2019-2020年高二上学期周练英语试题(10.12) 含答案.doc

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2019-2020年高二上学期周练英语试题(10.12) 含答案 第一部分:阅读理解ALiving with other students can be a wonderful experience. Here are a few tips for student acmodations that can help ensure a great experience and build lifelong friendships:Screen your roommates carefully if you are given a choice bining the living spaces of several students into one location can be exciting and rewarding experience for the outgoing students. If you are on the shy side,or prefer a quiet group to study with, pick quieter roommatesDivide the bills evenly. Some students are far less responsible than their roommates and tend to let their part of the finance slide. Resentment(不满)is quick to build when everyone has to pay the bill for a fellow student who cant seem to pay hisher share of the money.Carry your part of the load. Everyone has to clean the bathroom and the kitchen sometime. Dont avoid your part of responsibilityStudent acmodations can get messy and it involves everyone to keep them tidy and healthyThink about someone else before you think about yourselfPut your roommates interests above your own. Life will be far enjoyable when everyone is concerned about the feelings property and studies of each otherBe open and honestHostilities(敌意)and frustrations may cause problems that cant be fixed. Everyone brings different standards and expectations to group living and its in everyones best interest to put them into the open. Disagreements can be managed more amiably (和蔼可亲地)when your are willing to be both open and listen to others.21When it es to the bills,every member is advised to_.Afoot the bill for a fellow student Blet his/her part of the finances slideCpay his/her own share of money Dtake more responsibility than others22The role “carry your part of the load” means every room member should_Aavoid making too much noise Btake turns to keep the room tidyCtake care of others when they are ill Davoid staying up and oversleeping23To be a good member,one should learn to _ according to the passageAchoose his /her roommates at randomBbalance hisher interests with othersCexpress hisher disagreement openly and honestlyDtolerate different standards and expectations24The author wrote the passage in order_Ato advertise Bto debate Cto guide Dto persuadeBSit down, close your eyes and relax. Think about your childhood and the memories you created. What was your favorite childhood memory and what was your favorite as a child? Or what was your favorite Christmas present or your favorite candy bar when growing up? Answers may e easily for some people but for others, it may take more time to think about.Mary Jo McCarthy of Pequot Lakes wants to help others document their childhood memories which could be treasured by current families and for generations to e. McCarthy, 64, a short story author and retired columnist(专栏作家) for the Lake Country Echo weekly newspaper, began hosting a writing seminar(研讨班)titled “A Time to Remember”. The classes are limited to 12 people and are conducted in the nursery at Lutheran Church of the Cross in Nisswa and the registration fee is $25.McCarthy said what led her to start the writing seminars was writing others biographies. A retired businessman asked her to write his biography as a ghost writer. She said others from her church in Pequot Lakes had also asked her to write their biographies because they didnt know how to write them. She thought hosting a class to help people write their own biographies would be more beneficial to them.McCarthy said people had busy lifestyles those days and didnt have a chance to sit down and write down their memories that they might forget and never remember. She said writing down the memories would document the persons life, go other family members, especially future generations would be able to read about them.25In paragraph l the author raises some questions to_Aintroduce the topic of the textBexpress his/her puzzle about memoriesCgive some examples for readers about biographiesDprovide background details for readers about the retired columnist26What can we learn about McCarthy?AShe was strict with her students BShe didnt take charge of seminarsCShe got support from the local government DShe once worked as a columnist in a newspaper27It can be inferred from the passage that_Awriting biographies is an easy job Ba biography is part of family historyCMcCarthy had her own biographies published Dfewer and fewer people feel interested in biographies28The passage is mainly intended to_.Ashow how to write biographies Bhelp people municate with their familiesCcall on people to write their own biographies Dintroduce McCarthy and her writing seminarsCOne night recently, I was driving down a two-lane highway at about 60 miles an hourA car approached from the opposite direction at about the same speed. As we passed each other, I caught the other drivers eye for only a second .I wondered whether he might be drinking as I wasHow dependent we were on each other at that moment .I was relying on him not to fall asleep, not to be put off by a phone conversation, not to cross over into my lane and bring my life to a sudden end. Though we had never spoken a word to each other,he relied on me in just the same way.Multiplied a million times over,I believe that is the way the world works. At some level,we all depend on one another. Sometimes that dependence requires us simply not to do something like crossing over the double yellow line. And sometimes it requires us to act cooperatively, with friends or even with strangers.As technology shrinks our world,the need increases for cooperative action among nations. In xx, doctors in five nations were quickly organized to identify the SARS virus,which saved thousands of lives. The threat of international terrorism has shown itself to be a similar problem,one requiring team action by police and intelligence forces across the world. We must recognize that our fates are not ours alone to control.In my own life, Ive put great stock in personal responsibility. But, as time has passed, I ve also e to believe that there are moments when one must rely upon the good faith and judgment of othersSo, while each of us faces the case of driving alone down a dark road,what we must learn is that the approaching light may not be a threat, but a shared moment of trust.29Why did the author say they depended on each other in the same way?ABecause the approaching car was very dangerousBBecause they both drove their car at a terrific speedCBecause he might be killed out of the others careless drivingDBecause it was dark and the road was not wide enough30The author considers it very important_Ato drive with a pany Bto have personal independenceCto gain certain responsibility Dto share trust and cooperation 31From the second paragraph we know the author drew the important lesson from_Aonly one experience Bmany similar experiencesCa driver on a dark road Dmany friends and strangers32What do the underlined words“put great stock in ” in the last paragraph most probably mean?Ato have little trust in Bto feel good about Cto lose faith in Dto have belief inDResearch shows Dad,not Mum,is the big risk factor for childhood obesityA recent study has found having an overweight father quadruples (四倍) a childs chance of being overweight,ever if they have a mother of normal weight .Interestingly, the opposite scenario(情景) doesnt have the same result. So if the mother is overweight but the father is of normal weight the childs risk of being overweight is not significantly raised.The research was undertaken by researchers at the University Of Newcastle who examined more than 3, 000 two-parent families over a four-year period. Researchers measured the childrens change of weight from about four to five years of age to when mi they were eight or nine.Dr. Emily Freeman, a researcher in the University of Newcastle Family Action Center, says, “While it is early days in terms of this type of research, the results of the study are very exciting. It is really important that weve found the link between Dads and their children, because lots of researchers tend to focus on mothers and children.”She adds. “We have had lots of stories of Dads refusing to eat vegetables, and then the kids dont eat them either.”She says further research is needed to understand the underlying reasons for the link. So what can fathers do to bee batter role models for their kids? “They should definitely be more aware of the different behaviors they are modeling to their kids; they need to demonstrate they are eating fruit and vegetables and get outside more,” says Freeman, who has been involved with Healthy Dads, Healthy Kids, an education program in the Hunter Valley in NSW, and has seen these actions bring encouraging results.33A recent research has found that_Amother is the biggest risk factor for childhood obesityBa fat dad has400probability of making a child overweightCparent have the same opportunity of making a child overweightDchildhood obesity is the result of not geeing enough exercise34What is Dr. Freemans attitude towards the result of the research?ASurprised BDoubtful CWorried DThrilled35This research is very believable and significant because it_Aconcentrated on different groups of people Bshowed mothers influence on their childrenCmade art interview with all the Families Dfound the hidden reasons of obesity Should classrooms have video cameras?Many schools are equipped with video cameras nowadays 36 For the students who are studying there, it is just like they are being spied on. Plus for all the students they wont be learning anything from the teacher because they will just be looking at the camera for the whole classSomeone thinks it is good. Schools need to protect children 37 I think cameras in school are the best way to go. It is also proof of who did what and how it happened. It would help the world if everyone got safe cameras. 38 Then a video record is worth a million! Being able to show parents how their child behaves in a classroom would be a “wake up” call for both redemptive and proactive action. A video record would be decisive proof as to what actually happened in a classroom and would save time money and heartache. It would also, to put it frankly, “blow the publics mind” and hopefully begin a meaningful dialogue.But others think cameras should not be allowed in classrooms. In classroom cameras would distract the kids. 39 I think that no one should be able to be on camera unless there is permission from the teachers, students and parents.Cameras in every classroom would also be a waste of thousands of dollars! Why not just spend it on new things of teachers or anything else that is not as useless as a camera? 40Yes, a camera would give some help, but its not likely it could catch a thief while he is harming the school. We might see who he is, but we would not be able to get him while he is stealing.AA picture is worth a thousand wordsBThey would also invade privacy.CIt will cost too much for its little benefitsDCameras take pictures of everything clearlyECameras catch everything from different anglesFCameras are just an extra pair of eyesGLets save money for something more useful第三部分:完形填空 Kidnappers are rarely interested in animals but they recently took considerable interests in Mrs .Eleanor Ramsays cat. Mrs Eleanor Ramsay, a very wealthy but 41 old lady, has shared a flat with her cat, Rastus, for a great many years. Rastus leads a(an) 42 life .He usually takes a short walk in the evenings and is always home by seven oclock. One evening,howeve,he 43 to arriveMrs. Ramsay got very worriedShe looked everywhere for him 44 could not find him .She was 45 a loss,for there was nobody 46 whom she could turn for help. Three days after Rastus disappearance,Mrs. Ramsay received an anonymous letterThe writer 47 that Rastus was in safe 48 and would be returned immediately 49 Mrs. Ramsay paid a ransom of $1 000 Mrs. Ramsay was 50 to place the money in a cardboard box and to leave it 51 her door 52 ,she decided to go to police,but 53 that she would never see Rastus againthe letter had made that quite clearshe changed her mindShe 54 the exact amount of money from her bank and followed the kidnappers instructions. The next morning,the box had disappeared but Mrs. Ramsay was 55 that the kidnapper would keep his word 56 , Rastus arrived punctually at seven oclock that eveningHe looked very 57 though he was rather thirsty, for he drank half a bottle of milk. The police were 58 when Mrs. Ramsay told them what she had done. She explained that Rastus was very dear to her,saying that she believed firmly the cat was 59 the money and that 60 the amount she paid, the old lady thought he was dear in more ways than one!41Alonely Balone Cdeserted Disolated42Ausual Bnormal Cordinary Dorderly43Amissed Blost Cfailed Ddisappointed44Abut Band Ctherefore Dso45A in Bat CFor Don46Aat Bfor Coff Dto47Aexplained Bstated Cthought Dargued48Ahands Barms Clegs Dstate49Aunless Bthough Cif Dsince50Aasked Bordered Cmanded Dinstructed51Aoutside Binside Cbehind Doff52Afirst of fall BIn all CAt first DAll in all53Afeared Bfearing Cdoubting Ddoubted54Adeposited Bwithdrew Cplaced Dset55Adoubtful Bafraid Csure Duncertain56ARather than BOther than COr rather DSure enough57Agood Bbad Cill Dwell58Aexcited Bpuzzled Cshocked Dsurprised59Aworthy Bworth Cworthwhile Dvaluable60Aconsidered Bconsidering Cthinking Dthough 周三晚自习限时训练10.12 阅读: 21-24 CBCC 25-28 ADBD 29-32 CDBD 33-35 BDA 七选五: 36-40 CEABG完形: 41-45 ADCAB 46-50 DBACD51-55 ACBBC 56-60 DDCBB

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