2019-2020年高三第二次调研考试英语试题 含解析.doc

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【名师解析】广东省惠州市第一中学(惠州市)xx届高三第二次调研考试英语试题2019-2020年高三第二次调研考试英语试题 含解析【试卷综评】本试卷以新课标为指导,既重基础又注重综合能力的提高。围绕时代内容设计基础能力题,旨在考查学生的基础知识掌握情况。阅读理解选材具有时代性,紧密联系生活实际,选项设计灵活合理,注重考查学生的阅读理解能力。信息匹配主要考查学生的阅读能力,书面表达以介绍学生熟悉的零花钱为题,考查学生的英语实际运用能力,读写任务概括题考查学生的语言综合概括能力。总之,本次试卷,是一份质量较高的试卷。本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分。满分135分,考试用时120分钟。注意事项: 1答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的市(县)/区、学校、班级、姓名、准考证号、试室号和座位号填写在答卡的密封线内。 2选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案;不能答在试题卷上。 3非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在另发的答题卷各题目指定区域内的相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。 4考生必须保持答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,请将答题卷和答题卡一并交回。 语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)【题文】阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从115各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Some people think if you are happy, you are blind to reality. But when we research it, happiness actually _1_every single business and educational oute for the brain. How did we _2_ this? Why do we have these social misunderstandings about happiness? Because we assumed you were _3_.When we study people, scientists are often interested in what the average is.Many people think happiness is genetic. Thats only half the story, because the average person does not fight their _4_. When we stop studying the average and begin _5_ positive outliers(离群值) - people who are above average for a positive aspect like optimism or intelligence - a _6_ different picture appears. Our daily decisions and habits have a huge impact upon both our levels of happiness and _7_._8_, happiness is a choice. It is a choice about where your single processor brain will devote its finite resources as you process the world. If you scan for the _9_ first, your brain really has no resources left over to see the things you are grateful for or the meaning embedded(嵌入) in your work. But if you scan the world for the positive, you start to acquire an _10_advantage. I wrote the cover story for the Harvard Business Review magazine on Happiness Leads to Profits. Based on my article called Positive Intelligence and my research in The Happiness Advantage, I _11_ our researched conclusion: the single greatest advantage in the modern economy is a _12_ and busy workforce.A decade of research in the business world _13_ that happiness raises nearly every business and educational _14_: increasing sales by 37%, productivity by 31%, and _15_ on tasks by 19%, as well as a number of health and quality-of-life improvements.1A. risesB. arisesC. raisesD. realizes2A. thinkB. missC. knowD. understand3A. usualB. singleC. uniqueD. average4A. bodiesB. facesC. genesD. fates5A. researchingB. discoveringC. findingD. observing6A. mildlyB. hardlyC. crazilyD. wildly7A. interestB. successC. safetyD. failure8A. ScientificallyB. FortunatelyC. GraduallyD. Strangely9A. activeB. passiveC. negativeD. positive10A. interestingB. embarrassingC. annoyingD. amazing11A. talkedB. summarizedC. thoughtD. underlined12A. sillyB. funnyC. monD. happy13A. meansB. provesC. wishesD. hopes14A. outeB. answerC. causeD. reality15A. behaviorB. mistakeC. accuracyD. possession【答案】【知识点】B3 议论文 【文章综述】本文是议论文。作者主要讲述了智力与幸福感和教育结果之间的关系。【答案解析】1C动词辨析。A升起;B奋发;C繁殖,增加;D实现,意识到。根据前文的but,和上文的含义,判断选C。2B动词辨析。A认为;B错过,想念;C知道;D理解。句意:我们怎样错过了幸福感?故此处选B。3D形容词辨析。A通常的;B单个的;C唯一的;D平均的。根据句意选D。4C名词辨析。A身体;B脸;C基因;D命运。根据前文的genetic。故选C。5A动词辨析。A研究;B发现;C找到、发现;D观察。根据前文应是开始研究,故选A。6D副词辨析。A温柔地;B几乎不、简直不;C疯狂地;D野生地。wildly different完全不同 ,故选D。7B名词辨析。根据前文的happiness and判断。A兴趣;B成功;C安全;D失败。故选B。8A副词辨析。A科学地;B幸运地;C逐渐地;D奇怪地。根据下文判断应选A。9C形容词辨析。A积极的;B被动的;C否定的;D积极的。根据下文的no resources判断选C。10D形容词辨析。A令人有趣的;B令人尴尬的;C令人厌烦的;D令人惊奇的。根据句意选选D。11B动词辨析。句意:当你道歉的时候,你就给朋友一次机会承认他错了。A谈论;B总结;C认为;D划线。根据下文得出的结论判断选B。12D形容词辨析。A糊涂的;B有趣的;C常见的;D幸福的。根据上下文判断选D。13B动词辨析。A意思;B证明;C愿望;D希望。句意:一个二十年的研究证明几乎增加每一件生意,故选B14A名词辨析。根据句意:和教育的。A结果;B回答;C根源;D现实。educational oute教育结果,故选A。15C名词辨析。 A行动;B错误;C准确;D拥有。根据题意选C。第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)【题文】阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为1625的相应位置上。Once upon a time, there was a gang of evil goblins(小妖精) who lived in a forest. They spent a lot of their time_16 (make) fun of a poor old man who could now hardly move, see, or hear. They showed no respect for _17 age. The situation became so extreme that Great Wizard (男巫) decided to teach the goblins _18_ lesson. He cast a spell , and from that moment, every insult(侮辱)_19 _was directed at the old man made the old man better, _20 _ had the opposite effect on the goblin who was doing the insulting. Of course, the goblins knew nothing about 21_ was happening. The more they called the man an “old fool”, the_22 (young) of mind he became, while the goblin who _23_(shout )at him aged rapidly, and became a little more foolish. As time went on, those evil goblins were being terribly old , ugly, stupid, and clumsy _24_ even realizing it. Finally, the Great Wizard allowed the goblins to see themselves, and_25_ (surprise)they saw that they had turned into the disgusting creatures we now know as trolls(巨魔).【答案】【知识点】V2.语法填空(二)【思路点拨】语法填空,必须读懂全文,根据上下文灵活应用语法知识,同时要注意名词单复数,动词人称,形容词和副词的变化。【答案解析】16. making 考查非谓语动词,根据spend的用法判断:spend time/money (in) doing sth。17. his 考查人称代词。根据前文的the man判断。18. a 考查不定冠词。teach sb a lesson给某人一教训。19. that 考查定语从句。空前是先行词,且被every修饰,定语从句应用that引导。20. but 考查连词。根据前文的better和下文的opposite判断空前后是转折关系,故填but。21. what 考查宾语从句。空前是介词about,空后的宾语从句缺少主语,故填what。22. younger 考查比较级。根据句型“The + 比较级,the+比较级+”判断。23. had shouted 考查时态。shout的动作发生在aged和became之前,故用过去完成时。24. without 考查介词。without even realizing it甚至没有意识到。25. surprisingly 考查副词。修饰谓语动词saw应用副词形式 阅读 (共两节, 满分50分)第一节 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。【题文】A Why dont so many Americans accept the theory of evolution? A xx Gallup Pollfound that 45 percent of Americans agree with the statement “God created the human being pretty much in their present form at one time within the last 10,000 years orso ”, while 37 percent preferred a mixed belief that “Human beings have developed over millions of years from less advanced forms of life, but God guided this process”, and only 12percent accepted the standard scientific theory that “Human being have developed over millions of years from less advanced forms of life, but God had no part in this process”.There are at least four reasons to make people resistant to accepting evolution.1.The warfare model of science and religion. The belief that there is a war between science and religion where one is right and the other is wrong, and that one must choose one over the other.2.The belief that evolution is a threat to specific religious tenets(信条). Many people attempt to use science to prove certain religious tenets, but when they do not appear to fit, the science is rejected.3.Misunderstanding of evolutionary theory. A significant problem is that most people know so little about the theory. In the xx Gallup Poll, for example, a quarter of the people surveyed said they didnt know enough to say whether they accepted evolution or not, and only 34 percent considered themselves to be “very informed ” about the theory.4.The fear that evolution degrades our humanity. Darwin revealed us to be “mere animals”,subject to the same natural laws and historical forces as all other animals.Believers should embrace science, especially evolutionary theory, for what it has done to uncover the magnificence of the divinity(神学) in a depth never dreamed by our ancient ancestors. We have learned a lot in 4,000 years, and that knowledge should never be denied. Instead, science should be weled by all who cherish human understanding and wisdom.26. According to the Poll, most people in America believe_.A. human beings have developed from less advanced forms of lifeB. God contributed to the present form of human beingsC. God created human beings in the present formD. God guided the process of human beings development27. Which of the following is NOT the reason why people dont accept evolution?A. There is always a war between evolution and religion.B. Some religious tenets cant be proved by science.C. Many people dont know enough about evolution.D. They fear that we will bee “mere animals”.28. What can we learn form the passage about evolutionary theory?A. Whether evolutionary theory is science is a question.B. It has explained the brilliance of the divinity better than before.C. It must make religion disappear and they cant exist at the same time.D. Darwin made little contribution to the theory.29. What is the writers view on the evolutionary theory?A. It is not science and should be resisted. B. It is science but should be resisted.C. It is not science but should be accepted. D. It is science and should be accepted.30. The author wrote the passage to_.A. tell the readers that many Americans refuse evolution theory.B. tell the readers why so many Americans refuse evolution theory.C. advise the readers to value science, including evolution theory.D. tell the difference between science and religion.【答案】【知识点】C8 科普知识类 【文章综述】本文主要讲述进化论与宗教信仰之间的不同,人们应该承认差异。【答案解析】26. B。解析:细节题,根据文章第一段的God created the human being pretty much in their present form at one time within the last 10,000 years orso可知选B。27. D。解析:推断题,根据第六段的The fear that evolution degrades our humanity. Darwin revealed us to be “mere animals”,subject to the same natural laws and historical forces as all other animals可知D不符合文意,排除A、B、C,故选D。28. B。解析:总结题。通读全文,并根据文章最后一段的Believers should embrace science, especially evolutionary theory, for what it has done to uncover the magnificence of the divinity(神学) in a depth never dreamed by our ancient ancestors可知选B。29. D。解析:推断题。根据文章最后一段中的最后一句话判断选C。30. C。解析:推理题。通读全文,特别是作者给出的抵制进化论的四种理由都是没有依据的,根据文章的最后一段判断选C。【题文】BAlibaba started taking the lead in China, simply enough, by connecting big Chinese manufacturers(制造商)with big buyers across the world. Its business-to-business site, Alibaba allowed business to buy almost everything. Alibabas advantage wasnt hard to identify: size. Alibaba is just big, even by Chinese standards. Its marketplaces attract 231 million active buyers, 8 million sellers, 11.3 billion orders a yearand Alibaba is just the middleman. It encourages people to use its marketsnot charging small sellers a percentage of the sale. If you want a quick look into the influence of Alibaba on daily Chinese life, take my experience. I moved to Beijing almost a year ago and quickly got tired of visiting small stores across the crowded, polluted city of 20 million people in search of new electronics, bathroom furnishings, and anything else my wife wanted. “Youre looking for what exactly? Why not try it? ” my Chinese teacher asked me one day. With that, my wonderful new relationship with Alibaba began. Alibabas original business-to-business model now is secondary to consumer buying. Chinese retail(零售)buying makes up 80% of Alibabas profit, and leading that group is Taobao, with 800 million items for sale and the most unbelievable selection of things youll ever find. TMall is Alibabas other big site, where you can find brand name goods from Nike and Unilever near the lowest prices. What I have a hard time explaining to friends and family back in the U.S. is how China has gone beyond traditional shoppingbig-box retailers especially in favor of online purchases on Taobao and a few other sites. In smaller towns than Beijing, where big retailers have not yet traveled, shopping online is shopping, and shopping is Taobao. I have a list of some of my recent purchases on Taobao for a sense of how extensive the marketplace is. Almost everything arrived a day or two after ordering with free shipping. Im not even a big buyer, because I need friends to help me search the Chinese-language site. When I was searching my purchase history on my Chinese teachers iPad, which helps me buy goods, I looked through with great difficulty about 10 of her purchases for every one of mine.31. Alibabas advantage mainly lies in _.A. its big size B. its business-to-business serviceC. its not charging small sellers D. its low price32. What can we learn from the underlined sentence in the passage? A. Alibaba is of middle size among all the online sites B. Alibaba will continue to develop. C. Alibaba stands out as the best online site. D. Alibaba acts as a bridge between the buyers and sellers.33. What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 2 refer to?A. a new store B. Alibaba C. a business D. a foreign website34. What can be inferred from the passage?A. The authors Chinese teacher is also an online purchase lover.B. Taobao has no obvious advantage over other similar online sites.C. Alibabas business-to-business service earns more money than retail now. D. TMall provides more profit than Taobao.35. What is the passage mainly about?A. Shopping online is TaoBao.B. The influence of shopping online goes beyond traditional shopping.C. Alibaba greatly influences peoples daily purchase in China.D. How the author purchases online in China.【答案】【知识点】C7 社会生活类 【文章综述】本文主要讲述阿里巴巴等电商对人们购物的影响,阿里巴巴已经深入到人们生活的方方面面。【答案解析】31. A。解析:细节题,根据文章的第一段Alibabas advantage wasnt hard to identify: size. Alibaba is just big, even by Chinese standards可知选A。.32. D。解析:推断题,根据换线句子前后的两句话可判断阿里巴巴是沟通买家和卖家的“桥梁”,可知选D。33. B。解析:推断题。根据第三段中提到的是阿里巴巴,当作者购物遇到困难时,想到了“它”可知选B。34. A。解析:细节题。根据文章最后一段When I was searching my purchase history on my Chinese teachers iPad, which helps me buy goods, I looked through with great difficulty about 10 of her purchases for every one of mine克制作者的语文老师也是一位网上购物的热爱者,故选A。35. C。解析:大意题。通读全文,特别是文章第一段的Alibaba allowed business to buy almost everything可推断阿里巴巴已经深入到中国人日常生活当中,故选C。【题文】CI wished I had known earlier the fact that I was a low achiever because there was a reason beyond my control. Then I neednt have worked so hard in my late twenties and early thirties. But I just didnt know that. I was writing and writing. I was working for no other reason than to hear people praise me. Mostpeople who go through university read at least twice as fast as I do. I cannever tell my left from my right. I avoid dialing a telephone if I can help it, because I sometimes have to try three times before getting the number right. I hear that recording “The number you have reached is not in service” more than any man on earth. Despitemy weaknesses I view my dyslexia(difficulty in reading) as a gift, not a curse(诅咒). Many dyslexics are good at right brain, namely abstract thought, and that is what my king of creative writing is. Im starting with nothing and ing up with something that didnt exist before. Thats my strong point. I owe my career to Ralph, Salisbury, my writing instructor at the University of Oregon, who looked past my misspellings and gave me encouragement and hope. I just carried on and never looked back. Im also very “visual”. This means nothing in school, but when I write books or scripts, Im seeing everything in my imagination. I write quickly. I go like the wind and can get up to 15 pages a day. Writing is not the problem. I have no problem downloading; it is inputting where things get messed up. Thereal fear I have for dyslexics is not that they have to struggle with messy input, but that they will quit on themselves before they finish school. Parents have to create victories whenever they can, whether it is music, sports or the arts. You want your dyslexic child to be able to say, “Yeah, reading is hard. But I have these other things I can do.”36. According to the passage we know that_.A. The author had known he was a low achiever since he was a little childB. The author didnt work very hard on writing in his late twentiesC. The author owed his dyslexia to his laziness in the childhoodD. The author worked hard for peoples praise 37. From Paragraph 3 we can know that _A. The author was grateful to his writing instructorB. The author often plained about hisdyslexiaC. The author had trouble with both inputting and outputting.D. Having problem in inputting, the author wrote slowly.38. For dyslexics, the author thinks that_. A. they should work as hard as himselfB. they had better choose to drop out of schoolC. they should be constantly encouragedD. they should put their hearts into reading39. Which of the following proverbs can best summarize the main idea of the passage?A. He who laughs last laughs best.B. Where there is a will,there is a way.C. Reading enriches the mind.D. When God closes a door, somewhere he opens a window.40. What kind of man is the writer?A. Open-minded and optimistic B. diligent and generousC. clever but selfish D. kind but useless【答案】【知识点】C5 文化教育类 【文章综述】本文主要讲述读书困难的孩子可以发现孩子在其他方面非常擅长,孩子需要鼓励和赞扬。上帝在给你上上一扇门的时候又给你开启了另一扇门。【答案解析】36. D。解析:细节题,根据文章的第一段的I was writing and writing. I was working for no other reason than to hear people praise me可知选D。.37. A。解析:细节题,根据文章的第三段Thats my strong point. I owe my career to Ralph, Salisbury, my writing instructor at the University of Oregon, who looked past my misspellings and gave me encouragement and hope可知作者对自己大学的汉语老师充满感激,故选A。38. C。解析:推断题。根据文章第三、四段的作者因为得到老师的鼓励而会写文章,作者鼓励父母们要学会鼓励自己的孩子,特别是Parents have to create victories whenever they can, whether it is music, sports or the arts可知选C。39. D。解析:总结题。根据文章最后一段,特别是Yeah, reading is hard. But I have these other things I can do.判断可知选D。40. A。解析:判断题。通读全文可知作者是开朗乐观的,故选A。A开朗乐观的;B勤奋大方的;C聪明但自私的;D好心肠但无用的。【题文】DSuzanne Clement first met Xavier Dolan when he was 17 an ambitious, intelligent, hyperactive young director who wanted to make a film called Jai tue ma mere (I Killed My Mother).The Quebecois actress never doubted his talents. Now eight years later, she stars in his acclaimed film Mommy, which has been selected as Canadas foreign-language entry to the Oscars.I think Mommy is like a continuation of this amazing authenticity(真实性)that he puts into his work, said Clement in a recent telephone interview. Hes saying something very deep. And he started to say those deep things about his life when he was doing his first movie.The film focuses on a trio of troubled characters: widowed mother Diane (Anne Dorval), her violent son Steve (Antoine-Olivier Pilon), and Kyla, a shy, mysterious neighbour with a terrible stammer(口吃)who offers to help (Clement).While the dynamic between Diane and Steve is perhaps the most important, Kylas character is equally pelling. The viewer knows she is on leave from her teaching job and she recently stammered, but the reasons are left somewhat vague.She said Dolan contacted her last summer, shortly before Mommy began filming, and sought help in fleshing out Kylas story. He told me, I have this third character and Id love you to play her, but shes not very, very definite now. If you want to talk about her and give your input, Id like to build her. she recalled.Mommy opens in Toronto on Friday before screening in other Canadian cities. It premiered(首映)at the Cannes Film Festival in May, where audiences gave it a lengthy standing applause before it was awarded with the prestigious Jury Prize. After appearing in Dolans Jai tue ma mere in xx, Clement went on to star in his film Laurence Anyways, for which she won the Cannes Un Certain Regard award for Best Actress in xx.41. Which statement is True according to the passage?A. Xavier Dolan made a film called “Jai tue ma mere” when hes 17.B. When Suza

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