2019-2020年高中英语 第三单元过关检测卷 新人教版必修5.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 第三单元过关检测卷 新人教版必修5一、用所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子1After the grand _ ceremony of the amusement park, thousands of children rushed in to enjoy themselves.It will stay _ until midnight.(open)2His words were so _ that many people still had a deep _ today.(impress)3The _on my shoulder reminded me that I was not in the position of saying anything.(press)4Im _ about the date for the departure, so I cant tell you with _(certain)5The _man would never be satisfied with what he had.(greed)答案: 1opening;open2.impressive;impression3pressure4.uncertain;certainty5.greedy二、翻译下列短语1对乐观_2使某人想起 _3给某人留下好印象 _4方面的短缺 _5加速 _6横扫 _7去掉,去除 _8与相似 _9(困境后)恢复, 复原 _10看不见 _答案: 1be optimistic about2.remind sb.of sth.3leave a good impression on sb.4(a) lack of5.speed up6.sweep up7.dispose of sth.8be similar to9.be back on ones feet10out of sight/lose sight of三、选用上述短语或括号内的提示完成下列句子1The old songs_ the happy days we spent together.2To our pity,the project had to be abandoned for _funds.3People of the two countries_the oute of the talks between their presidents.4The new secretary succeeded in_her boss.5The car being traced_(go faster) and got out of sight.答案: 1remind us of2.lack of3.are optimistic about4leaving a good impression on5.sped up四、语法填空Once upon a time,a boy was walking through a wood and he heard a sad cry.Following the sound,he came to 1. mysterious pool.The sad cry seemed to e from the fountain pool.The boy swept the pools dirty surface water and saw a group of grey fish 2. were making little sounds.3 (amuse)by this,the boy tried to help these incredible talking fish out of the polluted water.But when he stuck his arm into the water,it turned grey right up to the elbow. 4. the meantime,he understood how sorrowful the fish was feeling.He quickly pulled his arm out of the water,but the arm still stayed grey,which made 5. very sad.He wished to cheer himself up,but nothing worked.Then he understood the truth that only 6. he managed to make Earth happy would 7. (happy)be back to him.From then on he set about 8. (look)after the countryside.He cared for the plants,tried 9. he could do to keep the water from being polluted,and 10. (encourage)others to do the same.He was so successful that his hand started to recover its normal color.When the grey had disappeared pletely,he started feeling happy again.1.解析:不定冠词a表示“一个池塘”。答案:a 2.解析:本句是一个限制性定语从句,需要引导词表生物,填that/which。答案:that/which 3.解析:此处填amused。答案:Amused 4.解析:In the meantime“与此同时,在此期间”。答案:In 5.解析:宾格人称代词,表“他”。答案:him 6.解析:本句考查only if引导的状语从句,填if。答案:if7解析:名词作主语,填happiness。答案:happiness 8.解析:set about sth./doing sth.“开始做某事”。 答案:looking 9.解析:此处是一个宾语从句,填what。答案:what 10.解析:本文用一般过去时,故填encouraged。答案:encouragedB卷综合检测(测试时间:120分钟评价分值:120分)第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。A Canadian Alice Munro won the xx Nobel Prize for Literature for her stories of the struggles,loves and tragedies of women in smalltown Canada that made her what the awardgiving mittee called the “master of the contemporary short story” “Some critics consider her a Canadian Chekhov.” the Swedish Academy said in announcing the award on its website,paring Munro to the 19thcentury Russian short story writer. The 82yearold Munro said it was“surprising and wonderful” to receive the award.“I am confused by all the attention and affection that has been ing my way,”she said in a statement.“I hope it encourages further interest in all Canadian writers.I also hope that this brings further recognition to the short story form.” Despite the honor and attention it would bring to her work,Munro told CBC News that the award would not change the decision she announced earlier this year to retire from writing. Munros strong point was to introduce into her stories a richness of plot and depth of detail usually more characteristic of novels.The characters in her stories are often girls and women who lead seemingly ordinary lives but struggle with difficulties ranging from abuse and unpleasant marriages to repressed(受压抑的)love and the damage of aging. Born in 1931 in Wingham,a small town in the region of southwestern Ontario that serves as the setting for many of her stories,Munro started writing in her teens and has published more than a dozen shortstory collections over the years.Munros works include Lives of Girls and Women in 1971,Runaway in xx and Too Much Happiness five years later.Her story The Bear Came over the Mountain was adapted for the Oscarnominated(奥斯卡提名的)film Away from Her,directed by Sarah Polley.Munro also won the Man Booker International Prize in xx,and has won the Giller Prizea top literary award in Canada twice.1What can we learn from Alice Munros short stories? AShe used to be a struggling woman.BShe is concerned about struggling women.CThey encourage women to fight for their rights.DThey focus on different aspects of society.2Why do some critics consider Alice Munro a Canadian Chekhov?AShe learned a lot from Chekhov.BShe introduced Chekhov to Canada.CShe has a similar writing style to Chekhov.DShe is as good a short story writer as Chekhov.3What does Alice Munro decide to do in the future?AContinue writing. BStop writing. CDirect films. DPromote Canadian literature.4Which short story of Alice Munro was adapted for a film?ALives of Girls and Women. BRunaway.CToo Much Happiness. DThe Bear Came over the Mountain.语篇解读:加拿大短篇小说作家艾丽丝门罗以女性题材作品赢得了xx年的诺贝尔文学奖。1解析:推理判断题。分析文章第一段和第五段的内容可知,艾丽丝门罗的小说描述的都是处于困境中的女性,由此可知她十分关心这些女性。答案:B2解析:推理判断题。分析文章第二段可知,有些评论家把艾丽丝门罗看成是加拿大的契诃夫,说明她的短篇小说的造诣不亚于契诃夫。答案:D3解析:细节理解题。从文章第四段可知,尽管获得了诺贝尔文学奖,但艾丽丝门罗还是决定要退休、搁笔。答案:B4解析:细节理解题。从文章最后一段可知,The Bear Came over the Mountain被改编成了电影。答案:DBCambridge has overtaken Oxford as the leading UK university according to an authoritative guide published recently.It es top of 113 universities for 35 of the 46 subjects for which it is ranked, pared with five for Oxford.Cambridge is also the highest performing university for entry grades, facilities and graduate prospects (前途)Oxford has dropped behind Cambridge for the first time since xx partly because Cambridge has counted the facilities provided by individual colleges for the first time.Also Oxford is third for student satisfaction.The guide rates Imperial College London, as third best followed by the London School of Economics and then St.Andrews, a university in Scotland which is the highest rating for student satisfaction.The league table (名次表) judges each university on nine measures.The factors taken into account are: exam results, student satisfaction, research records, student staff ratios, entry standards, graduate prospects, dropout (辍学学生) rates, spending on academic services and funding for other facilities.However, for the first time students are able to customize the table by setting their own priorities.The guide allows users to weigh the significance they put on factors such as student satisfaction, entry standards or the ratio between staff and students.Cambridge and Oxford, Britains oldest universities and among the worlds most prestigious academic institutions, have long, peted friendly for the top place to study.Oxford is slightly older than Cambridge, but they share a traditional college structure and both have a reputation for producing the countrys political, economic and cultural leaders.5Whats the text mainly about?ACambridge, the highest performing university.BCambridge, top of 113 universities.COxford, dropping behind Cambridge.DCambridge beating Oxford in UK university list.6Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?ABeing ranked the highest performing university, Cambridge has topped the list of 113 universities in the UK for 35 of the 46 subjects.BThe university league table is dominated by Cambridge University followed by Oxford University, the London School of Economics and Imperial College London.COxford has dropped behind mainly because Cambridge has counted the facilities provided by individual colleges.DCambridge has the highest rating for student satisfaction.7The underlined word “customize” in Paragraph 7 probably means “_”Amake Bplace Cput Dexchange8Which of the following is not included in the nine measures of the league table?AThe ratio between staff and students. BEntry standards.CPerforming qualification. DSpending on academic services.5解析:主旨大意题。文章第一段点明了本文的主题,主要介绍了在一份最新公布的英国大学指南中,剑桥大学自xx年以来首次超过牛津大学,在英国高校综合排名中位居第一。文章主要对两个大学进行了比较,故选D。答案:D6解析:细节理解题。从第五段可知,大学的排名是:Cambridge,Oxford,Imperial College London,London School of Economics,St.Andrews,故B项错误;从第四段第一句可知C项中的mainly错误;从第五段可知,St.Andrews是最令学生满意的学校,故D项错误;从文章第一段和第二段可知A项正确。答案:A7解析:词义猜测题。从倒数第三段第二句可知,这份指南允许学生们自己权衡哪项重要,哪项不重要。该词所在句子的意思是:第一次学生们能够根据自己的意愿制作表格,故customize的意思是make。答案:A8解析:细节理解题。从第六段可知,这9项因素:exam results,student satisfaction,research records,student staff ratios,entry standards,graduate prospects,dropout rates,spending on academic services and funding for other facilities,只有C不包括在内。答案:CC I have always lived in India,and was recently travelling from Mumbai to Jaipur for work.Arriving at the airport early and without much else to do.I decided to check out the gift shop there.As I walked around the store,I saw two American women having a nap in a chair outside.It looked as if they had been at the airport for hours,and I couldnt help doing something to help ease their wait. I looked around the store for a while,and ended up buying a mediumsized stuffed toy which looked like the cartoon character SpongeBob Square Pants.I asked the owner of the shop for a note and a pen and wrote,“When you get up if this makes you smile,it would mean the world to me.Have a good trip and an awesome experience.” I walked quietly towards the two women and placed the toy and the note next to them.Not wanting to surprise or wake them,I tried to be as slow and quiet as possible,but in my attempt to flee the scene,one of them woke up and caught me in the act.At first when she looked at me,I worried maybe she thought I was a thief! But when she looked at the toy and the note,she brightened up,as if this was the best thing anyone had ever done for her.“Is this for me,sir?”she asked in surprise.I gave her a huge smile and nodded. She was so delighted.For a minute,it didnt feel like we were strangers anymore.I shook hands with her,and her_smile_made_my_dayI walked away with nothing but admiration and gratitude from her,and came to feel that,even though we were from different places,she was just like me.9The author went to the gift shop to_Abuy some gifts Bkill timeChave a rest Dmeet someone10What can we learn about the author from the passage?AHe flied from Mumbai to Jaipur to have a holiday.BHe wanted to play a joke on the two American women.CHe bought a mediumsized stuffed toy at the gift shop.DHe left the gift shop quietly without being found at last.11Which of the following best describes the author? AKind and considerate. BBrave and strong.CProud and honest. DSerious and boring.12What does the underlined sentence “her smile made my day” in the last paragraph probably mean?AHer smile surprised me. BHer smile interested me.CHer smile was very sweet. DHer smile made me happy.语篇解读:小小善举可以给他人和自己带来美好心情。9解析:推理判断题。根据文章第一段“Arriving at the airport early and without much else to do,I decided to check out the gift shop there” 可知,作者逛礼品店是为了打发时间。 答案:B10解析:细节理解题。根据文章第二段第一句话可知答案。答案:C11解析:推理判断题。根据文章第一段“I couldnt help doing something to help ease their wait” 可以看出作者很友好;根据下文作者为那两位女士留言和送礼物可以看出作者很细心。答案:A12解析:词义猜测题。根据纸条上的留言以及整篇文章的内容来看,作者是真心想帮助机场的那两位女士,由此可以推出,那位女士的微笑让作者觉得很开心。答案:DDI had my first job at a local diner called the Buttercup Bakery when I was 22.I worked there for seven years and learned so many lessons,especially from a fellow waitress.Helen was in her 60s and had red hair and incredible selfrespect,something I was lacking.I looked up to Helen because she was doing what she lovedserving peopleand nobody did it better.She made everyone smile and feel good,customers and coworkers alike.Being a waitress changed my life.One of my regular customers was Fred Hasbrook,an electronics salesman.He always ate an omelet(煎蛋卷),and when I saw him walking toward the diner,I tried to have it on his table as soon as he sat down.Thanks to the newfound confidence I picked up from Helen,I dreamed of having my own restaurant.But when I called my parents to ask for a loan,they said,“We just dont have the money.”The next day,Fred saw me and asked,“Whats wrong,sunshine?Youre not smiling today.”I shared my dream with him and said,“Fred,I know I can do more if somebody would just have faith in me.”He walked over to some of the other diner regulars and the next day handed me checks totaling $50,000along with a note that I have to this day.It reads,“The only collateral(抵押物)on this loan is my trust in your honesty as a person.Good people with a dream should have the opportunity to make that dream e true.”I took the checks to Merrill Lynchthe first time I had ever entered a brokerage house(经纪行)where the money was invested for me.I continued working at the Buttercup,making plans for the restaurant I would open.My investments soured,though,and I lost the money.I found myself thinking about what it would be like to be a stockbroker(股票经纪人)After great careful consideration,I decided to apply for a job at Merrill Lynch.Even though I had no experience,I was hired and ended up being a pretty good broker.Eventually I paid back Fred and my customers the $50,000,plus 14 percent annual interest.Five years later,I was able to open my own firm.13What does the second paragraph mainly tell us?AHelen should have a restaurant of her own.BHelen was really a very good waitress.CThe writer had to learn from Helen.DThe writer respected Helen.14What is the meaning of the underlined word “soured” in the seventh paragraph?ADoubled. BWorsened.CSucceeded. DReturned.15The writer learned to be_from Helen.Ahappy Bpatient Cconfident Dindependent13解析:段落大意题。第二段主要介绍了作者很尊敬海伦。答案:D14解析:词义猜测题。根据soured后面的“I lost the money”可知B项正确。答案:B15解析:细节理解题。根据第四段第一句可知C项正确。答案:C第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。If you are hungry, what do you do? Have your favorite meal and stay quiet after that?_16_ But it never lets you know, because you keep it busy thinking about your friends or favorite stars.So it silently serves your needs and never lets itself grow.When mind loses its freedom to grow, creativity gets a full stop.This might be the reason why we all sometimes think “What happens next?”,“Why cant I think?”_17_ Why reading but not watching TV? It is because reading has been the most educative tool used by us right from childhood.Since it develops other aspects of our life, we have to get help from reading.Once you read a book, you run your eyes through the lines and your mind tries to explain something to you._18_Now this seed is unknowingly used by you to develop new ideas.If it is used many times, the same seed can give you great help to relate a lot of things which you would have never thought of in your wildest dreams!This is nothing but creativity._19_ Within no time you can start talking with your friends in English or any other language and never run out of the right words.So guys, do give food for your thoughts by reading, reading and more reading._20_Go and get a book!AThe interesting part of the book is stored in your mind as a seed.BWhy not do some reading while you are hungry?CJust like your stomach, your mind is also hungry.DNow what are you waiting for?EHunger of the mind can be actually solved through wide reading.FReading can help you make more friends, too.GAlso this makes a significant contribution to your vocabulary.16解析:根据下文的“But it never lets you know.”说明我们的思维和我们的胃一样,我们的思维一直很忙碌,也一直很饥饿。思考着很多事情。答案:C17解析:根据下一句可知,为什么是阅读而不是看电视?说明是阅读解决了我们思维方面的饥渴问题。答案:E18解析:根据下一句可知,这棵种子被你们不自觉地使用来帮助发展我们的思维。说明A项正确,因为A项中提及了书本中有趣的部分像种子一样被储存在我们的思维中。答案:A19解析:根据上一句的“creativity(创造性)”可知,说明是创造性在我们的词汇方面也有很大的作用。答案:G20解析:根据本段可知,我们还在等什么呢?赶快拿起一本书,开始阅读吧!答案:D第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)One day a few years ago we had a guest of the uninvited variety. In fact, it was a bird, _21_a sparrow. “Whats that?”I asked when I first heard the gentle thumping(重击声). “It sounds like Joe is outside playing basketball,”my wife, Anita, said. She_22_and listened more devotedly. “Its ing from the_23_,”she said. “Maybe its one of the little kids.”We rushed out the door. Jonathan, our youngest, was_24_to make trouble. “If hes making holes in the wall again. . .”I said as I searched there. No children_25_. But there was that_26_again, ing from right up there. And thats when I_27_the sparrow. It was flying_28_just inches below the ceiling. It was_29_trying to get out, but couldnt see that the way out wasnt up, but down_30_the open door. So the bird continued_31_its wings and hitting its head against the_32_. “Poor thing,”Anita said. “It must be_33_”“Well, maybe its because of us,”I said as I moved toward it. I tried to show the bird how to glide(滑翔)down to get outside, but that only seemed to_34_it more. “Why dont we just_35_for a few minutes?”Anita suggested. “Im sure hell_36_eventually.”So we went back into the house, where we continued to hear the ongoing_37_. Then suddenly, it was silent. We looked into the garage, and our uninvited guest was gone. “See?”Anita said. “I told you hed succeed.”“Yeah,”I said. “But how many knocks on the head did it_38_him?”Ive thought about that little sparrow through the years. Just like that sparrow, we often meet situations we dont know how to_39_. Born to go upward, we dont even consider the possibility that something good might happen if we stop flapping(拍打)around and just glide_40_a little bit. 21A.for example Brather than Cor rather Das well22A.hurried Bpaused Cignored Dconfirmed23A.basement Bkitchen Cgarage Dhall24A.easy Bhappy Csorry Dangry25A.in all Bat all Cabove all Dafter all26A.guest Bvoice Cnoise Dsound27A.watched Bfound Crealized Dcaught28A.carefully Bgently Cpatiently Danxiously29A.eventually Bunwillingly Cobviously Dthoroughly30A.through Bover Cbelow Dbeyond31A.shaking Bbreaking Cstriking Dinjuring32A.wall Bfloor Cdoor Dceiling33A.clumsy Bpainful Camazed Dterrified34A.frighten Bfort Cconfuse Dcalm35A.leave Bscream Crelax Descape36A.put it aside Bleave it alone Cgive it up Dfigure it out37A.accident Bachievement Cstruggle Dtrouble38A.cost Boffer Cearn Dowe39A.classify Bhandle Cdebate Dconclude40A.up Bback Cforth Ddown语篇解读:本文主要叙述了在车库里一只麻雀找不到出去的路, 在多次把头撞击天花板之后, 向下通过门飞出去了。21解析:事实上它是只鸟, 确切地说是一只麻雀。or rather“确切地说”。答案:C22解析:由下文“listened more devotedly.” 可知。pause“暂停”。答案:B23解析:由倒数第四段“We looked into the garage, and our uninvited guest was gone.” 可知。garage“车库”; basement“地下室”; kitchen“厨房”; hall“大厅”。答案

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