2019-2020年高二暑假作业英语试题10 含答案.doc

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2019-2020年高二暑假作业英语试题10 含答案第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分35分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1. It was _ cold winter night and the moon was shining brightly across _ night sky. A. 不填;a B. a; the C. the; a D. the; 不填2. Dont always _ a dictionary when ing across a new word. A. turn to B. lead to C. stick to D. correspond to 3. When I was chatting with her on the mobile phone, the battery _ dead suddenly. A. changed B. stayed C. remained D. went4. It is important to have your eyes examined regularly to check for any sign of eye disease that may not have any _.A. sample B. similarity C. symptom D. shadow5. Yi Jianlian is another Chinese who plays for the NBA after Yao Ming. He has the _ to bee a worldclass basketball player.A. pressure B. principle C. possession D. potential6. Was it in 1897 _ a European chemist called Dr Felix Hoffmann produced aspirin from some other chemicals? A. when B. which C. that D. in which7. Peter had intended to take a job in business, but _ that plan after the unpleasant experience in Canada in xx. A. had been abandoned B. abandoned C. abandon D. will abandon8. There is evidence _ acupuncture began during the stone Age, _ stone tools called bian(砭) were used to press areas of the body. A. which, when B. that, when C. that, which D. when, which9. Our parents have made _ so that we can have a good education. We should live up to their expectations.A. sacrifices B. advances C. appointments D. declarations10. She started an engineering degree, but _ after only a year. A. got away B. dropped out Cchecked out Dheld on11. Most early TV broadcasts were made _ a system_ by John Logie Baird in the UK.A. using, developing B. using, developed C. to use, developing D. used, developed 12. Running a pany is not _ a matter of hiring people they also need to be trained.A. equally B. partly C. seriously D. merely13. Nowadays there is a _ increase in childrens creativity, for they are greatly encouraged to develop their talents. A. natural B. calm C. sharpD. shallow 14. Do you think shopping online will _ take the place of shopping in stores? A. especially B. frequently C. eventually D. elegantly15. I have tried very hard to find a solution to the problem, but in vain. Why not consult with Frank? You see, _.A. great minds think alikeB. two heads are better than oneC. a bird in the hand is worth two in the bushD. its better to think twice before doing something第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。People think children should play sports, which are fun. However, playing sports can have 16 effects on children. It may produce feelings of poor self-respect or aggressive(挑衅的) 17 in some children. According to a research on kids and sports, 40,000,000 kids play sports in the US. Of these, 18,000,000 say they have been 18 at or called names while playing sports. This leaves many children with a bad 19 of sports. They think sports are just too aggressive and are afraid that they will get 20 in sports.Many researchers believe adults, especially parents and coaches, are the main 21 of too much aggression in childrens sports. In their opinion, children tend to 22 aggressive adult behavior. This behavior is then further 23 through both positive and negative feedback. Parents and coaches are powerful teachers because children usually 24 them. Often these adults behave aggressively themselves, sending children the message that 25 is everything. Many parents go to childrens sporting events and shout at other players 26 or cheer when their child behaves aggressively. As well, children are even taught that hurting other players is 27 or are pushed to continue playing even when they are injured. 28 ,the media makes violence seem exciting. Children watch adult sports games and see violent behavior 29 over and over on television.As a society, we really need to 30 this problem. Parents and coaches 31 should act as better examples for children. They also need to teach children better 32 . They should not just cheer when children win or act aggressively. They should teach children to respect themselves 33 they win or not. Its vital that children should not be 34 to continue to play when they are injured. If adults allow children to play when injured, this gives the message that 35 is not as important as winning.16. A. positiveB. negative C. activeD. attractive17. A. look B. expressionC. behaviourD. way18. A. knockedB. glancedC. smiledD. shouted19. A. impressionB. intentionC. effectD. expectation20. A. praisedB. caughtC. hurtD. trapped21. A. resourceB. causeC. resultD. consequence22. A. questionB. understandC. copyD. ignore23. A. improvedB. weakenedC. strengthenedD. kept24. A. look down uponB. look up to C. approve of D. subscribe to25. A. winningB. practicingC. fightingD. hurting26. A. proudlyB. happilyC. loudlyD. bravely27. A. acceptableB. impoliteC. possibleD. accessible28. A. In a wordB. Whats moreC. As a resultD. After all29. A. relayedB. delayedC. appliedD. replied30.A. agree withB. deal withC. put up withD. e up with31. A. in particularB. in allC. in returnD. in advance32. A. techniquesB. meansC. directionsD. values33. A. whetherB. thoughC. ifD. either34. A. bannedB. suggestedC. allowedD. forbidden35. A. bodyB. fameC. wealthD. spirit第三部分:阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)请认真阅读下列短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AIt began a year ago, around Christmas.Every time I drove down our street, I noticed an old man sitting in his front yard. He was usually smoking or drinking, and looking rather sad. One day, while I was driving past him with my daughter, I decided to wave at him with a lot of excitement. Initially, when he noticed me waving at him, he looked a bit shocked. Then, I saw his hand go up and he waved back. “Why did you wave at him?” my daughter asked. I told her that its just an act of kindness that doesnt cost anything, and it gives both him and me a sense of joy. She responded by saying that she was a bit embarrassed to wave to a stranger, but next time she would try it as well. We lived close to the old man, so we saw him rather often. Whenever we drove by, both of us would start waving at him and, pretty soon, the old man started waving at everyone who passed by his home. One day, my daughters friend came to visit and she told my daughter that she saw this strange old man near our home who waved at her very excitedly. She mentioned that she waved back at him, even though she didnt know him, and it felt really good. Upon hearing this, my daughter told her friend the story of how all the waving began. Her friend responded, “Tell your mom thats really cool!” Other friends made similar ments, and this response taught my daughter just how much an act of kindness can be very natural and effortless, if you really want to do it. It showed us how giving happiness benefits both the giver and the receiver.The other day, my friend shared similar opinions with me. “I have been meaning to talk to you about this man who waves at us every time we e to your house!” she said. My husband then told her the story about how it all began last year.Inspired by all these positive ripples (涟漪), were planning to give our elderly waving neighbor a thank-you card, to express our thanks for the warm presence that he municates through his enthusiastic waves. We really appreciate him sharing his simple joy with all who pass by his house.36. The old man was _ when he saw the author waving at him for the first time.A. amusedB. thankfulC. surprisedD. excited37. The author waved at the old neighbor _.A. to show kindness to the old manB. to respond to the old mans greetingsC. to help the old man quit smoking and drinkingD. to show her daughter how to greet strangers politely38. What did her daughters friends respond to the waving story?A. They criticized the author.B. They were in favor of the authors behavior.C. They held different opinions about the waving story.D. They didnt recognize the meaning of waving to strangers.39. What does the author mainly want to tell us with this article?A. Good habits start with small gestures.B. We should never judge a book by its cover.C. Kind actions benefit both givers and receivers.D. We should send presents to the people around us.BMy Love from the Star has such an intense following, its got its fans acting crazy. The show appeared on December 18, xx and had an average viewers of 24% in Korea. It was then sold to China where its been viewed online through iqiyi, a Chinese video streaming platform, for about 14.5 billion times.The story is attractive: An alien lands 400 years ago in Korea. Fast forward to present, he meets his love a haughty(傲慢的) star, and inevitably falls in love with her.The show has started all sorts of trends, namely one for chicken and beer as its the heroines favorite food bination.Resulting in over 3.7 million posts on Chinas micro-blogging platform about “chicken and beer” in the weeks following the broadcast of every part of this play.Even Chinas A-list celebrities bought into the trend. Gao Yuanyuan posted this photo with the words: “First snow. Wheres my fried chicken and beer?”It is said that, in Chongqing, a woman dumped her boyfriend after he refused to buy her fried chicken in the middle of the night because he wasnt as romantic as the shows leading man.Another story reported that a 50-year-old Chinese woman suffered a heart attack from late night binge-watching and getting too “emotional” over the storyline.When Chinese officials met in Beijing last month, the show was the hottest topic of discussion. They debated why China hasnt made a show nearly as popular.However, there is also a critical voice: the CPPCC National mittee even went so far as to believe that the fanaticism(狂热) sparked by My Love from the Star has hurt the self-respect of Chinese culture.40. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage? A. My Love from the Star appeared at the end of 2013 in Korea. B. An old Chinese woman suffered a heart attack from binge-watching. C. Most Chinese like this show and think it has a positive influence on our culture. D. The show has started all sorts of trends like the favorite food bination.41. Why did the woman in Chongqing end a romantic relationship with her boyfriend?A. He said this show hurt his self-respect.B. He didnt like to watch this show with her.C. He wasnt as romantic as the shows leading actor.D. He refused to buy her fried chicken and beer on a snowy evening.42. Which edition is this article likely to appear on?A. Health B. Technology C. Economy D. CultureCSouth Africa has 11 official languages. If you want to say hello, its sawubona in Zulu, and hallo in Afrikaans. Now, South Africas school children may start using ni hao to say hello.The countrys education minister says, the nation is adding the Mandarin language teaching in some schools. Mandarin is the official spoken language of China. That country is a major trading power for South Africa.A recent agreement between the two nations centers on five areas of cooperation. They include development in basic education, school books and lessons, mathematics and science, teacher training and career education and research.South Africa officials have not said how much the teaching of Mandarin will cost. Troy Martens is an official with South Africas Ministry of Basic Education. She says the new partnership is extremely valuable. A public opinion study last year found that South Africans have mixed feelings about China. The survey showed 46 percent of South Africans do not like the spread of Chinese ideas and customs in their country, the results also showed that 60 percent dislike Chinese music, movies and television. But Ms Martens said Chinese trade is more important than those feelings. She said it is extremely helpful to learners in South Africa to study Mandarin. Now this will not be pulsory, it will not be for every school, and it will not be for every child. But for schools that feel they have the capacity to offer Mandarin as a subject, we think it is a great opportunity for South African learners to be exposed to this international type of language, said Martens.Lisette Noonan heads the 80-year-old Pretoria Chinese School in South Africas capital. The school serves about 500 students from kindergarten to grade 12. Every student studies Mandarin.Ms Noonan says the school weles the new cooperation between South Africa and China. She said it is in the best interests of children to study Mandarin. 43. What does the underlined word “Mandarin” mean?A. Trade. B. Putonghua. C. Dialect. D. Culture.44. A recent agreement between the two nations focuses on several areas of cooperation EXCEPT_.A. basic educationB. economic developmentC. mathematics and scienceD. career education and research45. Troy Martens attitude towards adding the Mandarin language teaching in some schools is _A. doubtful B. favorable C. indifferent D. negative46. What can be inferred from the passage?A. 46 percent of South Africans accepted Chinese ideas and customs.B. South Africa officials thought teaching Mandarin cost much money.C. 60 percent of South Africans dislike Chinese music, movies and television.D. Lisette Noonan is glad to see the cooperation between South Africa and China.DFriday was my husbands birthday, but we spent most of it in the car. We were driving to Phoenix for the weekend to celebrate his birthday and see the Warriors play the Suns. My husband is a lucky man. Not only has he lived to see another birthday, but hes married to a woman who likes basketball and doesnt mind driving 300 miles (480km) to see a game. In the car, his cell phone kept ringing with birthday greetings from family and friends. He put them all on speakerphone so he could drive with both hands and I could listen in, even though it wasnt my birthday. The western sky colored up slowly, painting feather-like clouds in the singular shades of pinks and purples and grays that Ive e to love in sunsets. I wish you could have seen it. The rough road got rougher. My bad knee kept begging for a break, and dinner was still miles away. Soon, oning headlights sliced the dark like lasers and stabbed at our eyes. Meanwhile, on the CD player, the Reverend Al Green began to sing Love and Happiness. A little good music makes a bad road better. An hour later, we checked into the hotel, got dinner and sat out on a rooftop (屋顶) feeling glad to be alive. We had a great weekendwe ate too much, slept too little and the Warriors, well, they lost. But still, it was all worth the drive. Isnt it always? On the way home, I started thinking about birthdays. In our family, we celebrate four in January, four in February, and all the others throughout the year. Mine is next week. If Im lucky, like my husband, Ill get cards and calls and maybe a few videos. I dont need presents any more. When youve seen as many birthdays as Ive seen, the only gift you truly want is getting to see one more. Birthdays are the mile markers on the road of life. They tell us how far weve e, but not how far weve yet to go. Life is a journey more than a destination. What matters is whom we choose as traveling panions, and how often we get to sit back and enjoy the ride.47. Why does the author say “my husband is a lucky man”? A. He married a beautiful girl.B. He got so many presents at his birthday.C. He has a good wife during his life journey.D. The author celebrated his birthday for once.48. Which of the following help the couple go through the long, difficult drive to Phoenix? a. The rare basketball tickets. b. The great views along the way. c. The music played on their CD player.d. The birthday greetings from family and friends.A. a b c B. b c d C. a c d D. a b d 49. What kind of birthday gift does the author really want?A. Watching a live NBA game. B. Calls and cards from friends.C. Being able to live another year. D. Videos from friends and family.50. Which of the following would be the best title for the text?A. Life is a journey B. My lucky husbandC. Mile markers on the road of lifeD. Driving to see the Warriors play the Suns第卷 非选择题(共两部分,计35分)第四部分:任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入1个最恰当的单词。注意:请将答案写在答题卡上相应题号的横线上。每个空格只填一个单词。How to Keep Others Negative Attitudes From Affecting UsThe people you hang around can have a big effect on your own feelings. When you are constantly around people who have negative attitudes, you begin to bee a more negative person yourself. Recognizing that this is harmful is the first step to overing the problem. Its not always possible to remove people with negative attitudes from your life, but when you start to focus on the more positive things in your life, the negative attitudes of others will stop affecting you. Catch yourself having negative thoughts and turn them into positive ones. When youre around negative people, negative thoughts start to go into your mind. If this happens to you, change the thought into something thats good. For example, if you find yourself feeling down because you cant afford to eat at the nicest restaurant in town, think about how lucky you are to have a spouse that knows just how to make your favorite food. Take a break to refresh your mind and spirit. Excuse yourself to the restroom or take a brief walk outside. During this time, remind yourself of the good things in your life. Offer positive solutions to the people with negative attitudes. Rather than nodding in agreement when a friend is plaining about her boss or her husband, offer her some concrete ideas that she can use to deal with the problems in her life. Refuse to be involved in gripe sessions. Those with negative attitudes tend to feed off of each other and its easy to find yourself caught in a gripe session, with everyone doing nothing but plaining. Dont say any negative things and excuse yourself the first chance that you get.Focus on friendships with positive people. Its impossible to avoid negative people at all times. However, you dont have to spend all of your time with them. Instead, make friends with the people who have a positive outlook on life. Their feelings will inspire you as well.Attitudes toward life color everything. Those who have a positive attitude do better at work, have stronger relationships with family and friends and get sick less often. Every individual is unique, but those with positive attitudes tend to share certain qualities. Surrounding yourselves with positive people, you manage to keep a youthful outlook no matter how old you are. Title: How to Keep Others Negative Attitudes from Affecting UsProblem You are easily 51._ by the people around you who have negative attitudes.You find it almost52. _ to remove them unless you focus on more positive things.53._Turn your negative thoughts into54. _


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