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2019-2020年高三英语10月月考卷新人教版注意事项:1. 答第卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2. 选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在本试卷上,否则无效。第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从试题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. How many apples did the man give those homeless men? A. 4. B. 6. C. 8.2. What does the woman mean? A. She would invite Jenny to her party. B. She has something else to do. C. She isnt invited to the party.3. What is the woman? A. A teacher. B. A student. C. A taxi driver. 4. Who saved the two boys ? A. Two young men. B. Their mothers. C. The man.5. What happened to the man ? A. He was late for work today. B. He was scolded by his manager. C. He was laughed at by his colleagues.第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6.Who likes blue best according to the woman? A. Jenny. B. Tom. C. Jim.7.What do the speakers want to buy? A. A blue shirt in size 8. B. A white shirt in size 10. C. A white shirt in size 9.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题8. What did the woman do during the summer? A. She went to the beach with her aunt. B. She went to the countryside alone. C. She went to her grandparents farm.9. What does the man think of his vacation? A. Great. B. Disappointing. C. Too short.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. What did Oliver tell the policeman about the man to be wanted? A. When he went out. B. How strong he was. C. Which room he stayed in.11. What did the policeman give Oliver? A. A picture and a phone number. B. A picture and a DVD. C. A DVD and a phone number.12. When did the policeman arrest that man ? A. About ten minutes later that day. B. About two hours later that day. C. About two days later.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. What do we know about the woman? A. She doesnt like Aunt Wangs food. B. She doesnt like Aunt Wangs rules. C. She doesnt like Aunt Wangs talking.14. How does the woman feel when she eats at her grandmas? A. Nervous. B. Angry. C. Relaxed.15. Who will have a basketball game tonight? A. Charles. B. Flora. C. Lily.16. What will Charles do next week? A. Hold a party. B. Visit the woman. C. Go to eat at Aunt Wangs.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What should students do on the first day ? A. Fill a form. B. Find a partner. C. Do a test.18. Which of the following does the school focus on? A. Conversation. B. position. C. Grammar.19. How many lessons are there all together? A. 48. B. 120. C. 240.20. How long does each class last? A. Half an hour. B. One hour. C. One and a half hours.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ASome trees can survive a long time without water. Think of trees that grow in the desert. But other trees may need more moisture (水分)than they can get from rainfall or from the air .Trees and other plants can look thirsty. Leaves can bee weak and hang downward. They can also turn yellow. Yellowing can be a sign of too much water. But it can also be a warning sign of too little water.With a newly planted tree, the roots have not yet spread out from the root ball. The root ball can bee dry faster than the dirt around it. So put water on the area of the root ball and the surrounding soil until the roots bee established.Once a tree is well established, water deeply instead of watering often. The amount of water needed depends on the tree and the soil. Clay soils hold water for longer periods while sandy soil holds less water. During the hottest season, a deep watering may satisfy a tree for anywhere from ten days to four weeks.Ted Swiecki is a plant scientist . He says people should not water established trees at the base of the trunk. This can harm the tree. Too much water in the soil at the base of a tree can lead to the growth of fungi(菌类). If the area is too wet, harmful organisms have a better chance to invade the tree and cause disease.Mr. Swiecki says this is true especially in Mediterranean and semi-dry climates. Many trees in these climates have adapted to having a dry area near their base during the hottest season. He said, Water displaces (取代,排出)air in the soil. And roots are aerobic(需氧的); they require oxygen for the soil to function properly. So if you keep the soil pletely wet and theres no air there, then the roots are starving for oxygen.21.What is the passage mainly about?A. It introduces to us different kinds of trees B. It instructs us how to water trees correctlyC. It teaches us how to tell whether a tree needs waterD. It analyses why different trees need different amounts of water22.What does the underlined word “this” in the last paragraph refer to ?A. Water displaces air in the soil B. Many trees have got used to dry soilC. Organisms can invade the soil that is too wet D. Water established trees at the base of trunks23.As to a well-established tree, .A. watering deeply matters more than watering oftenB. we should water them as often as possibleC. its roots have not spread out from the root ball yet D. a deep watering satisfies it for at most ten days in cold weather24.Which of the following situations requires the most watering?A. Newly planted trees in sandy soil B. Newly planted trees in clay soilC. Well-established trees in clay soil D. Well-established trees in sandy soilB The time children spend outdoors could be linked to a reduced risk of being short-sighted, research suggests. An analysis of eight previous studies by University of Cambridge researchers found that for each additional hour spent outside per week, the risk of short-sightedness was reduced by 2%.They said exposure to natural light and time spent looking at distant objects could be key factors. The studies involved more than 10,000 children and adolescents. Dr Justin Sherwin and his research team concluded that short-sighted children spent an average of 3.7 fewer hours per week outdoors than those who either had normal vision or were far-sighted. But they said the reasons were not yet clear. They expected to find that children who spent more time outdoors also spent less time doing activities like reading, studying or playing puter games, but no such link was found in two of the eight studies which looked at this relationship. However, Dr Sherwin said they would now need more precise data to try to understand which factors, such as increased use of distance vision, reduced use of near vision, natural ultraviolet(紫外线的) light exposure and physical activity, are most important. “Any increase in time spent outdoors must be weighed against exposure to ultraviolet radiation and the increased risk of skin cancer, cataracts(白内障)and other cancers.” he said.On the other hand, increasing outdoor physical activity could protect against diabetes and obesity, for example. Short-sightedness is a mon eye condition that causes distant objects to appear blurred(模糊不清的), while close objects can be seen clearly. It is much more mon today in the UK and the United States than it was just 30 to 40 years ago. Approximately 1-2% of five-year-olds to seven-year-olds in the UK have short-sightedness. About five million British people are short-sighted and some 200,000 of them will be seriously short-sighted. In some parts of Asia, more than 80% of the population suffers from short-sightedness.25. The passage mainly tells us .A. short-sightedness and its effects B. some factors that affect ones eyesight C. more and more children bee short-sighted D. Less time spent outdoors may mean more short-sightedness26. According to the passage, short-sightedness may have something to do with the following except .A. obesity B. exposure to natural light C. looking at distant objects D. time spent outdoors27. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Students who spent more time outdoors read less B. Only one factor contributes to short-sightednessC. The increase in time spent outdoors means more exposure to ultraviolet radiationD. The less time children spent outdoors, the more short-sighted they are28.The last paragraph is mainly developed by .A. giving definitions(下定义) B. showing figures(列数字) C. presenting arguments(呈论据) D. making parisons(作比较) CIf you want to get rich, leave New York City, Washington D.C. or Los Angeles and head to Plano, Texas;Aurora, Colorado or Omaha, Nebraska, where wages are high and life is good, a new survey showed.A poll(民意测验)that ranked 69 US cities with populations of more than 250,000 people showed the best places to build personal wealth and raise a family were in cities where some of the nations largest panies are headquartered.The No.1 city, Plano, is the ninth largest city in Texas and home to panys headquarters including soft drink pany Dr Pepper Snapple Group, PepsiCos snack foods pany FritoLay and movie theater pany Cinemark. “The city has a reputation as one of the best places in the country for employers to do business and for families to live and work. Plano has a nationally acclaimed public education system and well-educated, diverse residents.”Aurora, the third most popular city in Colorado, came in second, according to the survey which said its economy is booming and it is a business leader in key growth industries such as biotechnology, aerospace and high technology.Nebraskas largest city Omaha, home to famous US investor Warren Buffett, nabbed third place. Buffett, who is the richest man in the world according to Forbes magazine, is often called the “Sage of Omaha” for his successful investments(投资).New York City came in last, behind Washington D.C. and Los Angeles.“These cities do have some of the highest average wages in the country, but when it es to increasing your dollar for the future, it is difficult to do in these cities,” salary said.29.According to the passage, if you want to bee rich, youd better go to_. A.Washington D.C. B.OmahaC.Los Angeles D.New York City30.How many famous panies are mentioned in this passage?A.3. B.5. C.6. D.1031.Which of the following statements is RIGHT according to this passage?A.The No.1 city, Plano, is the ninth largest city in Washington.B.This poll was held in all American cities.C.Aurora is the third most popular city in Nebraska.D.Plano has a public education system and well educated diverse citizens. DBelow is a selection about some Guinness(吉尼斯)World Records.Top 6 Unusual Guinness World RecordsFastest 100 m running on all fours The xx Guinness World Records Day was, according to CWR, their biggest day of record-breaking ever, with more than 290,000 people taking part in record attempts in 15 different countries. Kenichi Itos record attempt was part of this special day. He is just another example of Japanese with super powers. His super power is to run with great speed on all fours. Kenichi Ito ran 100 m on all fours in 18.58 seconds. The Japanese set this record at Setagaya Kuritsu Sogo Undojyo, Tokyo, in xx.Most people inside a soap bubbleThe Discovery Science Center in Santa Ana, California celebrated this year the 15th anniversary of the Bubble 泡泡Festival. A bubbles math principles and science were presented and demonstrated at the three-week-long exhibition. The intriguing Bubble Show was also part of the program. Fan Yang and Deni Yang impressed the audience with their awesome skills for bubble making. The Yang family cooperated with the Discovery Science Center to set a new Guinness World Record for most people inside a soap bubble and they succeeded.The family that has been working with soap bubbles for 27 years created a huge soap bubble and got 118 people inside it. The record was set on April 4, 2011Longest ears on a dogA bloodhound from Illinois has the longest ears ever measured a dog. The right ear is 13.75 inches long and the left one 13.5 inches. The dog named Tigger earned this title in xx and is owned by Christina and Bryan Flessner.Mr. Jeffries is the previous record holder of this title. Each of his ears measured approximately 11.5 inches long. His grandfather used to hold this amazing world record, but when he died Mr.Jeffries took over.Most living generationsDid you ever wonder what is the Guinness World Record for most living generations in one family? Seven is the answer.The ultimate authority on record-breaking mentions on the website that the youngest great-great- great-great grandparent of this family was Augusta Bung aged 109 years 97 days, followed by her daughter aged 89, her granddaughter aged 70, her great grand-daughter aged 52, her great-great grand-daughter aged 33 and her great-great-great granddaughter aged 15 on the birth of her great-great-great-great grandson on January 21, 1989.Most T shirts worn at onceBelieve it or not, there is a record also for this category. Krunoslav Budiseli set a new world record on May 22,xx for wearing 245 T-shirts at the same time. The man from Croatia was officially recognized as the new record bolder by Guinness World Records after he managed to put on 245 different T-shirts in 1ess than two hours.The T-shirts weighted 68 kg and Budiseli said he began struggling around T-shirt No. 120. He dethroned the Swedish Guinness record holder who wore 238 T-shirts.Heaviest pumpkinGuinness World Records confirmed on October 9, xx that a gigantic pumpkin(南瓜)grown in Wisconcin was officially the worlds heaviest. It weighed 1,810 pounds 8 ounces and was unveiled by Chris Stevens at the Stillwater Harvest Festival in Minnesota. Stevens pumpkin was 85 pounds Javier than the record, another huge pumpkin grown in Ohio. The proud farmer said his secret is a precise of rain, cow mature, good soil, sea grass and fish emulsion. Some of the worlds heaviest pumpkins, including the record holder, were on public display at the Bronx Botanical Gardens in New York for a dozen days.32. Why is Kenichi Ito described a man with a “super power”? A. He set a good example to all Japanese.B. He made record attempts in 15 different countries.C. He set a new record for “Fastest 100 m running on all fours”.D. He participated in the xx Guinness World Records Day activities. 33. Jeffries is the name of_.A. the owner of the dog with the longest earsB. the grandfather of the dog with the longest earsC. the present holder of the record for “Longest ears on a dog”D. the former holder of the record for “longest ears on a dog”34. How many T-shirts had Krunoslav Budiseli put on before he felt it difficult to go on? A. 68. B. 120. C. 2. D. 245.35. According to the given information. which Guinness World Record was most recently set? A. The record for “Most people inside a soup bubble”. B. The record for “Most living generations”. C. The record for “Most T-shirts worn at once”. D. The record for “Heaviest pumpkin”.第二节(共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Everyone needs a break, and vacations are not meant for serious study. _36_ The Spring Festival is ing up so this is the perfect time to discuss some great English language literature to take on a long train journey. Before getting into the remendations, you need to determine your English reading prehension level. If youre at the beginners level, there are two options: reading a childrens book or reading a book that youve read in Chinese translation. _37_ If youre at the intermediate level, popular books like pop fiction, mysteries and thrillers are good options. For advanced readers, classic works of literature or modern prize winners (Nobel, Pulitzer) are good options._38_ When I pick up a book I like, even though the first few chapters are really hard to get through, I would try to get accustomed to the language the author uses. Generally, after the first few chapters, things get a lot easier, especially if I get involved in the story. Another great way to keep yourself motivated is to find a friend whos interested in reading the same book. You can make goals that you both want to achieve. _39_ Some quick remendations: Harry Potter, start with the first book and go on from there; the Narnia series; anything by US. writer Michael Crichton; and if you like horror, US. writer Stephen King is always unusual and fun. _40_ Happy reading!AIf you pick a book which is so challenging, it will be too stressful.BThe most important thing is to pick a book that youre really interested in.CYou may also enjoy your reading when hanging out with your family.DYou should just find a topic or author youre interested in, and the rest will go from there. EYou can also discuss plot lines or vocabulary issues with each other by SMS or email.FInstead, theyre a great way to take a break and enjoy a good book.GThis will help you get over any unfamiliar words or phrases, since youre already familiar with the story.第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Children and young people tend to have certain role models people they want to be like when they grow 41 . Though 42 children would have wished to copy their mother, father or a (n) 43 relative, gradually these role models are thought of as famous people or popular 44 . People have different opinions about 45 popular stars or other famous people are good role models for children. Charming models, such as Katie Price, are often admired and 46 by young girls. This is the biggest worry of parents and teachers. They wish to 47 the concept that success is achieved through hard work and 48 rather than an attractive looking.Most people tend to grow up to be those who are 49 home their parents or family friends. Some decide to be like their favorite teacher. A child who loves to 50 may want to grow to be the next Picasso or Van Gogh; Someone who loves to 51 might imagine themselves as a famous writer; if a child enjoys dancing, he or she 52 well admire a famous dancer, but this is not the 53 . A lot of dance students wish to be like their 54 teacher.Therefore, the job of a teacher is 55 just providing knowledge of a given subject. They should be able to 56 their students trust and 57 them well. Helping youngsters to learn from models, to learn how to accept 58 with grace and losing with dignity, is central to any parents or teachers job. Manners are very important and a dance teacher can 59 his or her position and influence to 60 good behaviors to youngsters.41Ayounger BstrongerColder Dtaller42Aat first Bat last Cat least Dat most43Agenerous BfavoriteCordinaryDhumorous44Afans BstarsCsingersDdancers45Athat BwhyCwhetherDif46Alooked down upon Bthought highly of Ccaught up withDmade fun of47Aencourage BreceiveChold Dignore48Aluck Bimagination CeffortDcreativity49Asimi


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