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2019-2020年高考英语解题指导-完形填空2含答案巧用首句信息:利用首句把握文章的体裁:如果文章开头交代事情发生的时间、地点以及人物等,毫无疑问就是记叙文;如果文章开门见山点明话题或作者的观点,那么很可能就是议论文或说明文。分析首句信息,预测下文内容:一般情况下,根据首句所给的线索,就能粗知短文的大概内容。由首句的提示,加上语法分析、逻辑推理,并借助于短文中关键词语所提供的信息以及上下文之间的关系,就能进一步确切了解短文内容,为确定答案开辟道路。例1:Monty owns a horse ranch(牧场) in San Sedro. Once when asked about his_, he told the story about a young man, son of a horse trainer.A. lifeB. successC. family D. job分析:(B) 从本文的开头可以断定是记叙文,同时第一句话还透露出Monty有一定的成就。从后文的“a horse trainer”可知他出身贫贱,由此可以断定,人们不是询问他的“生活”,“家庭”或“受教育”情况,而是询问他“成功的秘诀”。例2:Being alone in outer space can be frightening. That is one reason why astronauts on solo(单独的) space flights were given plenty of work to keep them_.A. tiredB. asleep C. alive D. busy分析:( D) 文章开头谈到一个人进行太空旅行会感到很孤单,因此通常给单独旅行的宇航员安排很多工作以排遣这种孤独的情绪。由常识可知,人在忙碌的时候不会感到孤单,而其他三项都与第一句话没有关系。例3:When I e across a good article in reading newspapers, I often want to cut and keep it. But just as I am about to do so, I find the article(文章) on the_ side is also interestingA. eachB. other C. another D. either分析:( B)作者非常喜欢阅读报纸上的文章,当他想要把那些好的文章剪下来保留时却发现其背面的文章也同样有趣。由文中的“newspapers”及常识可知报纸只有两面,故用other。完形填空解题要决二巧用上下文语境。注意上下文的信息提示:信息提示出现在前文时,可以根据前文的信息提示确定答案;信息提示出现在后文时,我们应该先把此空暂时搁置,在理解了后文的基础上,再确定答案。 通读全文,利用复现词语:完形填空试题中,一些词语会重复出现在语篇之中。词汇复现使得语篇中的句子相互衔接,从而构成一个完整的、有机的意义整体。把握这些反复出现的词语,有助于我们确定正确答案。例1:Reading is a way of learning English without classes or a teacher. It helps develop learners independence. And while reading graded readers, learners dont have to run a_ because the language is at their level.A. dictionary B. teacherC. studentD. recorder分析:( A ) because在此引导一个原因状语从句,因为读物中使用的语言符合读者的语言水平,读者当然不必求助于词典。例2:All of a sudden I started to feel rather_1_. She wondered why I was looking for this sort of_2_. I felt even more hopeless when she told me that it would be difficult to get a job without experience.( C ) 1. A. encouragedB. dissatisfied C. hopelessD. pleased( B )2. A. placeB. job C. advice D. help分析:文章讲到作者去应聘工作,既没有经验又信心,心里感到十分不踏实。从下文中的“I felt even more hopeless”可知第1题填“hopeless”,暗示作者那种无望的心情。而“it would be difficult to get a job without experience”则呼应了第2题,故选job。例3:Years ago in Scotland, the Clark family had a dream. Clark and his wife worked and_, making plans for their nine children and themselves to travel to 2(America) . It had taken years, but they had 3(finally) saved enough money and had gotten passports and reservations for the whole family on a new liner t the United States.A. spent B. added C. saved D. played分析:分析上面一段文字可知Clark夫妇存钱的目的是让一家人出去旅游。根据文中“but they had 3(finally) saved enough money”可知第1题答案为C项。完形填空的解题要决三根据文化背景常识:利用英语国家的文化背景知识,英语国家的文化背景知识包括英语国家的风俗习惯、历史事件、地理位置等。我们做题时若能积极调动自己的文化背景知识,注意中西文化各方面存在的差异,将会大大简化复杂的分析与判断过程,选出正确的答案。结合生活常识,避免常识性错误。完形填空文章的内容经常与日常生活相关,因此当我们对语言的把握不准确时,可充分利用社会知识和科普常识来帮助判断。例1:Sometimes I really doubt whether there is love between my parents. They are very busy working to support the family. They dont act in the romantic ways that I read in books or I se on TV. Flowers to each other on Valentines Day(情人节) is even more out of the question.A. TakingB. PassingC. BuyingD. Sending分析:( D ) 利用文化背景知识解答。众所周知,Valentines Day为西方国家的情人节,这一天情人之间、夫妻之间一般是要互送鲜花来庆祝的。因此借助这一文化背景知识很快可以选出答案。例2:Fire stations are strangely exciting places. In the normal course of events the great doors are shut, and behind them, the fire-engines wait peacefully, brightly cleaned and lovingly cared for. But the moment the fire alarm sounds, the huge doors open immediately and the firemen e .A. fleeing B. laughingC. jumpingD. rushing分析:( D )考查生活常识。每当有火警的时候消防队员都是快速出动,此处用rushing表示方式,修饰e。Fleeing“逃逸”,laughing“笑”,jumping“跳”,均与语境不符。例3:My parents are quite surprised .They always thought I would bee an 30 teacher!A. maths B. English C. chemistry D. Chinese完形填空的解题要决四灵活掌握名词、动词在句子中的应用。结合语境及名词、动词词义辨析选出最佳答案:词义辨析主要集中在实词,即名词、动词、形容词和副词。设题通常以同义词、反义词或易混词的形式出现。这就要求我们在做题时要根据上下文语境确定答案,将意义相反或相差较大的选项剔除掉,选择使句子结构完整、语法正确、语意符合逻辑的最佳答案。夯实基础,牢记含有名词、动词的短语或固定搭配:对含义清晰的名词、动词短语或固定搭配,可以边读边猜测答案,遇到有能和空白前后构成固定搭配的选项,只要符合文意则可以不考虑其他选项,因此我们平时要注重短语或固定搭配的积累。例1: “Only a miracle(奇迹) can save him now”, the little girl went to her bedroom and took out her piggy bank. She emptied all the change out on the floor and counted it carefully. Then she her way six blocks to the local drugstore. “And what do you want?” asked the chemist.A. followed B. made C. felt D. found分析:查动词词组辨析。语境为小女孩听到父母谈论她的弟弟病得很厉害,家里已没有剩下多少钱,只有奇迹能救他,于是她倒空自己的储钱罐。再结合下文问话“And what do you want? Asked the chemist.”可知她“去了”药店。Followed ones way “跟着别人走”;made ones way “朝走去”;felt ones way “摸索前进”;found ones way “发现途径”,结合题意此处应选B。例2:“Stop that man!” Vernon shouted. “He has a bomb!” Everywhere, passengers were_ their feet and screaming.A. running over B. jumping over C. running to D. jumping to分析:考查结合语境选择动词短语的能力。上文提到,有人携带炸弹,听到这种情况人们的反应应为惊跳起来尖叫着。故选答案D。例3:Why is setting goals important? Because goals can help you you, be, and experience everything you want in life. Instead of just letting life happen to you, goals allow yourself to_ your life happen.A. leaveB. causeC. makeD. get分析:考查动词短语习惯搭配。make sb do sth “让某人做某事”,其余各项不符合表达习惯,不可用省略to的不定式作宾补。故选答案C.完形填空的解题要决五把握文章脉络,识别句式特点。把握文章脉络,偏重观点、态度,慎边读边做。我们在通通览全文的基础上,要从整体上把握文脉,找出完形填空短文的主题大意,作者的观点、态度,文章展开的线索等信息。 学好语法知识,积累句型句式。尽管高考淡化语法,注重情景,但是扎实的语法功底,良好的语感对于完形填空题是大有帮助的。例1:It was pouring outside. We all stood there_, some patiently, others annoyed because nature messed up their hurried day. I got lost in the sound and sight of theA. chattingB. waiting C. plaining D. talking分析:细读全文可知,语境为外面下着倾盆大雨,我们站在那里在等雨停下来,不是在干其他事情。故选答案B .例2: “Tonight was supposed to be_- to celebrate six months. You do remember were engaged, dont you?”A. normalB. sleepless C. special D. sad分析:本篇文章谈论一对情侣的经历,该题易误选B,认为会激动得睡不着,但是结合语境可知,要庆祝订婚六个月,所以今晚应具有特殊意义。故选答案C例3:The story_ to be this: George bought a lottery ticket(彩票) a few days ago and won a prize of $500,000.A. turned upB. turned out C. turned down D. turned off分析:考查常见句式。句意:故事证明是这样的:乔治几天前买了彩票获奖50万美元。turn out to be “结果是,证明是”,表示结果出乎意料之外,四个选项中只有turn out可接to be。故选答案B三板斧:转折关系: 标志词:but, yet, however, although, though, while, in spite of, despite, by contrast, on the contrary, 文中一出现“but” “Although” “though” “however,” “while”等词,应该马上想到前后语意有转折。只要知道其中一方的语意,就可以反向推出另一方的意思,从而解题。完形填空题中,but一词后多半会设题。所以,在考试时,只要看到but就做一个标记,遇到类似but这样表转折的词也同样处理。这样便于回到原文去寻找解题的依据。前后句子的名词同指,但句意对立,往往出现以下情况:a.褒贬对立;b.句式结构对立,前肯后否、前否后肯!转折特点:一句肯定,一句否定;前后句有一组反义词;前句是形副词原级,后句是比较级;前句是一般过去式,后句是一般现在时或前句是过去完成时,后句是一般过去式;后句有一”still”词;前句有“Maybe”, “Perhaps”, “It meight be” “It should/ought to be”等表示“可能”“本应该”的副词或情态动词。否定 否定词, until just as just like didnt Unless/if .not even though/after never Without ever since but however, althoughHuman beings, 21 , have a problem that animals never face.21. A. therefore B. but C. besides D. howeverI really didnt care why, 46 it gave me a few minutes of her precious 47 so I was very quiet as she explained. 46. A. asB. whileC. so D. but 32 to meet him at the airport,as he had done on previous occasions. This time, 33 ,it was not necessary, 34 because Joe was quite familiar with the city,but mainly because Anna had said that she could 35 the afternoon off in order to e and meet him. 34. A. luckily B. really C. partly D. especially表语原则:如果所考的空是表语,那么主语就是线索。当表语是名词时,它与主语是对等关系;当表语是形容词时,或相当于形容词时,与主语是修饰关系。Physical illnesses can develop. It can actually be 28 for your health.28. A. good B. harmful C. helpful D. useful杀熟原则: 标准:是否在历年真题中出现过。be well worth, be fast/sound asleep,be wide awake,cant possibly, take it easy, be quite able to, by and by=in no time =before long =soon用将来时, up to now =untill now=so far用完成时,Im sorry,Its a pity,in your letter,等用一般过去时等。all ,every, any, no except, apart from other also besides, as well as, in addition to, includingnobody, nothing but = other than do nothing but stay thereWhen the papers were , she discovered that twelve boys had made exactly the same mistakes throughout the test.A. examined B. pleted C. marked D. answeredAfter all,friends do not judge each other by 27 All the same,it was the first meeting after a long separation,and she wanted everything to 28 right28. A. e across B. turn up C. go off D. get outAnd if you opened the cupboard, youd 31 little fruit flies hovering (盘旋) all over them. Theyd be rotten.You can try to treat emotions 32 they were bananas in the cupboard. You can 33 they dont exist, but theyll still be 34 . And at last youll have to 35 them. Just like those bananas.35. A. eat up B. deal with C. throw away D. send out“It was all his own idea,” says Pat, the wife of California high school football coach Bob Peters. Bob had. _36_ made a “motherhood contract”declaring that for70 days this summer he would _37_ the care of their four children and all the housework.37. A. stick toB. set aboutC. think aboutD. take over鉴别语态信息 及物无宾被动看The girl went to the party without _.A. inviting B. being invited C. to be invited D. invitedHe had imagined himself 10_ brilliantly(出色地) at the interview and 11_ the job immediately. But now here he was feeling 12 _.11.A.offered B. asked for C. being offered D. being asked forThe song made her _4_ to the days when she was Laurens _5_.4. A. think ofB. bring backC. go backD. e back完形填空解题三大技巧:平行原则 and,or其左右意思相近或同类互为解释and and,or,but在选项中出现时通常比选其一,如果and入选通常表先后顺序Vitamins are similar because they are made of the same elementsusually carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and 45 nitrogen. They are different 46 their elements are arranged differently, and each vitamin 47 one or more specific functions in the body. their elements are arranged differently, and each vitamin 45. A. mostly B. partly C. sometimes D. rarelyShe told the front-desk clerk she had had a(n) 41 vacation, but was heart-broken about losing several rolls of Kodak color film she had not yet developed.A. disappointing B. wonderful C. unfortable D. importantThe door was unlocked and 7 .7.A. half-open B. half-opens C. half-opened D. half-opening同现原则:主题句同现 Then , mountain - climbing began to grow popular as a sport. To some people, there is something greatly _28_ about getting to the _29_ of a high mountain: a struggle against nature is finer than a battle _30_other human begins. And then , when you are at the mountain top after a long and difficult _31_, what a _32_ reward ( 奖品 ) it is to be able to look _33_ on everything within _34_! At such time , you feel happier and prouder than you can ever feel down _35_.28.A.excited B. interested C.dangerous D.terrible (前提示)29.A.foot B.place C.top D.tip (联想)30.A.with B.to C.against D.between (前提示)31.A.fight B.climb C.walk D.running (全文的中心)32.A.surprising B.pleasant C.disappointing D.astonishing (联想)33.A.behind B.up C.down D. around (生活实际)34.A.miles B.minutes C.seeing D. sight (生活实际) Dorothy Brown was very happy as she sat in the theatre listening to the music. Today her little daughter Lauren was giving her _1_ concert. She had been waiting for this _2_ for years and years. “Now it is here at last,” she thought. “How beautiful her _3_ is.”1. A. sorryB. successfulC. firstD. wonderful2. A. danceB. momentC. showD. party3. A. voiceB. faceC. dressD. life指示词同现After 40 of the 70 days, he was ready to give up. “ I was beaten down, “ admits Bob. “Not only is motherhood a 40 task, it is an impossible job for any normal human being.”.40. A. strangeB. pleasant C. difficultD. serious上下文同现John smiled , “ I gave _35_ lessons to a hotel manager(经理),” he said ,”and in return he _36_me stay in his hotel for free (免费).“ Can he speak English well?”35. A. English B. French C. Italian D. German (暗示)Have you ever shouted at a teacher, told someone you were lonely, or said you were in love, and then 23 later you had kept your mouth shut? It isnt always 24 to express your feelings freely.Does this mean that its smarter always to 25 our feelings? No! If you 26 feelings of anger, sadness, and bitterness hidden away or bottled up inside, your body stays 27 .24. A. useful B. right C. easy D. bright选项观察法:1. 如果四个选项都为介词或副词,回到空格寻找固定搭配形容词题: 形容词题解题方法:(1) 形容词做表语时,主语就是线索:(2) 有副词修饰形容词时,副词就是线索:(3) 有多个修饰成分同时修饰一个名词,答案就在修饰成分中:(4) 形容词修饰名词时,名词就是线索:副词题: 副词题解题方法:(1) 主旨做题:(2) 同义原则:(3) 利用时态做题:If the danger continues, this animal will do one of the two things. It will 17 itself, or it will run away as fast as it can. 18 , when people are excited, angry, scared, or aroused by other emotions, our bodies also go through many 19 changes. Our hearts beat faster, and our muscles get tense. All of these changes make us more alert and ready to react. We, too, get ready to defend ourselves 20 run.Human beings, 21 , have a problem that animals never face. If we give way to our feelings and let them 22 , we can get into trouble. Have you ever said something in anger, or hit somebody and regretted it later? Have you ever shouted at a teacher, told someone you were lonely, or said you were in love, and then 23 later you had kept your mouth shut? It isnt always 24 to express your feelings freely.Does this mean that its smarter always to 25 our feelings? No! If you 26 feelings of anger, sadness, and bitterness hidden away or bottled up inside, your body stays 27 . Physical illnesses can develop. It can actually be 28 for your health.Feelings that you keep all bottled up inside, dont just 29 .20. A. and B. or C. but D. yet29. A. go away B. go on C. go up D. go outMy feelings about science have really changed. I never used to enioy science, but last year I changed schools, and the science teachers at my new school are excellent. The science facilities (设备) are very 18, with laboratories that have all the latest equipment. Our chemistry teacher, Mr Longford, takes us to 19 science lectures (讲座) about four times a term, and these are 20 very interesting, as the lecturers are people who have made real discoveries in 21 area of science.18. A. good B. different C. usual D. simple19. A. public B. new C. old D. little20. A. sometimes B. seldom C. hardly D. alwaysMrs Ball was very_31 .”But Im sure you have never told me that, Mick !” She said worriedly.” 1.A.excited B.interested C.pleased D.surprisedshe was always_3_that he might be ill.3.A.afraid B. surprised C. glad D. sureAt that moment she was particularly _6_ over the loss of the pictures she had shot at our Polynesian Luau, Asilly Bnervous Cquiet DsadThey are fantastic and I really _34_ seeing them. However, it is very tiring, as they get so _35_ and have so much energy. But I fall asleep hoping they will remember those good times when they get older.35. A. excited B. interested C. exciting D. interestingAs you get older, you _32_ bee the one who must help your relatives with their kids.32. A. usually B. never C. suddenly D. really高频形容词 副词: suddenly, even, finally, first, last, again, also, however, though, although, yet, instead, even though, but, still等.With shaking hands Agatha took off her necklaceAs soon as the robber left,she picked up her earrings and ran as 14 as she could to one of her friendsThe earrings cost 480 pounds and the necklace the robber had taken away cost 15 six pounds14Amuch Bearly Ccarefully Dfast15Areally Balready Conly DhardlyAgatha walked in the 2 street aloneSuddenly from the back of a dark building , a tall man with a sharp knife in his right hand ran out at her2. Abusy Bquiet Cnoisy Dwide S_S2. 选项包括连词,代词或介词 抓住空格的横线与左右的S 必填连词 _SS1名词后加从句的类型:定语从句、同位语从句2在同表主从句中,只能用that,不能用which; 只能用where,不能用if。3what是绿叶词;what不引导同位语从句。4when前同位语必须是时间名词;when引导时间状语从句:when是时间状语连词。 主句和从句的谓语动作同时发生,时态要一样;但是所有的时间状语连词,(尤其是when),有这样一个特殊要求,当一个动作比另一个动作发生在前,有明显的先与后的时候,发生在前的动作要比发生在后的动作还要往前再推一个时态。might be might have been。 更严格地,might be had have been。He could free himself from the tightest knots or the most plicated locks in seconds. 41 no one really knows 42 he did this, there is no doubt 43 he had made a close study of every type of lock ever 44 .41ALuckily BClearlyCPerhapsDAlthough 50 he went past, he stepped on it so that it stuck to the bottom of his foot. His most famous escape, however, was 51 amazing.50AAsBUsuallyCMaybeDThen3. S四个选项都为连词(连+S) 根据括号在主句中的位置确定从句类型l n()定语从句 后面不能加thatIf you are buying a hairdryer, you might 25 you are making the 26 buy if you choose one 27 look you like and which is also the cheapest 28 price27Awhich Bwhose Cits DwhatGreg, my brother in law, 38 to take some of my songs I had recently recorded to a local radio station, 39 he explained about my illness.39Awhich Bthat Cwhere Dwhen状语从句 until, unless, as, while, before, even though/if, as if等是高频正确选项的考点。Test 1 (马伟平)A hardworking farmer had a large field of corn.He worked in the field with the greatest _1_,for he wanted to sell the corn and buy good things for his family with the money.His family_2_ on the corn.Despite his hard work,he saw the corn droop (枯萎)_3_no rain fell.He began to fear that he was to have no_4_.He felt very sad,and every morning he went to the field and looked at the_5_crops and wished for the rain to fall.One day,as he was looking up at the_6_,two little raindrops saw him,and one said to the other,“I feel very_7_to see that farmer.He took such pains with his corn,and now it is_8_.I wish I might help him.”The other said,“But you are only a little raindrop.You cant_9_even one hill.”The first said,“I know I cannot do much,but perhaps I can _10_ the farmer a little.Ill go to the field to show my good will,if I cant do _11_ more.”No sooner had the first raindrop_12_for the field than the second one said,“If you really want to go,Ill_13_you.”And down went the raindrops.One fell on the farmers_14_,and one on a crop.The farmer cried,“A raindrop!I do believe we shall have a_15_.”By this time a great many raindrops had _16_to see what all this was about.When they saw the two _17_little drops going down to cheer the farmer,and_18_his corn,they all went down_19_a whole shower came.Then the corn grew_20_all because one little raindrop tried to do what it could.【语篇解读】两个

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