2019-2020年高中英语 Unit4 Period1 Vocabulary课堂达标训练 北师大版必修2.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit4 Period1 Vocabulary课堂达标训练 北师大版必修2.语境填词1He found himself struggling to f_ his mind on the discussion.2Lets s_ that page and go on to the next chapter.3Police are o_ a reward to anyone with information about the crime.4This necklace is made of a_ diamond, not natural.5All the c_ related to this murder have been caught.6Your _(建议,提议) is quite reasonable. We have decided to accept it.7I think its a wonderful idea, but they _(拒绝) it.8I like history and I wish one day I could visit all the _(历史的) sites in China.9His dream of being an engineer has been turned into _(现实)10Its _(明显的,显而易见的) that theyve made a terrible mistake.以义思词1_ adj.: not natural or real2_ n: a very large amount of water that covers an area that is usually dry3_ n. :a state of plete confusion and lack of order4_ n: receiving or being received as guests; amusing or being amused5_ vt.:to want sth.or want to do sth.6_ vt.: refuse to accept or consider sth.7_ n:a plan or preparation that you make so that sth.can happen8_ n: a place to which sb.or sth.is going or is being sent9_ n:someone who has more than a million pounds,dollars,etc.10_ adj.: around a usual or ordinary level or standard; not very good.同义词替换1Each exercise pays_particular_attention_to different grammar point._2Did the newspapers really have_an_effect_on the oute of the election?_3Six months after the revolution, the country is still in_a_mess._4Jack smiled as_though he was enjoying a private joke._5Whats she doing?_6Ive talked to him on the telephone and in_person._7Shut the door, and shut the windows too. _8What further information can you add to make_it_better?_9How_is_the_weather in your area? _10Some experts think_theres_no_hope_for the future._.选词填空1All the smokers know that smoking _ health, but they just cant stop it.2Did the storm do any _ to the corn?3I saw something move _ towards me and I was scared.4I arrived home to find the house in _.5It is reported that three persons died in the car _.6When the sun came out, the fog _ gradually.7Wild animals dont often _ humans unless they are really hungry.8The _ here is colder than that in my hometown and it doesnt agree with me.单项填空1Its very _ that, in many schools, students are going to spend less time in the classroom than they used to do.Alikely BpossiblyCprobably Dperhaps2Would she mind playing against her former teammates?_ She is willing to play against any tough players.AI think so. BIm not surprised.COf course. DNot likely!3When we visited my old family home, memory came _ back.Aflooding Bto floodCflood Dflooded4Its already ten oclock.I wonder how it _ that she was two hours late on such a short trip.Acame over Bcame outCcame about Dcame up5The conference has been held to discuss the effects of tourism _ the wildlife in the local area.Ain Bon Cat Dwith6Theyve _ us 150,000 for the house. Shall we take it?Aprovided BsuppliedCshown Doffered7With the governments aid,those _ by the earthquake have moved to the new settlements.Aaffect BaffectingCaffected Dwere affected8The article suggests that when a person _ under unusual stress, he should be especially careful to have a wellbalanced diet.Abe BwasCis Dwere9Hello! Is Mr. Fred available?_AI am Mr. Fred.BSpeaking.CWho are you?DWho are you looking for?10If we sit near _ front of the bus, well have _ better view.A不填;the B不填;aC. the;a Dthe;the.阅读理解Do you Yahoo?If you dont,Yahoo is making it easier to check your email.Especially when youre_on_the_go.“To learn more about Yahoo by phone,press zero.”Its called “Yahoo! By phone.”The idea you dont have to have a puter to access to Internet.Forget a mouse click.All you need is a touch tone.Several small panies like Tellme and BeVocal have already launched similar systems that use voice portals.Yahoos offers email.“They can listen to stock quotes,they can listen to news,they can listen to sports scores and they can listen to weather.”Lisa Pollack is the projects senior producer.She said this new technology,which turns text into synthesized speech,is helping to bridge the digital divide.“Nearly everyone has a phone,there are more people that have telephones than have PCs.And this is just one way for people to access their information more easily.Lets say youre expecting a good message from a good friend of yours,that youre going to meet her for dinner.And you think she might have tried to contract you by email.Then you call in and listen to your email.”And she says you dont have to be puter savvy (懂实际知识) to use it.Here is how it works.Just dial 1800my Yahoo,punch in your code and listen.“Hi,and wele to Yahoo!”“So what it really does is release people from their electronic tether (栓绳) to their PC,so now they can access their information from wherever they are.”“Thank you for using Yahoo,goodbye!”1What new service is Yahoo going to provide?AEmail system. BPhone call.CNews broadcast. DYahoo by phone.2To enjoy Yahoo by phone,you have to _.Aclick a mouseBhave a puter linked to the InternetChave an earphone and a louder speakerDhave a telephone3From the passage,we know_.Ayou can do everything by means of Yahoo by phoneBphones are more convenient than PCsCafter using the technology,you can hear your friend who contracts you by email directlyDyou can access their email even when you are not using your puter4“Yahoo! By phone.” is _.Aa new technology turning text into synthesized speechBa new technology to make you hear your emailCa service to be available if you dial 1800my YahooDa service to protect you from putersUnit 4CyberspacePeriod 1Vocabulary.1.focus2.skip3.offering4.artificial5criminals6.suggestion7.rejected8.historical9reality10.obvious.1.artificial2.flood3.chaos4.entertainment5fancy6.reject7.arrangement8.destination9millionaire10.average.1.focuses on2.affect3.in chaos4.as if5.up to6.in the flesh7.as well8.improve it9Whats the weather like10.are pessimistic about.1.affects2.harm3.rapidly4chaos5.crash6.disappeared7.attack8.climate.1.A2D本题考查交际用语。从答语的第二句可知,她敢于挑战任何强大的对手,故她不可能介意。Not likely绝不可能。所以只有D项符合题意。3A本题考查非谓语动词的用法。句意为:当我们拜访老家时,记忆涌上心头。flood此处用作动词,表示“(感情或回忆)涌现,涌上心头”,与主语memory形成主谓关系,故用现在分词形式。4C本题考查动词短语的辨析。句意为:现在十点了,我不知道她是怎么回事,这么短的路程迟到了两个小时。e over过来,来到;e out 出版;(花)开放;e about 发生;e up 被提出,被讨论;走近。所以只有C项符合题意。5B本题考查介词的用法。effect在表示“对的影响”时,与on连用;在表示“某事物的影响”时,与of连用。由句意知选B项。6D本题考查动词的辨析。第一句句意为:这座房子,他们给我们开的价是15万英镑。offer表示“出价,开价”的意思,符合题意。7C本题考查非谓语动词的用法。句意为:在政府的援助下,那些受地震影响的人搬到了新的居所。主语people与动词affect形成被动关系,故用过去分词作后置定语。8C本题考查谓语动词的用法。句意为:该文章建议,一个人在不同寻常的压力之下,尤其要注意饮食平衡。本题容易误选A项,受思维定势的影响,一看到suggest,它的宾语从句谓语动词就想用“(should)动词原形”的形式。殊不知,本题suggest的宾语从句是一个主从复合句,主句中已经用了虚拟语气,故when引导的条件从句用陈述语序。9B本题考查电话用语。Speaking是“This is Fred speaking.(我就是弗雷德。)”的省略语。10C本题考查冠词的用法。the front of the bus是指汽车里面的前面;view表示“景色;风景”时,是可数名词。 .1.D推理判断题。根据“Yahoo is making it easier to check your email”及“Its called Yahoo! By phone. The idea you dont have to have a puter to access to Internet.”可知D项正确。2D细节理解题。根据文章第三段“The idea you dont have to have a puter to access to Internet.”及倒数第四段“Here is how it works.Just dial 1800my Yahoo,punch in your code and listen.”可知D项正确。3D细节理解题。A项认为“利用这种新技术可以做一切事情”的说法太绝对,可以排除;B项认为“手机比电脑更方便”的说法与原文不符,文中只是说有手机的人比有电脑的人多,但未进行比较;C项根据倒数第四段的例子可以看出不是直接听到你朋友,而是“听”到了你朋友给你写的邮件。4C推理判断题。根据“Several small panies like Tellme and BeVocal have already launched similar systems that use voice portals.Yahoos offers email.”可知Yahoo利用的这种技术在别的公司早就开始了,Yahoo只是第一个把它用到email系统上,从而为顾客提供一种新的服务。


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