2019-2020年高一英语下学期 第9周当堂训练.doc

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2019-2020年高一英语下学期 第9周当堂训练(满分100分,训练时间45分钟)班级_ 学号_ 姓名_ 得分_第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1. Please tell the court what really happened. Oh, I _, and I hit a parked car.A. wouldnt pay attention B. didnt pay attention C. havent paid attention D. wasnt paying attention2. _ himself with necessary knowledge and skills, the young man went to the job market with much confidence. A. EquippedB. EquippingC. Having equippedD. Being equipped3. I didnt like the hotel. I wish we _ to stay there.A. havent decided B. hadnt decided C. didnt decide D. wont decide4. The price of the house is reasonable and I love its garden _. We can grow flowers and vegetables there.A. in generalB. in particularC. in totalD. in mon5. The researchers who study jokes want to know _ people from different nations and cultures find funny.A. why B. that C. what D. whether6. Nowadays most perfume advertisements try to _ male fantasies. A. belong to B. correspond to C. relate to D. cater to7. British boarding schools have three terms a year, about twelve weeks each, with a few days half-term holiday _ pupils are expected to go home. A. during which B. for which C. on which D. since which8. The concert hall is large enough to hold more than 3,000 people. _. Did you say 3,000?A. Excuse me B. Im sorry C. What a surpriseD. What a shame9. Oh, dear, youre back home at last!You cant imagine all the difficulty I had _ home in the heavy rain.A. walked B. walk C. to walk D. walking10. To everyones surprise, _ painting, _ simple design of some natural scenery, won the first prize in the petition.A. a; the B. the; a C. a; a D. the; the11. The puter costs $ 900. It _ be that expensive. Anyway, it is a used one. A. shouldnt B. mustnt C. will not D. neednt12. The time is not far away _ the information will be made known _ more workers will be trained for their jobs.A. until; which B. when; that C. before; that D. as; which13. With a large amount of work _, the chief manager couldnt spare time for a holiday. A. remained to be done B. remaining to be done C. remained being done D. remaining to do14. After working at the firm for two years, Anne _ from her position and went abroad for further study. A. separated B. promised C. resigned D. retired15. Why is it _ so many people enjoy eating on the run? Of course, the most obvious answer is that fast food is fast.A. that B. which C. what D. how第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。When I was little, my family used to move frequently. Before I could even get 16 with my schoolmates, my family was on the move again. I became very 17 because of this.But a girl with dark skin and long shiny hair 18 me. Her best characteristics are her openness and 19 . She is always smiling, like a beautiful sunflower following the sun. Without 20 I enjoyed being with her and soon we became good friends. As time went by, I gradually became a 21 girl. But this joyful period didnt last long. We were admitted to different colleges. I felt like I had gone 22 to my always-on-the-move childhood. I felt 23 and helpless and I was afraid that I would 24 her as my best friend. She stayed calm and said to me: “Rain, you can achieve more than I do, so 25 to your dreams and make a big effort! Real friendship doesnt fade and we will be best friends forever.” Maybe she didnt realize what a great 26 she was to me at that time.However, it turned out that my 27 were well-founded (有根据的). I felt that the 28 between us was getting bigger and bigger. One day, she sent me a text message happily telling me that she had fallen in love with a handsome boy in her class.I felt happy for her, but at the same time I was secretly worried about our friendship. I 29 her several times intending to tell her to think carefully about her 30 with the boy, but I got no more messages from her. I felt sad that perhaps our friendship would not 31 . I had almost given up hope 32 she visited me at my campus a week later. She looked 33 but was wearing the most beautiful smile. She gave me a big hug and said: “Im sorry. I want to be myself and your friend forever!” We cried together, 34 the people walking past. She told me her sad story, and we knew we had gone back to how it was before.Now I firmly believe that distance and time cant 55 you from a friend. If you care enough about each other, friendship never fades.16. A. madB. boredC. acquaintedD. patient17. A. silentB. disappointedC. outspokenD. crazy18. A. helpedB. changedC. attractedD. impressed19. A. faithfulnessB. cheerfulnessC. quietnessD. kindness20. A. delayB. hesitationC. problemD. doubt21. A. happyB. luckyC. helpfulD. successful22. A. overB. downC. out D. back23. A. scaredB. strange C. ashamedD. homesick24. A. leaveB. missC. loseD. desert25. A. look forwardB. hold onC. get downD. go back26. A. burdenB. exampleC. encouragementD. wonder27. A. conclusionsB. expectationsC. dreams D. concerns28. A. differenceB. distanceC. misunderstandingD. conflict29. A. visitedB. messagedC. telephonedD. wrote30. A. relationshipB. satisfactionC. lifeD. story31. A. returnB. developC. surviveD. advance32. A. untilB. whenC. asD. unless33. A. cheerfulB. relaxedC. calmD. pale34. A. forgettingB. noticingC. ignoringD. overlooking35. A. protectB. preventC. freeD. separate第四部分 任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入最恰当的单词。注意:每空格1个单词。Because six out of every 10 accidental deaths happen to Chinese children who are playing, Shanghai Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical (SJJP), a US-based pharmaceutical giant, is working on a Safe Kids Program to prevent injuries and deaths.Since the Safe Kids Worldwide was set up in 1987 by Johnson & Johnson in the US, it has contributed to a nearly 40 percent decline in the child death rate from accidental injuries there. Learning from the successful experience, SJJP began the Safe Kids Program in China in xx.A recent survey conducted by SJJP and Safe Kids Worldwide China indicates that more than half of the responding parents didnt know how to help their children keep safe and that half of the parents didnt know about their childrens motor skill development at different ages. The survey covered 3,359 Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhous parents with children between infancy (幼年) and 14.Additionally, more than 40 percent of the parents didnt know how to help their children to prepare well for sports activities. For instance, they dont know how to have their children warm up or realize the importance of a playground-check before sports activities.To help correct the problems, SJJP and Safe Kids Worldwide China have been translating and editing safety education materials, sending them to parents free of charge, and delivering free lectures in kindergartens, schools and residential munities for the last 10 years.Currently, a special team has been set up and traveling around 12 key cities of China to popularize child sports safety knowledge and offer free training for young parents.Though SJJP refuses to say how much it has spent on the program, it says the number in terms of money, staff and technology, is large.SJJP was founded by Johnson & Johnson in 1995 and specializes in manufacturing and development of non-prescription medicines (非处方药) and health care foods and products. So far, its investment has exceeded (超过) $41 million.Title: Safe Kids Program(1) The programme is intended to (2) accidental injuries and deaths.BackgroundIt is sponsored by SJJP, which specializes in making and (3) non-prescription medicine and health care foods and products.It follows the example of the successful experience of Safe Kids Worldwide in the US, which accounts for a 40% (4) in such injury cases.(5) More than 50% of the parents dont know how to help keep children safe.Half of the parents are not (6) of their childrens motor skills.40% or more of the parents fail to help their children prepare well before sports activities, such as warming up and (7) the playground.SolutionsThey have been sending safety education materials to (8) and delivering lectures in schools and munities, all for (9) .A special team has been (10) and is now travelling around to popularize child sports safety knowledge and offering free training for young parents.


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