2019-2020年高三上学期第12周考英语试题 Word版含答案.doc

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2019-2020年高三上学期第12周考英语试题 Word版含答案Section A (15 marks) Choose the one that best pletes the sentence.1. Every one _, as is stated in the law, drive a car without getting his license first.A. shall not B. will not C. may not D. need not2. China will expand the favorable visa policies of its 1,000 Talents Plan to 55 programs nationwide to attract _ professionals to work in the country.A. having led B. leading C. led D. to lead3. Those _ are easily satisfied will find their lives happier than others.A. whom B. which C. what D. who4. About 73.4 % out of 2,356 respondents agree that theyd like to know how others_ on with their lives as well as their funny stories on WeChat Moments.A. are getting B. would get C. has got D. gets5. _ the sunlight from the blue sky, the lake shines like a diamond.A. reflected B. reflecting C. to have reflected D. have reflected6. Every day _ this medicine three times until you stop coughing.A. takes B. taking C. to take D. take7. LiYanhong revealed that an employee at Baidu Inc _ with a year end bonus 50 times his monthly wage.A. was awarded B. awardC. are awarding D. will award8. The old soldiers wish is to see the day _ everyone in this country can live without being oppressed.A. as B. why C. when D. where9. Massive capital investment is pouring into Chinas online education, _ wealth to a number of online English teachers.A. bring B. to bring C. bringing D. having brought10. The lady was extremely disappointed when she learnt that the bag which she _ a day earlier was nowhere to be found.A. lost B. had lost C. was losing D. would lose11. Achievements will never e to you _ you fight hard for it.A. when B. because C. after D. unless12. The best relaxation for him is sitting in his armchair on the roof, _ the wine from his hometown.A. to taste B. tasting C. tasted D. having tasted13. John looks rather tired. He must have stayed up last night against his parents will, _?A. mustnt he B. neednt he C. hasnt he D. didnt he14. Its not just doing what you want, but doing what you are wanted _ makes your life meaningful.A. that B. which C. what D. who15. Failure is but _ betters you by reminding you that theres still room for development.A. what B. that C. which D. whereSECTION B (18 marks)Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and DFill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.I recently returned to work after taking time off to 16 from an operation on my elbow. On my first day back, I was the cashier in the basket-only line, as I was unable to 17 in packing goods into bags due to my elbow.However, it got busy and a lady came to my 18 with a full cart. I didnt plain, and gave her some bags so that she could pack her goods. Towards the end of the sale, the lady suddenly 19 me for not helping with her packing and called 20 over to plain about me.My manager started to help with the packing, and explained that it was my 21 day back after being in hospital. But the woman continued to shout that it was no 22 . Once she had gone, I tried to continue serving. But I was so shaken that I burst into 23 in front of the next customer. My manager 24 and sent me for a cup of tea. 25 , when I returned to the shop floor, I found that the next customer in the queue had made a point of telling the manager that I had done nothing 26 . The customer then went out and came back with a huge bunch of flowers to cheer me up! It went from being my worst moment at work to the nicest, and I pleted the rest of my work with a shining smile on my face.Be 27 of everything and everyone around you. And be prepared to contribute to someones day in a positive way every day. This is a wonderful way to live.16. A. escape B. recover C. differ D. attach17. A. observe B. assist C. refuse D. admit18. A. sight B. place C. line D. aid19. A. shouted at B. stared at C. talked about D. came across20. A. family B. police C. customer D. manager21. A. latest B. next C. last D. first 22. A. excuse B. possibility C. suggestion D. purpose23. A. smile B. laughter C. tears D. scream24. A. took over B. gave up C. went on D. stood out25. A. Beforehand B. Afterwards C. Therefore D. Meanwhile26. A. true B. right C. wrong D. contrary27. A. afraid B. fond C. sure D. awareSECTION C(12 marks)Directions: plete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context.China will begin 28._ national activity to reduce the language mistakes in the countrys media and publishing industry, CRI reported.The year xx has been regarded 29._ the year for quality control in publications. The activity has been launched in response to the increasing number of grammatical 30._ logical errors in Chinese language newspapers and publications. 31._ will check the quality of the language used in publications all 32._ the nation. The quality of the language has been affected 33._ people are using popular slang words more often and paying less attention to formal grammar.China News Service on Sunday reported each newspaper contains 46 logical errors 34._ average, according to data released at a meeting on Chinese newspapers and periodicals(期刊) on Saturday.It is said 35._ the problem is being serious, almost unbearable. Its in a worst period in recent history. People are now working on new standards and testing systems for the use of words and languages.Section D (10 marks)Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in the numbered blankets by using the information from the passage. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.One of the most frequent questions received from my students during my time teaching English would have been, How can I try and improve my memory for new English words? with one of their most monly heard troubles being expressed, I always seem to forget words Id learnt.I can fully understand the pain students feel towards this. For some reason I am able to remember words in Japanese, which I havent used for 10 years, far easier than if I am asked to remember the Chinese word that I practiced last week in class. It makes me bakka which is the Japanese word for fengzi - or crazy.An English fellow by the name of Tony Buzan offers a way to get the situation improved. Buzan believes in the brains potential. According to Buzan, our brain and its capacity is limitless, allowing us to remember all sorts of things. What is important is the ability to make connections, to make memory bridges, from past known knowledge to presently learned knowledge.A mon misunderstanding, which he challenges as false, is the idea that as we get old our memory gets worse. A plaint post graduates often make saying that the English they studied as an undergraduate student has now been lost. Buzan, however, says this knowledge has just not been exercised that it is still present just that the connections, the brain paths have not been cleared as frequently as they should have been.I think when it es to learning vocabulary the key is actually frequent use. At last what will occur is a connection made between a previously learnt words to the new word that is to be learnt. Then ideally a connection from that new word just learnt to an even newer word. Thus our vocabulary expands.Title: How to memorize wordsl Question: how to improve the 36 for new English wordsl 37 : always forgetting words learnt.Students 39 in brains potentiall Our brain and 40 is limitless.l We are allowed to remember all sorts of things.l Its important to 41 , or memory bridges.A mon misunderstanding:l As we get old our memory 42 38 The authorl Key: 43 l 44 : a connection between a word learnt and a word 45 .Section E (10 marks)Directions: Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage.Life on earth depends on water, and nothing else can replace it. The current assumption (假设) is that our basic needs for water-whether for drinking, agriculture, industry or the raising of fish, will always have to be met. Given that premise (前提), there are two ways we can go to solve the problem of water crisis: more access to water and more engineering solutions.Looking at the engineering solution first, a lot of my research concentrates on what will happen to wetlands when you build dams in river basins, particularly in Africa. The fact is that if you build a dam, you will generally spoil the downstream ecology. In the past, such problems have been hidden by a lack of information. But in the next century, governments will have no excuse for their ignorance. The engineers ability to control water flows has created new kinds of unpredictability (不可预知性). Dams in Africa have meant fewer fish, less grassland and less agriculture none of which were expected.The challenge for the next century is to find new means of controlling water. Although GM technology allows us to grow better dry-land crops, there is no market stimulation for panies to develop locally appropriate crops suitable for the Third World.This brings us to the key problem in any discussion of water: money. In the next century, just consider the problems of water supply in Mexico City or Delhi. If youre rich, you drink mineral water and may even have a swimming pool-yet millions in such cities cant get safe drinking -water. People talk about the ing water crisis. I believe we have one now. It is a water crisis for the poor. (293 words) 46. According to the passage, what are the two basic routes to solve the problem of water crisis?_ (no more than 8 words) 247. What will happen when dams are built in river basins in Africa? _ (no more than 10 words) 248. Why are panies not willing to develop locally appropriate crops for the Third World? _ (no more than 6 words) 349. What is the mood of the author when he/she wrote the passage? _ (no more than 1 words) 3 答题卡 姓名: 分数:123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445KEYS:115 ABDAB, DACCB, DBDAA 16-27 BBCAD DACAB CD28-35 a; as; and; It; over; because; on; that36. memory 37. Troubles 38. Tony Buzan 39. Belief 40. its capacity41. make connections 42. gets worse 43. frequent use 44. Result 45. to be learnt46. More access to water and more engineering solutions. 47. The downstream ecology will be spoiled / destroyed. / Dams will spoil the downstream ecology. / There will be fewer fish, less grassland and less agriculture. 48. Because there is no market stimulation. 49. Worried / Concerned / Anxious, etc KEYS:115 ABDAB, DACCB, DBDAA 16-27 BBCAD DACAB CD28-35 a; as; and; It; over; because; on; that36. memory 37. Troubles 38. Tony Buzan 39. Belief 40. its capacity41. make connections 42. gets worse 43. frequent use 44. Result 45. to be learnt46. More access to water and more engineering solutions. 47. The downstream ecology will be spoiled / destroyed. / Dams will spoil the downstream ecology. / There will be fewer fish, less grassland and less agriculture. 48. Because there is no market stimulation. 49. Worried / Concerned / Anxious, etc KEYS:115 ABDAB, DACCB, DBDAA 16-27 BBCAD DACAB CD28-35 a; as; and; It; over; because; on; that36. memory 37. Troubles 38. Tony Buzan 39. Belief 40. its capacity41. make connections 42. gets worse 43. frequent use 44. Result 45. to be learnt46. More access to water and more engineering solutions. 47. The downstream ecology will be spoiled / destroyed. / Dams will spoil the downstream ecology. / There will be fewer fish, less grassland and less agriculture. 48. Because there is no market stimulation. 49. Worried / Concerned / Anxious, etc KEYS:115 ABDAB, DACCB, DBDAA 16-27 BBCAD DACAB CD28-35 a; as; and; It; over; because; on; that36. memory 37. Troubles 38. Tony Buzan 39. Belief 40. its capacity41. make connections 42. gets worse 43. frequent use 44. Result 45. to be learnt46. More access to water and more engineering solutions. 47. The downstream ecology will be spoiled / destroyed. / Dams will spoil the downstream ecology. / There will be fewer fish, less grassland and less agriculture. 48. Because there is no market stimulation. 49. Worried / Concerned / Anxious, etc

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