“After seven or eight years, I hope I am still so beautiful and have such great skills.” Fan said.活页裁切线41.Choose the right order of the following facts.aShe is only 15 years old and her life has changed forever.bFan made an even bigger mistake.cShe win her first world title.dTo win an allround title.eShe quickly moved out of the shadows.Ab e c a d Ba b c d eCb e c d a Da b e c d42How old is Fan when she attend the Olympics in Beijing?A15.B16.C19.D20.43Where did Fan got her first gold medal on the balance beam?AIn America. BIn Beijing.CIn Athens. DIn Russia.44What do you think will help her win an allround title?AFan is strong on the uneven bars.BFan is also strong on balance beam.CShe is talented at floor exercise.DAll the above.45Which can be chosen as the BEST title of the article?AGolden girlFan YeBA successful athleteCAn bigger mistakeDChina won his first gold medalCJanuary 4,xxLately Ive been busy in Beijing having meetings to discuss my new movie.I also attended John Wus ceremony(典礼) of his new movie,Red Cliff,which took two years to plete.Im good friends with the director John Wu and the main actor Tony Leung.January 5,xxToday I went to record a television program for Beijing TV called Volunteers Across China.This TV program is a largescale reality show that is based on the idea that “good people reap good rewards” and it hopes to encourage people to be more aware and help the “good people” who are in difficult situations.January 6,xxIm very pleased to announce that my Jackie Chan automobile website is set up and officially operating! I hope that through this automotive website,I can get in touch with more people who want to buy cars.January 7,xxToday,I went to record a song called Zhongguo Nian.This song was written by Chang Shilei.I sing this song together with Tan Jing.Chang Shilei is a naturally talented musician.He also has an interesting habit.His piano is placed next to his bed.When he wakes up,he plays the piano until hes tired,and then he lies down on his bed to sleep.January 9,xxToday I met with the producer and director of Longwei Xiaozi,and I also brought along my friends daughter for a screen test.Although my friends daughter grew up in China,her English is very good and it just happened by chance that this movie needs a young actress for a part,so I took her along to audition (试演)46What might be the BEST title for this passage?AMy new movie BMy busy lifeCMy good friend DMy favorite song47The TV program Volunteers Across China tries to_.Afind some rich people who are able to help the poor.Bencourage people to look after the young.Cask people to help “good people” who are in trouble.Dmake China more and more famous all over the world.48The underlined word “announce” in the third paragraph means_.Atell sb. sth. officiallyBtell sb. what you thinkCtell sb. to do sth.Dsay that sth. must happen49With whom does the author sing the song Zhongguo Nian?AJohn Wu. BTony Leung.CChang Shilei. DTan Jing.50What can we infer from the text?AIt took the author two years to finish the movie Red Cliff.BPeople who are in trouble can ask Beijing TV for help.CChang Shilei is a famous actor who is good at playing the piano.DLongwei Xiaozi needs a young actress for a part who can speak English well.DDo you want to know how plants talk to each other? They do not have the same language as humans but they have their own ways.Recent research by scientists at Kyoto University, Japan, describes how the Lima bean plant protects itself and its neighbours from the spider mite (六点黄蜘蛛) or the red spider.It sends out clear distress signals(遇险信号)It does it very silently.The Lima bean plant gives off chemicals to send the message of a troublesome intruder(入侵者) to all its neighbours.That is the signal for all the plants to get their defense mechanisms working.Plants all over the world have qualities, which make them special in their own ways.Some plants produce chemicals that give the leaves and root a strong taste or smell of chillies, spices and herbs used for cooking.These matters either discourage or even kill insects and other animals that might try to eat the plant.Since plants cannot escape from animals that feed on them, many have developed features to protect them against plant eating animals.The two main defenses that plants use are armour(铁甲) and poison.In the Galapagos Islands cacti(仙人掌) grow a thick stalk more than two metres tall putting the tender leaves well out of the reach of the giant tortoises.Japanese azaleas(杜鹃花) produce poisonous chemicals that let them survive even among hungry deer.Some of these chemical matters may even prevent the growth of nearby plants.For example, radishes(萝卜) produce a chemical substance, which slows the growth of spinach(菠菜)Similarly, walnut and apple trees cannot grow together because chemicals released from walnut tree kill the apple tree.51The first paragraph mainly tells us_.Ahow Lima bean plant helps its neighboursBhow Lima bean plant pass on distress messagesCwhy Lima bean plant can survive many insectsDhow Lima bean plants defense mechanisms work52The underlined word “troublesome” probably has the same meaning with_.Aboring BsurprisingCdisappointing Dpainful53The following are all ways that plants protect themselves EXCEPT_.Asome plants give off smelly smellBsome plants have protective coveringCsome plants make poisonous liquidDsome plants dont let the animals go near54The examples in the last paragraph want to tell_.Aa certain plant can influnce another plantBany two plants cannot grow togetherCapple trees cant be planted with spinachDdeer dont eat azaleas(杜鹃花)55From this passage we can learn_.Aplants can talk to each other as people do Bplants continuously develop to adapted themselves to new environmentCall plants can escape from being destroyed by their enemiesDwe cant eat fruits whose trees cant live together.阅读表达 (共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)1Psychology (心理学) tells us that many people hate to take risks.But it is good for us to take risks, especially when the risk is to achieve a desired result.In that way, we bee stronger and braver.2Our human nature should be to take risks, but some people just sit and wish they didnt have the fear to move on.This is because of one or two failures in their lives.Please step out and dont let the past hold you back from living life to the fullest.Move forward and move on!3In studying the psychology of taking risks, we find that human nature provides us with the desire to experiment and take chances.4Risk taking is a great benefit that allowed our ancestors (祖先) to bee stronger and stronger day by day.By taking risks they fought off enemies and discovered new land.This attitude has bee a part of our modern culture.Riding a roller coaster is a mon risk taking activity that even the average person seems to enjoy although they have the understanding that it is dangerous.5Getting in a car each day is a risk.Getting out of bed is a risk.We need to take risks so that we can finish many things.Astronauts take risks when they get inside a rocket; however, the things they achieve are great.Businessmen take a risk when they buy parts of a pany.However, without doing that, they could not make more money.6We need to take risks so that we can gain something.It is impossible to move forward in life, earn money, enjoy a relationship, play a sport, or do anything else_.It is all part of the game.Its one of the most important parts of life.56What quality does the author think has made us stronger and braver? (No more than 5 words)_57Why does the author mention astronauts and businessmen in the fifth paragraph? (No more than 10 words) _58Please fill in the blank in the last paragraph with proper words or phrases to plete the sentence.(No more than 10 words) _59Why do people ride a roller coaster although they know it is dangerous? (No more than 10 words)_60What is the main idea of the passage? (No more than 10 words) _.写作(满分30分)请根据以下关于电影xx的内容写一篇短文,介绍电影的主要内容,并谈谈你的感想。主要情节由于自然环境和资源长期被人类破坏,地球的平衡系统面临崩溃,各种各样的自然灾害大规模爆发。人们寻求能帮助他们逃脱灾难的诺亚方舟。面对灾害,来自不同国家的人们共同努力,在方舟中度过了这一全球性的灾害,获得了继续生存和发展的希望。你的感想?注意:1.对所给要点,逐一陈述,适当发挥,不要简单翻译;2词数120150;开头已写好,但不计入总词数。参考词汇:崩溃collapse;大规模地on a large scale;诺亚方舟Noahs ArkFilm xx tells a story that happens in xx._综合检测(五)1A考查include一词的用法。第一个空应该用非谓语形式,用介词including;第二个空用动词的过去分词。2B考查形似词的辨析。inform“通知”;perform“表演,表现”;reform“改革”;uniform n“制服”。根据语境应该用perform一词。3A名词辨析。A优势;B机会;C帮助;D重要性。句意:在找工作的时候,能够流利地讲另外一门语言可能是一个巨大的优势。根据句意说明A正确。4Aunless除非; whenever无论何时;although尽管;if如果。句意:众所周知的是,除非你有规律地锻炼,否则你不会保持身体健康。5A考查declare的用法。declare 后接that从句或者接宾语adj.(宾补)。此句中closed是形容词作meeting的宾语。6Bmake up for的意思是“弥补”;make up“编造,组成,补足”;make up of 常用于被动语态中。7Cno比较级than的意思是“和一样不”;句意:我比玛丽的英语也好不了哪里去。8A从结构上看,填上一个词应使逗号后的分句成为一个状语从句。A、C、D均可引导一个状语从句。从意思上看,应选however。9D考查强调句型。强调句型的结构为:It is/was 强调部分that其它。本句强调原因状语。10C考查with复合结构。第二空和with宾语之间是被动关系,故用过去分词表示被动完成。11Bbe determined to do.“决心做”,第一个空是形容词短语作状语;remaining是形容词“剩余的”的意思。12A考查非限制性的定语从句。在非限制性的定语从句中用which而不用that,并且介词应该放在关系代词前面。13D“make oneself过去分词”的意思是“使自己被别人”。后面用不定式作shout的目的状语。14D从后文的语境来看,前后之间的关系应该是让步关系,故用though。15B考查交际用语。its up to sb.“由某人来决定”;从后文的“任何你喜欢做的事情对我来说都行。”可以看出是让对方做决定。【语篇解读】本文写了一个富家子弟因为孩子的父母让自己抱孩子而感到高兴的事,他以为孩子的父母是在给自己面子,让自己找回了自尊,所以天天想回家看看孩子,使得这个人的心理得到了健康的发展。16D从下文的很多人都要抱一抱孩子可以看出孩子是在一个一个传着抱。17D其中有一个很帅的小伙子总是愿意说这样的话“过来,先生,”。18D从下文的语境可以看出这个小伙子是想抱一抱孩子。19B从后面的地点“in the munity”可以看出这里要表述的是这个年轻人的家庭。20C从上文的“one of the wealthier”可以看出这个年轻人的皮衣很贵。21A从下文的“and cleaned himself up”可以看出年轻人对洒在身上的食物不在乎。22A从后文的不定式to可以判断出应该用get,B、C不和to连用,tell意思不通。23B因为自己的孩子把别人的衣服弄脏了,所以母亲再三要求给他弄干净。24A从下文可以看出,这次又遇到了上次碰到的同一个年轻人。25C因为那个年轻人比较喜欢孩子,所以作为孩子的母亲的作者也受到了邀请。26C大家都应该是在屋里坐着。27B这里缺少的是mean的宾语。句意:对年轻人来说抱抱小Christopher有多大的意义。28D年轻人因为孩子的父母能把孩子交给自己这样的醉鬼抱而感到高兴,说明了孩子的父母看得起自己。29A从上段的最后一句话“it meant for him to hold Christopher”可以得到答案的提示。30D年轻人比较喜欢孩子,而孩子的父母又不嫌弃自己,这让他对抱抱孩子产生了兴趣,所以天天回来,就为了能抱抱孩子。31B从第一段的“what was an obviously_20_leather jacket”可以判断出正确的答案为B。32A从上句话的“Then he showed the crowd the stain.”可以提示出本题的答案。33C这是一个定语从句,关系代词在从句中作宾语。34A这位妈妈也认为把孩子抱到会场并不是坏事,所以从来都不埋怨自己的丈夫。35B从第二段的第二句“My husband dragged him out.”可以看出此空应该选drag。【语篇解读】本文介绍了著名的动作明星李小龙的经历。36B细节理解题。从第一段的第二句话“Born a sickly child, he was named Li Jun Fan a female name by his mother to avoid evil spirits”可以得知正确答案为B。37B词义猜测题。从上下文的语境可以看出这个词这里是“接


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