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.高考单词识记思考运用 1.核心词汇,_ n.谈论;评述 vt.& vi.谈论;说起 _ adj.非凡的;出众的 _ adv.惊人地;异常地 _ vt.谴责;使注定 _ vt.编排;把归类;把分类 classification n.分类;归类 _ n.结果;效果 proper adj.适当的_ adv.适当地,恰当地 trouble n.&vt.麻烦;费神 _ adj.带来麻烦的,使人心烦的,_ n.& vi.妥协;折衷 adaptation n.适应(性);改编本 _v.改编,(使)适应 hesitate vi.犹豫;踌躇 _ n.犹豫;踌躇 _ adj.错误的;不正确的 mistake n.&v.错误;误会 fortune n.机会;运气;大笔的钱 _ adj.幸运的 _ adv.幸运地 _ vt.俯视;忽视;不理会 _ vt.&vi.(使)褪色;减弱;逐渐消失 答案 remark;remarkable;remarkbly condemn classify outcome properly troublesome compromise adapt hesitation mistaken fortunate;fortunately overlook fade,2.常考词汇 horrible adj._horror n._ plot n._ acquaintance n._ superior adj._n._ disgusting adj._ 答案 可怕的;恐怖的 恐怖 情节;阴谋 相识;了解;熟人 优秀的;较高的 上级;长官 使人反感的,用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.There is the belief that,if you arrive at an appointment late,you will be considered important.This is a _ (mistake) view.(2015陕西,六选五) 2.In this passage _ (adapt) from a novel,a Canadian woman recalls for her childhood during the 1960s. 3.Mum and I became mad with him for placing our family in trouble.With time,an _ (comfortable) silence grew between us.(2015陕西,完形) 4.It can be quite an eye opener to see the range of _ (classic)apples still in existence,such as Decio which was grown by the Romans.(2016全国,阅读C),5.Have your parents ever inspected your room to see if you cleaned it_ (proper)?(2015湖南,阅读C) 6.That night,Hurricane Sandy attacked the East Coast,and Rockaway was hit especially hard._ (fortunate),Natalies family escaped to Brooklyn shortly before the citys bridges closed.(2016北京,阅读B) 7.My life improved _ (remark)when I discovered art.The art world gave me a chance to express myself without words. (2016天津,阅读表达),8.Her times were not exactly impressive,but even so,he sensed there was something trying to get out,something the other coaches_ (overlook)when they had assessed her and found her lacking. (2016江苏,阅读D),答案 1.mistaken 2.adapted 3.uncomfortable 4.classical 5.properly 6.Fortunately 7.remarkably 8.had overlooked,【联想积累】 “学校生活”用词一览 further study进一步学习 term学期 facility学校设施 apply申请 educate教育 graduate毕业,毕业生 register注册,登记 schedule计划表;进度表;时间表 major主修,专攻 academy学会,研究院 public大学的,全校的 scholarship奖学金 professor教授 educator教育者 headmaster校长 instructor教导员 librarian图书管理员 monitor班长,“恐惧”表达词一览 afraid畏惧,害怕 alarm惊慌,恐慌 dreadful可怕的 fear恐怖,畏惧 frighten使惊惧,吓唬 horror战栗,恐怖 horrible恐怖的 panic惊慌的 scare吓,吓唬 scream惊叫 terrible可怕的 terrified恐怖的 terror恐怖 tremble (因恐怖、忧虑等)战栗,焦虑,担心 scared to death吓死,.重点短语识记思考运用 1.动词短语 pass._ as.(把某人)改变或冒充成 make _ acquaintance结识;与相见 rob sb_ sth抢劫某人某物 fade _ (声音、画面)逐渐模糊;渐淡 show._ 带或领进来 答案 off ones of out in,2.介词短语 in terms _.就来说;从角度 _ disguise伪装(的);假扮的 _ need of需要 答案 of in in,3.其他形式 generally _ 一般来说 once_ 再一次 答案 speaking more,用左栏所给短语的适当形式填空 1.In a society that tends to measure everything_ dollars and cents,we learn from a young age to consider the costs of our disasters in financial terms.(2015浙江,完形) 2.As the program ended,the music slowly _ and someone began to speak. 3._,prices follow demand;if there is no demand,prices are low. 4.When he didnt know how to get into the building,a boy _ him _. 5.If you are _ anything,come here for help.,6.They threatened to shoot him and _ him _ all his possessions. 7.The two sides did not agree on the subject for the first time,so today they will sit down _ to have a discussion. 8.I am so delighted to _ your _,Mr.Wang.,答案 1.in terms of 2.faded out 3.Generally speaking 4.showed;in 5.in need of 6.robbed;of 7.once more 8.make;acquaintance,【联想积累】 “v.sbofsth”短语随手包 inform sb of sth通知某人某事 remind sb of sth提醒某人某事 rob sb of sth抢劫某人某物 suspect sb of sth怀疑某人某事 accuse sb of sth控告某人某事 warn sb of sth警告某人某事 cure sb of sth治愈某人某病 convince sb of sth使某人信服某事,“in名词of”短语大荟萃 in charge of 负责;掌管 in honor of 向表达敬意 in case of 万一;以防 in defense of 保卫 in search of 寻找 in need of 需要 in place of 代替 in favor of 赞成;支持 in memory of 为纪念,.经典句式识记思考运用 原句背诵感悟 1.What if I was? 如果我是,又怎么样呢? 2.But,sir,(proudly) once educated to speak properly,that girl could pass herself off in three months as a duchess at an ambassadors garden party.不过,先生(高傲地)一旦有人教她把英语说好了,这个女孩就可以在三个月以内冒充公爵夫人出席大使主办的花园晚会了。,句型公式仿写 1.What if从句.? 意为“如果将会怎么样?” _ (要是下雨怎么办)rains tomorrow? Will we still have soccer practice? 2.once conj.一旦(就) _ (你一旦养成了坏习惯),its very difficult to get rid of it. _ (一旦他们决定上那所大学),students should research the admission procedures.,答案 1.What if it 2.Once you form a bad habit Once they decide which college to go to,【联想积累】 What if.? How come?So what? 须知 What if常用来提出假设、建议、邀请、要求等,意为“倘使将会怎样?”“如果将会怎样?”。后面经常跟一般现在时,有时根据语境也可以跟虚拟语气。 How come意为“为什么会这样呢,怎么搞的?” So what “那又怎么样?”,单 词 点 睛,高考必备词汇精讲精练,1.remark n.谈论;言论;评述 vt.& vi.谈论;评论;说起 高考佳句The author managed to get the boy to talk to her by avoiding making critical remarks.(2014湖北,阅读A) 作者避免说批评的话,设法使这个男孩和她说话。,单句语法填空/单句改错/写作运用 She could hear the other girls making rude remarks _ her. Its rude to make a remark for the appearance of others. _ (一家地方报纸评论说)that car accidents were on the decrease due to the forceful law. 答案 on/upon foron A local newspaper remarked,2.fortune n.财产;大笔的钱;机会;运气 高考佳句Europeans see a piggy bank as a sign of good fortune and wealth.(2014浙江,阅读A) 欧洲人把存钱罐看作一个好运气和财富的象征。,单句语法填空/单句改错/写作运用 I have had the good _ (fortunate) to work with some brilliant directors. Nowadays many young people are seeking their fortunes in big cities. _ (她真是幸运)to find a job as soon as she graduated from the university. 答案 fortune fortunesfortune She was fortunate enough,常考必会词汇理解辨认,1.condemn vt.谴责;使注定 高考佳句Anderson suggests that television cannot be condemned without considering other influences.(2015广东,阅读C) Anderson认为不应该按照常规,不考虑电视的其他影响而去谴责电视。,单句语法填空/单句阅读理解(说出黑体部分的语义) If you dont learn from the past,you _ (condemn) to repeat its mistakes. Lack of skills condemned him to live a poor life. As was expected,the criminal was condemned to ten years in prison. 答案 are condemned 注定了他 宣判,promise n.妥协;和解;折衷 v.妥协;让步;违背;放弃 经典例句This model represents the best compromise between price and quality. 这种型号是价格和质量间的最佳折中方案。,单句语法填空/单句改错/单句阅读理解(说出黑体部分的语义) Peace talks are continuing in the hope that the two countries will reach_ compromise. In order to live in harmony,sometimes you need to make a compromises. We are not prepared to compromise on safety standards. 答案 a 去掉a 在安全标准问题上妥协,短 语 点 拨,1.in terms of.就来说;从角度 高考佳句In a society that tends to measure everything in terms of dollars and cents,we learn from a young age to consider the costs of our decisions in financial terms.(2015浙江,完形) 在一个倾向于用金钱来衡量一切的社会里,从小时候我们就学会了从经济的角度来考虑所做出的决定的代价。,单句语法填空/单句改错/写作运用 The job is great_ terms of salary,but it has its disadvantages. Learning is not always easy,but it is always beneficial in the long terms. _ (我们一直和邻居关系很好)for all these years. 答案 in termsterm We have been on good terms with our neighbors,2.show.in 带或领进来 教材原句Show her in,Mrs.Pearce. 皮尔斯夫人,领她进来。,用适当的介/副词填空 He showed me _ the school. She showed _ her necklace before the public. The meeting is to start,but the chairman hasnt showed _ yet. As soon as we arrived,the host showed us _. Part of the nurses job is to show people _ the doctors office. 答案 around off up in into,句 式 透 析,教材原句 I would never have come if Id known about this disgusting thing you want me to do. 我要是早知道你们想要我做这种可恶的事,我决不会来。 【名师指津】 此句是与过去事实相反的虚拟条件句,条件从句中的谓语动词用 “had过去分词”形式,主句谓语动词用 “would/could/should/mighthave过去分词”形式。,单句语法填空/单句改错/写作运用 If I _ (see) the film,I would have told you about it. If Mr.Dewey has been present,he would have offered any possible assistance to the people there. Had we not used an out-of-date train schedule,we _ (就不会错过火车了). 答案 had seen hashad would not have missed the train,

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