2019-2020年高中英语 Module6 第4课时 Cultural Corner课时作业 外研版选修6.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Module6 第4课时 Cultural Corner课时作业 外研版选修6.单词拼写1_ (不管,不顾) the bad weather,they still set off on time.2All _ (全体人员) are to receive gifts from the manager.3Just because weve had a few _ (分歧,意见不合) it doesnt mean we arent still friends.4We _ (武装) ourselves with whatever we could lay our hands on.5These _ (维和人员) are from China.6We should condemn the killing of innocent _ (平民) during the bombing campaign.同义词辨析1用despite,although填空(1)My school is very beautiful _ it is small.(2)She went to America _ the fact that the doctor told her to rest.(3)_ all our efforts to save the school,the County decided to close it.2用nearly,almost填空(1)I can _ never understand the acts of those young people.(2)There are not _ enough people here to do the job.(3)It is _ 3 oclock now.完成句子1The USA _ (向宣战) Japan.2Every tourist was excited when they _ (下船) because they would see the famous place of interest.3I _ (试图) persuade him to go to Beijing.4After a days hard work,we came home,_ (疲惫不堪,心有余悸)5The poor farmer _ (被卷入) the accident without any reason.6_ (从那时起),they have been close friends.单项填空1I finally got a photo with my favorite movie star.Never in all my life _ so happy!Adid I feel BI feltCI had felt Dhad I felt2To my _,he didnt know he has lost his wallet.Aastonishment BastonishedCastonishing Dexcitement3My suggestion is that you _ the meeting next Sunday.Awill attend Bwould attendCattended Dshould attend4If you do _ up,admit it and move on.Achaos BmassCmess Dpick5The investment will be _ as they will contribute to Chinas sustainable development.Aworth BworthyCexpensive Dworthwhile6Some dreamjob seekers are burnt out on the frenetic(狂热的)pace and want to _ to a quieter,slower corner of the marketplace.Adraw BtreatCretreat Dreduce7We managed to maintain steady and relatively fast economic growth in xx _ two unexpected massive natural disasters.Aspite BdespiteCin spite Din despite8With your brothers help,Ive made great progress in English and I really want to do something for him _.Ain turn Bby turnsCin return Din answer to9The _ report is well worth _.Aencouraged;being listened toBencouraged;listening toCencouraging;listening toDencouraging;listened to10It was several minutes before I was _ of what had happened.Atired BaccusedCaware Dashamed.阅读理解About 385,000 spectators are expected to travel to the xx Olympic Games in London on foot or by cycle,the Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA) said.More than 4,400 spectators will pedal on peak days,according to the ODA.A further 10,000 will walk.Experts believe it will be the largest number of people to cycle to an Olympic Games and underlines the organizers determination that it will be a largely “carfree” event.The ODA confirmed it would spend at least 11.5 million on improving the capitals cycle and walking network for this aim.Another multimillionpound fund is being created to improve the Greenway,an area inside and next to the Olympic Park.The Greenway will give access to the Olympic Park for a fifth of spectators.Most improvements on the Greenway will remain after the Games.Mayor Boris Johnson hailed(欢呼)the “legacy of some fantastic new green ways of getting about the city.”The first cycle route,linking green spaces in Hackney,will run for 7.2 miles from Finsbury Park to Victoria Park,where 5,000 free bike parking spaces will be created.From here,spectators will walk across the Greenway into the Olympic Park.The second path will run for 6.3 miles from Epping Forest across Wanstead Flats to the Olympic Park.Six other cycle routes will be upgraded,with clearer signs for walkers and cyclists.Routes will be widened to cope with traffic.The area north of the Olympic Park will get 2,000 bike parking spaces,with 200 spaces to the south.1From the passage we can know the estimated _ will travel to the xx Olympic Games.AathletesBEuropean and American spectatorsCcostsDcycling and walking spectators2Its expected that the xx Olympic Games will be _.Aeconomical BimpressiveCecofriendly Dsuccessful3According to the Boris Johnson,the Greenway _.Awill remain after the GamesBwill increase Londons trafficCwill improve Londons environmentDwill change Londoners lifestyles4Which of the following is nearest to the Olympic Park?AHackney. BVictoria Park.CFinsbury Park. DEpping Forest.have nothing to do but do.除做之外别无选择have no choice but to do.除做之外别无选择I have nothing to do but stay at home.我除了呆在家里外别无选择。I have no choice but to obey the rules.我除了遵守规则之外别无选择。 答案.1.Despite2.personnel3.disagreements4.armed5.peacekeepers6.civilians.1.(1)although(2)despite(3)Despite解析(1)despitein spite of“不管,不顾,尽管”,为介词,后接名词、代词、动名词或what从句,主要指“除外,不管”。(2)although为连词,“虽然;尽管”,引导让步状语从句,位于句首。2(1)almost(2)nearly(3)nearly解析(1)两词一般来讲区别不大,只是almost表示的程度比nearly重,表示更为接近某程度。almost可以和否定词连用。如never,nothing,nobody,no,no one,none等。(2)与数词连用,更常用nearly。nearly一般不与否定词连用,只是和not构成not nearly这个短语,意思是:远远不(够)。.1.declared war on2.got off the boat3.attempted to4exhausted and shocked5.was involved in6Since then.1.D考查倒装和时态。句意为:我最后和我最喜爱的电影明星合影了。我一生中从未如此高兴过。否定词never置于句首,句子要倒装,将助动词提到主语之前。时间状语in all my life与完成时态连用,根据前句的过去时态,可知此句使用过去完成时。2A句意为:令我惊讶的是,他不知道自己已丢失了钱包。“to ones抽象名词”表示“令某人的”,由结构和题意可知A项正确。B、C项是形容词;D项不符合题意。3D句意为:我建议你应该参加下周的会议。在advice,order,plan,suggestion等名词后的表语从句或同位语从句应使用虚拟语气,从句的谓语动词为should动词原形。故D项正确。4C句意为:如果你把事情搞砸,承认它然后继续前进。A项为名词,混乱;B项为名词和动词,块;集中;C项mess up弄糟,搞砸;D项pick up捡起;学会等。故C项符合题意。5D句意为:这项投资是值得做的,因为它们将促进中国的可持续发展。A项为值钱,值的,后接钱数或ing形式;B项为值得的;可尊敬的,后接of;C项为昂贵的;D项为值得做的。由题意可知D项正确。6C句意为:有一些追求理想工作的人在快节奏的商业界里疲惫不堪,希望隐退到一个比较安静、节奏较慢的角落。A项画,拖;B项对待;治疗;C项撤退,使后退;D项减少,降低。由题意可知C项正确。7B句意为:在xx年尽管有两次意外的大规模的自然灾害,我们仍成功保持了相当快的稳定的经济发展。despitein spite of介词短语,尽管。8Cin return作为回报;in turn依次,轮流;by turns交替;in answer to响应。9C句意为:这个鼓舞人心的报告很值得一听。encouraged“受到鼓舞的”,一般修饰人;encouraging“鼓舞人心的”,一般修饰物。be worth doing sth.值得做某事,动名词的主动形式表被动。10C句意为:过了好几分钟我才意识到发生了什么事。be aware of意识到;be tired of厌烦;be accused of被指控;be ashamed of对感到羞耻,故选C。.1.D细节理解题。由第一段奥运筹建局发布的消息可知该项正确。2C细节理解题。由第二段最后一句中的underlines the organizers determination that it will be a largely “carfree” event可知该项正确。ecofriendly不妨害生态环境的。3C细节理解题。由第四段最后一句中的hailed the “legacy of some fantastic new green ways of getting about the city”可知该项正确。4B推理判断题。根据倒数第二段可知该项正确。倒数第二段说第一条自行车道连接Hackney(起点),从Finsbury Park到Victoria Park,长达7.2英里,从Victoria Park步行穿过the Greenway到奥林匹克公园,故可知Victoria Park距离最近。Epping Forest是第二条自行车道的最外起点,长达6.3英里,穿过Wanstead Flats到the Olympic Park。

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