2019-2020年高三上学期第一次质量检测英语试题 Word版含答案.doc

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泰兴四中xx年秋学期高三期初质量检测 xx.9英 语 试 题 命题:何国群 审核:杨云2019-2020年高三上学期第一次质量检测英语试题 Word版含答案做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C-个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时问来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1 Why cant the man lend the woman his notebook?A. He doesnt have a notebook. B. He doesnt bring it with him.C. He will need it himself.2 Where does the man live now?A. In Washington. B. In New York. C. In Boston.3 When will the man be in the race?A. On Wednesday. B. On Saturday. C. On Sunday.4 Why is the woman worried?A. The repairman will not e on Friday.B. She cant hand in her paper on time.C. She hasnt finished her paper yet.5 Where does the conversation take place?A. In a post office. B. In a bookstore. C. In a supermarket.第二节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。6 Why is the man going to the party early?A. To get a good seat. B. To give a gift to George. C. To help George with the party.7 When will the woman arrive at the party?A. At about 2:00. B. At about 2:15. C. At about 2:30.听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。8 What are the speakers discussing?A. A new employee. B. A building project. C. The mans retirement.9 What does the man say about Allison?A. She will do a good job. B. She is not experienced. C. She gave him much support.听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。10 When will the dining hall close?A. At about 6:30. B. At about 7:00. C. At about 10:00.11 Why doesnt Ann want to eat in the dining hall?A. She is not hungry now. B. She has to prepare for a test.C. She doesnt like the food there.12 What will Bill most probably do right now?A. Order a pizza. B. Cook dinner at home. C. Go to the dining hall. 听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。13 What does Eddie do?A. A travel writer. B. A TV reporter. C. A college student.14 What do we know about Tom Coogans latest book?A. It is his 10th book. B. It is about a horse. C. It took him 16 months.15 How will Eddie prepare for his talk with Tom Coogan?A. By watching Tom Coogans TV program.B. By reading Tom Coogans latest book.C. By asking the woman questions.16 Where will Eddie meet Tom Coogan?A. At Tom Coogans house. B. At a TV station. C. At a college.听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。17 Where should the listeners go if they get lost?A. To the ticket office. B. To the tourist bus. C. To the main gate.18 What may surprise the listeners?A. There are people living in the palace.B. The palace has bee a museum.C. People are dressed in traditional clothes.19 What should the listeners do before they have their photos taken with the local people?A. Buy their products. B. Ask for their permission. C. Talk with their families.20 What does the speaker think of the asking price of the local peoples products? A. High. B. Acceptable. C. Low.第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. The little boat is _ safe. Dont you think so, Mike ? No worries! Ive been on this boat dozens of times.A. something but B. nothing but C. anything but D. everything but22. What do you think of Peter? He _ be really difficult to get along with even though hes a nice person in general.A. shall B. should C. must D. can23. However occupied you are with study, try to _ at least 15 minutes each day to have some exercise.A. put out B. put through C. put off D. put aside24. _, a small advertisement held my attention, which read “Easy job. Good wages. No experience necessary.” A. Looking through the newspaper B. While I was looking through the newspaper C. To look through the newspaper D. I was looking through the newspaper 25. How about your job-hunting? No luckNow,Ive reached the stage _ I dont care what I doA. which B where Cwhen D. that 26. In societies where social roles are determined, boys usually copy the behavior of their fathers, and girls _ of their mothers. A. that B. those C. one D. the ones 27. For sustainable development, the government has decided to give _ to thoseenergy-conserving and environment-friendly businesses in many aspects.A. profit B. interestC. preference D. advantage28. _, I have never seen anyone whos as capable as John. A. As long as I have traveled B. Much as I have traveled C. Now that I have traveled so much D. As I have traveled so much 29. All the citizens here strongly insist those caught _ “harmful” advertisements in the streets _ punished strictly.A. putting up; will be B. to put up; should be C. being put up; shall D. putting up; be 30.If I hadnt been caught in the heavy rain, I could have been back by 7 oclock.What a pity!Stella _ here to see you.A. is B. was C. would be D. has been31.They felt _ it was high tax and low ine _ contributed to the extreme misery of the working people at the bottom of the ladder.A. /;that B. that; which C. that; what D. /; which32. On hearing the news, the girl rushed out without hesitation, _ the luggage _ on the floor, and _ in the dark. A. left, lied, disappeared B. leaving, lying, disappearedC. leaving, lie, disappeared D. left, lay, disappear33. The manager has e back from his business trip. He is asking you for the report. Oh,my god ! I havent finished it yet. But he _ back at the pany tomorrow.A. was expected B. will expect C. expected D. will be expected34. Its a long time _ I saw you last.Yes,and what a pity!It will be a long time _ we see each other again.A. since; before B. when; when C. since; when D. before; since35. Is there anything else to discuss?_. I guess.A. Not at all B. No, thats all C. Yes, Im sure D. Yes, of course第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Digital technology has changed the way people access information. Since its 36 in the 80s, when people first experienced another way of life, technologies such as mobile phones and the Internet have bee cheap and mon. Some people see this as a window of opportunity to 37 effectively with such problems as 38 . They argue that the government should make mobile phone and the Internet 39 free of charge to anyone looking for a job. I 40 with this point of view.In the first place, one of the most mon 41 why jobless people cant find employment is that the skills they have are not 42 or are out of date. More often than not, they cant keep pace with society in terms of the knowledge that they 43 .Instead of investing public funds in an expensive infrastructure 44 mobile phones for free to those out of work, the 45 should organize training programmes that people out of work could sign up for in order to 46 new skills.Another argument 47 the idea is the way the use of the Internet and mobile phones would be controlled. It would be technically very 48 to control how these technologies are used, for there has been no successful example to follow in the world. 49 , public funds could be used to provide subsidized(给予补助的) bus or subway tickets for the unemployed who, for example, need to travel for a job interview. 50 , it would be prohibitively expensive to maintain such a system and ensure that it worked properly. The government could invest public funds in training courses for the staff working in 51 centers to make them more 52 at helping the unemployed to find jobs.To sum up, I am 53 that public money should not be wasted on expensive technology, and can be better used to 54 the problem of unemployment by giving the unemployed free and better-quality 55 .36. A. production B. introductionC. exhibitionD. development37. A. treatB. liveC. dealD. work38. A. crimeB. povertyC. unemployment D. education39. A. availableB. affordable C. reliableD. useful40. A. argueB. disagreeC. discussD. pare41. A. phenomena B. suggestions C. senses D. reasons42. A. neededB. acceptedC. valued D. considered43. A. findB. loseC. ownD. hear44. A. distributing B. buying C. makingD. updating45. A. panyB. government C. teamD. organization46. A. acquireB. possessC. practiceD. apply47. A. withB. overC. aboutD. against48. A. wrong B. importantC., challengingD. necessary49. A. InsteadB. BesidesC. ThereforeD. Still50. A. HoweverB. MoreoverC. ThusD. Secondly51. A. jobB. careC. health D. shopping52. A. objectiveB. careful C. convenient D. efficient53. A. doubtfulB. proud C. convinced D. satisfied54. A. raiseB. handle C. debate D. create55. A. technology B. goods C. lifeD. training第三部分 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ASome children are natural-born bosses. They have a strong need to make decisions, manage their environment, and lead rather than follow. Stephen Jackson, a Year One student, “operates under the theory of whats mine and whats yours is mine,” says his mother. “The other day I bought two new Star Wars light sabers(剑). Later, I saw Stephen with the two new ones while his brother was using the beat-up ones.”“Examine the extended family, and youll probably find a bossy grandparent, aunt, uncle or cousin in every generation. Its an inheritable trait,” says Russell Barkley, a professor at the Medical University of South Carolina. Other children who may not be particularly bossy can gradually gain dominance(支配地位) when they sense their parents are weak, hesitant, or in disagreement with each other.Whether its inborn nature or developed character at work, too much control in the hands of the young isnt healthy for children or the family. Fear is at the root of a lot bossy behavior, says family psychologist John Taylor. Children, he says in his book From Defiance to Cooperation, “have secret feelings of weakness” and “a desire to feel safe.” Its the parents role to provide that protection.When a “boss child” doesnt learn limits at home, the stage is set for a host of troubles outside the family. The overly willful and unbending child may have trouble obeying teachers or coachers, for example, or trouble keeping friends. It can be pretty lonely as the top dog if no one likes your bossy ways.“I see more and more parents giving up their power,” says Barkley, who has studied bossy behavior for more than 30 years. They bend too far because they dont want to be as strict as their own parents were. But they also feel less confident about their parenting skills. Their kids, in turn, feel more anxious.56. Bossy children like Stephen Jackson _.A. make good decisionsB. show self-centerednessC. lack care from othersD. have little sense of fear57. The underlined phrase “inheritable trait” in paragraph 2 means _.A. inborn natureB. developed characterC. accepted theoryD. particular environment58. The study on bossy behavior implies that parents _.A. should give more power to their children B. should be strict with their childrenC. should not be so anxious about their childrenD. should not set limits for their children59. What is the passage mainly about?A. How bossy behavior can be controlled.B. How we can get along with bossy children.C. What leads to childrens bossy behavior.D. What effect bossy behavior brings about.BHealthy knees arent the main consideration in choosing high heels, but new research says chunky heels are just as bad for the knees as spindly stilettos (细高跟鞋). “It takes a long time to feel the effects of knee osteoarthritis (骨关节炎) - and once you do, it is too late,” said Dr. Casey Kerrigan, leading researcher of the study and associate professor at Harvard Medical Schools department of physical medicine. “I pare it to smoking - one cigarette is not painful, but over a lifetime it is. Wide-heeled shoes feel fortable, so women wear them all day long, “Kerrigan said. “They are better for your feet than stiletto heels, but just as bad for your knees.”In the study, researchers had twenty women wear two pairs of shoes with three-inch heels, one with a narrow heel and the other with a thick one. The scientists pared how much pressure was put on the womens knees by both types of shoes. The women also walked barefoot to test normal pressure. The scientists found that both types of shoes applied equal amounts of pressure to the knees. pared with walking barefoot, the heels increased pressure on the inside of the knee by 26 percent. Increased pressure on the knee eventually leads to arthritis(关节炎), experts say.The idea that high heels are bad for your health isnt new - scientists have warned women for years that they contribute to problems ranging from corns to hammer toes, tendonitis, knee pain, sprained (扭伤) ankles and back problems. But in xx, Kerdgan and a team of Harvard researchers were the first to link high heels and knee osteoarthritis, a painful joint disease that destroys cartilage (软骨) surrounding the knee. The first study looked only at stiletto heels, and Kerrigan said she wanted to study the chunky high-heeled shoes she noticed many women wearing. “This study confirms what we all intuitively (直觉地) know that high-heeled shoes of any kind are not good for our health,” said Dr. Glenn Pfeifer, a San Francisco doctor and member of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons who was not connected to the study.60. We learn from the passage that women choose chunky heels because _.A. they want to walk fortablyB. chunky heeled shoes are cheaper than stiletto heeled pairsC. chunky heels do less harm to kneesD. chunky heels are not painful at all61. It can be inferred from the passage that _.A. people got to know the high heels are bad for health recentlyB. people have known the high heels are bad for health for yearsC. people havent known the high heels are bad for health yetD. people will be warned that the high heels are bad for health soon62. The best title for the passage may be _.A. Taking Healthy Knees into Consideration B. High-heels Do Harm to KneesC. Chunky Heels and Stiletto Heels D. When Wearing High-heelsC“Opinion” is a word that is used carelessly today. It is used to refer to matters of taste, belief, and judgment. This inaccurate use would probably cause little confusion if people didnt attach too much importance to opinion. Unfortunately, most attach great importance to it. “I have as much right to my opinion as you to yours, and Everyones entitled to his opinion, are mon expressions. In fact, anyone who would challenge anothers opinion is likely to be branded intolerant.Is that label accurate? Is it intolerant to challenge anothers opinion? It depends on what definition of opinion you have in mind. For example, you may ask a friend What do you think of the new Ford cars?” And he may reply, “In my opinion, theyre ugly.” In this case, it would not only be intolerant to challenge his statement, but foolish. For its obvious that by opinion he means his personal preference, a matter of taste. And as the old saying goes, Its pointless to argue about matters of taste.But consider this very different use of the term. A newspaper reports that the Supreme Court has delivered its opinion in a controversial(有争议的) case. Obviously the justices did not share their personal preferences, their mere likes and dislikes. They stated their considered judgment, painstakingly arrived at after thorough inquiry and deliberation(审议).Most of what is referred to as opinion falls somewhere between these two extremes. It is not an expression of taste. Nor is it careful judgment. Yet it may contain elements of both. It is a view or belief more or less inaccurately arrived at, with or without examining the evidence.Is everyone entitled to his opinion? Of course, this is not only permitted, but guaranteed. We are free to act on our opinions only so long as, in doing so, we do not harm others. 63. Which of the following statements is TRUE, according to the author?A. Everyone has a right to hold his own opinion. B. Free expression of opinions always leads to confusion.C. Most people tend to be careless in forming their opinions.D. Casual use of the word “opinion” often brings about quarrels. 64. According to the author, who of the following would be labeled as intolerant?A. Someone who turns a deaf ear to others opinions.B. Someone who cant put up with others tastes.C. Someone who values only their own opinions.D. Someone whose opinion harms other people.65. The new Ford cars are cited as an example to show that _.A. it is foolish to criticize a famous brand B. one should not always agree to others opinionsC. personal tastes are not something to be challengedD. it is unwise to express ones likes and dislikes in public66. Considered judgment is different from personal preference in that _.A. it is stated by judges in the courtB. it reflects public like and dislikesC. it is a result of a lot of controversyD. it is based on careful thought DA friend of mine, in response to a conversation we were having about the injustices of life, asked me the question, “Who said life was going to be fair, or that it was even meant to be fair?” Her question was a good one. It reminded me of something I was taught as a youngster: Life isnt fair. Its disappointing, but its absolutely true. One of the mistakes many of us make is that we feel sorry for ourselves, or for others, thinking that life should be fair, or that someday it will be. Its not and it wont.One of the nice things about surrendering(屈从) to the fact that life isnt fair is that it keeps us from feeling sorry for ourselves by encouraging us to do the very best we can with what we have. We know its not “lifes job” to make everything perfect, its our own challenge. Surrendering to this fact also keeps us from feeling sorry for others because we are reminded that everyone is dealt a different hand; everyone has unique strengths and problems in the process of growing up, facing the reality and making decisions; and everyone has those times that they feel victimized or unfairly treated.The fact that life isnt fair doesnt mean we shouldnt do everything in our power to improve our own lives or the world as a whole. To the contrary, it suggests that we should. When we dont recognize or admit that life isnt fair, we tend to feel pity for others and for ourselves. Pity, of course, is a self-defeating emotion that does nothing for anyone, except to make everyone feel worse than they already do. When we do recognize that life isnt fair, however, we feel passion(热情) for others and for ourselves. And passion is a heartfelt emotion that delivers loving-kindness to everyone it touches. The next time you find yourself thinking about the injustices of the world, try reminding yourself of this very basic fact. You may be surprised that it can persuade you out of self-pity and into helpful action.67. The writer thought of his friends question as a good one becau


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