高考英语二轮复习 阅读综合训练(三)课件.ppt

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(A),A. attend a special training B. battle against violence and terrorism C. import from Europe D. encourage the police to fight,1. Over four thousand police dogs will be arranged to _.,B 细节理解题。根据第一段第一句中的 to fight violent and terrorist activities可知。,2. The underlined word “canine” in Paragraph 4 most probably means _. A. test B. police C. dog D. training,C 词义猜测题。根据该词所在句的下一句After passing assessment tests, the dogs will be certified and arranged on tasks.可推出。,A. According to Cong Min, more police dogs are in need. B. Different dog species are used as police dogs in China. C. The number of terror-related incidents is going down. D. Old or injured police dogs will be taken good care of.,3. Which of the following statements is NOT true?,C 细节理解题。根据第五段第一句The country is faced with an increasing number of terror-related incidents nationwide.可知C选项going down相悖,故选C。,A. To find out the suspects. B. To sniff out signs of criminal activity. C. To bring people out of danger. D. To help the police cope with urgent events.,4. What do the dogs also do after special training apart from conducting patrols?,D 细节理解题。根据第七段第一句Dogs with special training will also work with officers to handle emergencies.可知。,A. More dogs involving in security forces. B. Police and police dogs against terrorists. C. The process of training police dogs. D. Training officers and their canine partners.,5. What is the main idea of the passage?,A 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本人主要是讲越来越多的警犬参与到安全部队中来协助警察,并在反恐反暴行动中发挥着重要的作用。文章侧重讲的是警犬以及它们的作用。故A项最符合文章主旨。,import vt. 进口 counterterrorism n. 反恐怖主义 far from enough 远远不够 upgrade vt. 提升;升级 assessment test 评估测试 suspicious adj. 可疑的 certify vt. 授予证书 explosive device 爆炸装置 clear away 消除;清除 the Ministry of Public Security 公安部,助读强化,(B),a. Mom came to comfort Jeremy. b. Jeremy was attacked by the dog. c. Tara came to the rescue of Jeremy. d. A dog escaped its home through an open gate. e. Tara returned to her family to check on Jeremy.,1. Which is the correct order of the following events?,A. c-b-d-a-e B. d-b-c-e-a C. a-d-b-e-a D. d-b-c-a-e,D 篇章结构题。通读全文,根据文章故事的发展和描述顺序可知D为正确选项。,2. The underlined word in Para. 4 means _. A. camera B. cat C. dog D. car,B 词义猜测题。根据上下文逻辑以及本句The video shows the fearless feline jumping on the dog with enough force to push him away from the boy. 可推知,这里应该指的是cat (Tara),故选B正确。,A. It lived in the neighborhood of the boys home. B. It lost the fight against the boy at the beginning. C. It was chased away by the cat of the boys family. D. It kept trying to attack others after it was captured.,3. Which of the following is NOT true about the dog?,B 细节理解题。A项可从第一段after he was violently attacked by a neighbors dog得知;C项可从第四段Tara then chases (追逐) the dog away from the driveway with its leg between its tail.得知;D项可从第八段it continued to be aggressive after it was arrested得知。而B项与文章信息不一致,故选B。,A. the fights between cats and dogs can be violent B. every family should raise a cat as soon as possible C. a cat could really have a family-oriented mind set D. cats are generally more violent than dogs in a way,4. It can be inferred from the passage that _.,C 细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段,从父亲所说的话(It just shows how much she really has a family-oriented mindset.)可知,这只猫确实具有家庭意识,故选C正确。其他选项均无法从原文中推断出来。,A. the Internet B. a book on cats C. a guidebook on family safety D. a newspaper,5. The passage is most probably taken from _.,A 细节理解题。根据文章尾处For pictures, click here(点击此处)可以得知这篇短文摘自网络。故选A正确。,astonishing adj. 惊人的 fearless adj. 无畏的 bound vi. 跳跃 upload vt. 上传 mean adj. 卑鄙的 encounter n. 遭遇 arrest vt. 逮捕;捕捉 family-oriented adj. 顾家的 aggressive adj. 攻击性的 additional damage 附加伤害;更大的伤害,助读强化,(C),A. teach knowledge of a subject B. create and spread knowledge C. develop the students moral quality D. record the history of the country,1. Before the 1850s, the colleges in the United States aims to _.,C 细节理解题。根据第一段第二句中的 whose primary concern was to shape the moral character of their students.可知答案选C正确。,2. Between midcentury and the end of the 1800s, why did young Americans go to Germany? A. A different kind of university had developed in Germany. B. They wanted to become presidents of respectable colleges. C. They liked Germany more than their own country, the US. D. They felt upset about home education and needed better study.,D 细节理解题。根据第二段第四句Between midcentury and the end of the 1800s, more than 9,000 young Americans, dissatisfied with their training at home, went to Germany for advanced study.可知答案选D正确。,3. The underlined phrase in Para. 2 can be most probably replaced by _.,A. learning without thinking B. learning by questioning C. learning without hesitation D. learning by imagining,A 词义猜测题。根据下画线部分后面的were replaced by the German method of lecturing可推知,肯定是不好的东西才有可能被代替。斟酌四个选项,显然A正确。也可用“代入法”解题。,4. What are students expected to do based on the new rules in US universities? A. They should have a belief in religion. B. They should train and learn by rote. C. They should present their talent in the subject. D. They should learn to question, analyze and do research.,D 细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句With the establishment of the seminar system, graduate students learned to question, analyze, and conduct their own research.可知答案选D正确。,5. What might be the best title of the passage? A. Advanced study in Germany B. Modern American Universities C. Presidents of US Universities D. New Education in the World,B 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文由美国旧式大学谈到现代美国大学的体制,因此主要讲的是美国现代大学体制的形成和发展。故选B正确。采用“反向思维”来做此类题是上上之选,“反向思维”即利用这四个标题,可以分别写出什么样的文章?显然,选项B是我们最有可能写出原文的标题。,establishment n. 建立 curriculum n. 课程 primary concern 主要关心的事 transforminto 把转变成 pass sth. on 传递下去 be composed of 由组成 academic achievement 学术成就 course offerings 课程设置 elective system 选修制度 shape the moral character 塑造品德,助读强化,(D),A. occupied violently B. bought quickly C. developed gradually D. published widely,1. The underlined phrase “snapped up” in Paragraph 1 probably means _.,B 词义猜测题。结合句意,“当他的自传(Have Patience for Time)在六月份出版时,“粉丝”在它出版后的一个星期内就买了200,000本书”。由此可知B为最佳选项。,A. The celebrities fans. B. The publishers great promotion. C. The books quality. D. The celebrities manners.,2. What mainly accounts for the popularity of books by celebrities?,A 推理判断题。根据文章第二段首句“noticed the power of fans in promoting books”可推知A项正确。,A. people can get a ticket by submitting orders on line B. the book, Ben Se, kept its great popularity for two weeks C. the books popularity is more because of the number of the authors fans D. the authors fans are the only reason for a books popularity,3. From the passage, we can know that _.,C 细节理解题。根据第二段最后两句可 知“不是说在网上提交订单可以得到票,是指在网上买两本书的人可以得到签名会的入场券”, 由此可知排除A。根据第三段首句, 可以排除B。根据第三段最后一句“Fans are an important buying force for celebrity books, but also because Le has many fans.”可以知排除D,而选C正确。,A. social media is the most important in promoting books B. the celebrities influence on fans is vital in promoting books C. the books quality doesnt matter if the celebrities are popular D. publishers must be capable if books are to be successful,4. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that _.,B 推理判断题。促销名人书籍最重要的 不是社会媒体而是他的“粉丝”,故排除A。根据最后一句,可知,如果想继续买得好,书的质量也很重要,所以排除C、D。从最后一段最后一句中的it is easier for publishers to rely on celebrities influence on fans to promote books可推断出选项B正确。,A. How to Sell Books B. An Introduction to Le Jias Book, Ben Se C. How to Influence the Fans D. The Power of Fans in Promoting Celebrities Books,5. What is the best title for the passage?,D 主旨大意题。根据文章大意可知“粉丝在促销名人书籍时有很大的作用”。故选D最合适。,promote vt. 推销;促销 commentator n. 评论员 go wild 发狂 entertainment industry 娱乐界 come out 出版 dating show 相亲节目 raise funds for 为筹集资金 marketing manager 市场部经理 viral marketing 口碑营销 communication channel 沟通渠道,助读强化,信息匹配,1. Im always misunderstood by my friends because I cant explain my meaning clearly. I have tried my best to express my thoughts, but it does become worse and worse. My tutor told me maybe I can use my body language when I express myself.,D 共同关键词为body language。,2. When someone holds eye contact with you for an extended period of time(15+ seconds), how do you feel? I am aware that some people find direct eye contact intimidating, while others see it as the person showing them respect. What is your point of view?,E 题目关键词eye contact,该学生不确定长时间眼睛接触的意义,寻求帮助,对应E图片的文字eye contact。,3. I am always busy and my mobile phone rings up constantly when I talk with other people, which really disturbs me, because they said I didnt put them on my heart. What should I do? Any suggestions would be great.,C 题目关键信息mobile phone rings up constantly和they said I didnt put them on my heart,对应C图片的文字If the phone rings。,4. I need to present a speech. It can be an interview,skit,etc. But I am working by myself,what are the points that I should pay attention to? I dont really like speaking in front of the audiences,and I dont want to just read off a paper. Please give me some advice! Thanks.,B 题目关键信息present a speech,该学生要发表演讲,寻求帮助,对应B图片的文字when you are presenting a speech。,5. I do want to be an attentive listener, but when a person is talking for a long time, the more I try to be attentive, the more I am distracted by what I should be looking at, so I end up fidgeting, and then the person probably thinks Im not paying attention. Any tips?,F 题目关键词attentive listener,对应F图片的文字 Be attentive when listening。,

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