高中英语 4考纲词汇天天练(第二版)第21-30天课件.ppt

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DAY 21,一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。 1.(使)延迟 _ 2.毁坏;损害(v.) _ 3.急奔;猛冲 _ 4.最后期限 _ 5.资料;数据 _ 6.黎明;拂晓 _ 7.辩论;思考 _ 8.装饰 _,delay,damage,dash,deadline,data,dawn,debate,decorate,9.程度;度数 _ 10.防御;防卫(n.) _ 11.十年(期) _ 12.击败;战胜 _ 13.行为;所做之事 _ 14.女儿 _ 15.宣告;申报(v.) _ 16.十二月 _,degree,defence /defense,decade,defeat,deed,daughter,declare,December,二、将方框中单词前的序号填入相应的汉语意思前。 deliberately (b) dam (c) death (d) debt (e) deaf (f) daily (g) deer (h) damp (i) decrease (j) decline (k) date (l) delicate (m) delete (n) defend (o) database (p) decoration,( )1.减少;衰退 ( )2.潮湿 ( )3.减少;降低 ( )4.精美的;易损的 ( )5.防守;保卫(v.) ( )6.删去;删除 ( )7.故意地 ( )8.装饰(品) ( )9.数据库 ( )10.水坝 ( )11.死 ( )12.每日(的) ( )13.约会;枣 ( )14.债务;欠款 ( )15.鹿 ( )16.聋的,j,h,i,l,n,m,a,p,o,b,c,f,k,d,g,e,三、填空 1.Its _ (danger) for a girl to walk alone at night. 2.Some of the information was _ (danger) misleading. 3.She had to make a difficult _ (decide) of whether to go to university or nurse her sick mother.,dangerous,dangerously,decision,4.When Helen criticized me, Chris rushed to my _ (defend). 5.She will be _ (dear) missed by her family and friends. 6.I thought she was joking but she was _ (dead) serious. 7.The wounded motorcyclist must be sent to a hospital _ delay.,defence /se,dearly,deadly,without,8.We were completely_ the dark as to his future plans. 9.A great _ of research has been done already. 10.I have not received news from him _ to date.,up,in,deal,DAY 22,一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。 1.(强烈)要求 _ 2.策划;设计 _ 3.美味的 _ 4.要求;期望 _ 5.破坏;毁坏 _ 6.传送;交付 _ 7.(下)决心 _ 8.饮食 _,demand,design,delicious,desire,destroy,deliver,determine,diet,9.词典 _ 10.把奉献 _ 11.(使)发展 _ 12.甜点 _ 13.令人绝望的;拼命的 _ 14.应得;应受 _ 15.描述(v.) _ 16.依靠;取决于 _,depend,dictionary,devote,develop,dessert,desperate,deserve,describe,二、将方框中单词前的序号填入相应的汉语意思前。 deposit (b) desert (c) digital (d) delight (e) depth (f) departure (g) diagram (h) dial (i) dictation (j) digest (k) diamond (l) dignity (m) dialogue (n) detective (o) destination (p) dentist,( )1.消化 ( )2.拨(号码) ( )3.听写 ( )4.尊严;高贵 ( )5.牙科医生 ( )6.对话 ( )7.目的地 ( )8.侦探 ( )9.存款;定金 ( )10.高兴;喜悦 ( )11.遗弃;撤离 ( )12.离开;启程 ( )13.数字的;数码的( )14.深;深度 ( )15.图表;图解 ( )16.钻石,j,h,i,l,p,m,o,n,a,d,b,f,c,e,g,k,三、填空 1.Researchers found a number of important _ (differ) in the way boys and girls learn. 2.Emily is very/completely/entirely _ (differ) from her sister. 3.Six months after the accident, he still has _ (difficult) walking.,differences,different,difficulty,4.School should encourage the full _ (develop) of a students talents. 5.Since the accident, theyve cared for their son with great _ (devote). 6.The scenery was beautiful beyond _ (describe). 7.Many people, especially young women go _ a diet to get slim.,development,devotion,description,on,8.We cant depend _ our parents forever. 9.The man who lives by hope will die _ hunger. 10.We missed the train because we used an out _ date timetable.,of,on,of,DAY 23,一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。 1.单位, 部门 _ 2.病;疾病 _ 3.残疾的 _ 4.不同的;多种多样的_ 5.解雇;开除 _ 6.区分;辨别 _ 7.区;地区 _ 8.左右为难;窘境 _,division,disease,disabled,diverse,dismiss,distinguish,district,dilemma,9.打扰 _ 10.分;划分 _ 11.不利条件;弱点 _ 12.(使)气馁 _ 13.使失望 _ 14.消失 _ 15.负责人;主管 _ 16.毕业文凭 _,disturb,divide,disadvantage,discourage,disappoint,disappear,director,diploma,二、将方框中单词前的序号填入相应的汉语意思前。 dirty (b) discrimination (c) directory (d) dimension (e) disaster (f) dive (g) disability (h) discover (i) distribute (j) discount (k) disagreement (l) dip (m) disgusting (n) distinction (o) dioxide (p) dinosaur,( )1.灾难;祸患 ( )2.分配;散布 ( )3.折扣 ( )4.意见不一致 ( )5.浸;蘸 ( )6.二氧化物 ( )7.歧视 ( )8.使人讨厌的 ( )9.黄色的;卑劣的 ( )10.号码簿 ( )11.差别;区别 ( )12.尺寸;面积 ( )13.恐龙 ( )14.残疾;无能 ( )15.跳水;潜水 ( )16.发现;找到,e,i,j,k,l,o,b,m,a,c,n,d,p,g,f,h,三、填空 1.She has become the _ (direct) of the new information centre. 2.Suddenly Anna heard loud shouts coming from the _ (direct) of the kitchen. 3.She could hear the _ (distance) sound of fireworks exploding.,director,direction,distant,4.I found the book deeply _ (disturb). 5.After considerable _ (discuss), they decided to accept the invitation to stay with us. 6.Mike was bitterly _ (disappoint) when he didnt get into university.,disturbing,discussion,disappointed,7.It was a small house, _ (direct) behind the church. 8._ (delighted) the Smiths accepted our invitation. 9.That morning, Grandpa rose _ dawn. 10.There was a flash of light _ the distance.,in,directly,Delightedly,at,DAY 24,一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。 1.障碍;缺点 _ 2.起草;草拟 _ 3.闹市区 _ 4.怀疑;疑惑 _ 5.两倍的 _ 6.学生宿舍 _ 7.药物;毒品 _ 8.小圆点 _,drawback,draft,downtown,doubt,double,dormitory,drug,dot,9.文件;文献 _ 10.十二个 _ 11.头眩目晕的 _ 12.训练;钻机 _ 13.捐赠;赠送(v.) _ 14.拖;拽 _ 15.预期的;按计划的 _ 16.满是灰尘的 _,document,dozen,dizzy,drill,donate,drag,due,dusty,二、将方框中单词前的序号填入相应的汉语意思前。 dynamic (b) dusk (c) dumpling (d) dynasty (e) dry (f) dull (g) drum (h) download (i) dustbin (j) divorce (k) dress (l) drunk (m) draw (n) doll (o) drawer (p) duck,( )1.抽屉 ( )2.离婚 ( )3.垃圾箱 ( )4.拔出;拖拉;绘制 ( )5.连衣裙;套裙 ( )6.玩偶 ( )7.喝醉的 ( )8.鸭子 ( )9.精力充沛的 ( )10.朝代 ( )11.黄昏 ( )12.干的 ( )13.饺子;布丁 ( )14.枯燥的;愚笨的 ( )15.鼓 ( )16.下载,o,j,i,m,k,n,l,p,a,d,b,e,c,f,g,h,三、填空 1.The _ (drive) of the truck was killed in the accident. 2.Theyve put vodka in her fruit juice to get her _ (drink). 3.He was very _ (dust) and went up to his room to wash.,driver,drunk,dusty,4.She rose _ (dizzy) to her feet and started walking again. 5.All the students must be dressed _ uniform at school. 6.The nurse _ duty was fearful that the patient should get worse. 7._ doubt, she is the best teacher in the school.,dizzily,in,on,Without,8.Ive talked to dozens and dozens _ people and they all agree its wrong. 9.He dropped in _ some old friends on his vacation trip to Beijing. 10.His success is largely due _ his own hard work.,to,of,on,DAY 25,一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。 1.影响;效果 _ 2.努力;力气 _ 3.电 _ 4.紧急情况 _ 5.选举;推选 _ 6.激励;鼓励 _ 7.渴望的;热切的_ 8.长者;前辈 _,effect,effort,electricity,emergency,elect,encourage,eager,elder,9.空的 _ 10.使窘迫;尴尬 _ 11.雇佣;利用 _ 12.边缘 _ 13.编辑(n.) _ 14.教育者;教育家 _ 15.舒适的;安逸的 _ 16.东部的 _,empty,embarrass,employ,edge,editor,educator,easy,eastern,二、将方框中单词前的序号填入相应的汉语意思前。 electronic (b) electrical (c) electric (d) ecology (e) Easter (f) embassy (g) emperor (h) edition (i) eggplant (j) elegant (k) educate (l) encouragement (m) earthquake (n) eagle (o) elephant (p) email/e-mail,( )1.电子的 ( )2.与电有关的 ( )3.电动的;用电的 ( )4.优雅的;文雅的 ( )5.给发电子邮件 ( )6.鼓励 ( )7.教育;培养 ( )8.象 ( )9.鹰;雕 ( )10.生态学 ( )11.大使馆 ( )12.皇帝 ( )13.复活节 ( )14.茄子 ( )15.版;版本 ( )16.地震,a,b,c,j,p,l,k,o,n,d,f,g,e,i,h,m,三、填空 1.Professor Taylor is generally recognized as one of the states most respected _ (educate). 2.Although he had had little formal _ (educate), he could read and write well. 3.With a bit of _ (encourage), she could do really well.,educators,education,encouragement,4.The small village first got _ (electric) about 30 years ago. 5.Five hundred pairs of eyes were fastened upon him _ (eager). 6.Susan always dresses very _ (elegant).,electricity,eagerly,elegantly,7.It is becoming increasingly clear that this problem will not be _ (easy) solved. 8.We could drive to Chicago, _ else fly there and rent a car. 9.Susan was_ edge when waiting for her exam results. 10. _ he forgot about the meeting or he deliberately stayed away.,Either,easily,or,on,DAY 26,一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。 1.突然发生 _ 2.错误;差错 _ 3.最后;终于 _ 4.评价;评估 _ 5.装备;设备 _ 6.羡慕;嫉妒 _ 7.特别;尤其 _ 8.同等;平等 _,erupt,error,eventually,evaluate,equipment,envy,especially,equality,9.(自然)环境 _ 10.热情的;热心的 _ 11.事件;大事 _ 12.入口 _ 13.娱乐活动;消遣 _ 14.扩大;增大 _ 15.逃跑;逃脱 _ 16.精力旺盛的;充满活力的_,environment,enthusiastic,event,entrance,entertainment,enlarge,escape,energetic,二、将方框中单词前的序号填入相应的汉语意思前。 erase (b) engine (c) engineer (d) energy (e) enterprise (f) envelope (g) ending (h) endless (i) entire (j) Europe (k) European (l) enquiry (m) essay (n) entry (o) enjoyable (p) everyday,( )1.欧洲人 ( )2.欧洲 ( )3.整个的;全部的 ( )4.短文;随笔 ( )5.询问;调查 ( )6.愉快的 ( )7.进入;加入(n.) ( )8.橡皮擦 ( )9.日常的 ( )10.工程师 ( )11.引擎 ( )12.信封 ( )13.无止境的 ( )14.精力 ( )15.结局;结尾 ( )16.公司,k,j,i,m,l,o,n,a,p,c,b,f,h,d,g,e,三、填空 1.I want to _ (large) my views by reading. 2.Ill meet my cousin at the _ (enter) to the theatre. 3.The athletic club offers free_ (enter) to women on Thursdays.,enlarge,entrance,entry,4.A computer is the most important piece of _ (equip) you will buy. 5.Women do not yet have true _ (equal) in that company. 6.They always try to make their lessons _ (enjoy). 7.The young man is handsome and _ (energy).,equipment,equality,enjoyable,energetic,8.Mrs Smith was _ (endless) patient with the children. 9.The ending of the book was _ (entire) predictable. 10.We were thinking about going to Shanghai but_ the end we went to Hangzhou.,in,endlessly,entirely,DAY 27,一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。 1.探索;考察(v.) _ 2.爆炸;(感情)迸发 _ 3.原谅;宽恕 _ 4.暴露;揭露 _ 5.证据;迹象 _ 6.花费; 支出 _ 7.额外的 _ 8.明确的;直接的 _,explore,explode,excuse,expose,evidence,expense,extra,explicit,9.极其的;极端的 _ 10.存在(v.) _ 11.使兴奋;使激动 _ 12.经验;体会 _ 13.实验 _ 14.专家;高手 _ 15.交换;掉换;交流 _ 16.检查;考测 (v.) _,extreme,exist,excite,experience,experiment,expert,exchange,examine,二、将方框中单词前的序号填入相应的汉语意思前。 expect (b) except (c) expand (d) extension (e) evident (f) excellent (g) explanation (h) evolution exhibition (j) existence (k) expression (l) express (m) exit (n) export (o) eyesight (p) extraordinary,( )1.快速列车 ( )2.展览;展览会 ( )3.出口;输出 ( )4.表情;用语 ( )5.出口;太平门 ( )6.视力;视觉 ( )7.除之外 ( )8.非凡的;特别的 ( )9.预料;盼望 ( )10.扩大;增加 ( )11.显而易见的 ( )12.延期;延长 ( )13.进化;演变 ( )14.解释;说明 ( )15.极好的;优秀的 ( )16.存在;生存,l,i,n,k,m,o,b,p,a,c,e,d,h,g,f,j,三、填空 1.Some of us cant follow the teachers _ (explain) because theyre all in English. 2.I failed my physics _ (examine), but I passed chemistry. 3.When she was at university she began to question the _ (exist) of God.,explanations,examination,existence,4.He has little _ (expect) of winning a prize. 5.My uncle took us out to dinner at an _ (expense) restaurant in Hong Kong. 6.Her holiday in South America was the most _ (excite) trip she had ever had.,expectation,expensive,exciting,7.The children were all very _ (excite) about their presents, and couldnt wait to open them. 8. _ (evident) he has decided to leave. 9.The house is _ (exact) the same as it was 30 years ago. 10.Before the interview I was _ (extreme) nervous.,extremely,excited,Evidently,exactly,DAY 28,一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。 1.缺点;毛病 _ 2.不真实的;错误的 _ 3.把拴住;扣紧 _ 4.(车、船)费用 _ 5.费;费用 _ 6.喂(养) _ 7.信任; 信仰 _ 8.不错的;公正的 _,fault,false,fasten,fare,fee,feed,faith,fair,9.恩惠;好意 _ 10.盛宴,宴会 _ 11.想象力;幻想 _ 12.同伴;伙伴 _ 13.熟悉的 _ 14.美妙的;很棒的 _ 15.公平的;合理的 _ 16.二月 _,favour,feast,fancy,fellow,familiar,fantastic,fair,February,二、将方框中单词前的序号填入相应的汉语意思前。 female (b) fantasy (c) fax (d) fat (e) fancy (f) favourite (g) fair (h) feather (i) fan (j) failure (k) facial (l) federal (m) fail (n) feeling (o) fall (p) unfair,( )1.不公正的 ( )2.秋季 ( )3.失败 (n.) ( )4.羽毛 ( )5.联邦(制)的 ( )6.脸上的 ( )7.考试不及格 ( )8.看法;感情 ( )9.幻想;空想 ( )10.传真(机) ( )11.女子;雌性动物 ( )12.肥肉;食用油 ( )13.集市;展览会 ( )14.别致的 ( )15.风扇;迷 ( )16.特别喜爱的人,p,o,j,h,l,k,m,n,b,c,a,d,g,e,i,f,三、填空 1. _ (face) painting is an adaptation of the mask. 2. _ (face) the two men were very different. 3.She never tries anything because shes terrified of _ (fail).,Facial,Facially,failure,4.Our _ (favour) restaurant was full so we had to go elsewhere. 5.He swore _ (false) that he had seen me that morning. 6.Apart from some spelling mistakes, the composition is _ (fair) good. 7.You neednt go if you dont feel _ it.,favourite,falsely,fairly,like,8.Dont be too familiar _ her; shes a dishonest woman. 9.Its unfair to fasten the blame _ him. 10.I will give you a gift on your birthday _ fail.,with,on,without,DAY 29,一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。 1.财政;金融 _ 2.认为;估计 _ 3.罚款 _ 4.公司;事务所 _ 5.取来;接来 _ 6.发烧;发热 _ 7.逃走;消失 _ 8.档案;文档 _,finance,figure,fine,firm,fetch,fever,flee,file,9.(使)飘浮;漂动 _ 10.栅栏;篱笆 _ 11.节日的 _ 12.垂钓者 _ 13.猛烈的;凶狠的 _ 14.平的; 单调的 _ 15.修理;安装 _ 16.易弯的;灵活的 _,float,fence,festival,fisherman,fierce,flat,fix,flexible,二、将方框中单词前的序号填入相应的汉语意思前。 (a) fibre /fiber (b) firm (c) figure (d) flame (e) flesh (f) fiction (g) finger (h) flight (i) flat (j) finish (k) fist (l) ferry (m) fit (n) flashlight (o) fingernail (p) firework,( )1.公寓;单元房 ( )2.拳(头) ( )3.健康的;适合的 ( )4.终结;结束 ( )5.渡船;轮渡 ( )6.手电筒 ( )7.手指甲 ( )8.焰火 ( )9.纤维 ( )10.小说 ( )11.肉;肉体 ( )12.严格的;坚固的 ( )13.火焰 ( )14.手指 ( )15.航班 ( )16.数字;插图,i,k,m,j,l,n,o,p,a,f,e,b,d,g,h,c,三、填空 1. _ (final), Id like to thank everyone for coming this evening. 2.Make sure the rope is _ (firm) attached before attempting to climb down it. 3.The big firms are competing _ (fierce) on price.,Finally,firmly,fiercely,4.The witness responded _ (flat) to the judges questions. 5.A house was _ fire last night in our neighborhood. 6.The whole building was soon _ flames. 7.Quite _ few students came to the lecture yesterday afternoon.,flatly,on,in,a,8.She was on her feet in _ flash when the doorbell rang. 9.They used to cross the river_ ferry. 10. You can contact us _e-mail or fax.,by,a,by,DAY 30,一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。 1.原谅;宽恕 _ 2.预见; 预知 _ 3.折叠;合拢 _ 4.禁止,不许 _ 5.民间的 _ 6.流利的;流畅的 _ 7.两星期 _ 8.外国的 _,foreign,forgive,foresee,fold,forbid,folk,fluent,fortnight,9.幸运的;侥幸的 _ 10.以前的 _ 11.预告 _ 12.焦点 _ 13.感冒 _ 14.流动 _ 15.强迫;强行打开 _ 16.形成; 构成 _,form,fortunate,former,forecast,focus,flu,flow,force,二、将方框中单词前的序号填入相应的汉语意思前。 (a) format (b) forehead (c) fortune (d) fork (e) fool (f) fond (g) follow (h) fly (i) fluency (j) flood (k) flour (l) floor (m) forgetful (n) foot (o) foggy (p) forest,( )1.流利;流畅 ( )2.苍蝇 ( )3.面粉 ( )4.地面;地板 ( )5.淹没;泛滥 ( )6.多雾的 ( )7.英尺 ( )8.健忘的 ( )9.森林 ( )10.形式;版式 ( )11.命运;运气 ( )12.前额 ( )13.逗弄;骗 ( )14.喜爱的;爱好的 ( )15.领会;遵循 ( )16.叉;餐叉,i,h,k,l,j,o,n,m,p,a,c,b,e,f,g,d,三、填空 1.Grandma is getting very_ (forget) in her old age. 2.She is getting old and acts _ (forget). 3.It was too _ (fog) to drive anywhere.,forgetful,forgetfully,foggy,4.John was _ (fortune) enough to get a scholarship, otherwise he could not have gone to college. 5.She was afraid that she would look _ (fool) if she refused. 6.It is difficult for a _ (foreign) to understand these old traditions.,fortunate,foolish,foreigner,7.The next chapter will focus _ this problem in greater detail. 8.The teacher liked all the children in her class but was particularly fond _ William. 9.Our roses are usually _ flower from April to November. 10.Uncle Jim bought a second-hand car _ two thousand dollars.,on,of,in,for,

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