2019-2020年高三考前辅导英语试题 Word版含答案.doc

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2019-2020年高三考前辅导英语试题 Word版含答案一【听力】众所周知在高考英语试卷中的第一个部分就是听力,占整个英语高考卷的1/6分值;而且与语法、阅读等书面考试题型相比,听力考试具有极强的时间效应,听力过程不具备复制性,必须学会掌握一定的听力技巧,充分利用宝贵的每一分钟。听力部分是可以通过技巧来提高分数却耗时最短和效率最高的一个部分。注意事项: 1、 不要抓每一个字,即不要奢望听懂每一个字,没有必要,也不可能。要做到对内容的整体理解。2、 拿到卷子的第一件事,就是抓紧时间阅读试题选项,预测谈话大致内容。3、 短对话,答案多在第二个人说话中出现;长对话,短文听力,要先抓住开头的前几句,这一般是主旨题的答案所在,而结尾处往往会再次呼应。中部往往是细节题。4、 抓中心词,两次以上连续重复出现,对应某一题干选项中的答案,一定要提高警惕。5、 遇到数字和时间等信息,要随手记笔记,有助于选项中的数字听力题答案的准确无误。6、 听完回忆对话内容时,运用归纳、推理或计算等方法,用已知导出未知。7、 听力在3点整开始。出发去考场前争取一点时间听一点,让听觉神经兴奋起来。或最好看看复习资料,并不是要记住什么知识点,而是让大脑提前进入状态,因为一进考场就要考听力,如果大脑还沉浸在汉语的思维方式中,可能影响发挥。二【单项选择】运用直接法、排除法和比较法。所谓直接法,就是一眼能够看出题目的答案,就直接选择;所谓排除法,就是对于有些拿不准的选项,首先将确认错误的选项逐一排除,最后得出正确答案;比较法,就是运用联想记忆,将考点与老师讲的内容进行比较,应该说两者之间肯定有相同或相似之处,需要将学过的知识进行迁移,并且与考查的知识点进行比较对照,最终找出正确答案。 注 意:1.长而复杂的选项未必就是正确的。2.连续四题选择相同答案的可能性不到1%。3.不要想当然。已经做过不少的难题,现不要因为题目太容易而犹豫。4.要多用排除法。5.遇上疑问句、强调句、定语从句、插入语等要对题干进行简化和还原。最后一练:1. Jinan has inched _ step closer to a green National Games by taking _ series of measures. A. a; the B. the; a C. a; a D. a; / 2.What China can learn from _ xx financial storm has bee _ hot topic among us. A. the; / B. the; a C. /; the D. /; a 3. Beginning college is exciting: many of us can be easily excited by _ details of running _ well-balanced life. A. /; the B. the; a C. /;a D. the; /4. John has great writing _, but he needs training to be a real writer. A. promotion B. potential C. privilege D. possibility5. Is this Mr. Whites office, Mary? Yes, _. A. thats all right B. it doesnt matter C. after you D. please yourself6. He hated wandering about and expected to find a _ position in the civil service of government. A. temporary B. significant C. proper D. permanent 7. When will you be through with your work, Jones? ? My boss usually finds something for me to do at the last minute. A. Who knowsB. Would you help meC. I beg your pardonD. Anything the matter8. It is all known that Jessica Lynch is _ among all the American women soldiers who were sent to Iraq. A. the alive luckiest girl B. the luckiest girl alive C. the luckiest alive girl D. the luckiest girl living9. The cultural exchanges between the two countries help to _ the understanding and friendship between the two peoples. A. increase B. raise C. add D. promote10. Yi Jianlian, a promising new star, is ready to _ in a new world of basketball.A. get off B. e off C. turn off D. take off 11. Lets stop running, Im afraid we cant make it .But isnt your hope that we can get to the station in time?A. one B. the one C. it D. there12. A few years ago, My Heart Will Go On was a popular song among young people, _ were often heard singing it at parties. A. who B. which C. they D. that13. She opened her eyes with a start and was about to cry out _ she heard her father urgently telling her to keep quiet. A. while B. when C. before D. after14. Tom pretended _ it, but in fact, he knew it very well a long time ago. A. not to listen to B. not to hear about C. not to have heard about D. not to be listening to15. Ill help you whenever you need me. I would love_. A. you helping B. that youll help C. you to help D. that you help16. The news about the terrible flood there greatly discouraged _ there for sightseeing.A. us from going B. us to go C. our going D. our to go 17. You really need to go out and get some fresh air and sunshine. You _ overworked during the last two weeks. A. have been B. were C. had been D. would be18. The conference aims to develop business and let people think about _ they can have a positive influence on the planet. A. why B. that C. what D. how19. Its always better to tell the truth. Lies have a bad habit of _ you! A. catching up withB. calling on C. taking care ofD. looking for20. The Hotel Al Arab _ the first and only 7-star hotel in the world was designed in theshape of a sail of 321 meters. A. was consideredB. considering C. being consideredD. considered21. August 8th, xx is a special day, _, I think, that will be remembered by the Chinese forever. A. one B. what C. which D. the one22. It is not socially _ for parents to leave children unattended at that age. A. accessible B. adorable C. adaptable D. acceptable23. If we go on using energy so wastefully, _are that our oil wells will be dried up before new energy sources can be found to replace oil. A. chances B. difficulties C. questions D. problems24. Faced with the exams, we should work as hard as we can. , we shouldnt do itat the cost of our health. A. Therefore B. However C. Moreover D. Furthermore25. To tell you the truth, the accident and the damages _ resulted in frightened me so much that I almost gave up driving ever since. A. it B. that C. what D. which26. We have to be . There is no point in looking at a house we cant afford to buy.A. actual B. attractive C. practical D. valuable 27. He _ back to work without the doctors permission. Now, he has to stay in bed for a couple of days. A. wouldnt have goneB. couldnt have goneC. neednt have goneD. shouldnt have gone28. The hospital nearby has just got a, _ youd call it, er. a scanner. A. that B. whichC. what D. how 29. Excuse me, I wonder if you can help. I _ my ID card. But where did you lose it? A. have lost B. lost C. had lost D. lose30. How badly reform is needed was _ recently by the rising youth crime figures. A. suspected B. indicated C. influenced D. announced31. It may have seemed unusually cold recently but experts say its _ for this time of year. A. normal B. formal C. ordinary D. mon 32. A lack of _ of cultural differences to local customs can create problems. A. existence B. revolution C. awareness D. evidence 33. With proper measures, the economy in China is beginning to _ again. A. rise up B. hold on C. pick up D. take on34. So you have met Maria?Yes, it was last week we attended Jacks party. A. whereB. when C. that D. why35. The pany provides cheap Internet access. _, it makes software freely available.A. In addition B. In brief C. In return D. In mon 36. The of surfing the Internet is how you can tell whether the information is true or not.A. ability B. petition C. challenge D. knowledge 37. To her disappointment, what she had devoted herself to _ in nothing but failure. A. resulting B. results C. has resulted D. resulted38. With the effects of global warming, trees their leaves much later in the year.A. are losing B. have lost C. lost D. were losing 39. Indeed the best leading actor has read a lot of books, but the best supporting actress has read no _. A. more B. few C. less D. little40. As the visiting prime minister puts, Chinas influence in the world will continue to strengthen _ its economy grows. A. although B. until C. as D. before41. I think you should plain _, of course, you are happy with the way things are. A. unless B. if C. although D. because42. Getting a new puter system _ at the school has bee a high priority(首要事情). A. installed B. installing C. to be installed D. having installed 43. _happened to be no one in the building when the fire broke out. A. It B. There C. This D. That 44. He should have e to join in the thorough cleaning. He _, I think. Its not his turn. A. neednt have to B. neednt have C. didnt have to D. doesnt need to 45. Dont worry about your luggage. It has been_ and will be here soon. A. asked of B. looked for C. sent for D. cared for 46. _ a mobile phone can you ring _ you want to talk to anywhere. A. Using; whoever B. Only on; whoever C. Only by; whatever D. With; anyone 47. With Shanghai World Expo drawing near, volunteers are making use of every minute to _ their foreign language because language volunteers must pass a written test and an interview. A. polish upB. take upC. use upD. make up48. _ you keep on trying, I dont really mind whether you can e out top in your class.A. As soon as B. Even ifC. The moment D. So long as 49. Under no circumstances to the teacher. A. is this the first time he has lied B. this is the first time he has liedC. is this the first time has he lied D. this is the first time he is lying50. Success in money is not always a good of success in life. A. levelB. mediumC. phenomenonD. criterion51. With the pany facing a serious financial situation this year, the staff _clearly worried about the news of job losses. A. is B. are C. were D. was52. You will have to wait for one more week, the teacher will be back from the trip.A. beforeB. whenC. asD. until53. Looking at herself in the mirror, Sofia decided to have her hair again.A. waveB. to waveC. wavingD. waved54. Ive heard that tune before, but I dont know the words the song.A. toB. forC. ofD. in55. I heard you were going to New Zealand around Christmas. Have you booked the flight?Not yet. I to book my flight in two weeks time.A. am planningB. plannedC. have plannedD. will plan56. A big fire broke out in a restaurant last night, at least 5 people.A. having been injured B. having injured C. injuringD. injured57. What impresses me most is _ he appears in front of others, he wears a sincere and charming smile. A. what B. which C. that where D. that whenever58. _ he have been chosen as captain of the football team? Yes, he _. A. Can; must have B. Must; must have C. Can; must D. Must; must59. Bay, Amazon and Wall Mart are popular websites _ people can sell goods to each other.A. where B. which C. when D. whose60. OK, $500, but that is my last offer. _ A. Good idea! B. What did you say C. Oh, its up to you D. OK, its a deal61. His office on the fortieth floor of a skyscraper in the center of New York City is the place _.A. that he works B. which he works C. he works in D. he works62. _ has recently been done to improve the conditions of elementary schools, a great number of children are unable to go to school.A. That B. What C. In spite of what D. Though what63. Youve switched the machine off. I told you not to, _?A. didnt I B. havent you C. will you D. did I64. Since you cant find a better job, why dont you stick to the present one?Well, _.A.I believe not B.I dont care C. Never mind D. I might as well65. The wedding party is to be held on May 18, _ is, ten days_ today.A. which; from B. that; except C. that; from D. as; since66. What do you think of the furniture on exhibition?Well, great! But I don t think much of _ you bought.A. one B. that C. it D. the one67. Havent I told you that I like the beef well done?Yes, but I _ it longer than I usually do.A. was cooking B. will cook C. cooked D. had cooked68. Weve published large quantities of books. This year_ weve published three million.A. only B. just C. alone D. merely69. When did you bee an actor? _ xx, when I graduated from college.A. After B. In C. From D. Since70. We all regarded the poor old man _sympathy.A. as B. with C. of D. by71. On Sundays there were a lot of children playing in the park, _ parents seated together joking.A. their B. whose C. which D. that72. If you promise to go with us, _ will be OK.A. as B. which C. and it D. that 73. He is the last man you can believe in. He was _ the ability to tell lies. A. born withB. lacking inC. abundant in D. fixed with74. When the local Chocolate Day is ing, youll see many ads on chocolate _ customers.A. searching forB. peting forC. peting againstD. catching up with75. Although Zhang Ziyi is _ international film star, she manages to achieve _ balance between her career and family. A. the; a; B. an; a C. 不填;a D. an; 不填76. The Olympic _ remind us of where the Olympics are held and the characteristics of the host country. A. symbols B. signals C. marks D. signs 77. Experts say that the rate at which one ages _ from person to person and is usually influenced by a number of factors. A. is varying B. varied C. has varied D. varies78. Recent scientific studies indicate that eating healthy food and exercising regularly _ help prevent many diseases. A. might B. can C. shall D. will 79. In 1888, the worlds first beauty contest was held in Belgium. Though _ is known about the petition, the idea caught on. A. everything B. nothing C. much D. little 80. Since the baby milk powder was found to be polluted, there has been universal doubt _ other food products are safe to eat. A. whether B. that C. what D. how81. Some panies are thinking of ways to save natural _ by making better use of the water used in the bathroom. A. resources B. sources C. power D. energy82. The remains of adventurers private airplane were reported _, but the adventurer remained missing. A. being found B. to be found C. having found D. to have been found 83. Before _ on our camping trip, we made sure that we have plenty of food and water in store. A. running out B. making out C. setting out D. working out84. I think puters are extremely useful in our daily life and I certainly couldnt live without _.A. mine B. it C. which D. that85. Do you know our school will be enlarged soon?Of course. It will be_ in size,as far as I know. A. the large B. the largest C. three times as largeD. larger three times86. There are so many beautiful cars_, but he is at a loss which to buy. A. to be chosen B. to choose fromC. to choose D. for choosing87. If it_ rain in the cooling week, the crops in the field would be destroyed. A. shall B. will C. may D. should88.I put him down as a well-educated man._?I mean that hes a well-educated man.A. I beg your pardon B. Speak louder, will you C. Whats that D. Will you repeat word for word89. His brother hasnt been to Beijing, _ hers _.A. so; has B. neither; hasnt C. nor; hasnt D. but; has90. Jane was so for the news of her lost child that she was almost driven .A. proper; madly B. thirsty; mad C. sad; madly D. curious; mad91.Hell his nervousness once hes on stage.A . get away B. get off C. get through D. get over92. Isnt it strange that the lazy boy _ pass the exam. A. should B. has C. might D. would 93. We were two hours late that day, which was due to the _.A. crowded trafficB. crowded traffics C. busy trafficD. busy traffics94. In fact, _ one cause that leads to the problem. A. cattle isB. cattle are C. cattles areD. the cattles are95. I didnt have to work all weekend I did it by _. A. chanceB. choice C. accidentD. myself96. The thief fell to the ground, his left foot _ and blood _ down from his mouth.A. breaking; runningB. broken; runningC. breaking; run D. broken; run97. Miss Smith once music in Africa for eight years and now is an actress.No wonder I often hear her sing in the garden.A. has taught B. was teaching C. taught D. had been teaching98.I _ the neighbours cat this week while shes in hospital. A. feed B. would feed C. am feeding D. was to feed99. Do you smoke? No, I dont. But I used to. Its 20 years since I _. A. didnt smoke B. have smoked C. smoked D. began to smoke100. Do you know Henry didnt win that speech contest? ? I thought for sure he would. He worked so hard on it.A. Do IB. Dont I C. Did heD. Didnt he三 【完形填空】做完形填空时要正确理解短文的意思,包括根据上下文进行逻辑推理并运用科普和社会生活常识进行事理判断等。要综合运用词汇和语法两方 面的知识,包括词义辨析、词语搭配、动词时态、句型结构、复合句的关联和习惯用法等。两条原则都十分重要,不可顾此失彼。(一)遵循三个步骤 1.通读全文,掌握主旨 2.瞻前顾后,细心选项 3.反复检查,核实答案(二)明确考查内容1.整体理解 2.词语用法 3.句法结构(三)牢记三个标准1.意思通顺贴切,放在原句中能否使该句意思通顺; 2. 是否符合上下文; 3. 与全文整体意思是否协调一致。 最后一练: 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 AIn some cities, workaholism(废寝忘食工作)is so mon that people dont consider it unusual. They accept the lifestyle as 36 . Government workers in Washington, D. C. , 37 , frequently work sixty to seventy hours a week. They dont do this because they have to; they do it because they 38 to. Workaholism can be a 39 problem. Because true workaholics would rather work than do anything else, they 40 have no idea of how to relax, that is, they might not 41 movies, sports, or other types of entertainment. Most of all, they 42 to sit and do nothing. The lives of workaholics are usually stressful, and this tension and worry can cause 43 problems such as heart attacks and stomach diseases. 44 , typical workaholics dont pay much attention to their families. Their marriages may end in 45 as they spend little time with their families.Is workaholism 46 dangerous? Perhaps not. There are, certainly, people who work 47 under stress. Some studies show that many workaholics have great energy and interest in work. They feel 48 is so pleasurable that they are actually very happy. For most workaholics, work and entertainment are the same thing. Their jobs 49 them with a challenge; this keeps them busy and creative. 50 do workaholics enjoy their jobs so much? There are several 51 to work. Of course, it provides people with paychecks, and this is important. But it offers 52 financial security. It provides people with self-confidence; they have a feeling of satisfaction 53 they have produced a challenging piece of work and are able to say “I 54

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