2019-2020年高考英语大一轮复习 人与自然 第三节话题写作.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语大一轮复习 人与自然 第三节话题写作写作素材Jim Green 在北京大学任教长达近二十年,工作出色,为此中国日报准备刊登他的照片。请你根据下面的提示,写一图片说明,简要介绍他的情况。姓名:Jim Green性别:男国籍:美国出生年月:1964年5月职业:英语教师简历:1985年大学毕业,1996年来中国工作,从那时至今在北京大学任教。主要事迹:1热爱教育事业;2刻苦钻研业务,专心搞好工作;3教学方法多样,课堂教学生动活泼;4多次被评为模范教师,深受师生尊敬和爱戴。参考词汇:the educational cause教育事业边记边练.记增分素材1拥有20年教学经验的老师:a teacher with 20yearteaching experience;a teacher who has been teaching for nearly 20 years2全身心地:heart and soul;wholeheartedly3受人爱戴:be loved and respected by.4从事于:be busy with/in;be engaged with/in;be devoted to;be occupied with/in 5模范教师:model teacher .练高分句式This is Jim Green,a teacher who teaches English for nearly twenty years in Beijing University.Mr.Green was born in America in May 1964.He came to China in 1996,(1)working as an English teacher(从事英语教学) in Beijing University.He loves the educational cause very much.In the past twenty years he has put his heart and soul into his work and study.(2)He has many ways to make his classes lively and interesting(他有很多方法使得课堂生动有趣)And his lectures are not easily forgotten.He has won the respect and love of all the teachers and students,and (3)has been given the honor of “Model Teacher” for many times(多次被授予“模范教师”的荣誉)情景专练2写作素材River PollutedNumerous dead fish can be found floating on the surface of Haihe River,the symbol of Tianjin city,because of serious pollution this summer.In a report,Tianjin Evening called on people to help protect the river against pollution.以上是摘自中国日报的一则短讯。读后,请你写一篇短评,要求包括以下内容要点:1像中国日报所报道的此类河水污染情况还不止海河,在全国不少地区也存在;2众所周知,环境污染对人类危害极大。现在越来越多的人认识到这个问题的严重性;3我国政府正在努力采取措施与污染作斗争。相信我们一定能取得胜利。边记边练.记增分素材1据报道:It is reported that.;主语be reported不定式2立即采取措施:take action/measures immediately;immediate action/measures must be taken3众所周知:It is known that.;As we know;As is known to.4对危害很大:be very harmful to;be of great harm to;do great harm to 5保护环境不受污染:protect the environment from being polluted.练高分句式China Daily reports that numerous fishes in Haihe River die from serious pollution.(1)Not only does such river pollution exist in(类似的河水污染不仅存在于)Haihe River but also in some other places of our country.As we all know,environmental pollution does great harm to living things and human beings.(2)Now an increasing number of people have e to realize how serious this problem is(现在越来越多的人逐渐意识到这一问题有多严重)Our government is doing its best to take measures to fight against pollution,but there is still a long way to go.We must keep on fighting (3)until we find ways to protect the environment from being polluted(直到我们找到办法来保护环境不受污染)We are sure that well win the battle.情景专练3写作素材假设你是新华中学的学生李华,你校计划于下周六上午主办题为“My dream”的英语演讲比赛,你准备参加。请你根据以下要点写一篇演讲稿:1对梦想的看法;2你的梦想;3你打算如何实现你的梦想。边记边练.记增分素材1很荣幸做某事:be very glad to do.;consider it an honor to do.2实现梦想:realize ones dream;achieve ones dream;ones dream es true;ones dream has been turned into reality3随着时间的推移:as time goes by;with time going by4俗话说得好,只要你有梦想,你就会实现:As a saying goes: If you can dream it,you can do/make it.5理想的大学:an ideal university6全力以赴:do ones best to do.;spare no effort to do.;go all out for.练高分句式Good morning,my dear friends!Im very glad to stand here to give you a speech about dreams.Of course,it is true that different persons have different dreams.(1)A dream is like a light tower,showing the way(梦想就像一座灯塔,照亮你的路程)when one is sailing on the sea.Without it,one may not know where he goes or even get lost in life.So have a dream,and that really matters.What is my dream?When I was a little child,I wanted to be a great judge and protect the rights of citizens.But (2)as time goes by,things have changed,and so has my dream(随着时间的推移,事情发生了变化,我的梦想也是如此)Now Ive decided to bee a doctor,which can help reduce pain in patients or even save their lives.I believe the job is helpful and worth doing.But how to make it e true?I know it is really a big challenge for me,though.Whatever it is,I will work hard and go all out for it.From now on I will spend more time learning my lessons,so that I can go to my ideal university.At the same time I am going to expose myself to books on medicine.I am sure I will achieve my dream.(3)As a saying goes: If you can dream it,you can do it(俗话说得好,只要你有梦想,你就会实现)Thank you!情景专练4写作素材最近,不少城市发出了“减少白色污染”的倡议,得到广大市民的支持。请以“People should not be encouraged to use plastic bags”为话题在博客上发表简单评论。参考词汇:degradable可分解的;choke窒息边记边练.记增分素材1被乱扔的污染物:littered pollutants2更有甚者:furthermore;whats worse;to make matters worse3造成负面影响:create a bad image4用取代(替代) :replace.with.5随着的流行:with.being popular;with the popularity of.练高分句式With the popularity of plastic bags in our daily life,people get free plastic bags while shopping anywhere.But plastic bags are one of the major pollutants.We can see plastic bags thrown everywhere,especially along the railways or highways,in the parks or in the rivers.Because plastic is not degradable,(1)once (it is) thrown into the environment(一旦被扔到环境中去),it will exist for a long time and pollute soil and water.They are even dangerous to wildlife as thousands of sea animals are killed each year when they eat or are choked by plastic bags.(2)Whats worse,“white pollution” creates a bad image for China(更何况“白色污染”给中国造成了负面影响)So government should make a law to forbid the use of plastic bags in department stores and supermarkets.(3)Meanwhile,people should be encouraged to replace them with paper bags or cloth bags(与此同时应该鼓励人们用纸袋或布袋来代替塑料袋)情景专练5写作素材根据下面内容写一篇议论文。要点:1.保护环境的重要性;2学生在家庭中节约能源的具体做法和感想;3今后的打算。边记边练.记增分素材1节约能源的:energysaving2关掉灯及电器:turn off the lights as well as electric appliances3对做贡献:make a great contribution to4有人建议做某事:It is suggested to do.;It is suggested that.5而且:whats more;and that .练高分句式With the development of our society,energy in the world bees more and more limited,so (1)it is quite important for us to save energy and to protect our environment(对我们来说节约能源、保护环境很重要)As a student,there are a lot we can do to save energy at home.For example,first,the lights as well as other appliances should be turned off (2)when (they are) not used(当不用的时候)Second,recycle the waste water,paper and other wastes so that we can reuse them.Whats more,it is suggested to use public transportation more instead of private cars.Above all,everyone can make a great contribution to our environment.I hope I can learn more to develop new and clean energy,like wind energy and solar energy.It is important to save electricity.We cant imagine(3)what the life will be like without it(没有它生活会是什么样子)Everyone should do his best to save electricity.Dont forget to turn off lights or other electric appliances when we finish working.情景专练6写作素材近年经常有不法分子非法猎杀、食用野生动物。请就这一现象发表自己的看法。边记边练.记增分素材1在经常读到这样的内容:as is often read in.2濒临灭绝:be threatened with extinction3迅速下降:a sharp decrease4培养责任意识:develop a sense of responsibility5认为想当然:take it for granted to do.;take it for granted that.练高分句式As is often read in the newspaper reports,wildlife especially the rare species is threatened with extinction.Human beings are making attempts to hunt wild animals for a big profit,(1)which,of course,results in a sharp decrease in the number of wild animals(当然这会引起野生动物数量的急速下降)So it is high time for us to take quick action to protect them.First of all,its quite necessary for every citizen to realize the importance of animal protection.(2)Only by knowing its importance can people develop a sense of responsibility(只有通过认识其重要性人们才能建立起责任意识)People will surely take it for granted to have the duty to prevent any killing of wild animals.So a national publicity campaign should be launched,(3)thus giving animals a good living environment(于是给动物一个良好的生存环境)In addition,the government should pass some laws to forbid any hunting of rare animals.We dont expect anything harmful to wildlife to happen again.情景专练7写作素材假定你是李华,最近你们班就“低碳”生活方式进行了讨论,你的朋友Jack来信询问讨论情况,请你回封信。回信的要点包括:1节水节电;2垃圾分类;3少用纸巾,重拾手帕;4步行,骑自行车或乘坐公交车。边记边练.记增分素材1有关低碳生活方式的讨论:a discussion on lowcarbon lifestyle2达到低碳生活的目标:achieve the goal of living a lowcarbon life3某事很关键:something matters much4把垃圾分类:sort out the rubbish5另外:in addition;additionally;moreover;furthermore.练高分句式Dear Jack,Thank you for your letter asking about our discussion on lowcarbon lifestyle.(1)The suggestions are as follows(建议如下):We can do a lot in our daily life to achieve the goal of living a lowcarbon life.First,wed better turn off lights if possible and spend less time watching TV or surfing the Internet.Saving water also matters much.Besides,we should sort out the rubbish,(2)hoping that we might recycle some(希望我们能循环利用一部分),(3)which will surely benefit us a great deal(这一定会对我们很有好处)In addition,we suggest using handkerchiefs instead of tissues so that we can prevent more trees from being cut down.Most importantly,when we go out,walking,riding bikes or taking buses should be our first choice,which contributes to a cleaner world.Best wishes,Yours,Li Hua情景专练8写作素材假如你校要举办一次主题为“How to municate with friends?” 的英语演讲比赛,请你用英语写一篇演讲稿。要点如下:1尊重并信任朋友;2常与朋友聊天;3换位思考问题。边记边练.记增分素材1和某人分享关于如何的观点:share with sb.some ideas about how to do.2同甘共苦:share our happiness and sorrow3与某人保持良好的关系:keep a good relationship with sb.4设身处地:put oneself in others shoes5友谊应该建立在相互理解的基础上:Friendship should be established on mutual understanding.练高分句式Hello,everyone!As we all know,friends are the people (1)who can share our happiness and sorrow(同甘共苦的人)Everyone needs friends,so its necessary to keep a good relationship with them.Here are my ideas on how to make it easier to municate with friends.Firstly,we should respect and trust our friends.Dont be rude to them (2)even if they offend you on some occasions(即便是他们在某些情况下得罪了你)Secondly,if we often municate with them about our life and experience,the friendship can be strengthened.Thirdly,if sometimes we dont agree with each other over some minor things,we should try to put ourselves in their shoes (3)as friendship should be established on mutual understanding(因为友谊应该建立在相互理解的基础上)Thank you for listening.

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