高中英语 Unit4 Sharing words课件 新人教版选修7.ppt

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Free-talk,Please use 4-5 adjective words to describe one of your classmates.,Almost heaven West Virginia Blue Ridge Mountains Shenandoah River Life is old there Older than the trees Younger than the mountains Growing like a breeze Country road(s) take me home To the place I belong West Virginia Mountain Momma Take me home country road(s),Unit4 Sharing,Words&Expressions,一、单词识记,1、Remember the meanings of these words: airmail roof textbook weed hut retangle broom comb tractor platform,2、Please give each of the following object a correct name:,1. _,weed,2. We are_,textbooks.,3. This is a_,rectangle,4. I am an_,airmail,5. The _is used to sweep the floor.,broom,6. It is a_.,hut,7. So beautiful_!,roofs,8. _,comb,9. _,platform,10. _,tractor,1. _adj. 有关的, 切题的 2. _adj. 遥远的,偏僻的 3. _vt/n. 买;购买 4. _adj.自愿的 5. _ vt. 捐赠 6. _ conj. 否则;不然 7. _vi. / vt. 调整;(使)适应,donate,relevant,remote,purchase,voluntary,adjust,otherwise,8. _vi. 参与, 参加 9. _vt. 分配,分发 10. _vt/vi. 操作;运转 11. fortnight n._ 12. privilege n. _ 13. arrangement n. _ 14. security n. _,特权,特别优待,participate,distribute,operate,两星期,安全,保护,保障,安排,排列,1. _ n. 泥; 淤泥; 泥浆 _ adj. 泥泞的; 模糊的; 混乱的 2. _ vi. 调整,二、单词拓展 (A) 单词派生,adjustment,mud,muddy,adjust,adjustable,3. _vi. 参与; 参加 _ n. 参与; 参加 _ n. 参加者; 参与者,participant,participate,participation,4. _ n. 志愿者 _ adj. 自愿的; 志愿的; 无偿的 _ adv. 自愿地; 自动地,voluntarily,volunteer,voluntary,5. _ vt. 分配; 分发 _ n. 分配; 分发; 分布状态 _ n. 发行人; 经销商;分销商,distributor,distribute,distribution,6. _vt. 保护adj. 安全的 _ n. 安全;保护;保障 7. _vi. 工作;运转vt. 操作 _ n. 操作;经营,operation,secure,security,operate,1_接到的信 2_极想;渴望 3_不久前的一天 4_ 和有关 5_ 参与;参加,hear from,(be) dying to,the other day,be relevant to.,participate in,6_(使浸水等之物)完全变干 7_(指河流、井等)干涸 8_在困难中;在危急中 9_ 完成;穿过 10_伸出 11_ 说实在的,dry out,dry up,in need,get through,stick out,to be honest,四、重点词汇讲练,e.g Im dying for a piece of cake. I am dying to know where you are from.,(1) 我极想出国 _ (2) 他很渴望喝点酒 _,I am dying to go abroad.,He was dying for a little wine.,be dying to do 迫切希望做某事 be dying for sth 渴望得到某物,1. be dying for/ to do,表 “渴望” 的各种表达 1. be dying for sth /to do sth 2. be eager to do sth / for sth 3. be anxious to do sth / for sth 4. be thirsty for sth. 5. desire to do sth. / have a desire for sth. 6. long to do sth. / for sth. 7. be keen to do sth 8. be greedy for sth / to do sth,phrases of “die“ die of/from 因而死 die adeath 死得 die out (动.植物)灭绝; (风俗,习惯等)消失 die off (家庭,种族等)相继死亡 die away (声音,光线)逐渐平息,减弱 die down (火,兴奋)渐弱,渐息,1. The country is changing very quickly and many of the old traditions are_ A. dying of B. dying away C. dying down D. dying out 2. All the children on the playground stared up into the sky until the noise of the plane_. A.gave up B. took off C.went off D. died away,D,D,3. _to know the exam result, we all gathered at the door of the teachers office. A. Interested B. Curious C. Dying D. Attracted,4. Im dying _ the result of the competition. A. of B. from C. for D. as,C,C,the other day 前几天, 不久前的一天 =some days ago (与一般过去时连用),2. the other day,one day 某一天 (可用于一般过去时 和一般将来时) some day 将来某一天(用于一般将来时) another day 改天 day after day 一天天(强调重复无变化) day by day 一天天(强调变化),3. relevant,relevant adj.有关的;切题的 be relevant to 与有关,相当于 be connected with. be related to. have sth to do with .,relevance n. 关联;贴切;中肯 relevantly adv.有关地;切题地 irrelevant adj.无关的;不切题的 be irrelevant to sth./sb.与不相关,即学即练 (1) These theories _ directly _ the practice. 这些理论与实践是有直接关系的。 (2) Do you have the _ experience? 你有相关的经验吗? (3) A government official was murdered last Friday and the police are collecting information that is_ to the case. Asimilar Bdevoted Crelevant Daddicted,are,relevant to,relevant,C,4. participate vi 参与, 参加,participate in 参加 participate in (doing) sth with sb 同某人参与某事 participation n. 参与,分担,共享 participant n. 参加者,共享者,1.How many countries would be _the 2012 Olympic Games? Ajoining Bparticipating Cparticipating in Dtaken part in,C,2. With China _ in the world trade more frequently,the world economy is developing more rapidly and steadily. A. participating B. to participate C. participated D. being participated 解析 考查介词with加复合宾语结构,这里是with China participating in the world trade,因为中国加入世界贸易,主动关系用现在分词作宾语补足语。,A,Water the plant regularly, never letting_(让土壤干枯).,5. dry out (使)变干;干透,the soil dry out.,dry up (河流,湖泊等)干枯; 弄干、晒干、变干; (供应、思路) 枯竭,太阳很快就会把马路晒干的 _,The sun will soon dry up the roads.,All his clothes were wet after the heavy rain,so he couldnt go out until his clothes _. A.dried out Bmade out C.gave out D. picked out 答案:A,6. otherwise,1) 作连词, 意为 “否则; 不然”, 相当于 or 或 if not。 如:Well go early, otherwise we may not get a seat. 我们得早点去, 要不然就没有座位了。 I was ill that day, otherwise I would have taken part in the sports meet. 那天我病了, 否则我会去参加运动会的。,Hurry up, _ you will be late. A. and B. or C. if D. unless 2) Study hard, _ you will pass the exam . A. and B. or C. if D. unless 3) Study hard, _ you will not pass the exam . A. and B. otherwise C. if D. unless,B,A,B,according to the need 根据需要 at sb.s need 在某人困难时 in need of 需要 satisfy ones needs 满足某人的需求 There is no need (for sb)to do sth. 没有必要做某事,7. in need 在困难中;在危急中,即学即练 (1) Deeds are better than words when people are _ help. 当有人需要救助的时候,行动胜于言语。 (2)When_, dont hesitate to ask me for help. 危难时刻,务必找我帮忙。,in need,in need of,1. Many Chinese universities provide scholarships for students _ financial aid. Ain favour of Bin honour of Cin face of Din need of,2. When they got there,they found the people suffering the storm were _ food and water supply. Ain want of Bin place of Cin view of Din support of,in want of 意为“需要,缺少”, 相当于in need of/in demand of。,D,A,五、灵活运用,Each group please choose a flower,sunflower,chrysanthemum,tulip,lily,rose,peach flower,1. (单词拼写) You want to be a teacher, but do you have the _(有关的) experience?,relevant,2. (短语运用) Last summer the river_and you could walk across it.,3. (单句改错) The doctor decided to operate in the patient at once.,dried up,on,1. (单词拼写) We had an _(安排) that she would cook and I would clean the house.,2. (短语运用) I met my old friend in the street _.,3. (单句改错) We should lend a hand to those in difficult.,arrangement,the other day,difficulty,1. (单词拼写) Everyone is expected to _ (参加)in the discussion, all included.,2. (短语运用) My sister is _ a piano, while my brother is _have a computer(渴望).,3. (单句改错) He arranged that we had a rest.,participate,dying for,have,dying to,1. (单词拼写) Study harder from now on. _(否则),you will fall behind.,2. (短语运用) A friend_is a friend indeed.,3. (单句改错) I dont think he is up to do the job.,Otherwise,in need,doing,1. (单词拼写) As an interpreter,her sister did much _ (志愿的)work during the Asian Games.,2. (短语运用) _, I dont think he is fit for the job.,3. (单句改错) Ill see you in the park the other day.,voluntary,To be honest,saw,1. (单词拼写) To make sure of the _(安全),more money should be distributed to the police station.,2. (短语运用) It took us a long time to _ the forest.,3. (单句改错) The rent is high, and otherwise the house is satisfactory.,security,get through,but,1. hear from 2. (be)dying to 3. the other day 4. relevant 5. adjust 6. participate 7. dry out,8. otherwise 9. privilege 10. arrangement 11. donate 12. in need 13. purchase 14. distribute 15. operate,接到.的来信,极想,渴望,不久前的一天,有关的,调整,参与,参加,干透,否则,不然,特权,特别优待,安排,排列,捐赠,在困难中,买,购买,分配,分发,运转,操作,五、Summary 词汇回顾,六、Homework 1.Revise the words 2. Preview the reading1.,五、重点词汇讲练,hear from sb “收到某人的来信”, 相当于 receive a letter from sb. 如: I hear from my mother every week. 每星期我都收到妈妈的信。 I havent received any letters from him for several months. 我已经好几个月没有收到他的信了。,1.hear from,与hear 相关的短语: hear about 听说的事 hear from 收到的来信 hear of 听说, 听到 hear sb. do sth. 听见某人做了某事 hear sb. doing sth. 听见某人正在做某事,The missing boys were last seen _ near the river. A. playing B. to be playing C. play D. to play,A,5. adjust,He adjusted quickly to the heat of India.,He adjusted his tie before entering the hall.,I usually adjust my watch before I go to school every morning.,adjust vt. 调整, 校准,校正 vi. 适应 (一般与to连用)= adapt,adjust sth to sth 调整以适应 adjust (oneself) to 适应于. adjust to sth & doing sth 适应于,adjustable adj.可调整的 adjustment n. 调整, 适应 make adjustments to 对.做出调整,1. You cant see through the telescope until it _your eyes.,is adjusted to,2.To be honest,it took me more than a month to _ myself_the new school life. A. adopt;to B. adjust;to C. adapt;into D. suit;for,B,3. Obama, the new president of the USA, is trying to help the Americans suffering from Wall Street crisis make the _ needed to rebalance their lives. Achange Bimprovement Cdecision Dadjustment,D,10privilege n特权;优待; vt.给予特权(或优待),Its a privilege(for sb) to do 有特权做某事 have the privilege of 有的特权 enjoy privileges 享受特权 as a special privilege 作为特权许可 by special privilege 根据特权,这样考过 Merry is the youngest of the four children,but she has no _ and is treated just as the others. Abenefits Badvantages Cprivileges Dguarantees,C,donate vt. 捐赠;赠送 donate sth.to sb./sth.向捐赠某物 donate sth.to do sth. 为了做某事而捐赠某物 donation n. 捐款,赠送,捐赠(物),11.donate,即学即练 (1) He _ a large sum _ relief organizations. 他向救济组织捐了巨款。 (2)_ is glorious. 献血光荣。 (3)The work of the charity is funded by_. 这家慈善机构工作所需要的资金是人们自愿捐赠的。,donated,to,Donating blood,voluntary donations,(4). He _ his blood to the blood center once a year. A. manages B. makes C. donates D. convinces 解析:donate 捐赠,赠送; manage 管理,对付; convince 使信服;说服。 根据句意可知选C。,13purchase vt./n.买;购买 purchase sth.with sth.用购买 purchase sth.for sb. 为某人购买某物 purchaser n. 购买人;买主,辨析:buy,purchase,shop 这组词都有表示“购买”的意思。 (1) buy普通日常用词,既可指日常随意购物也可指大的购买。 (2) purchase正式用词,指大宗购货或购买重要东西。无感情色彩,强调物品的购得。 (3) shop指上街到商店去购物品。 提示:和buy不同的是,purchase用作动词时,不能接双宾语,只接表示物的宾语。,可能这样考 The children helped to carry their mothers _ from the shops. Apurchases Bmatters Ccommodity Dgoods 答案:A,14. distribute vt. 分发,分配; 散发,分布 distribution n. 分发,分配,分布状态 distributive adj.分发的,分配的,分布的 distributor n. 分发者 distribute sth. to/among sb. 向某人分发某物 distribute sth. over. 把撒在(涂在)上,即学即练 (1) Please _ these pictures _ the children. 请把这些图片分给孩子们。 (2) The head of the department _ the prizes _ the winners. 系主任为优胜者发了奖. (3)The army _ itself _ the whole area. 这支军队分布在全区。,distribute,to,distributed,among,distributed,over,15. operate 1) vt “操作(run);经营,管理(manage)” 2) vi “操作,工作(work),运转;做手术”,operation n. 手术;运转;操作 operator n. 操作者;接线员 operate a machine/ shop operate on sb. 给某人动手术 come into operation 起作用;开始生效 put/bring.into operation 实施 be in operation 在运转中,在实施中,如: The machine is not operating properly. 机器运转得不正常。 The surgeon operated on her for a tumor. 医生为她的肿瘤开刀。 When does the plan come into operation? 这项计划什么时候实施?, She will have to _ on for her cancer . 她的肿瘤得开刀。 He and the other doctors didnt leave until the _ was over . He will perform an operation _ her for a diseased lung .,be operated,operation,on,The hospital _ well, where many wounded _ every day. A. is operated; operation B. operates; are operated on C. operates; are operated D. operates; operates on,答案:B,The equipment is designed to_ in all weather conditions. Aarrange Bchange Coperate Dmanage 答案 C,

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