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.高考单词识记思考运用 1.核心词汇,_vt.延迟,延期 _n.权力,权威;官方,当权者;批准,授权 _vt.&vi.扩大,扩展,增大 _n.增加,增长;成长,生长 _adj.准时的,守时的 _vi.出现,产生,_adj.好斗的,挑衅的,富于攻击性的 _vt.处以罚金 _adj.非常坏(或非常好、非常极端)的,令人难以置信的believe v.相信;认为_n.看法,信念 annual adj.每年的,一年一次的_adv.一年一次地 detail n.具体情况,详情,细节_adj.详细的,细致的 _n.负荷,负载;大量,许多 vt.装载,装上,装入_vt.卸货 答案 postpone authority enlarge growth punctual arise aggressive fine unbelievable;belief annually detailed load;unload,2.常考词汇,convey vt._ section n._ undertake vt.& vi._ anniversary n._ pedestrian n._ adj._ crash n.& vi.& vt._ drunk adj._ n._ enquiry n._ departure n._ brake n._ vt._,答案 运送,输送;表达 部分;部件;部门 承担,从事;承诺,答应 周年纪念日 行人,步行者 行人(使用)的 撞车;碰撞;倒闭;崩溃 喝醉的 醉汉,酒鬼 询问,咨询;调查,查究,探究 离开,出发;背离,违反 刹车,车闸 用车闸减速,刹车,用所给单词的适当形式填空 1._ (punctual) is vital,something that comes from a deep respect for others time. 2.Students should involve themselves in community activities where they can gain experience for _ (grow). 3.Reading is a good way _(enlarge)your vocabulary. 4.A small boat _(load) with fish slowly drew near,and stopped beside the bridge. 5.The policeman asked him to give a _ (detail) description of what he had seen.,6.On January 23rd,America decided to relax its rules on the foreign_ (owner) of its airlines. 7.If you pay no attention to the traffic lights and run across the street,youll be_(fine). 8.After the discovery of gold in America,an increasing number of people began to crowd there,thus resulting in the Gold Rush in history._,among those seeking their _,only a handful were_,making their _ in a short time.(fortune),9.Contrary to the popular_,some people insist God does exist.According to them,whenever you _in God,many things you consider _ will happen.(believe) 答案 1.Punctuality 2.growth 3.to enlarge 4.loaded 5.detailed 6.ownership 7.fined 8.Unfortunately;fortune;fortunate;fortunes 9.belief;believe;unbelievable,由undertake想到的 underground 地下的;地铁 undergo 遭受;经历 underwear 内衣 underdeveloped 欠发达的 underestimate 低估 undersized 不够大的,【联想积累】,说说-th名词后缀 growth 生长,成长 warmth 温暖 death 死亡 truth 真相 depth 深度 length 长度 strength 力量;长处 width 宽度,-ation结尾名词荟萃 reservation 预定;保护区 preparation 准备 expectation 期待 qualification 资格,资历 application 应用;申请 starvation 挨饿,饿死 civilization 文明 organization 组织,归纳-sive结尾形容词 aggressive 好斗的,挑衅的 impressive 印象深刻的 passive 被动的,消极的 expensive 昂贵的 massive 大量的;巨大的 expressive 富有表现力的,开心词场核心单词串记,Nowadays,people have many ways of traveling,such as by tram,cab,or rail.Actually,the expansion of modern advanced transportation makes our life more convenient,orderly and punctual.But unfortunately,they also have many disadvantages.They can result in accidents,traffic jams,environment pollution,etc.To avoid these,in many big cities,people dig tunnels to build subways,which make the transportation more convenient.At present,the subway undertakes most of the conveyance in some ways.,.重点短语识记思考运用 1.动词副词 break _突发,爆发 make _辨认出;理解 put _推迟,推延;使反感 turn _出现,到来 drop _ 中途下车 答案 out out off up off,2.动词介词 decide _决定,选定 apply _适用于 put _给某人接通(电话) 答案 on/upon to through,3.介词短语 _ total总计 _ repair 在维修中 答案 in under,4.其他 keep pace _并驾齐驱 cause damage _ 对造成损坏 be caught _ 被困住 keep._ good condition保持良好状态 答案 with to in in,用左栏所给短语的适当形式填空 1.Please _ a day to have a party. 2.He promised that he would come,but he hasnt _ yet. 3.Dont _ until tomorrow what can be done today. 4.He _ at the square and changed to a suburban bus. 5.This policy _ all employees as well as managers,and there is no exception.,6.He sat down and waited while the operator _ his call. 7.They _ on their way to the meeting,so they were late. 8.“Can you _ the words on the blackboard?” the teacher asked. 答案 1.decide on 2.turned up 3.put off 4.dropped off 5.applies to 6.put through 7.were caught in 8.make out,【联想积累】,盘点“动词up”短语 link up 联合,连接 turn up 出现;调大(音量) make up 组成;弥补 give up 放弃 pick up 拾起;用车接 speed up 加速,fill短语集锦 fill in 填写 fill out 填写 be filled with 用装满 “动词through”短语随手包 put through 接通电话 go through 经历;通过 get through 完成;打通电话 break through 突破 look through 查看,浏览 see through 看穿,看透,.经典句式识记思考运用 原句背诵感悟 1.However,most trains to London only went to the outer city limits,because building railway tracks into the city would have damaged many old buildings. 但大部分通往伦敦的火车只到外伦敦的边界,因为在市区修建铁路会损坏许多古建筑。,2.Having seen the situation,a wealthy American businessman,Charles Yerkes,undertook the job of improving the system in 1902. 看到这种情况,一名叫查尔斯耶基斯的美国富商于1902年承担起了改善地铁系统的工程 3.Why would many people choose to travel by airplane rather than by ship?为什么许多人宁愿选择坐飞机而不愿坐船呢?,句型公式仿写 1.would have done的用法 You reminded me;otherwise I _. 你提醒了我,要不然我会忘记的。 2.having done作状语 _,he still makes mistakes. 已经告诉过他好几次了,他还是犯错误。 _,they went out for a rest. 完成工作后,他们出去休息了。,3.rather than “而不是” We now make people wear seat belts _them to choose to do so.我们现在强制人们系上安全带,而没有给他们选择的余地。 答案 1.would have forgotten 2.Having been told several times Having finished their work 3.rather than allowing,【联想积累】,含than的短语全掌握 (1)rather than意为“宁愿”,后面接不带to的动词不定式。 He would rather go than stay to be interviewed. 他宁愿走,也不愿留下接受采访。 (2)other than意为“不同于,非,除之外”。 The actor performed other than perfectly. 演员的表演远非尽善尽美。 (3)less than意为“少于”。 (4)more than意为“多于;极其;不仅仅”。 They were more than pleased to help.他们非常愿意帮忙。,单 词 点 睛,1.convey vt.运送,输送;表达,传达,单项填空 As a teacher, he knows exactly how to _ his ideas to the students. A.convey B.display C.consult D.confront During the conference the speaker tried to _ his feelings concerning the urgency of a favorable decision. A.give B.pass C.imply D.convey,答案 A 句意:作为老师,他确切地知道怎样向学生表达他的想法。convey “传达,表达”,符合句意。display “陈列,展示”;consult “咨询,查阅”;confront “面对”。 D convey ones feelings“传达感情”,符合句意。,2.undertake vt.& vi.承担,从事;承诺,答应,单项填空 Who do you think is the right person to _ the task? A.undergo B.undertake C.understand D.underline As George Washington said, “ Dont _ what you cannot perform,but be careful to keep your promise. ” A.analyse B.preserve C.explore D.undertake,答案 B undertake the task “承担任务”,为固定搭配。 D undertake“承诺,答应”,符合句意。,3.arise (arose,arisen) vi.出现,产生,【特别提醒】 arise作“出现,发生”之意时,主语多为抽象名词argument,problem,quarrel,movement等。,单项填空/完成句子 At break,Mr.Connery got down to dealing with the matters _ from his class. A.arising B.arose C.arisen D.to arise Recently _ (很多高层建筑出现了) where there was nothing a year ago but ruins. _(当我从沙发上起身时),they were in deep conversation.,答案 A 此处为非谓语动词作定语,修饰the matters,首先排除B;因表示处理已经发生的事,并不暗指将来,所以排除D;因arise from与the matters构成主谓关系,所以使用现在分词作定语。arise from “由引起”。 a number of high buildings have arisen When I arose from the sofa,4.postpone vt.延迟,延期,单项填空/完成句子 Should it rain tomorrow,we would have to _ the visit to the Yangpu Bridge. A.suggest B.postpone C.oppose D.disobey The manager planned _ (延迟促销). Our manager decided _(将他的假期延期到下周).,答案 B 句意:明天要是下雨的话,我们将推迟参观杨浦大桥。postpone“推迟”,符合句意。suggest“建议,提议,暗示”;oppose“反对”;disobey“违抗”。 to postpone promoting sales to postpone his vacation to/till next week,5.load n.负担, 负荷 vt.装载,装填,单项填空 The workers are loading the goods _ a car;that is,theyre loading the car _goods. A.with;with B.into;into C.into;with D.with;into To keep the town clean, the truck _ garbage is prevented _ entering the town. A.loaded with;/ B.loading with;from C.loaded of;from D.loading of;/,答案 C 句意:工人们正在把货物装到车里,也就是说他们正用车装载货物。load sth into sth “把某物装入某物里”;load sth with sth“用某物装载某物”,故C项正确。 A load sth with sth “用某物装载某物”,故首先排除C、D项,该句用过去分词作后置定语;prevent.from doing中的from可以省略。,1.convey:communicate,carry,transport 2.postpone:put off,delay 3.interval:break 4.reservation:arrangement in advance 5.punctual(ly):on time,短 语 点 拨,1.link up联合,(与)连接 The two spacecraft will link up in orbit. 两艘宇宙飞船将在轨道上对接。,介、副词填空 The relationships you develop now will probably be linked _ the ones you value later,so be wise about the people who you invest yourself in.(2016浙江,六选五) Detectives have linked the break-in _ a similar crime in the area last year. The bands have linked _ for a charity concert. We linked up _ the Daily Express to help run the campaign. 答案 to to/with up with,2.put off推迟,延期;取消,撤退 We will put off the picnic in the park until next week,when the weather may be better.我们将把去公园的野餐推迟到下周,那时天气可能更好。,单项填空/写作句式训练 Due to the super typhoon,all the flights were delayed or cancelled,so the conference had to be _. A.put off B.put through C.put up D.put down A week before Earth Day,posters _ around our school,calling upon us to join in the actions for a greener earth.(2016北京,书面表达二) 地球日的前一周,学校里四处张贴了海报,号召我们加入绿色地球的行动。,答案 A 句意:由于那场超级台风,所有的航班都被推迟或取消了,因此这个会议不得不被推迟了。put off推迟;put through完成;put up张贴;put down记下。 were put up,3.put through 给某人接通(电话);使经历;使成功;使通过;完成 I will put you through to the receptionist and she can take down your details. 我帮你接通接待员的电话,她会记录你的详细要求。,写出下列句子中加黑词的含义 These reforms in education are likely to be put through in a few months. Could you put me through to my teacher,please?I have something to tell her. Both the fellows were put through the pains they had never experienced before. They put all the students through the important exams. 答案 完成 接通电话 使经历 使通过,句 式 透 析,1.It is up to all of us road users to make sure that we avoid accidents by paying attention to road safety. 注意道路安全,避免事故,一切都取决于所有的道路使用者。,It is up to you to decide when we will start. 由你来决定我们什么时候出发。,单项填空/完成句子 What do you want to do next?We have half an hour until the basketball game. _.Whatever you want to do is fine with me. A.It just depends B.Its up to you C.All right D.Glad to hear that Im not sure if _(她真得胜任那份工作). _(保持办公室干净是他的职责) and tidy every day.,答案 B 由答语第二句可知,这里的意思应是“此事由你决定”。 she is really up to that job It is up to him to keep the office clean,2.So,why not take a trip on the oldest underground system today?所以,今天为什么不乘坐世界上最古老的地铁观赏一番呢?,单项填空/翻译句子 Its a long time since I saw my sister. _her this weekend? A.Why not visit B.Why not to visit C.Why not visiting D.Why dont visit 为什么不来加入我们做游戏? _,答案 A 句意:“我很久没见我的姐姐了。”“为什么这个周末不去看看她呢?”Why not do.?“为什么不?”为常用句型。若选D项,应在dont后加you。 Why not come and join us in the game?,


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