高考英语二轮复习 阅读综合训练(一)课件.ppt

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(A),A. stayed with Mr. Gillespie and helped him B. helped the doctors to save Mr. Gillespie C. spent most of his time in a local hospital D. made friends with Mr. Gillespie through talking,1. As a volunteer, the author _ .,A 细节理解题。根据文章第一段第三句Most of the time I spent there was with Mr. Gillespie.及 第二段第一句I spent many days there, helping with anything that needed to be done.可得知,C项为干扰项。,A. confidence B. patience C. reason D. courage,2. The underlined word “nerve” in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _.,D 词义猜测题。根据第三段第二句for fear they might tell me he had died(唯恐他们告诉“我”他去世了)可推知nerve为“勇气”之义。短语have the nerve to do sth.意为“有胆量/勇气做某事”。,A. recognized the author at once B. showed his gratefulness to the author C. had recovered from the illness D. wanted to share happiness with the author,3. When they met again at the gas station, Mr. Gillespie _.,B 细节理解题。由第四段最后一句His eyes welled up with tears, and he gave me the warmest hug I had ever received.可知,Mr. Gillespie在得知“我”曾在他昏迷时陪伴他后欣喜和拥抱“我”,即向“我”表达谢意,故选B。,A. The author saved Mr. Gillespies life. B. The author was ready to help others. C. They changed each others life. D. Mr. Gillespie had a new beginning.,4. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?,C 推理判断题。根据最后一段第二、三句可推断,他们改变了彼此的生活,故选C。,A. Being kind to others brings happiness. B. Being a good volunteer is important. C. A good friend can influence your life. D. One cannot live without care and help.,5. What is the main theme of the passage?,A 主旨大意题。根据文章大意及最后一段More importantly, he has made an amazing difference in my life. I will never forget him and what he did for me: he made me an angel.可得知。故选A最贴近文意。,hug n. 拥抱 squeeze n. 紧握;挤压 occasional adj. 偶尔的 respond with 回复;回报 for fear (that) 生怕;唯恐 get up the nerve 鼓起勇气 separate ways 分道扬镳 well up with tears 泪如泉涌 make a difference 有影响;有关系,助读强化,(B),1. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined sentence in Para. 2? A. My hands had thoughts when facing problems. B. My hands were under the control of my brain. C. My hands did the things without consciousness. D. My hands had the right to handle my problems.,C 词义猜测题。根据下画线句中的seem to和have a mind of ones own的中文意思:有自己的想法,可推测“我”的手不受大脑的控制,即do sth. unconsciously。再根据下一句“Whats wrong with me,” Id often wonder.可知,正因为不知道手在干什么,所以“我”想知道。故选C正确。,A. was not so rare as people thought B. was a kind of deadly disease C. was common among young children D. was a disease causing loneliness,2. According to Ann Landers, compulsive hair pulling _.,A 推理判断题。根据第三段尾句Ann Landers pointed out, over a million people suffered from this “strange behavior”!可得知,compulsive hair pulling属于较常见的一种“病”,并没有想象中的罕见。故选A正确。C为干扰项,原文没有提及此病在儿童中常见。,A. I managed to make new friends. B. I was pleased to share my secrets. C. I sought others help and support. D. I began to open my heart to friends.,3. What can we infer from the fourth paragraph?,D 推理判断题。根据第四段第一、二句At that moment, my journey for healing began. I took small steps at firsttelling only a few friends.得知:“我”开始了自己的(心灵)治疗试着向少数朋友倾诉,由此可推断“我”尝试对他人敞开心扉。故选D正确。,A. She was one of my old friends. B. She shared her similar experience. C. She knew about my illness. D. She sent me some books before.,4. What do we know about Christina?,B 细节理解题。由第五段第三句She had just met a woman with trichotillomaniasomeone just like me.以及第六句who understood our pain可得知,Christina和“我”有着相似的经历(即相似的“病”)。故选B正确。,A. I Found the Lost Friend B. I Am Not Alone C. How to Overcome Illness D. How to Realize Dreams,5. Which is the best title of this passage?,B 主旨大意题。根据全文大意,作者从遭受病痛的身心折磨,个人处于自闭孤独的状态到逐渐敞开心扉,与他人交流,迎来了奇迹的发生找到与自己有类似病情并能互相理解的朋友,最后发现自己并非孤独的。且原文中多次出现I was alone;After all these years, I discovered, I was not alone.等关键信息。故选B正确。,severe adj. 严重的 eyelash n. 睫毛 emotional adj. 情感的 eyebrow n. 眉毛 heal vi. 治愈;治疗 overjoyed adj. 狂喜的 rural adj. 农村的 prayer n. 祈祷 point out 指出 let out 发出,助读强化,(C),A. the characteristics of teenagers B. the benefits of raising children C. the difference between feeding dogs and cats D. the difference between children and teenagers,1. The first paragraph mainly talks about _.,C 主旨大意题。根据第一段大意:作者把孩子比喻成猫和狗,论述两者的不同之处,即论述小孩与青少年的不同特点,故选C。,A. runs fast B. walks slowly C. jumps quietly D. looks around,2. The underline word “sprints” in Para. 2 is closest in meaning to _ .,A 词义猜测题。由第二段第二句then it sprints through the kitchen to turn its nose up at whatever you are serving and runs away.中的run away短语可猜出sprint在这里的意思应该是“跑得很快”之意。与A符合。,A. find it hard to achieve results B. are amused by its behavior C. are disappointed at their effort D. try to find out the problem,3. As parents, when dealing with a cat, they _ .,A 细节理解题。由题干的关键信息dealing with a cat可把信息定位于原文的第三段第三句Only now you are dealing with a cat, so everything that worked before now produces the opposite of the desired result.可得知,选项A与原文produces the opposite of the desired result表述一致,故选A。,A. They should know more about teenagers. B. They should learn to respect their children. C. They should make the teenagers behave well. D. They should give care and patience to teenagers.,4. What can parents learn from cats and dogs?,D 推理判断题。根据第四段第三句remember that a cat needs your help and your affection too及最后一句Be there to open the door for it.可推断,青少年不仅需要父母的关爱,还需要父母足够的耐心,故选D。,5. What does the last sentence of the passage imply? A. The grown-up child may not become responsible for family. B. The grown-up child feels beloved and warm from parents. C. The grown-up child begins to care parents and family again. D. The grown-up child finds it guilty to treat his parents badly.,C 推理判断题。由倒数第二段的大意可得知,grown-up child像幼儿一样,愿意回到父母的身边,懂得体恤关心父母,由此可判断本文最后一句话意味着grown-up child又开始懂得关爱父母和家人。故选C正确。,loyal adj. 忠诚的 be on ones feet 站着 affectionate adj. 深情的 raise vt. 养育 a blank stare 白眼 depressed adj. 沮丧的 enthusiasm n. 热情 doorstep n. 门阶;家门口 assume vt. 假定;认为 redouble ones efforts 加倍努力,助读强化,(D),A. Fire and Rain used to be popular names B. Chinese always change their English names C. English name is popular among young children D. children prefer English name to Chinese name,1. We can learn from the first paragraph that _.,A 细节理解题。根据第一段第二句Fire and Rain were post-doctoral students, and those names are old hat now.可得知,像Fire 和Rain这样的名字现在已经过时了,可得知,它们曾经很受欢迎,故选A。,A. Chinese persons B. the post 80s C. foreigners D. my roommates,2. In Paragraph 2, the underlined word “they” refers to _.,C 词义猜测题。根据第二段makes foreigners wonder if they should “get” a Chinese name可得知they代指foreigners,故选C。可用“代入法”解题。所谓“代入法”即是:把下画线单词去掉,分别将A、B、C、D四个答案代入原文中去理解,哪个逻辑合适就是哪个答案。,3. According to the Paragraph 2 and 3, its most likely that the author _. A. found it amusing to have Chinese names B. chose the name offered by his roommate C. was unsatisfied with the two different names D. found it difficult to understand Chinese names,C 推理判断题。由第二段最后一句the first Chinese name I ever got was “Myh”, which to my untrained ear sounded like a cross between coughing and spitting.以及第三段I made a mistake of asking two friends for ideas及此段最后一句Clearly the choice had been made for me. 可推知,作者认为他取的名字不好,以及让不同的朋友帮他起名字并不是个好主意,而且最后决定权在他手中,可推断作者对朋友帮他起的两个名字都不是很满意,故选C。,A. He planned to change another Chinese name. B. His Chinese name sounded strange in English. C. He showed interest in making Chinese name. D. His Chinese name was named after his teacher.,4. What do we know about Hoover in Paragraph 4?,B 细节理解题。由第四段My friend Hoover he might change that to something that will not make people think of a dust cleaner.为了不让别人看到他的名字想起吸尘器(dust cleaner),作 者建议Hoover换另一个中文名,由此可得知Hoover的中文名看起来有点奇怪,故选B。,A. To avoid misunderstanding of making names. B. To explain the different meanings of a name. C. To give tips on how to make names properly. D. To show cultural difference of making names.,5. What is the purpose of the passage?,D 主旨大意题。根据全文大意,本文主要通过列举“我”和“我”的朋友起中文名字的例子来说明不同国家文化间的差异与同化,及第二段Shouldnt such cross-cultural assimilation work both ways? 可得知。故选D正确。,spit vi. 吐痰 post-doctoral student 博士后 old hat 老旧的;过时的 the post 80s 80后 be made for 最合适的 dust cleaner 除尘器;吸尘器,助读强化,信息匹配,1. My tutor told me communication is a two-way street and requires us to laugh as well as fart. Remember that while we are talking,we are not learning. In listening,we will be able to figure out how much of our message is getting through to our listeners and whether or not it is being received correctly or is being misinterpreted.,E 题目关键信息In listening, we will be able to,在听当中,我们可以判断有多少信息可以传递给听众,匹配E图片的文字Listening for Understanding(为理解而听)。,2. I need to know, from people who are parenting successfully and a long time, how to communicate effectively. Of course youre always going to hear that parents dont listen to their children and instead try to nitpick or solve everything. Then you hear from parents that their children dont listen to them because their children starting asking them about their feelings.,A 题目关键词communicate effectively对应A图片的Communication Effectiveness。,3. How would you approach communication in a (long term problematic) relationship carried out over long distance? We do email but I touch type so think & type almost instantaneously & also gabble & put brackets etc plus (Im doing it now!) tend to speak first think later.,B 题目关键词 do email,对应B图片的Network (网络交流方式)。,4. Im a Canadian and I have to work on a team with an Iranian and a Chinese person. We are the only people on this team and I am stuck until the end of the project with no hope for change. They are both very set in their cultural ways (not assimilated to Western style). They both seem nice and work hard but cultural differences in communication drive me up the wall.,D 题目关键词their cultural ways和cultural differences in communication对应D图片的improving Cross-Cultural Communication。,5. My wife and I have quite different styles of communication. She loves details and I just want the bottom line. When I get home from work at the end of the day and she asks me, “How was your day?” I am likely to respond with a simple fine, or maybe give her a quick summary of one or two of the most important events.,C 从题目信息different styles of communication来看,这是对自己交流方式的了解,对应D图片标题What is My Communication Style?。,

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