2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 5 Inside advertising测试题(含答案.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 5 Inside advertising测试题(含答案.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 5 Inside advertising测试题(含答案第一部分 词汇知识运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节 多项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. “The Voice of China”, a program which is the Chinese version of Dutch series “The Voice of Holland”, has bee very popular for it provides audience with a wide _ of music styles that suit various tastes of music lovers.A. rangeB. circleC. divisionD. mand2. Jane became so angry about the fact that her roommate gave in to _ and opened her precious box and read the letter inside addressed to her.A. regulationB. routineC. curiosityD. reputation3. The pany has _ the news to the public that a new product is ing onto the market and the remarkable innovation inside it is the brand-new technology of Touch ID.A. refreshedB. relievedC. releasedD. remarked4. Because it has been accused of offering illegal and unhealthy information, the access to this website has been _ under the mand of the Government.A. blockedB. adopted C. exposedD. evaluated5. Masters degree holders dont necessarily earn more than other people in similar jobs, so dont base your decision to pursue one on the idea that itll _ higher ine.A. go throughB. break downC. put offD. bring in6. The debate covered a wide range. It _ issues such as drug abuse, violence and unemployment.A. took overB. dealt withC. resulted inD. contributed to7. A mon proverb says, “Give me a fish and I eat for a day; teach me to fish and I eat for a lifetime”, which tells us teaching skills is _ in school education.A. concreteB. conventionalC. flexibleD. essential8. During the interview you should present your views very clearly, wearing a sincere and confident smile. Anyway, try to leave a(n) _ impression on the judges.A. accurateB. worthwhileC. evidentD. favorable9. Tracy had spent too much time on TV series in the past two months. Its no wonder that she _ failed in the important exam, thus losing a good chance to go abroad for further study.A. eventuallyB. extremelyC. entirelyD. narrowly10. Obviously, the two stories have too much_. There is no doubt that one is copied from the other.A. in sightB. in monC. in needD. in public 第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。“Watch me dive off the high board, Dad,” my ten-year-old son called out. I looked up at the ten-foot-high diving board and 11 as he stood at the edge, arms extended. He had 12 the high board many times before, but now his nerve seemed to falter (动摇). The swimming pool was 13 now, so he could take his time. “You can do it, Robby,” I 14. But he couldnt. For 20 minutes he attempted to gather the 15 to make the plunge (跳), and he 16 gave up when the pool closed for the 17.“I feel 18 in myself,” Robby said on the way home. “I know I can do it, though.”He 19 me to take him to the swimming pool again the next evening. Like the night before, we 20 to be the only swimmers. “Im going to do it this time,” he said firmly, “21 me!” He climbed the ladder and walked to the 22 of the board. Again I encouraged him. Again he 23. As the previous night, his nerve failed. It seemed that he would 24 conquer (战胜) his fear and leap. The lifeguards on duty helped me 25 him on. “You can do it, Robby,” we all said. “Dont think about it. Just do it!”For 30 minutes we encouraged him. For 30 minutes he started and 26; he fought the fear that held him back. And then it happened. He extended his arms, bent over the edge and fell headfirst into the 27! He emerged (浮出) to the sounds of laughter and 28. He did it! He finally did it! And 29 he went home, he did it three more times.Some things require no less than full mitment. What is 30 your full mitment? Will you take the plunge?11. A. worriedB. celebratedC. waitedD. listened12. A. passed onB. moved onC. picked upD. jumped off13. A. emptyB. cleanC. largeD. cold14. A. wroteB. encouragedC. reportedD. answered15. A. courageB. opinionC. breathD. speed16. A. frequentlyB. quicklyC. finallyD. suddenly17. A. repairB. holidayC. safetyD. night18. A. experiencedB. interestedC. disappointedD. concerned19. A. persuadedB. orderedC. taughtD. forced20. A. offeredB. happenedC. askedD. promised21. A. ForgiveB. HelpC. FollowD. Watch22. A. sideB. endC. topD. middle23. A. hesitatedB. liedC. escapedD. hid24. A. seldomB. neverC. oftenD. sometimes25. A. liftB. carryC. cheerD. push26. A. satB. forgotC. talkedD. stopped27. A. holeB. sandC. waterD. air28. A. hopesB. congratulationsC. weleD. greeting29. A. unlessB. thoughC. sinceD. before30. A. requiringB. showingC. meetingD. making第二部分 阅读理解(共 20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)AThe idea that eating fruits and vegetables will cut ones appetite did not work out in a new study; in fact, adding fruit juice before meals boosted (增强) hunger and weight gain for some participants.Eating apples and grapes before lunch helped people feel fuller and eat slightly less than when they drank an amount of fruit juice as an appetizer in the experiment. However, putting volunteers on a fruit- and vegetable-heavy diet for months made no long-term difference in their assessments of their own hunger and fullness, researchers found.Some doctors have hoped that encouraging people to eat greater volumes of fruits and veggies might help them feel full for longer and prevent overeating and weight gain. But the new study suggests loading up with more carrots and oranges every day wont stop hunger over the long run. The findings follow results from the same trial showing 34 participants, some overweight, some a healthy weight, gained between 3.5 and 5 pounds when they were given eight weeks of fruit juice to be added to their diet.“If you tell people to add anything to their diet, youre going to potentially have no weight loss, even with fruits and vegetables,” said Barbara Rolls, chair of nutritional sciences at the Pennsylvania State University in University Park.Thats especially true for drinks, she said, since the body regulates hunger and thirst differently and people will not eat less to make up for juice or other calorie-filled drinks.Richard Mattes from Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, and his colleagues found that when they fed volunteers a regular lunch, they ate an average of 785 or 821 calories of it, depending on the day. When the same participants started a meal with fresh and dried fruit, and then went on to the main course, they ended up eating 678 calories of lunch, the fruit course included. When they started with fruit juice instead, the volunteers took in a total of 891 calories.31. According to the experiment, we know that .A. a fruit- and vegetable-heavy diet only has a short-term effectB. drinking plenty of fruit juice leads to weight lossC. children should eat more fruit and vegetablesD. most participants achieve the goal to reduce weight32. According to what Barbara Rolls said, we know that .A. most of people prefer juice to fruit and vegetablesB. adding juice to the diet can help people stay fullC. people always feel hungry and thirsty at the same timeD. adding fruit to the diet cant make people lose weight33. Which of the following ways is more effective in weight loss?A. Drinking enough fruit juice before your meal.B. Having three meals at the fixed time every day.C. Eating fresh and dried fruit before your meal.D. Eating plenty of carrots and apples.34. What does the underlined word “appetizer” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?A. Sweet food eaten at the end of a meal.B. Things eaten or drunk before a meal to encourage the appetite. C. Things eaten to help people make weight control easier.D. Things that make people absorb more nutrition.BThere was a time in my life when beauty meant something special to me. I guess that would have been when I was about six or seven years old. I would get up every morning at the orphanage (孤儿院), make my bed and go to breakfast with the other twenty or thirty boys who also lived in the same dormitory. After breakfast one Saturday morning I returned to the dormitory and saw the house parent (宿舍管理员) chasing the beautiful butterflies who lived by the hundred in the bushes around the orphanage. I carefully watched as he caught these beautiful creatures, one after another, took them out from the net and then stuck straight pins (别针) through their head and wings, pinning them on a heavy cardboard sheet. How cruel it was to kill something of great beauty. I had walked many times out into the bushes, all by myself, just so the butterflies could land on my head, face and hands so I could look at them up close. When the telephone rang the house parent laid the large cardboard paper down on the back step and went inside to answer the phone. I walked up to the cardboard and looked at the butterfly he had just pinned to the large paper. It was still moving about so I reached down and touched it on the wing causing one of the pins to fall out. It started flying around and trying to get away but it was still pinned by the other wing with a straight pin. Finally its wing broke off and the butterfly fell to the ground and just trembled. I picked up the torn wing and the butterfly. I tried to make it stick back on so it could fly away before the house parent came back. But it would not stay on the butterfly. The house parent came walking back out of the back door by the garbage room and started shouting at me. I told him that I did not do anything but he did not believe me. He picked up the cardboard paper and started hitting me on the head. There were all kinds of butterfly pieces going everywhere. He threw the cardboard down on the ground and told me to pick it up and put it into the garbage can. Then he left. I tried to fit all the butterfly pieces back together so I could bury them whole, but it was too hard. So I put them into an old shoe box and buried them in the bottom of the bushes. Every year when the butterflies would return to the orphanage and try to land on me I would try and shoo them away because they did not know that the orphanage was a bad place to live and a very bad place to die. 35. When the house parent went to answer the telephone, the writer .A. tried stealing the cardboard paper that was left on the back stepB. tried his best to save a live butterfly that was caught just nowC. dropped the cardboard on the floor and stepped on it angrilyD. picked some butterflies down and put them into his album36. Why did the butterfly pieces go everywhere?A. The pins on the cardboard paper were not fixed firmly.B. The house parent hit the writer with the cardboard paper.C. The writer failed to make them stick back on the cardboard paper.D. The butterflies tried to fly away and ended up breaking off their wings.37. Which of the following would the writer most probably agree with? A. The dead butterflies should have a peaceful rest.B. The dead butterflies should be broken into pieces.C. The butterfly pieces should have gone with the wind.D. The butterfly pieces should be thrown away like the garbage.38. The underlined part in the last paragraph probably means “ ”.A. clear them awayB. throw them awayC. drive them awayD. give them awayCHello! Sign in to get personalized remendations. A new customer? Start here: amazon. Slice into bestselling tools and save up to 50% on them for the home handyman. Choose now.ASwiss Tech UKCSB-1 Utili-Key 6-in-1 KeyChain MultiToolProduct Dimensions: 6 x 5 x 1 inches Shipping Weight: 8 ounces ASIN: B0001EFSTI Item model number: UKCSB-1 Price:7.8, save 28%Product description: As the lightest and most pact (小型的) multi-use tool, it has a straight sharp edge and a saw-like cutting surface, a flat screwdriver, a micro-sized screwdriver and a bottle opener. The tool makes minor repairs, assemblies, installations and hundreds of jobs an easy undertaking. Ideal for indoor or outdoor activities and emergency situations, this tool es in handy on the road and at home!BStreamlight 73001 Nano Light Miniature Keychain LED Flashlight, BlackProduct Dimensions: 3.5 x 0.6 x 5.8 inches Shipping Weight: 3.2 ounces ASIN: B0011UIPIW Item model number: 73001 Price:6.4, save 36%Product description: The Streamlight Nano Light Keychain Flashlight is an extremely small and super-bright light for everyday tasks at work or at home. With a snap hook for attaching to key rings, backpacks, clothing and more things, the Nano Light features a high-intensity, 100,000-hour LED that will last up to eight hours on four button cell batteries (included).CLaCie iamaKey v2 16 GB USB 2.0 Flash Drive 131106Product Dimensions: 2.2 x 0.9 x 0.1 inches Shipping Weight: 1 ounce ASIN: B004D2AZ0Q Item model number: 131105 Price:24.9, save 11%Product description: With the LaCie iamaKey v2, inventive storage meets data protection. The key-shaped design is functional and memorable, and the protection that the LaCie iamaKey offers makes it extremely reliable. Best of all, you can fit an enormous amount of data in a small flash drive. With its eye-catching design, the iamaKey certainly stands out, but its connector is both water-resistant and scratch-resistant, making it one of the most durable (耐用的) and thinnest USB keys on the market. DResQMe, The Keychain Version of the Original LifeHammer (Black)Product Dimensions: 7 x 9 x 2 inches Shipping Weight: 1.6 ounces ASIN: B000IE0EZO Item model number: RQM BLA Price:9.9, save 50%Product description: ResQMe is a handheld rescue tool that provides drivers and passengers with the same level of confidence and results in the event of a life-threatening incident in your vehicle. Small, yet designed to provide the instant and easy ability to cut through seat belts and side windows when the need arises, it is the inexpensive, portable power that every car should have in the event of an emergency.EGerber 22-41770 Artifact Pocket Keychain ToolProduct Dimensions: 2.1 x 0.8 x 0.1 inches Shipping Weight: 2.4 ounces ASIN: B001349MD8 Item model number: 22-41770 Price:9.9, save 33%Product description: The Gerber 22-41770 Artifact Pocket Keychain Tool is a pocket-sized panion, offering plenty of functionality in a minimalist package. With two flat-head screwdrivers, a wire stripper, a knife that uses standard blades and more things, the Artifact Pocket Keychain Tool helps you be prepared for almost anything no matter where you go.FResQMe, The Keychain Version of the Original LifeHammer (Yellow) - Pack of 2Shipping Weight: 2.4 ounces Product Dimensions: 8 x 10 x 3 inches ASIN: B000IDUW5C Item model number: GBORQMTWINY Price:17.5, save 10%Product description: The sharp stainless steel blade ensures quick cutting of any seatbelts. The stainless steel spring-loaded head can break through side and rear tempered glass easily. And the loop protector clip allows your ResQMe to conveniently fit on a key ring. 39. According to the passage, LaCie iamaKey v2 is .A. a perfect tool for lighting a dark pathB. a key made to open many different locksC. a mobile device designed for storing dataD. a powerful tool for escaping in any accidents40. The tools mentioned in may be the most useful for a driver in case of a car accident. A. A and BB. C and DC. C and FD. D and F41. Which of the following tools is the smallest in size?A. Gerber 22-41770 Artifact Pocket Keychain Tool.B. Swiss Tech UKCSB-1 Utili-Key 6-in-1 KeyChain MultiTool.C. ResQMe, The Keychain Version of the Original LifeHammer (Black).D. LaCie iamaKey v2 16 GB USB 2.0 Flash Drive 131106.42. Whats the item model number of ResQMe (Yellow) - Pack of 2?A. RQM BLA.B. GBORQMTWINY.C. 73001.D. 131105.DA young man was plagued (使苦恼) by the deadlines he had to meet at work, and he always saw his children only when they were asleep. He did not know what to do. One day, his father turned up with a colorful plant and said, “Tomorrow when you leave for work, simply touch the youngest of the leaves and say, To you I leave my household problems, for now I am a man of the world.; when you return from work at night, touch the same leaf and say, I am returning to my wife and kids, and Im not a man troubled by his work.” Before long the young man regained balance in his life. If only everyone could find a plant like that! This is probably the most serious mistake one can make as a parent and a family person bringing work home. It just spoils everything! The best thing to do is to reach your office a little early and leave a little late, rather than carry work home. That way, you can be pletely there for your kids once you are home.Just as it is important not to bring work home, it is also important to leave family problems and tensions home before you step into the office. Carrying family problems to the workplace is totally unprofessional. If you are going to e to the office and youre still stuck up on your childs homework, your boss is not going to like it. The best way to take care of this is to pletely put yourself into the task at hand, so that you can block out anything else that may be a distraction. Use two different phones, one for your professional life and one for your family and friends. That way, you can choose who you want to be available to at what time in the day and on which days of a week. The weekend is a time in the week when you can totally be a family man or woman. If you plan your work well, you will be able to meet all deadlines and still be with your family without feeling guilty of having left work undone. If you are unable to give your family time during the week, then divide the week into working days and weekends, and do justice to both of them. The thing is that we get only one life. So we can never be prepared for certain things. We do not have the experience of being a parent when we bee a parent for the first time. We do not have the experience of being married when we get married for the first time. Sometimes, this is why certain situations in life overwhelm us. But if it is not your own, you can definitely learn a few things from the experiences of those around you. So do not shy away from talking to your family, friends and relatives. Do not feel like it is a failure on your part that you cannot manage to do something. Sometimes we fail to realize the fact that we do not always have to choose between two things; sometimes the solution to a problem is to choose both the things. There can be a win-win answer to such questions. So take the time out for both the things, as they are both important in life. 43. Why was the young man always unhappy?A. He didnt have a colorful plant at home.B. His children stayed up too late every night.C. He always had to do what his father told him.D. He couldnt balance his work and family life.44. In the authors opinion, the greatest mistake for a parent is to .A. leave the office too earlyB. reach the office too lateC. mix work with family lifeD. bring just one phone every day45. According to the third paragraph, people should .A. bring work home as it is a kind of new fashionB. bine work with pleasure wherever they areC. pay attention to their work when theyre at workD. solve family problems first before they go to work46. We can learn from the passage that .A. it is necessary to learn from the experiences of othersB. people neednt worry about their work on weekendsC. people should get prepared for unexpected thingsD. it is disturbing that there are so many

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