2019-2020年高考英语核心词汇复习 第1课时(a-amount).doc

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2019-2020年高考英语核心词汇复习 第1课时(a-amount)I.单词拼写1. The captain gave the order to a_ ship because it was sinking.2. Plants a_ carbon dioxide and give off oxygen.3. Tim was looking through an old photo a_, with pictures of Christmas.4. Im sorry about breaking the vase, it was an a_, I mean I did not intend to do it.5. Ive opened an a_ with the Agricultural Bank of China.6. I will give you my a_ and telephone number.7. He has never achieved his a_ of being a famous writer.8. She was born without the a_ to speak.9. Shelly speak with a slight a_.10. More than 75% of the land is used for a _.II.单项选择1. Hotel _ will surely be scarce during the Beijing Olympic Games. A. problemB. acmodationC. serviceD. question2. He has been asked to _ his conduct. A.refer toB. explain toC. account for D. speak of3. A billion people in the world will not have _ to clean drinking water. A. actionB. advance C. accessD. agreement4. A good salesman must be _ if he wants to succeed. A. kindB. cruel C. cold-bloodedD. aggressive5. I couldnt _ the rent on my own; I want to find someone to share the room. A. aim B. allowC. affordD. advise6. The couple are unable to have children of their own, but hope to _ one. A. adaptB. adoptC. advertiseD. acquire7. - I wish it was time to go home. - _. Im missing my family so much. A. Thats all rightB. I couldnt agree more C. You cant miss itD. Dont mention it8. Not knowing whether hes dead or _ is a terrible feeling. A. live B. alone C. alive D. lively9. As we can see, it is necessary to get _ information about the pany. A. a large number of B. the number of C. a large amount of D. the amount of10. Max is hardworking cheerful, and _, honest. A. above all B. after all C. at all D. all in allIII.词组填空take action be aimed at adapt to be against be accused ofagree with be just about to add up to take advantage of be admitted to1. The children find it hard to _ the new school.2. The professor _ stealing his students ideas.3. The numbers _ exactly 100.4. Your story doesnt _what the police have told us.5. I _ the good weather to paint the door.6. the use of drugs _ the law; its illegal.7. These measures _ preventing violent crimes.8. We _ leave when Jerry arrived.9. The government must _ now to stop the rise in road accidents.10. Candidates who fail to meet these requirements will not _ the University.IV.句子翻译1.Tom没有参加会议,因为他的父亲得了重病。(absent)2.他虽已年过八十,但头脑仍然十分机敏。(alert)3.他们出国时遗忘了宠物。幸好有邻居照应。(abandon)4.她让丈夫陪同去医院,尽管她一个人也行。(acpany)5.Tracy在考试中取得了好成绩,这归功于她的勤奋。(achieve; owe)6.Bob装得好像什么都没有发生一样。(act)7.我欣赏她恪守原则的作风。(admire)8.鉴于他患有心脏病,我劝你不要告诉他真相。(advise)9.虽然你的话有道理,但是你的意见不会影响我的决定。(affect)10.我们不允许在教室里吃东西。(allow)第1课时答案I. 单词拼写1. abandon 2. absorb 3. album 4. accident 5. account 6. address7. ambition 8. ability9. accent10. agricultureII. 单项选择1 5BCCDC6 -10BBCCAIII. 词组填空1. adapt to 2. has been accused of3. add up to 4. agree with5. took advantage of 6. is against7. are aimed at 8. were just about to 9. take action10. be admitted toIV. 句子翻译1. Tom was absent from the meeting because his father suffered from a serious disease.2. Although hes over eighty his mind is still remarkably alert.3. They abandoned their pet when they went abroad. Lucky it was taken care of by their neighbour. 4. She asked her husband to acpany her to hospital, though she herself could manage.5. Tracy achieved good exam results, which she owed to her diligence.6. Bob acted as if nothing had happened.7. I admire her for sticking to her principles.8. Since he suffers from / has a heart attack, I advise you not to tell him the truth. 9. Although what you said is sensible, your opinion wont affect my decision.10. We dont allow eating in the classroom.

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