高中英语 U3 Inventors and inventions Reading课件 新人教版选修8.ppt

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高中英语 U3 Inventors and inventions Reading课件 新人教版选修8.ppt_第3页
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Reading,Unit 3 Inventors and inventions,Do you know the stages every inventor must go through before they can have their invention approved? Here give you some similar stages used in research, please out them in the suitable order.,Pre-reading,Applying for a patent Finding a problem Doing research Testing the solution Thinking of a creative solution Deciding on the invention,The suitable order:,Finding a problem,Doing research,Thinking of a creative solution,Testing the solution,Deciding on the invention,Applying for a patent,Look at the pictures, what inventions can you think of?,Patent office (专利局) plays the role of deciding what is an invention and what is not. And only inventions can get patens and so be recognized and protected.,patents,The problem of the snakes,Part I (Para 1):,the discovery of the problem of the snakes.,the research on the approaches to solve the problem.,the attempts to catch the snakes.,the requirements of getting a patent.,Part II (Paras 2-3):,Part III (Paras4-6):,Part IV (Paras7, 8):,Fast Reading,Read the text fast and answer questions.,The text narrates the problem of the snakes and presents the procedures of catching them and applying for a patent.,1. What is the main idea of the text?,2. Whats the writing purpose of the writer?,The writer wants to inform us of the scientific methods to solve present problems so that we students can not only broaden the horizons but become more skilled in discovering and considering carefully the problems in daily life. We are also encouraged by the writer to be creative and hardworking as well as thinking independently.,3. What should we learn from this text?,We can learn from the text the way of doing scientific researches and how to apply for a patent. We can also learn that it takes an inventor great determination persistence to achieve his or her ambition and persistence to achieve his or her ambition in life.,Choose the best answer.,1. How did the writer catch the snakes? A. using something the snakes were interested to attract them into a trap. B. taking their habitat to another place. C. placing the snakes at a low temperature for them to sleep and then caught them. D. All the above.,C,2. The writer was successful to catch the snakes in _ attempt. A. the First B. the second C. the third D. every 3. Why did cooling the snakes make them less active? A. Because snakes are warm-blooded animals. B. Because snakes like high temperature. C. Because their body temperature depends on the heat around them.,C,C,4. Which statement is TRUE according to the text? A. The snakes were sleepy in the second approach so they couldnt bite. B. Your product must be different from everybody elses if you want to receive a patent. C. The writer received a patent after she succeeded in catching the snakes. D. If an application proves to be valid, you can get a patent immediately.,B,5. According to the text, which subject do you think can be given a patent? A. A new star discovered by a scientist. B. A new novel written by Yao Ming. C. A new way to make dirty water clean. D. A new kind of grass can be used as a medicine.,C,1. In this passage, the writer want to encourage the readers to consider carefully the problems in daily life. 2. The writer was successful to catch the snakes in the second attempt. 3. An inventor can easily get the patent for the invention.,T,True or False,F,F,4. If you have a scientific theory or mathematical model, you can get a patent. 5. The stages to apply for a patent is to fill in the form for your invention, file your patent application with the patent office and wait for the patent examine. 6. If your inventions pass the test, your application for a patent will be published 17 months from the date you apply.,T,F,F,Find a problem,The snakes must be removed but not harmed,Do research,Look for methods of removal; the habits of snakes,Fill the chart.,Test the solution several times,Apply for a patent,Fill in the form and file your patent application with the patent office,Think of a creative solution,Identify three possible approaches : choose one,Try three times to make it work efficiently,Careful Reading: Para 1-3 1.Why did the writer feel proud when her mother asked her to get rid of the snakes? 2. What did the writer prepare before she could think of a possible approach?,Because it was a chance for the writer to distinguish herself by inventing something that would catch snakes but not herm them.,She did some research on the habits of snakes.,Para 4-6: What was the writers three attempts to catch the snakes? Why did the first two attempts fail? The first attempt: The writer placed the frozen bowl over the snakes habitat for two hours. Two hours was too short to make the snakes sleepy. She needed to spend more time cooling the snakes.,The second attempt: The writer placed the frozen bowl over the snakes habitat in the evening for a whole night. Once the snakes were picked up, they were woken and tried to bite her. The third attempt: The writer placed the frozen bowl over the snakes habitat in the evening and carry a net to collect the snakes without harming them the next morning.,Para7-8: 1. Is it easy to apply for a patent? The criteria are so strict that it is difficult for new ideas to be accepted unless they are truly novel. 2. Decide whether each of them can get patents or not? Give your reasons.,1 Read the passage and answer the questions.,Comprehending,1. What was the mother upset about?,The mother was upset because a family of snakes had made their home near the house.,2. Why was the writer happy to help her mother?,The writer was happy because it give her an opportunity to help her mother and invent something to catch the snakes without hurting them at the same time.,3. What are the three creative steps that the writer takes to catch the snakes without hurting them?,1) She bought a stainless steel ice-cream maker and froze the bowl. She added ice-cubes to the top of the bowl to keep it cool. She placed it over the snakes habitat during the day so that the snakes would become sleepy and could be easily caught.,2) As above she did the same but placed the bowl over the snakes habitat in the evening.,3) As above but added a net to catch the snakes.,4. Why did cooling make the snakes less active?,Snakes dont have a way of keeping warm in their bodies. They get warmth from the sun and become more active at this time. When the sun goes down at night they cool down and become less active. So extra cooling to the snake would make them even less active and easier to catch.,You are able to prove that you were the first person to make the invention. You are recognized as a real inventor. You can make money if you sell your invention to others.,2 Discuss with your partner what the advantages might be of getting a patent.,3 In pairs look at the following problems. Choose one and use the scientific stages to design a new invention to solve it. Remember to include one change to your invention in case it doesnt work the first time.,Problem 1: The ripe apples growing on your apple tree are too high for you to reach them. What can you invent to pick your apples in comfort? Problem 2: You need to make a house but you only have strings, glue, fishing nets and many plastic bottles. How can you solve it? Problem 3: You want to catch fish but not hurt them when you do so. Design a fishing rod that will solve this problem.,Pairwork: Can you be an inventor?,You need to make a house but you only have strings, glue, fishing nets and many plastic bottles. How can you solve it?,1. Remove the bottom from each of the bottles. 2. Stick the bottles together with the glue to form a solid wall. 3. Cover them with the fishing net to hold them secure. 4. Pour water down the bottles to encourage plants to grow up inside them.,The plants will make a vegetable wall which will keep the sunshine out and protect the people inside from anyone who wants to look in. 5. Make a roof of empty bottles. This means it will not be too heavy. 6. Put the roof on after the plants have grown so that the walls are very secure and steady.,1. 打电话 2. 有时, 偶尔 3. 摆脱, 赶走 4. 使自己扬名, 显摆自己 5. 生物 6. 一种新方法 7. 着手, 开始 8. 决定 9. 把它们引入陷阱 10. 一个制作冰淇淋的器具 11. 同时,call up now and then get rid of distinguish oneself living creatures a new approach set about decide on attract them into a trap an ice-cream maker at the same time,Phrases and Sentences,12.消失在墙壁附近的 洞里 13.提起, 拿起 14.根据 15.温顺的蛇 16.把它们都释放到野外 17.被某人督促 18.专利局 19.填表 20.的问题,disappear into a convenient hole in the wall pick up according to the passive snakes release them all back into the wild be pressed by the patent office fill in the form a matter of,21. 这是因为我预料它还会再咬人。 22. 你看看我的银行节余金额就知道我是否 成功了。,You will know if I succeed by the size of my bank balance.,This was in the expectation that the snakes would bite again.,1. go through 1) 经历(不愉快的事),Most families went through a lot in the war.,2) 通过, 成功, 成交 The plan did not go through.,3) 审阅, 检查,I cant go though the letters in an hour.,4) 翻找, 查看,Mother went through the drawer for her glasses.,A terrible noise went through the house.,5) 穿过, 通过,Language points,read through 通读 look through 浏览 flow through 流过 get through 通过, 接通, 使.成功 search through 搜寻, 查找,2. do research on /into /in.,从事, 进行, 做研究,e.g. They are carrying out a research into the causes of cancer.,注意: research可作可数名词和不可数 名词, 有自己的单复数形式。 但是短语do research on /into /in. 中research 为不可数名词。,3. When I called up my mother in the countryside on the telephone, she was very upset.,call up 打电话, 使回忆起,今晚我会给你打电话。,Ill call you up tonight. (ring sb. up),老相片引起了我对童年的回忆。,The old photo calls up memories of my childhood. (recall sth.),call back call for call in call on call at,召唤某人回来; 再访; 回电话 需要, 要求, 接(人或物) 邀请; 请来 拜访(人) 拜访(某地),-Can I do the job? -Im afraid not, because it _ skill and patience. A. calls on B. calls out C. calls up D. calls for,D,call on drop in on pay a visit to go on a visit to visit,call at drop in at pay a visit to go on a visit to visit,拜访某地,+sp.,拜访某人,+ sb.,4. now and then 时而; 不时 = sometimes,我偶尔看见他, 但不常见。 我有时喜欢去看歌剧。,I see him now and then, but not often.,I like to go to the opera now and then.,from time to time (every) now and again from now on just now since then,有时; 不时 时而; 不时 从现在开始, 今后 刚才 从那时以来,5. Here was a chance for me to distinguish myself by inventing something,distinguish oneself 显扬自己, 使自己扬名 e.g. The man distinguished himself by his wisdom. distinguish vt. 辨认 e.g. I cant distinguish the twins, they are so alike. 从远处我能认出他们。 I can distinguish them at a distance.,2) (常与from, between连用) 区别; 区分 distinguish A from B 把A与B加以分开 distinguish between A and B 辨别A和B 你能区分那两个物体吗? 应当教育孩子分辨好坏。 Children should be taught to _.,Can you distinguish between those two objects?,distinguish right from wrong,语言把人和动物区别开来。 Speech _. 象因为有长鼻子而有别于其他动物。 Elephants _ by their long trunks. You should be able to _ right from wrong. A. differ B. distinguish C. determine D. observe,distinguishes men from animals,are distinguished,distinction distinctive,n. 区别, 差异 adj. 有特色的, 与众不同的,B,be distinguished from distinguish from be distinguished by be distinguished for,不同于与加以区别 辨别, 把和区别开 以为特征 因而著称,distinguished adj. distinguishing adj. distinguishable adj. distinct adj.,著名的, 出名的 有区别的 可区别的 截然不同的,6. The first thing I tried to do was to see if there were products that might help me, but there only seemed to be powders designed to kill snakes.,there be 常见的变化形式有: there seems to be , there happens to be , there used to be.,辨析: there be与have there be 强调某处有某物; have 强调某人有某物, 指为人所拥有 e.g. There is a book on the desk. I have a book.,在there be结构中, be的人称与数应遵循就近一致原则。,There _ a bucket of water and two chairs in the corner of the house.,There _ two chairs and a bucket of water in the corner of the house.,was,were,2) seem的归纳总结,seem +to be +形容词/名词/介词短语/分词,Something seemed to be wrong with him. You seemed to be in a great hurry. The first memories seemed to be connected with work. He seemed to be a good leader.,It seems that. It seems as if/ as though. There seems (to be ).,seem 构成的句式:,It seems that everyone was satisfied. It seems as if you are the first one here. There seems (to be) no reason for believing him.,seem 表示有某种根据的判断, 这种判断往往 接近事实或者符合事实。 appear 从外表或者表面上看来“似乎, 好像”, 有时暗含“事实上并非如此”之意。 look 强调视觉上的印象。 It appears a true story. He looks a perfect fool. Do let your mother know all the truth. She appears _ everything. (2001上海) A. to tell B. to be told C. to be telling D. to have been told,D,7. But there only seemed to be powders designed to kill snakes. powder n. 粉, 粉末; 药粉; 火药 grain sth. into powder 把磨成粉,8. I set about researching the habits of snakes so I could trap them in the easiest way.,1) set about =set out: to begin or start 着手; 开始,他一到那儿就着手解决问题。 He _ as soon as he arrived there. = He _ as soon as he arrived there.,set about solving the problem,set out to solve the problem,set out的另一个意思为“动身”, “出发”, 后面常 跟介词for。 他们已出发到上海去了。,They have set out (= set off ) for Shanghai.,set out set out to do sth. set off set aside set down set up,出发, 起程 开始做某事 出发, 动身 留出, 对不予考虑 记下, 写下 设置, 造成, 产生,be in the habit out of habit break the habit develop/form the habit of,2) habit n. 习惯,出于习惯,打破.的习惯,养成.习惯,habit 通常指个人经常性的行为 custom 一般指整个社会在一段时间里的 行为、风俗 practice 指惯例, 也指商业或者法律上的 常规做法。,有.的习惯,9. Between the outside and inside walls of the bowl there is some jelly, which freezes hard when cooled.,when cooled 的构成: 连词when +过去分 词, 相当于when 引导的状语从句: when it is cooled.,While unfinished, he was ugly, but now he was a living horror. while unfinished,. =,when/while 引导的时间状语从句中的主语, 如果与主句的主语相同, 常常可用“when/ while +现在分词短语或者过去分词短语” 的结构来代替。,= You must be careful when crossing the street.,e.g. You must be careful when you cross the street.,While he was unfinished,When _ help, one often says “thank you” or “ its kind of you”. A. offering B. to offer C. to be offered D. offered,原从句为主动结构时, 用when/while+现在分词来代替; 原句为被动结构时, 用 when /while+过去分词短语来代替。,D,10. They abruptly disappeared into a convenient hole in the wall.,1) abruptly adv. 突然地, 唐突地 abrupt adj. 突然的; 意外的 e.g. 这路有很多急转弯。 The road is full of _. 这会议突然结束了。 The meeting came to _. 我们的讨论突然给缩短了。 Our discussion was _ curtailed.,abrupt turns,an abrupt end,abruptly,be convenient for sb.sth. It is convenient for sb. to do sth.,对某人/某物便利/方便的,译: 三点钟对你方便吗? e.g. Will 3oclock be convenient for you ? 译: 明天开始工作对你方便吗? e.g. Will it be convenient for you to start work tomorrow?,2) convenient adj. 便利的, 方便的,对某人来说做某事是方便的,1. Come and see me whenever _. A. you are convenient B. you will be convenient C. it is convenient to you D. it will be convenient to you 2. If it is quite _ to you, Ill visit you next Tuesday. A. convenient B. fair C. easy D. comfortable,C,A,convenience U 方便, 便利 C 方便的事,at ones convenience,在某人方便的时候,e.g. Please do this job at your convenience.,11. expectation n. 预料, 预期, 期待,e.g. He has little expectation of winning a prize. 他对获奖不抱什么希望。,e.g. There is no expectation of snow tonight. 今晚预料无雪。,What he did was against all expectations. 他所做的完全出乎意料。,“的期望, 期待”用of。,12. monitor 1) vt. 监听, 收听 e.g. They have been monitoring the enemys radio broadcasts to try to find out their secret plans. 2) 密切监视, 监督 e.g. The teacher is monitoring an examination.,14. Only after you have had that recognition can you say that you are truly an inventor. only 修饰状语, 置于句首, 主句的语序需要倒装。 e.g. Only by working hard can we pass the exams.,13. passive adj. 被动的, 消极的; 不抵抗的; 不活跃的 e.g. He played a passive role in the marriage.,15. Nor will you receive a patent until a search has made to find out that your product really is different from everybody elses.,以否定词no, not, never, hardly, seldom, neither, little等开头引导的句子, 句子的主句要部分倒装。,e.g. Never can you pass the exam if you dont devote yourself to your study. Never have I seen such an exciting film. Little did I know what was about to happen.,16. application 1) 申请, 请求,e.g. I made an application to the bank for a loan.,2) 实施,e.g. the strict application of the law 严明执法,apply v. 申请, 请求, 实施,e.g. apply to the publishers for permission, to sb. for sth. 向某人申请,apply the law strictly 严格的执行法律,1. Speech d_ man from animals. 2. He was r_ from prison yesterday. 3. She was unable to b_ the pain any longer. 4. The c_ consists of 24 members. 5. Suddenly I felt a flash of i_. 6. His method is very p_. 7. The line was busy and the operator asked If Id like to h_ on. 8. Its our e_ that you will do well.,Word Spelling,xpectation,istinguishes,eleased,ear,ommittee,nspiration,ractical,ang / hold,1. Read the text again. 2. Finish the exercises in Learning about Language on Page 23.,Homework,

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