2019-2020年高中英语 Module3 第1课时 Reading Comprehension课时作业 外研版选修6.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Module3 第1课时 Reading prehension课时作业 外研版选修6.介、副词填空1He was standing _ the centre of a group of boys,and he was telling a joke.2When he reached the final line,everyone burst _ laughing.3“Popular boy,” I thought _ myself.4Roy was one of the few people who were kind _ me.5_ a result,I started getting to know people.6Roys father was knocked _ by a car.7These days,Roy and I see each other from time _ time.8At the same time,small amounts _ money started disappearing from students lockers.9But _ our surprise,the next morning,we were told that the money had been stolen.10_ that moment,the door swung open,and Roy walked in.佳句翻译与仿写1I remember the first time I met Roy.翻译_仿写我记得第一次我独自旅行的情景。_2When he reached the final line,everyone burst out laughing.翻_仿写当我听到这个滑稽的故事的时候,我放声大笑。_3The family had to move to a much smaller house in order to manage financially.翻译_仿写为了谋生他不得不找了份兼职。_4Having left something in the cloakroom,I went inside to get it.翻译_仿写因为把票忘在家里了,我不得不回去取。_5I wondered if the thief was Roy but decided not to say anything to anyone.翻译_仿写过了这些年,我不知道是否还认得汤姆。_.单项填空1After watching the movie,she _ out crying.Alooked BenteredCburst Dshouted2A lot of people have _ one close friend.Aother than Bmore thanCrather than Dless than3Roys father was _ by a car.He died a few days later.Aknocked down Bknocked overCknocked at DA and B4Having left something in the cloakroom,I went inside to get it,and found Roy _ the pockets of peoples coats.Agoing through Bgoing outCgoing away Dgoing off5I _ and walked out without saying a word.Aturned on Bturned toCturned into Dturned round6Last week our school had a big fair in order to _ money for a charity.Arise BraiseCkeep Dsupport7But _ our surprise,the plan succeeded.Aon Bin Cto Dfor8At the same time,small _ of money started disappearing from students lockers.Aamounts BaverageCamount Dnumber9I was _ surprised _ I just stood there,holding the notes in my hands.Atoo;to Bsuch;thatCso;as to Dso;that10Roy was one of the few people _ were kind to me.Awhom BwhichCwho Dwhose.阅读理解We had just finished thirteen miles of hiking in the Smokey Mountains.We were tired and our muscles ached as we made our way back to New England.The car ride to the airport followed by a twohour flight left our legs in worse condition.When I heard that two seats in first class on our next flight were available for a small upgrade (升级) fee,I jumped at the chance.We agreed to blow our budgets and paid the fee to upgrade our tickets.As we boarded the plane,we felt as if we were part of an elite group.We took our seats and were happy to join the other few passengers who could fly in such luxury.As we chatted away about hiking,waterfalls and bears,I could hear people around us talking about busy schedules and business meetings.We noticed that the stewardess (空姐) was working nonstop to ensure the fort of the first class passengers.As the stewardess walked by our seats near the end of the flight,I looked at her and said,“Thank you and I hope you have a great night.” She stopped at our seats with a look of disbelief on her face.After a few moments the stewardess walked back to our seats.She asked us what pany we were traveling for.“I can tell you work with the public,” she said.“Why do you think so?”I asked.She answered very quietly,“Because you are the only passenger here to say thank you or stop to say something nice to me tonight.”The sense of belonging to the elite group of people in first class disappeared as we heard her words.Our seats in luxury offered us more than a fortable ride.1Why did they choose to travel in first class on the next flight?AThey were very rich.BThey wanted to make more friends.CThe tickets then were cheaper.DThey were very tired.2On the plane,the author at first felt that _.Ahe was a little unfortableBhe was a businessmanChe was one of the richDhe was thankful to the stewardess3After the stewardess heard what the author said,she _.Akept silent for shynessBlooked down upon himCdidnt believe in himDfelt surprised but happy4What does the last paragraph imply?AWe should show our appreciation no matter what class we are traveling in.BThe seats in first class are really fortable.CTraveling in first class is only for those who are rich.DThe staff in first class are very helpful to the author.5The main purpose of the passage is to tell the readers _.Aits luxurious to fly in first classBpeople in first class are successful and richCstewardesses in first class are very busyDappreciation of others is very importantfair adj.公平的,公正的;晴朗的生义:adj. (肤色)白皙的;(头发)金色的;n.义卖会,商品交易会(展览会)One of them was very tall with fair hair;the other was short and fat with a beard.一人很高,拥有一头金发;另一人矮胖,长着络腮胡子。A book fair is to be held next month.下个月将举行一次书展。 答案.1.in2.out3.to4.to5.As6.over7.to8.of9to10.At.1.我记得第一次见到罗伊的情景。I remember the first time I travelled alone.2他说到最后一句的时候,大家都哄堂大笑起来。When I heard the funny story,I burst out laughing.3他家不得不搬到了一个比以前小很多的房子,以减轻经济负担。He had to find a parttime job in order to make a living.4因为我把东西落在衣帽间了,我就进去取。Having left the ticket at home,I had to go back to fetch it.5我猜测小偷可能是罗伊,但我没跟任何人提起。I wonder if I can recognize Tom after all these years.1.Cburst out突然发生,突然起来;burst out crying放声大哭。2Bmore than不仅仅,不只,符合句意。other than除了;rather than而不是;less than少于。3Dknock down和knock over都有“撞倒”的意思,符合句意。knock at/on敲(门等)。4Ago through检查,搜查,符合句意。go out (灯,火)熄灭,是一个不及物动词短语。go away离开,走开;go off爆炸,停止运转。5Dturn round转过身来,符合句意。turn on打开;turn to转向,向求助;turn into变成。6Braise筹措/募捐(金钱),符合句意。rise上升,起身,为不及物动词短语;keep保持;support支持,支撑,均不合句意。7C考查固定搭配。to ones surprise使某人惊讶的是。8Aamounts of许多的,后接不可数名词。9Dsoadj./adv.that如此以致,引导结果状语从句。such名词that如此以致;也引导结果状语从句;too.to,so.as to后接不定式。10C考查定语从句。先行词people在定语从句中作主语,故选C。.1.D细节理解题。由文章第一段可知,坐头等舱主要是因为他们由于旅途跋涉已经非常累了。故答案选D。2C细节理解题。文章第二段第一句说作者觉得自己好像是有钱人的一部分了。故答案选C。3D推理判断题。文章第三段提到“with a look of disbelief on her face”,再结合下文,可知该乘务员当时应该是很惊诧但是很高兴。故答案选D。4A推理判断题。根据文章最后一段以及整篇文章可知,一开始作者觉得有点富人的感觉,但是后来听了女乘务员的话之后就没有此感觉了。在作者看来,无论坐哪种级别的座位,都应该感谢别人的劳动。故答案选A。5D作者意图题。作者写本文的目的不是讲故事,而是通过讲故事来说明人们要有感激之心。


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