2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 19 Language课时提升作业 北师大版选修7.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 19 Language课时提升作业 北师大版选修7. 单项填空1. Its all agreed that a good education doesnta good job. A. guaranteeB. resultC. dependD. swear2. Something is wrong with his camera. It cant beto take photos in cloudy conditions. A. adaptedB. adjustedC. adoptedD. admitted3. (xx衢州模拟)Though they were in the mountain area, they were wellabout the world by watching TV. A. toldB. saidC. spokenD. informed4. The little boy was allowed to go swimminghe kept near the other boys. A. provided thatB. in caseC. now thatD. by the time5. The advice my father gave me is “work hard and youll” . A. get acrossB. get aheadC. get awayD. get about6. (xx龙岩模拟)Hi, Maria! I got the first place in the exam. ! Everyone knows you cheated and you just copied Tonys. A. CongratulationsB. Cheer upC. e onD. Good luck7. (xx武汉模拟)The longof rain gradually led to a serious drought in the southwest of China, which drew the concerns of the whole country. A. absenceB. petenceC. convenienceD. practice8. (xx福州模拟)economic, political and cultural differences, it is difficult for China and America to fully understand each other. A. Apart fromB. Regardless ofC. On account ofD. In terms of9. (原创)The launch of the iPhone is good news for China Uni but its too early to sayit will help increase the number of its users. A. howB. whetherC. whatD. why10. The house was so low that the young man hit his head and wasfor several minutes. A. unconsciousB. cautiousC. anxiousD. curious11. The more things a man is interested in, . A. the more he has opportunities of happinessB. the more opportunities of happiness he hasC. the more opportunities of happiness does he haveD. much more opportunities of happiness he has12. Car seat belts save lives. Every driver should wear it totheir safety. A. ensureB. promiseC. protectD. sure13. They refused to, thus closing the door on any chance of a settlement. A. quarrelB. negotiateC. argueD. consult14. (xx无锡模拟)David Copperfield is a novel, but, it can be looked on as a biography of Charles Dickens. A. whats moreB. as a resultC. more or lessD. on the other hand15. The teacher tried to explain, but the kids did not. A. catch onB. catch upC. pick upD. take on. 阅读理解(原创)(Nov. 16, xx)Children who learn how to swim at a young age are reaching many developmental milestones earlier than the norm. Researchers from the Griffith Institute for Educational Research surveyed parents of 7, 000 under-fives from Australia, New Zealand and the US over three years. A further 180 children aged 3, 4 and 5 have been involved in intensive testing, making it the worlds most prehensive study into early-years swimming. Lead researcher Professor Robyn Jorgensen says the study shows young children who participate in early-years swimming achieve a wide range of skills earlier than the normal population. “Many of these skills are those that help young children into the transition(过渡, 转变)into formal learning surroundings such as pre-school or school. ” The research also found significant differences between the swimming groups and non-swimmers regardless of socio-economic background. While the two higher socio-economic groups performed better than the lower two in testing, the four SES(工程科学协会(美)groups all performed better than the normal population. The researchers also found there were no gender differences between the research groups and the normal population. As well as achieving physical milestones faster, children also scored significantly better in visual-motor skills such as cutting paper, colouring in and drawing lines and shapes, and many mathematically-related tasks. Their oral expression was also better as well as in the general areas of literacy and numeracy. “Many of these skills are highly valuable in other learning environments and will be of considerable benefit for young children as they are in transition into pre-schools and schools. ” The study is a joint project between Griffith University, Kids Alive Swim Program and Swim Australia. (284W)1. The purpose of the passage is. A. to advertise for swimmingB. to call on children to learn how to swimC. to illustrate a study related to swimmingD. to survey those children who swam at an early age2. Which of the following is the result of the study? A. More than 7, 000 children participated in the testing. B. The younger children learn to swim, the wiser they are. C. Boys are cleverer than girls. D. The scores of the two higher socio-economic groups are higher than the lower two in testing. 3. How many skills that children achieved in their early yearss wimming are mentioned in the passage? A. 3. B. 4. C. 5. D. 6. 4. Where can you probably find the text? A. In a popular magazine. B. In a Science Daily. C. In a physics textbook. D. In an official report. . 短文填词(xx泉州模拟)阅读下面短文, 根据以下提示:1)汉语提示, 2)首字母提示, 3)语境提示, 在每个空格内填入一个适当的英语单词, 并将该词完整地写在右边相对应的横线上。所填单词要求意义准确, 拼写正确。My father is an ordinary-looking farmer, already in his forties. Though he has never gone to school, he knows(知识)is1. very important. In order to make me rbetter education, he2. worked extremely hard and smoney coin by coin to send3. me to the town to study. a result, he looks older than he really4. . For him, my school work is the most important. Once when5. I got first in the exam, he was so dthat he drank a lot. I6. didnt know if he got(醉). All I could remember was what he7. said. “AI am poor, I never mind. I am proud of8. you. “ I could hardly hearhe said next because I was crying. 9. I swore I must study hard and offer my father a(舒适的)life. 10. 答案解析. 1.【解析】选A。考查动词词义辨析。句意:人们都同意好的教育不能保证有好的工作这一观点。guarantee “保证, 确保” ; result “结果, 导致, 产生” ; depend “依靠” ; swear “发誓” , 根据句意可知选A项。【变式备选】Working hard is not only aof great success, but it is among the essential requirements. A. signB. signalC. guaranteeD. proof【解析】选C。考查名词词义辨析。句意:努力工作不仅是巨大成功的保证, 也是其重要的要求之一。根据句意应用guarantee “保证” 。2.【解析】选B。考查动词词义辨析。句意:他的照相机出了点问题。不能在阴天的时候调焦照相。adapt “适应, 改编” ; adjust “调整, 调节” ; adopt “采纳, 采用” ; admit “承认, 认可” , 根据句意可知选B项。3.【解析】选D。考查动词词义辨析。句意:尽管他们在山区, 但通过看电视可以很好地了解世界。be informed about sth. “了解某事” 。【变式备选】How can you know so much about whats going on in that country? Ive got a friend living there who always keeps me. A. informingB. to be informedC. being informedD. informed【解析】选D。答句句意:我有一个朋友住在那儿, 他总会通知我。keep sb. informed随时通知某人, informed作宾语补足语。4.【解析】选A。考查连词。句意:那小男孩被允许去游泳, 条件是他得始终在别的男孩附近。provided that “条件是” , 引导条件状语从句。in case “以防, 防止” ; now that “既然, 由于” ; by the time “到某时为止” 。5.【解析】选B。考查动词词组辨析。句意:我父亲给我的建议是 “努力学习, 你就会取得成功” 。get across “使被理解” ; get ahead “获得成功” ; get away “逃脱, 离开” ; get about “到处走动, 旅行, 传播” 。【变式备选】I probably shouldnt have any more cake. Oh, . It wont kill you. A. go aheadB. get aheadC. youre weleD. thatll do【解析】选A。考查日常交际用语。句意:我再也吃不下一点蛋糕了。再吃点吧。算不了什么。根据句意可知是告知对方继续做某事, 故选A项。go ahead “吃吧, 干吧” ; get ahead “取得进步” ; youre wele “不客气” ; thatll do “那好吧” 。6.【解析】选C。考查交际用语。句意:嗨, Maria!我在考试中得了第一名。得了吧!每个人都知道你作弊了, 你抄袭的托尼的。Congratulations祝贺; Cheer up高兴起来; e on鼓励, 催促, 不相信; Good luck祝你好运。根据句意可知此处指不相信对方说的话, 所以选C。7.【解析】选A。考查名词词义辨析。句意:长期缺少雨水逐渐导致了中国西南地区的严重干旱, 这引起了全国的关注。absence缺乏, 不足; petence能力, 技能; convenience方便, 便利; practice实践, 练习。【变式备选】How can they finish the work in theof any other helper? A. shortageB. hasteC. absenceD. lack【解析】选C。句意:没有其他人帮助, 他们如何完成那项工作? in the absence of当不在时。8.【解析】选C。考查介词短语。句意:由于经济、政治和文化差异, 中国和美国彼此完全理解是很难的。apart from除去, 除之外还有; regardless of不管; on account of由于; in terms of就而言, 在方面来说。9.【解析】选B。考查连词用法。句意:iPhone的上市对于中国联通来说是个好消息, 但是现在说对其用户的增加是否有帮助还为时尚早。根据句意推测此处为 “是否” 更恰当。【知识拓展】快速掌握whether的用法1. 引导名词性从句, 意为 “是否” , 常与or not连用。He asked me whether Mary will e(or not). 他问我玛丽是否要来。It remains to be seen whether or not this idea can be put into practice. 这一想法能否付诸实践还有待于观察。2. 引导让步状语从句, 意为 “不管, 不论” 。Whether you like it or not, you are going to have to face it one day. 不管你喜不喜欢, 总有一天你必须面对它。You are given a free gift whether you accept our offer of insurance or not. 无论你接不接受我们的保险提议, 你都可以免费得到一份礼物。10.【解析】选A。考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这所房子是如此矮以至于撞到了这个年轻人的头, 他有几分钟失去知觉了。unconscious “失去知觉的” ; cautious “小心的” ; anxious “焦急的” ; curious “好奇的” , 根据句意可知选A项。11.【解析】选B。考查the+比较级, the+比较级结构。句意:一个人感兴趣的事情越多, 他获得幸福的机会就越多。在the+比较级, the+比较级结构中, 用陈述语序, 且根据句意可知选B项。12.【解析】选A。考查词义辨析。句意:安全带能挽救生命。每一个司机都应该系安全带以确保他们的安全。分析句子结构可知所填部分应为动词, 排除D项; ensure “确保” ; promise “答应, 允诺” ; protect “保护” , 根据句意可知选A项。13.【解析】选B。考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们拒绝谈判, 因此堵死了解决问题的途径。quarrel “争吵” ; negotiate “谈判” ; argue “争论” ; consult “咨询” , 根据句意可知选B项。14.【解析】选D。考查词组辨析。句意:大卫科波菲尔是一本小说, 但另一方面它也可以被看成是查尔斯狄更斯的自传。whats more “并且” ; as a result “结果” ; more or less “或多或少” ; on the other hand “另一方面” , 根据句意可知选D项。15.【解析】选A。考查动词词组辨析。句意:老师努力去解释, 可是孩子们听不懂。catch on “学会, 理解” ; catch up “赶上” ; pick up “捡起, 偶然学会” ; take on “呈现” , 根据句意可知选A项。.研究发现, 小时候学会游泳的孩子, 不仅在身体上比其他的孩子发展更迅速, 而且在视觉运动的技能以及口语表达等方面都表现出众。1.【解析】选C。观点态度题。本文客观阐述了一个研究结果:小时候学会游泳的孩子比其他孩子发展得快, 故答案选C。2.【解析】选D。细节理解题。A项不是研究结果; B项在文章中并没有体现; 根据文章第八段可知C项错误; 根据文章第七段内容可知答案选D。3.【解析】选B。细节理解题。文章中提到了四种早期游泳所获得的技能:身体的发展, 视觉运动的技能, 数学相关任务以及口语表达。4.【解析】选B。推理判断题。本文阐述了一个与游泳有关的研究结果, 属于科普类文章, 再结合文章开头的日期, 可以确定本文有可能出现在Science Daily(科学日报; 每日科学)上。. 答案:1. knowledge2. receive3. saved4. As5. is6. delighted7. drunk8. Although9. what 10. fortable


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