2019-2020年高中英语 Unit2 Period Three Grammar练习 新人教版必修2.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit2 Period Three Grammar练习 新人教版必修2.单句改错(句中有一处错误)1The rainforest will be not destroyed here._2When is a new road going to built around the lake?_3You cant leave until all the work will be finished._4The workers will be get paid before the end of this year._5In the countryside, many children are left in charge of their grandmas while their parents are away to earn money._6We are told that lunch will serve at 12 oclock when the meeting is over._7All the delayed posts will deliver today,or the people that are waiting to receive them will get more worried._8If you dont go with him,he isnt allowed to enter the building._9The sailing petition wont be taken place if the sea is still rough._10It is reported that a plane,together with the pilot and ten soldiers,were lost over the sea last week._ .用所给词的适当形式填空1Greater efforts _(make) to improve the living conditions of this area in the following five years.2To help students to be interested in learning English, an English contest _(hold) next month.3I dont know when the new machine _(test) out, perhaps next week.4Lecture on the history of the Olympic Games _(give) by Professor Wang in the school hall this weekend.5His pet _(take) good care of by his friend while he is away next week.6We are confident that the environment _(improve) by our further efforts to reduce pollution.7On her next birthday, Ann _(be) married for twenty years.8Dont worry.The hard work that you do now _(repay) later in life.9In the near future, more advances in the robot technology _(make) by scientists.10A new building is being built here.We wonder if it _(finish) next month.完成句子1When the dam is pleted,the Changjiang River_(control)当大坝竣工时,长江就可以被控制住了。2The government is going to build a new school next year and _in the poor village.(build)明年政府将建一所新的学校。这所学校将被建在这个贫穷的村子里。3The next season of Survivor _on a small island in Thailand.(film)下一季的幸存者将在泰国的一个小岛上拍摄。4How to solve these problems is _in tomorrows meeting.(discuss)怎样解决这些问题将在明天的会议上讨论。5It is known to all that the 31st Summer Olympic Games _(hold) in Rio de Janeiro in xx.(hold).完形填空It surprised meevery time I saw Joe,he was smiling.It didnt _1_ whether he had to stop at a stop light,or if he was the seventh person in _2_ at a bank,and the service stopped just before he got there.Joe _3_ smiled.It made me wonder why he seemed so _4_ every day.Having observed Joe with other people,I _5_ something else also.Joe asked people how they were doing,and really seemed to listen to their _6_If someone were hurting,he showed _7_ for him and had kind words,and offered to _8_ in any way he could.It made me think What if I tried to smile more?A(n) _9_ began when I went to a grocery store.I smiled as I went up and down the aisles and people I didnt even _10_ smiled back at me.Some even _11_ me!The little kid in the cart(购物车) who was giving his mother a _12_ time saw me smile and _13_ talkingand,you guessed it.He made a shy little attempt at a smile.The man in a wheelchair _14_ a person to reach somethingI could get that for him.The smile even transferred over to him,and he _15_me.As I drove home,I was smiling.I _16_ what I had just learned,and when someone passed me and gave me a(n) _17_,I smiled at him.He looked puzzled.Now I know a smile is a small thing,but what if we were all to try to smile a few more times each day?I couldnt believe how _18_ I felt.Nothing in my life had changed,_19_ maybe it had.For what I learned was that such a small thing could _20_ not only my spirits,but the spirits of those around me as well. So smile!1A.work Bhappen Cmatter Dlast2A.order Bdebt Chand Dline3A.always Beventually Cimmediately Dhardly4A.naughty Bhappy Cactive Dhumorous5A.decided Bjudged Cnoticed Dconsidered6A.answers BplaintsCexcuses Dments 7A.guidance Brespect Cpity Dprotection8A.perform Battempt Cbother Dhelp9A.experiment Blife Cproject Dprogramme10A.meet Btouch Cknow Dcontact11A.glared Bgreeted Capproached Descaped12A.spare Blong Chard Dgreat13A.stopped Btried Ckept Denjoyed14A.persuaded Baccepted Csupported Dneeded15A.thanked Bchanged Cencouraged Dinvited16A.worried about Bthought about Ctalked over Dlooked over17A.gesture Baddress Ccall Dticket18A.normal Bgreat Creasonable Dplicated19A.so Bfor Cbut Dtill20A.realize Badmire Cshow Dlift.短文改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Dear Mr Johnson, Im writing to tell you that I had a safety journey back to Beijing.Thanks to your kindness, I had a wonderfully time in Australia.It is my first time to go abroad and I was naturally a bit nervous when I was arrived.When I saw you at an airport, I knew from your warm smile that something would be all right.With your help, I visited so many places of interests in Australia, where impressed me a lot.I hope some day you will go to visit Beijing and I will act a guide to show you around the city. Yours, Li HuaPeriod ThreeGrammar.1.be not改为not be2.to后加be3.will be改为is4.去掉be或get5.in后加the6.serve改为be served7.deliver改为be delivered8.isnt改为wont be9.be taken改为take10.were改为was.1.will be made2.will be held3.will be tested4.will be given5.will be taken6.will be improved7.will have been8.will be repaid9.will be made10.will be finished.1.will be controlled2.it is going to be built3.will be filmed4.to be discussed5.will be held .【文章大意】 作者发现Joe总是微笑面对一切,自己也决定尝试着多对人微笑,结果惊讶地发现微笑虽然是一件很小的事情,但是能够鼓舞自己和周围的人。1C根据首句Joe微笑面对一切可知,即使发生对他不利的事情他也感觉无关紧要。matter符合语境。2D根据the seventh person可知是在排队(in line)等候。故选D项。order 顺序;debt债务;hand手;line线,队列。故选D项。3A文章开头谈到作者每次看到Joe的时候他都在微笑,下文也有提示“why he seemed soevery day.”,所以此处应选always。4B微笑说明心情愉快,因此选happy。naughty淘气的;happy快乐的;active活跃的;humorous幽默的。5C根据下句的描述可知,通过观察Joe与他人交往,作者注意到了一些事情。此处notice与前面的observe一致。decide 决定;judge判断;notice注意到;consider考虑。6Aanswer与前面的ask对应。问别人问题,且倾听他人的回答。7C根据“If someone were hurting”和kind words可知,他应是同情受到伤害的人。show pity for对表示同情。8DJoe是一个富有同情心的人,在别人受到伤害时总是帮助(help)别人。故选D项。perform表演;attempt 尝试;bother 打扰;help帮助。9A此处的experiment和前面的try相呼应。作者准备尝试着多微笑。故选A项。experiment 实验;life 生活;project工程;programme项目。10C根据上文“I went to a grocery store.”可知,商店中的很多人应是彼此不认识的。故选C项。meet见面;touch触摸;know知道;contact联系。11B甚至和“我”打招呼。greet符合语境。glare怒视;greet问候;approach接近;escape逃跑。12C根据上下文可知,作者举了一个孩子的例子。又根据下文“He made a shy little attempt at a smile.”可知,他应是正在为难母亲。因此hard符合语境。spare空闲的,多余的;long长的;hard困难的;great伟大的。13A根据下文“He made a shy little attempt at a smile.”可知,小孩应是停止纠缠母亲。故选A项。stop停止;try努力;keep保持;enjoy享受。14D轮椅上的残疾人一般是需要别人帮忙拿东西。故选D项。persuade说服;accept接受;support支持;need需要。15A表示感谢。thank 感谢;change改变;encourage鼓励;invite邀请。16B经过一番试验后作者在回家的路上开始回忆自己的收获。故选B项。think about考虑;worry about担心;talk over谈论;look over仔细检查。17A根据常识可知,遇到的人应是相互打招呼。故选A项。gesture示意,姿势;address地址;call电话;ticket票。18B根据上一段的描述可知,通过这次试验作者感到非常好。故选B项。normal正常的;great伟大的,好的;reasonable合理的;plicated复杂的。19C根据空格后“也许改变了什么”可知,前后构成转折关系。故选C项。20D微笑虽然是一件很小的事情,但是能够鼓舞自己和周围的人。故选D项。realize意识到;admire钦佩;show展示;lift提升,鼓舞。.Dear Mr Johnson, Im writing to tell you that I had a safety journey back to Beijing.Thanks to your kindness, safeI had a wonderfully time in Australia.It is my first time to go abroad and I was naturally a bit wonderful wasnervous when I was arrived.When I saw you at an airport, I knew from your warm smile that thesomething would be all right.With your help, I visited so many places of interests in Australia,everything interest where impressed me a lot.I hope some day you will go to visit Beijing and I will act awhich e asguide to show you around the city.Yours, Li Hua

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