2019-2020年高中英语 unit4 section2 Learning about Language练习 新人教版选修6.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 unit4 section2 Learning about Language练习 新人教版选修6.单词拼写1Childrens words and actions are often fairly r_.2Fossil f_ alone wont cut in.3Look out! Youd better walk s_.4Its hot o_very hot, very humid5There is a _(趋势)towards regional cooperation.6The earthquake caused _(分布广的) damage to the country.7My mother is an _(节俭的)housewife.8The graph shows the _(平均的) temperature of April.9So far no evidence has been found to support the e_ of any living thing on the moon.10It is a happy marriage on the w_.答案:1.random2.fuels3.steadily4.out5.tendency6.widespread7.economical8.average9.existence10whole.句型转换1AAfter talking for half an hour, the old man mentioned the name of Kunta Kinte.BIt was after talking for half an hour _.2AI realized what trouble he was in only when he told me.BOnly when he told me _ he was in.3AI worked in a factory in 1975.BIt was in a factory_.4AI dont know why you want to change your ideaBI dont know _ that you want to change your idea5AShe didnt realize it was too late to go home until the sun set.BIt was _ the sun set _ it was too late to go home.答案:1.that the old man mentioned the name of Kunta Kinte2did I realize what trouble3.that I worked in 19754why it is5.not until;that she realized.完成句子1在我们这个公司,工人的工资平均在3000元。In our pany,the workers wage is 3000 yuan _ _.2大体上说,这是一篇好作文。_ _ _,this is a good position.3自从三个月前到现在,大面积持续干旱。_ _ _ has kept on since three months ago.4宇航员能够看到外太空里数百万的星星。The astronauts could see millions of stars _ _ _ at night.5我们已经意识到恐龙的存在。We have realized _ _ _ dinosaurs.答案:1.on average2.On the whole3.A widespread drought4.in outer space5.the existence of.阅读理解AHot enough for you? Everyone knows that the weather gets hot during the summer, but does it always get this hot? According to a new report from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), climate change may play a role in extreme weather events.NOAAs 2011 State of the Climate report was put together by 378 scientists from 48 countriesThey looked at a number of extreme weather events that happened around the world last year“2011 will be remembered as a year of extreme events, both in the United States and around the world,” said NOAAs KathryndSullivanThe scientists noted that determining the causes of extreme weather is plexThey cant blame any single event on global warmingRather, the purpose of the NOAA study is to help scientists understand how the probability of extreme weather changes in response to global warmingAccording to the report, 2011 was the coolest year since xxBut it was still one of the 15 warmest years since records began in the late 1800sAmong the extreme weather events, scientists looked at a record heat wave in TexasLast year, Texas had the driest sevenmonth drought ever recordedNOAA found that the Texas heat wave was 20 times more likely to occur today than 50 years ago.This year, the USis experiencing extreme weather once againLast month, 3,215 daily high temperature records were set nationwideThe 12 months ending in May were the warmest 12 continuous months on record in the USAt the end of June, more than 110 million people were living under extreme heat and more than twothirds of the country was experiencing drought.“The frequency(频率) of hot days and hot periods has already increased and will increase further,” Michael Oppenheimer, a climate expert and a professor at Princeton Universitys Woodrow Wilson School saiD“What we see now is what global warming really looks like.”文章大意:科学家推测,全球近几年经历的极端天气有可能跟全球变暖有关。1What do we know about NOAAs 2011 State of the Climate report?AIt reports worldwide weather events.BIt focuses on the climate of the US.CIt has been published in 48 countries.DIt was drawn up by Kathryn DSullivan.答案:A细节理解题。由第二段中的They looked at a number of extreme weather events that happened around the world last year可知,这个报告中涉及到世界各地的极端炎热天气的案例。2What was the USs weather like in xx?AIt was not so hot as in 2011.BIt had a long period of low rainfall.CTexas had the highest average temperature.DJune was the hottest month of the whole year.答案:B细节理解题。由倒数第二段中讲到的六月份美国三分之二的地方都遭受了干旱天气等信息可知,有一段时间美国的降雨量非常少。3According to Michael Oppenheimer, _.Ahot days wont last longBglobal warming is not a serious problemChes not sure what global warming looks likeDglobal warming is certainly affecting weather答案:D推理判断题。由最后一段中Michael Oppenheimer所说的话What we see now is what global warming really looks like可以推断,他认为目前的这种反常天气就是全球变暖造成的。4What is the best title for the passage?AGoing to extremesBAn important reportCRelaxing in a cool placeDA state organizations effort答案:A标题归纳题。本文主要介绍全球近几年的极端炎热天气,extremes(极端)能准确地表达这一状况,所以选A项。B(xx湖北)What Theresa Loe is doing proves that a large farm isnt a prerequisite for a modern growyourown lifestyle.On a mere 1/10 of an acre in Los Angeles,Loe and her family grow,can (装罐) and preserve much of the food they consume.Loe is a master food preserver,gardener and canning expert.She also operates a website,where she shares her tips and recipes,with the goal of demonstrating that everyone has the ability to control whats on their plate.Loe initially went to school to bee an engineer,but she quickly learned that her enthusiasm was mainly about growing and preparing her own food“I got into cooking my own food and started growing my own herbs(香草) and foods for that fresh flavor,”she saiDEngineer by day,Loe learned cooking at night school.She ultimately purchased a small piece of land with her husband and began growing their own foods.“I teach people how to live farmfresh without a farm,”Loe saidThrough her website Loe emphasizes that “anybody can do this anywhere.”Got an apartment with a balcony (阳台)?Plant some herbs.A window?Perfect spot for growing.Start with herbs,she remends,because “theyre very forgiving.”Just a little of the herbs “can take your regular cooking to a whole new level,”she addeD“I think its a great place to start.”Then?Try growing something from a seed,she said,like a tomato or some teACanning is a natural extension of the planting she does.With every planted food,Loe noted,theres a moment when its bursting with its absolute peak flavor.“I try and keep it in a time capsule in a canning jar.”Loe said“Canning for me is about knowing whats in your food,knowing where it es from.”In addition to being more in touch with the food shes eating,another joy es from passing this knowledge and this desire for good food to her children:“Influencing them and telling them your opinion on not only being careful what we eat but understanding the_bigger_picture,”she said,“that if we dont take care of the earth,no one will.”文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。Loe是“自己种植”的现代生活方式的实践者,她热衷于自己种植香草和味道新鲜的食物,并将食物装入密封罐中以保持最佳的风味,更想通过自己的举动影响孩子们,让他们意识到保护地球的责任。5The underlined word “prerequisite”(ParA1)is closest in meaning to “_”Arecipe BsubstituteCrequirementDchallenge答案:C词义猜测题。根据首段第二句“On a mere 1/10 of an acre.and preserve much of the food they consume.”可知面积并不是硬要求。该句句意为:Loe在那里所做的一切证明,一个大农场对“自己种植”的现代生活方式来说并不是一个硬要求。故选C项。6Why does Loe suggest starting with herbs?AThey are used daily.BThey are easy to grow.CThey can grow very tall.DThey can be eaten uncooked答案:B细节理解题。根据第四段中“Start with herbs.Just a little of the herbs.”可知香草很容易生长。故选B项。7According to Loe,what is the benefit of canning her planted foods?AIt can preserve their best flavor.BIt can promote her online sales.CIt can better her cooking skills.DIt can improve their nutrition.答案:A细节理解题。根据第五段中“.theres a moment when its bursting with its absolute peak flavor.I try to keep it in a time capsule in a canning jar.”可知将种植的事物装入密封罐中保存的好处是能够保持最佳的风味。故选A项。8What is the “the bigger picture”(ParA6) that Loe wishes her children to understand?AThe knowledge about good fooDBThe way to live a growourown life.CThe joy of getting in touch with foods.DThe responsibility to protect our earth.答案:D词义猜测题。根据最后一段中尾句“.that if we dont take care of the earth,no one will.”可知the bigger picture指的是保护地球的责任。故选D项。.七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Why should you pick up skateboarding? Here are the top 5 reasons to skateboard1.Skateboard to Try Something New_1_ Skateboarding will challenge you in new ways and teach you a new skill setTrying new things and gaining new experiences are what keep your brain alive and active, which in turn gives you new insights into the world2.Skateboard for FitnessThis might seem stupid at first, because of the dangers that go along with skateboardingIts true that sometimes you will fall and scrape your knee or elbowBut, skateboarding trains your body in unique waysA huge part of skateboarding is balance, so you will gain strength as you skatePlus, your legs will get a good workout as well_2_3.Skateboard to Make FriendsThis is true no matter your age_3_ If you choose to skate, you should have several groups of instant friendsThis works for adults, tooIts easy to run into people at skate parks and make friends, or you can check at your local skate shop for local groups and clubs.4._4_When youve been practicing a trick for a long, long time, and you finally get it, you will realize that you can do something that only a small handful of people can doSo you move on to a harder trick,and then a harder oneConfidence is key to successBelieving in yourself and understanding how powerful you really are are important!5._5_Sometimes you practice the same trick for a long time and you just cant get itBut you stick with itYou keep trying, even when its not easy, even when people make fun of you or dont understand you, and even when you have no one pushing you but yourselfLife is tough,and learning to push through will help in every wayASkateboard to Strengthen PerseveranceBSkateboard for FunCSkateboard to Build ConfidenceDIf you are a teenager, then there should be groups of skaters at school.EThis ability to always progress into something new and fresh is one reason why skateboarding is so popular.FWhile skateboarding has been popular over the past few years, there are still lots of people who havent tried it.GBesides, its pretty easy to lose weight and youll bee lean and tough.答案:15 FGDCA

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