2019-2020年高中英语 Unit1 Art测试新人教版选修6.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit1 Art测试新人教版选修6Class: Name: Marks: 满分(120)一、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. Doctor, I feel so nervous. . Its just a small operation.A. No way B. Take it easy C. Thats right D. All the best2. He bought his girlfriend diamond ring, but he was told that diamond in that ring was an imitation glass. A. a; the B. a; / C. the; a D. /; the 3. He is in deep sorrow, so it is not a(n) time to mention the subject.A. evident B. typicalC. appropriateD. wonderful4. Among all the clothes in the store, the cotton skirt appealed to her . A. in all B. in particular C. in time D. in advance5. I think its high time we protected the environment. .A. Go ahead B. Sure, I am C. No problemD. I couldnt agree more6. If he had practised driving the car, he that day.A. mightnt be hurt B. hadnt been hurt C. shouldnt be hurt D. wouldnt have been hurt7. Its a secret. Anyone who it will be punished.A. tries; out B. picks; out C. lets; out D. makes; out8. After taking part in several rounds of petition, the athlete won first prize.A. eventually B. occasionallyC. frequently D. usually9. The reason he explained to us was that he hadnt been told about the meeting.A. which B. what C. where D. why10. The boy was curious about how the waste paper was into a model kite.A. improved B. united C. transformedD. mixed11. My money . Could you please lend me some?A. has run out of B. was running outC. has run out D. was run out of12. more careful, you wouldnt have failed this years exam. A. If you were B. Had you been C. Should you be D. If you would have been13. Instead of staying the same every day, Marys working hours are .A. limited B. available C. valuable D. flexible14. Hes teaching me French my teaching him Chinese. A. in place of B. in case of C. in exchange for D. in honor of15. I lost the game again. If only I your advice! A. had listened toB. have listened toC. listened to D. listen to 二、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。For children all over the world summer is a time to celebrate. But for me, growing up in a place with no typical summer days, summer was my chance to 16 into a magical world. Every summer for 17 years, my 17 would live in the house near the sea. My brothers and I usually 18 early in the morning, and gathered our toys for a day at the 19 . When my mother was 20 a lunch of sandwiches and fruit, we would run down the grassy hill near the beach and start to 21 sand houses. It 22 so much of our time there. After a few hours and a lot of 23 in our clothes, my brothers and I would 24 the clear water. My 25 part of the days was when I went sightseeing in a boat. I would climb to the top of it and find a place to 26 . The waves would 27 move the boat up and down and often I would fall asleep. Even to the present, this is the place I go to in my mind to 28 peace.There was a weekend when my dad didnt have to 29 and my mother went to visit her friend. He took us out to do some waterskiing. I was never very good at it, 30 it was a lot of fun. At the 31 of the day, when my brothers and I played games, my 32 would cook hot dogs for us. The only 33 was all the mosquitoes would bite us. But I guessed they 34 needed supper. It was a(n) 35 time in my life and it made me wish summer could last forever.16. A. changeB. lookC. makeD. escape17. A. parents B. family C. friends D. neighbors 18. A. cheered up B. went back C. came over D. set off19. A. beach B. garden C. house D. yard20. A. serving B. preparing C. providing D. having21. A. find B. moveC. watch D. build 22. A. made up B. depended on C. took upD. cut down23. A. grassB. toysC. sand D. water24. A. look forB. dive into C. long forD. move off25. A. favourite B. busiest C. funniestD. tightest26. A. stand up B. lie down C. jump down D. look around27. A. sharply B. quickly C. gently D. rudely28. A. create B. accept C. know D. enjoy 29. A. e B. work C. stayD. play30. A. so B. for C. but D. and31. A. end B. beginning C. middle D. break 32. A. sisterB. brotherC. father D. mother33. A. doubtB. problem C. thoughtD. warning34. A. never B. alsoC. seldom D. always35. A. special B. exactC. hardD. typical三、阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。A George Pickett, who had known Lincoln in Illinois years before, joined the Southern army, and because of his bravery and ability he had bee one of the great generals of the Confederacy (南部邦联). Toward the close of the war, when a large part of Virginia was controlled by the Union army, the President called at General Picketts home. The generals wife, with her baby in her arms, met him at the door. She herself has told the story to us. “Is this George Picketts home?” he asked. With all the courage I could muster (聚集), I replied, “Yes. I am his wife, and this is his baby.” “I am Abraham Lincoln,” he said. “The President!” I took a quick deep breath with my mouth open, surprised. I had never seen him, but I knew the great love and respect with which the soldier always spoke of him. The stranger shook his head and replied, “No, Abraham Lincoln, Georges old friend.” The baby pushed away from me and reached out his hands to Mr. Lincoln, who took him in his arms. As he did so, an expression of great attention and almost God-given gentleness and love lighted up the sad face. It was a look that I have never seen on any other face. The baby opened his mouth wide and insisted upon giving his fathers friend a kiss. As Mr. Lincoln gave the baby back to me, he said, “Tell your father, the enemy, that I forgive him because of your bright eyes.” 36. The first paragraph of the text serves as a(n) . A. ment B. example C. background D. explanation 37. Lincoln decided to forgive George Pickett because . A. something in the babys eyes touched him B. what Picketts wife said touched him C. he thought it wrong to punish his friend D. he took pity on Picketts wife and child38. Seeing the stranger at her door, Picketts wife first felt . A. excitedB. fearful C. discouragedD. angry 39. What personal quality of Lincoln is mainly showed in the story? A. Wisdom. B. Courage. C. Humor. D. Kindness. B The history of modern art begins with Impressionism, a movement started in Paris in the mid-1800s. At that time many artists painted in a very traditional way that involved spending hours in a studio, painstakingly (辛苦地) creating paintings that were extremely detailed. These paintings were sometimes of people or landscapes or historical events. In 1863, Edouard Manet exhibited his painting “Dejeuner sur lerbe” at the Salon des Refuses. The painting caused a motion (骚动), thus starting the Impressionist movement. Although Edouard Manet is the declared leader and founder of the group, he was not present at the first group exhibition or any of the other eight collective Impressionist shows. The movement gained more attention in the April of 1874 when Claude Monet, Auguste Renoir, Alfred Sisley, and Jean-Frdric Bazille formed Society of Artists, Painters, Sculptors, Engravers and began exhibiting outside of the official salon. The same year, the term Impressionism was invented by criticizing (批评的) journalist Louis Leroy to describe their paintings, who worked for the magazine Le Charivari. The Impressionists often paint out of doors and want to show how light and shadow fall on objects at particular times of the day. Their works are sometimes described as “captured moments” and are characterized by short quick brushstrokes (笔) of colour which, when viewed up close looks quite messy and unreal. If we step back from the Impressionist paintings, the colours are blended together by our eyes and we are able to see the painters subjects which often show colourful landscapes, sunlight on water as well as people busy with outdoor activities. 40. Before Impressionism, the works of artists were . A. quite abstractB. very confusingC. very detailed D. quite controversial41. Who first started Impressionism? A. Claude Monet. B. Edouard Manet.C. Auguste Renoir.D. Alfred Sisley.42. The works of the Impressionists are best viewed . A. with imagination B. at a distance C. outdoors D. in a studio 43. The second paragraph is mainly about _.A. the painting style of the Impressionists B. how to describe the Impressionist paintingsC. the influences of the Impressionist paintingsD. the subjects of the Impressionist paintingsC Emergency room professionals have their own name for the long, lazy days that kids look forward to in summer: trauma season, because thats when hospitals see a sudden increase in drownings and heat-related accidents. Here are some of the wrong ideas about popular summertime activities, according to several experts. Fallacy (谬论) Pool parties are safe on condition that adults are around. Fact Many drownings happen when adults are close by. The problem is that there is too much noise. The key is to have a designated (指定的) adult watching the water because that is where the danger is. The pool should be free of excess (多余的) toys that can block the view of the water. Fallacy You dont have to worry about sunburn on cloudy days. Fact You can get severe sunburn on a cloudy day. Overcast weather, no matter how cloudy, doesnt affect how much harmful ultraviolet exposure someone receives. The American Academy of Pediatrics advises using clothing and hats to avoid sun exposure, particularly for babies younger than 6 months, and applying sunscreen of at least 15 SPF (防晒系数). Sunscreen should be applied at least 30 minutes before people going out and reapplied every two hours or after swimming or sweating. Fallacy Loving parents or caregivers would never forget a child in a car.Fact It happens in the U.S. as many as 15 to 25 times a year from spring through early fall when children fall asleep in the back seat and parents forget them, according to The Washington Post. Experts at KidsAndCars.org suggest using visual reminders, including carrying a big teddy bear (玩具熊) in the car and putting it in the passenger seat when a child is in the car.44. The text is mainly intended for .A. parents with young childrenB. children who like to play outside C. doctors treating young childrenD. teachers in schools for children aged two to five45. Which of the following best explains “trauma season”?A. A season when children dont need to go to school. B. A season when kids can have a lot of fun.C. A season when parents can relax with children.D. A season when children can be harmed often. 46. Why is a big teddy bear advised to be put in a car?A. It can give a child a lot of fun. B. It can make a driver more concentrated. C. It can prevent a child from falling asleep.D. It can remind people that a child is in the car.47. The text is mainly about .A. how to correct parents wrong ideas on child safetyB. the causes of drownings and heat-related accidents C. how to make sure of childrens safety during summertime activitiesD. the importance of making parents realize some dangerous activitiesD The National Gallery, LondonOf all the worlds great art museums, it is the only place where you can appreciate European paintings between 1200 and 1900. Founded in 1824, it houses one of the greatest collections of European paintings in the world. Inside its halls are more than 2,500 European paintings by some of Western civilizations greatest masters. Today, it is one of the top five tourist attractions in the United Kingdom. Entrance to see them is free.The Tate Museum, LondonIt is the UKs national gallery of contemporary art. The Tate collection consists of some of the finest collections of British art dating back from 1500 to todays modern time. Tate is a family of four art galleries, which consists of Tate Britain, Tate Modern, Tate Liverpool and Tate St Ives, part of the group now known simply as Tate. What makes Tate Modern such a special place is that apart from the permanent exhibits, from time to time, contemporary exhibitions are hosted in it.The British Museum, LondonFounded in 1753, it is a museum of human history and culture worldwide. Its collection includes more than seven million objects from across the world. They represent the people and places of the past two million years. Its collection is among the largest in the world and es from all continents, telling the story of human culture from its beginning to the present. The Museum charges no admission fee.Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York CityFounded in 1870, it is one of the largest and most prehensive (综合性的) art museums in the world. It has a permanent collection containing nearly three million objects from every known artistic forms, and from nearly every culture and age. In addition to its permanent exhibitions, the Met organizes and hosts large traveling shows throughout the year.48. Which of the four museums has the largest collection in the world?A. The Tate Museum. B. The National Gallery.C. The British Museum. D. Metropolitan Museum of Art.49. In what way is the National Gallery different from the other three museums?A. It regularly hosts artistic exhibitions. B. It often organizes traveling shows.C. It only collects European paintings. D. It includes several art galleries.50. We can learn from the text that the British Museum .A. shows the whole process of human civilizationB. is the oldest, largest museum in the worldC. attracts a lot of visitors every yearD. shows the development of British art51. You can probably read the text in .A. a news report B. a book reviewC. a travel guideD. a notice E Devra Davis was an American epidemiologist (流行病学家) and writer. In When Smoke Ran Like Water, Devra Davis takes the reader from killer smoke to the serious problems of the present including breast cancer and climate change. Davis has been devoted to decreasing illness and loss of life from environmental pollution for decades. She is determined not to let figures and numbers hide the people whose lives are in danger. One of the things that makes When Smoke Ran Like Water, her book on the battle against pollution, so powerful is that she hasnt just only studied the statistics, but shes lived them. As a child in the Monongahela River town, she survived the 1948 smog (烟雾) pollution that was reported to have killed 20 people. She writes, “The fifty people who died in the month following the smog are nowhere counted. The thousands who died over the following decade are nowhere counted. And there is no counting of the thousands called the non-killed all those who went on to suffer in various poorly understood ways.” For Davis, counting counts. She focuses on epidemiology, the science which is rooted in numbers. Her book is a series of related stories, which uses a convincing methodto support her conclusions. For anyone interested in the future of human health, When Smoke Ran Like Water also provides a valuable basis for understanding and action.52. We can learn from the text that Davis cares most about .A. the measures taken by governments to fight environmental pollutionB. the permanent damage to health caused by environmental pollutionC. the number of people died in environmental pollution D. the environmental pollution caused by the smog in 194853. The author thinks that When Smoke Ran Like Water is a powerful book because .A. Davis was an expert in the study of pollution B. Davis used real numbers to study pollution C. Davis was good at writing interesting storiesD. Davis put her real-life experiences into the book54. What kind of method is used by Davis to support her conclusion?A. The reasoning method. B. The storytelling method.C. The statistic method. D. The experiment method.55. The purpose of the text is to .A. show the damage caused by pollutionB. explain why When Smoke Ran Like Water is popularC. introduce When Smoke Ran Like Water to readersD. tell the life of the American writer Devra Davis四、写作(共两节,满分35分) 第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) Before I started at university, I got my first job as a waiter 56. at a restaurant. At the night before my first working day, 57. I was excited to fall asleep and as a result, I got up late 58. the next morning. I rush to the restaurant. As I was in 59. a hurry, I didnt hear clear the head waiters instruction 60. which we should go into the kitchen through one door 61. and out through the other. But when I took the plates 62. out of the kitchen, I went straightly towards the wrong63. door and crashed into another one waiter ing in! 64. I felt so ashamed. I never forget the experiences. 65. 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)最近,某知名英语学习网站就网站的使用性能问题向用户征求改进意见。假定你是李华,请你根据表格中的提示将你发现的问题和如何改进的建议以电子邮件的形式提交给该网站。发现的问题使用该网站过程中发现了一些问题提出的建议部分图片不能完整显示网站内容更新不够及时建议的目的更好地服务广大英语学习者注意:1. 词数100左右; 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考答案:1-15 BACBD DCAAC CBDCA16-35 DBDAB DCCBA BCDBC ACBBA36-55 CABDC BBAAD DCCCA CBDCC56. 57. At On 58. was后加 too59. rush rushed60. clear clearly 61. which that 62. But So 63. straightly straight 64. 去掉one65. experiences experienceOne possible version: Dear Sir / Madam,As a user of your website, I like it very much. However, I also find some problems about your website. Therefore, Id like to express my views concerning the quality of your website.First of all, I find that some pictures on the website cant be displayed pletely, which is quite annoying to us users. Secondly, I would also suggest that the contents on your website should be updated in time, so we will not lose interest in your website.Im looking forward to seeing your improvement and hope your website will provide a better service for English learners. Yours, Li Hua

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