2019-2020年高中英语 全国题型专练2 外研版必修1.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 全国题型专练2 外研版必修1.七选五A serious problem for todays society is who should be responsible for our elderly and how to improve their lives. It is not only a financial problem but also a question of the system we want for our society. _1_First,employers should take the responsibility for their retired employees. _2_. But when a pany must take lifelong responsibility for its employees, it may suffer from a mercial disadvantage due to higher employee costs._3_ This means each person must save during his working years to pay for his years of retirement. This does not seem a very fair model since some people have enough trouble paying for their daily life without trying to earn extra to cover their retirement years. This means the government might have to step in to care for the poor.In addition, the government could take responsibility for the care of the elderly. This could be financed through government taxes to increase the level of pensions. Furthermore, some institution should be created for senior citizens,which can help provide a fortable life for them. Unfortunately,as the present situation in our country shows,_4_. The government can seldom afford to care for the elderly, particularly when it is busy trying to care for the young.One further solution is that the government or social organizations establish some working places especially for the elderly where they are independent._5_Therefore,it is reasonable to expect that some bination of these options may be needed to provide the care we hope to give to our elderly generations.AIts unfair to let the government to share all the responsibilities.Bthis is not a truly practical answerCI would like to suggest several possible solutions to this problem.DEvery coin has two sides.ETo make this possible,a percentage of profits should be set aside for this purposeFTo sum up,all these options have advantages and disadvantages.GAnother way of solving the problem is to return the responsibility to the individual.答案:1C本题考查对文章主旨大意的把握能力。从文章下面的叙述方式可知,作者提出了改善老年人生活的几项措施。因此C项作为文章的主题句最佳。2E本句承接上文,说明老板要从自己的利润中扣除一部分作为老年人的养老金。3G本题考查对段落大意的把握能力。根据下文的each person可知,个人也必须购买养老金,分担自己该分担的一份。4B从前面的语气词unfortunately可以推断让政府承担养老的责任是不切合实际的。5F本题考查对文章结论的把握能力。本段后面的内容说明,可以把各种措施综合起来,共同解决老年人养老的问题,说明前面的方法有利也有弊。.语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。A doctor entered the hospital in a hurry after being called in for urgent surgery. He answered the call, _1_(change) his clothes and went directly to the surgery block. He found the boys father _2_(pace)in the hall waiting for the doctor. Once seeing him, the dad said _3_(angry), “Why did you take your time to e? Dont you have _4_ sense of responsibility?”The doctor smiled and said, “I am sorry, I wasnt in the hospital and I came with the _5_(fast) speed after receiving the call. And now, I wish youd calm down so that I can do my work.” “Calm down? What _6_ your son is in this room right now? Will you calm down?” the father yelled.The doctor smiled again and went into the room.The surgery took some hours after which the doctor went out happily. “Thank goodness! Your son is saved!” And _7_ waiting for the fathers reply, he carried on with his way running. “If you have any questions, ask the nurse !”Later the nurse told _8_ that the doctor, _9_ son died yesterday in a car accident, was at the funeral when they called him for the surgery. And now he was running to finish his sons funeral. Never judge anyone because you never know how their life is or _10_ theyre going through. 1_2._3._4.5._6_7._8._9._10._答案:1changedand连接三个并列谓语,表示一系列动作的发生,故此处用change的过去式。2pacing此处意为“他发现小男孩的父亲在大厅里踱来踱去,在等医生”,find sb. doing sth.“发现某人在做某事”,故用现在分词。3angrily所填词修饰动词say,故用angry的副词形式。4asense表示“(对某物的)感觉”常用单数形式,此处表泛指,故用不定冠词。5fastest由上下文可知,此处意为“接到电话后,我以最快的速度赶过来”,故此处用fast的最高级形式。6if此处意为“要是现在你儿子在这间病房里,你会怎么样”,what if“要是怎么样?”,故用if。7without由上下文可知,医生并没有等到父亲的回答,故此处用without。8him所填词作tell的宾语,指代the boys father,故用代词him。9whose所填词引导非限制性定语从句,在从句中作son的定语,故用whose。10whator连接的前后两个句子都是know的宾语从句,后一个从句的引导词在从句中作宾语,故用what。.短文改错Since my childhood, libraries had played an important role in my life. When I was a pupil, I viewed at my every trip to my school library as the adventure. I enjoyed my stay at the library when I could read various book I was interested in. It was this reason that I decided to volunteer at a library. Though at first I had difficulty remember which section each book should be shelved in, with the help of a librarian, he got used to doing this soon. Working in the library might seem a little bored for some people. Therefore, it was a rewarding experience for me. It not only developed my ability, but helped me make a contribution to society.答案:Since my childhood, libraries played an important role in my life. When I was a pupil, I viewed at my every trip to my school library as adventure. I enjoyed my stay at the library I could read various I was interested in. It was this reason that I decided to volunteer at a library. Though at first I had difficulty which section each book should be shelved in, with the help of a librarian, got used to doing this soon. Working in the library might seem a little for some people. , it was a rewarding experience for me. It not only developed my ability, but helped me make a contribution to society.(二).七选五Sometimes youll hear people say that you cant love others until you love yourself, Sometimes youll hear people say that you cant expect someone else to love you until you love yourself. _1_ Sure we all know that were the apple of our parents eyes, and that our Grandmas think were great talents and our Uncle Roberts think that we will go to the Olympics. But sometimes its a lot harder to think such nice thoughts about ourselves. If you find that believing in yourself is a challenge,it is time _2_._3_ This image includes the way you look, the way you act, the way you talk and the way you think. Interestingly, our selfimages are often quite different from the images others hold about us. Unfortunately, most of these images are more negative than they should be. Thus changing the way you think about yourself is the key to changing your selfimage and your whole world. The best way to defeat a passive selfimage is to step back and decide to stress your successes. That is,make a list if you need to, but write down all of the great things you do every day. _4_. It very well might be that you are experiencing a negative selfimage because you cant move past one flaw or weakness that you see about yourself. Well,roll up your sleeves and a change of it as your primary task. If you think youre silly because you arent good at math, find a tutor. If you think youre weak because you cant run a mile, get to the track and practice. If you think youre dull because you dont wear the latest trends, _5_. But remember,just because you think it doesnt mean its true.AIts not so difficult to build a selfimage as you think.Byou build a positive selfimage and learn to love yourselfCSelfimage is your own minds picture of yourself.DDont allow doubts to occur in itEEither way,youve got to love yourself first and this can be tricky.Fbuy a few new clothesGAlways love yourself答案:1E本题考查对上下文逻辑关系的把握能力。上文提到两种情况,此处是对前两种情况的总结,无论怎样你都要先爱自己。2B本题考查对文章主旨的把握能力。从下文看,文章主要强调我们要建立良好的个人形象,要学会爱自己。3C本题考查对上下文逻辑关系的把握能力。后文说明“自我形象”的具体内容,因此前句应该首先概括介绍“自我形象”的意义。4D本题考查对段落结论的总结能力。本段介绍,要建立积极的自我形象,首先要增强自己的自信心,因此不能对自己产生怀疑。5F本题考查对具体细节的理解能力。从前面the latest trends可知,此处与衣服有关,介绍你可以买几件新衣服来改善个人形象。.语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。The International Red Cross and Red Crescent(弯月) Museum was opened in Geneva in 1988. _1_ tells the story of men and women who, in the course of the major events of the last 150 years, have given assistance _2_ victims of wars and natural disasters.The organization _3_(found) in 1863 was based on an idea by a Swiss businessman called Henry Dunant. He had witnessed too many deaths and wounds at the Battle of Solferino in Italy four years _4_(early), in which 40,000 people were killed, wounded or missing. He had seen the lack of medical services and the great suffering of many of the wounded,_5_ simply died from lack of care. TheInternational Red Cross/Red Crescent exists _6_(help) the victims of conflicts and disasters regardless of their nationality._7_ symbol of the organization was _8_(original) just the red cross. It has no religious significance; the founders of the movement adopted it in honor of Switzerland. However, the original symbol, the red cross could hurt Muslim soldiers, _9_ a second symbol, the red crescent, was used. _10_ are now official symbols.1_2._3._4.5._6_7._8._9._10._答案:1It所填词指代上文的The International Red Cross and Red Cresent Museum,故用it。2togive sth. to sb.为固定搭配,此处give the assistance to victims意为“给受害者提供资助”。3foundedthe organization和found为逻辑上的被动关系,且动作已完成,故用过去分词作定语。4earlier“早在四年前”,暗含一个比较,用early的比较级形式。5who所填词引导非限制性定语从句,在从句中作主语指人,用who。6to help在句中作目的状语,故用不定式。7Thesymbol被of短语修饰,特指那个组织的标志,用定冠词。8originally此处用作状语意为“最初,原先”,故用副词originally。9sohowever后面为两个单独的句子,且句子为因果关系,用so。10Both代词指代上文提到的两种标志,用both。.短文改错Last year, I volunteered to work as a teacher at a school locating in a remote village. One day, I conducted the English exam. One of my student forgot to bring her pencil. She asked if that she could go out to borrow one from her cousin studying in the same school. I agreed. However, she brought something when she came back. She seemed very sadly, with tears falling from her eyes. I was so touched that I asked another student hand me her pencil. With her permission, I broke the pencil for halves. I gave one half to the one without a pencil but the other half to the owner. After the exam, the girl thanked me and said that I was the kindest person she has met. 答案:Last year, I volunteered to work as a teacher at a school in a remote village. One day, I conducted English exam. One of my forgot to bring her pencil. She asked if that she could go out to borrow one from her cousin studying in the same school. I agreed. However, she brought when she came back. She seemed very , with tears falling from her eyes. I was so touched that I asked another student hand me her pencil. With her permission, I broke the pencil halves. I gave time half to the one without a pencil the other half to the owner. After the exam, the girl thanked me and said that I was the kindest person she met.

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