2019-2020年高三英语M9U2 Witnessing time晨读检查.doc

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2019-2020年高三英语M9U2 Witnessing time晨读检查I. Words1. 古典的;经典的 adj. _2. 联想,联系vt副职的adj. _3. 平的adj _4. 神圣的 adj._5. 自治的 adj._6. 无技巧的adj. _7. 稳步的,持续的adj._8. 晒黑的;晒伤的 adj. _9. 王室的,皇家的 adj. _10. 上边的,上部的 adj. _11. 芬芳的,芳香的 adj. _12. 明显的,显而易见的adj. _13. 易损的;易损的 adj. _14. 部分地 adj. _1. 争端,分歧;摩擦 n._2. 偷,盗窃 n._3. 评估,评价n. _4. 两周,两星期n. _5. 灵感;启发灵感的事n. _6. 公共事务;事件 n. _7. 装饰品;装潢n. _8. 平民 n. _9. 管理,控制 n. _10. 帮助,援助n. _11. 登记,注册 v. _II. Phrases1. 与有联系 _2. 对笨拙的 _3. 被任命为 _4. 有做的灵感 _5. 与sb 离婚 _6. 控告某人_7. 判sb死刑 _8. 代表 _9. 显而易见的 _10. 就而言 _11. 来帮助sb _I. Sentences1. _ _ has had a _ _ on Western civilization than the ancient Greeks.没有人对西方文明的影响比古希腊大。2. They _ _ _ (取得很多进步)in philosophy, science, mathematics, arts, architecture, theatre, politics and sport.3. The Roman alphabet is a Greek invention, _ _ _ _ (马拉松也如此).4. _ _ (尤其,特别),we _ ancient Greek civilization _ (把联系起来)the capital of Athens, the greatest symbol of which is the Acropolis,5. _ _ _ (除了还有)the Acropolis, there are three main temples to Athena,6. It used to h_(供奉) a 13-metre-high gold-covered statue of Athena as the Goddess of Victory.7. The Acropolis is _ _(没有什么不同)8. In 1458, the Turks _(击败) the Greeks and _ _ _(夺去了的控制)Athens.9. In 1687,an attack from Italy caused the gunpowder to _(爆炸) and a large part of the building was destroyed. and acid rain is _ _ _ _ (正逐渐破坏着)the marble on the Acropolis.10. _ _ _ _(作为对的表示) help preserve history, the Greek government _(任命)a mittee in 1975 to _(承担) a plete repair of the Acropolis.11. The mittee is continuing its work and hopes to _ the Acropolis _ _ its former glory. (重现辉煌)12. The mittee is also undertaking important work to educate the public, _ _ _ _(基于共识)that the best way to protect the Acropolis is to prevent damage.13. ,people will be able to enjoy this historic site for _ _ _ (世世代代).14. _ _the extraordinary beauty of Changling is the Lingen Palace, known for its simple design and painted ceiling.15. _ _ (除了) Shishanling, the most famous Ming Tomb is Xiaoling, in Nanjing. 16. _ _ _ _ (很显然) the Qing Tombs are influenced by the Ming Tombs, especially _ _ _ (就而言) architecture and _ _ (方式) they are placed among the surrounding mountains and valleys. 17. _ _ now _ _ (是我们的责任) to be a good steward of these monuments of the Chinese people.

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