2019-2020年高中英语 Unit2 Period5 Lesson3 Sports Stars课时训练 北师大版必修1.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit2 Period5 Lesson3 Sports Stars课时训练 北师大版必修1.句型转换1A:In my opinion,Hingis is a brilliant player.B:_ speaking,Hingis is a brilliant player.2A:The house which was built last year caught fire last night.B:The house _ last year caught fire last night.3A:I liked to travel by bus when I was visiting London.B:I liked to travel by bus _ _ London.4A:Her husband died in 1980 and left her with two children.B:Her husband died in 1980,_ her with two children.5A:It is no use arguing with him.B:It is _ _ with him.翻译句子1你父母对你的朋友感兴趣吗?(interest)_2我们不提高货品的质量,就无法与海外公司竞争。(pete)_3我失败了,但我很想再试一次。(keen)_4战争在5月结束了。(end)_5这个小男孩对历史这么了解,真是令人惊讶。(amaze)_.单项填空1The sports meeting of our school will be held next month.Which _ are you going to enter for?Aaffairs BeventsCmatters Dthings2The firm is too small to _ against large international panies.Aplete Brun forCpete Dbeat3The murderer who had been _ for many years was set free last month.Aput in the prison Bin prisonCsent to prison Din the prison4You may not agree,but _ I think university is not the only way to success.Atruly BgraduallyCmonly Dpersonally5_ all his savings gone,he started to look for a job.AWith BForCAs DWhen6They encouraged_English by radio and television.Ato learn BlearningCfor me to learn Dme to learn7The blacks tried hard to fight for_slavery,and they succeeded at last.Aan end to Bend toCend Dan end of8We were _at the change in his appearance.Aamazing BamazedCwondered Dwondering9There was_time_I hated to go to school.Aa;that Ba;whenCthe;that Dthe;when10Smoking is bad for your health.Yes,I know.But I simply cant_.Agive it up Bgive it inCgive it out Dgive it away.阅读理解In China hes known as the Flying Fish;in America they call him the Baltimore Bullet.Whatever you call him,American swimmer Michael Phelps looks destined to bee a household name across the world after breaking the Olympic record for most gold medals in the Games.Phelps total of eight gold medals in Beijing put him one ahead of patriot Mark Spitzs previous tally set in 1972.Michael Phelps dominated the field in seven of his races and set an amazing seven world records in the process.He did,however,have one close shave in the 100m butterfly which he won by the smallest possible margin of just 0.01 seconds,and in another he had to contend with a faulty pair of goggles (游泳镜)Now people are already calling him the greatest Olympian of all time.But whether he is or not,what is it that makes Michael Phelps so good?A good place to start might be his physique.Phelps has the perfect body shape for a swimmer:his arms are longer than his height;he has very flexible joints,huge lungs,and incredibly large feet (size 14 in the US,size 49 in China) that act like flippers in the water.To feed his huge swimmers body,Phelps eats an astonishing 12,000 calories a day,six times the average for a man of his age.According to his coach,Phelps starts with a breakfast of champions:Three fried egg sandwiches with cheese,tomatoes,fried onions and mayo,a fiveegg omelette,a bowl of grits,three slices of French toast and three pancakes with chocolate chips.He then slips into a swimsuit which has been making_waves in the world of swimming.Designed by NASA,the American space agency,the suit is made of a special material which is said to help athletes swim 2% faster.Michael Phelps should spare a thought for his mum,who first pushed him into swimming as a way of making friends,and who believed in him when one teacher said he would never be a success.Whatever the reason for his success,Phelps admits there was perhaps also a bit of luck involved in winning his eight medals.“I guess eight is a lucky number for me,too,now.The opening ceremony started on 8/8/08.Maybe it was meant to be.”he said.1Whats the best title of the passage?AOlympics:the Flying FishPhelpsBThe Life of PhelpsCPhelps and MedalsDThe Magic of Swimsuit 2.Whats the meaning of the underlined words?A制造麻烦 B挥手C制造海浪 D引起轰动3Which of the following is NOT right according to the passage?AMark Spitzs total of golds in 1972 was less than Phelps in Beijing.BPhelps won by a narrow in the 100m butterfly.CPhelps has very inflexible joints,huge lungs,and incredibly large feet.DIt is a bit lucky for Phelps to get eight gold medals.4Why did Phelps mother first make him swim?AShe thought he would win gold medals.BShe wanted him to make friends in swimming pool.CShe wanted to prove she was right.DShe knew he was perfect for a swimmer.Period 5Lesson 3Sports Stars.1.Personally2.built3.when;visiting4.leaving5useless;arguing.1.Do your parents express an interest in your friends?2We cant pete with overseas firms unless we improve the quality of our goods.3I failed but Im keen to try again.4.The war came to an end in May.5.It is amazing that the little boy knows so much about history.1.Bevent在此句中表示“比赛的项目”。句意为:下个月我们学校将举行运动会,你们将报名参加哪些项目?2Cpete with/against与竞争;run for竞选;plete完成;beat击败,打败,不能与against连用。3B根据时间状语for many years所填部分应为表示状态的词,send sb. to prison把某人送进监狱,强调动作,不与一段时间连用,故选B。4D考查副词词义辨析。personally就个人而言,符合句意。truly真正地;gradually逐渐地;monly一般地。5A“with宾语形容词”是with的复合结构中的一种形式。句意为:所有的积蓄都没了,他开始去找工作。6Dencourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人做某事。7Aan end to.的结束,end在此为名词。8Bbe amazed at对感到震惊;amazing令人震惊的。9Ba time某个时候,其后为when引导的定语从句。也可作为固定句型来记,There was a time when.曾经有时候。10Agive up放弃,戒掉。.1.A选文章标题一定注意主题句,而主题句很多时候就在文章开头。通过认真阅读第一段可知,这篇文章的最佳标题就是奥运飞鱼菲尔普斯。 2.D由第七段首句“.a swimsuit which has been making waves in the world of swimming.”一件在游泳界“making waves”的泳衣,很容易猜出是“引起轰动”。3CC项把原文中的flexible joints“灵活的关节”改为inflexible“不灵活的”,故错误。4B由倒数第三段的“.who first pushed him into swimming as a way of making friends,”可知他母亲想让他通过游泳交朋友。

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