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Chapter 1 - Managers and ManagementChapter One: Managers and ManagementMultiple Choice Questions1.When we classify managers according by their level in the organization they are described as _.a. functional, staff and line managersb. top managers, middle managers and supervisorsc. high level and lower level managersd. general managers and administrative managers2.Conceptual skills relate to a managers ability toa.take a strategic view of how the parts of the organization function.b.solve detailed problems in groups.c.correctly evaluate organizational problems.d.understand and interact effectively with others in the organization.3.The ability to build networks and power bases that increase ones power in the organization is referred to as _.a. influence skillb. political skillc. controlling d. strategic skill4.A manager is someone whoa.actually performs the service or produces the product.b.works anonymously behind the scenes.c.sets the goals of the organization.d.supervises the work of others.5.Which of the following skills is most important for top managers (CEOs)?a.Interpersonalb.Technicalc.Functionald.Conceptual6.A manager who has a reputation for being open and honest and understands how to motivate employees and customers is said to have good _ skills.a.salesb.politicalc.Interpersonald.technical7.Annies Pies produces cakes and pies that come in 207 different flavors that are shipped across the USA. Each week, 3 or 4 new flavors are added. Annies produces high quality cakes and pies using the best ingredients, it wastes little, and few employees work overtime because the business operatesa.effectively.b.reliably.c.efficiently.d.flexibly.8.Doing a job in a way that achieves results without wasting any resources is referred to as being _.a.effective.b.efficientc. conservatived. Both a and b.9.The importance of managerial roles varies depending on the _.a. managers salaryb. managers acceptance by the employeesc. size of the organizationd. length of time the manager has worked in the organization10.According to Mintzberg, which management category includes the roles of figurehead, leader, and liaison?a.interpersonalb.informationalc.decisionald.planning11.Which of the following roles is categorized as a decisional role?a.Monitorb.Disseminatorc.Resource allocatord.Leader12.An organization must contain all except which of the following characteristics?a.purposeb.peoplec.structured.product13.An organization is commonly considered aa.systematic arrangement of people to sell goods or services.b.structural grouping of people to accomplish a set of objectives.c.structural grouping of managers and subordinates who are attempting to increase profits.d.systematic grouping of people to establish procedures, rules, and regulations.14.Operatives can BEST be described asa.Those who actually do the tasks of an organization.b.Those who work anonymously behind the scenes.c.Manual laborers.d.Those who supervise others.15.The managers who work most closely with the operatives are known asa.top management.b.middle management.c.first-line managers.d.operative managers.16.The level of management that translates the goals of the organization into specific plans that lower-level managers can perform is known asa.top management.b.middle management.c.first-line managers.d.operative managers.17._ are responsible for making decisions about the direction of the organization and establishing policies that affect all organizational members.a.Operativesb.Top managersc.Middle managersd.First-line supervisors18.Performing the task right and considering the relationship between inputs and outputs isa.effectiveness.b.goal attainment.c.efficiency.d.a management characteristic.19.If you get more output for a given input, you havea.decreased effectiveness.b.increased effectiveness.c.decreased efficiency.d.increased efficiency.20.In an organization, _ translate(s) into goal attainment.a.effectivenessb.efficiencyc.resource minimizationd.managerial functions21.If a college cuts the cost of an education by using mostly part-time faculty and at the same time fails to adequately educate its students, it can be said to be doing the wrong things well. In other words, the college isa.efficient and effective.b.efficient but not effective.c.effective but not efficient.d.neither efficient nor effective.22.Tims Tire Shop is concerned only with using the least amount of labor possible as it repairs/replaces the tires of its customers. Its primary goal isa.effectiveness.b.goal attainment.c.efficiency.d.management characteristics.23.All of the following are included in the four components of the management process excepta.planning.b.organizing.c.leading.d.delegating.24.Mintzberg grouped the ten managerial roles into three primary headings. Which of the following is not one of these headings?a.interpersonal relationshipsb.transfer of informationc.planningd.decision making25.As managers move up the organization, they do lessa. leadingb. controllingc. planningd. organizing26.Which of the following roles is most important for managers in small firms?a.disseminatorb.leaderc.spokespersond.figurehead27.Katz developed four critical skills that managers must possess. Which of the following is not one of those four skills?a.conceptualb.interpersonalc.technicald.connection28.Angelo is well known for his skills in using the advanced programming software of the engineering field. In fact, it was his specialized knowledge that led to his promotion as manager. Which managerial skill is Angelo demonstrating?a.conceptualb.interpersonalc.technicald.political29.Nancys strength as a manager lies in her ability to work with people. She is able to work with, motivate, and lead others easily. Nancy is demonstrating which managerial skill?a.conceptualb.interpersonalc.technicald.political30.Which of the following is not true about operatives?a.They have no responsibility for overseeing the work of others.b.They work directly on a job or task.c.They have no more than four employees who report directly to them.d.A person on an assembly line could be described as an operative.31.The managerial concept that focuses on task completion isa.efficiency.b.of little concern for first-line managers.c.mostly the job of top managers.d.effectiveness.32.Which one of the following best demonstrates the concept of efficient management?a.Getting activities completed.b.Maximizing output.c.Maintaining output with fewer resources.d.Increasing output and input.33.When a manager fails to complete the departments tasks but has used the resources sparingly and wisely, the results are said to bea.efficient and effective.b.efficient and ineffective.c.inefficient and effective.d.inefficient and ineffective.34.The planning function of management includesa.directing the activities of others.b.monitoring an organizations performance.c.comparing actual results with plans.d.establishing an organizations goals.35.The organizing function of management includesa.how tasks are to be grouped.b.conflict resolution among subordinates.c.comparison of actual results with a budget.d.definition of an organizations goals.36.The activities of motivating employees, directing others, selecting the most effective communication channels, and resolving conflicts refer to which management function?a.planning.b.organizing.c.leading.d.controlling.37.When a famous speaker, Such as the President of the United States, addresses a college graduating class, he or she is exhibiting Mintzbergs role ofa.liaison.b.disturbance handler.c.disseminator.d.figurehead.38.Concerning Mintzbergs managerial roles, which of the following statements is MOST accurate?a.Managers perform essentially different roles in different types of organizations.b.Managers perform essentially different roles at different levels of an organization.c.The emphasis managers give the various roles differs with various organizational levels.d.Roles of figurehead, disseminator, and liaison seem to be most appropriate for first-line managers.39.Which of the following statements is LEAST correct?a.Regardless of the organizational level, managers perform essentially the same functions.b.Most managerial functions are the same throughout the world.c.Small or large organizations perform essentially the same functions.d.The entrepreneurial role is more prevalent in small organizations than in large ones.40.Management is BEST described as the process ofa.personally completing tasks in an efficient manner.b.efficiently completing tasks with the help of others.c.using scarce resources to minimize output.d.organizing activities over a long period of time.Chapter Three: Foundations of PlanningMultiple Choice Questions1.Which of the following is not included in the definition of planning?a.Define the organizations objectives or goals.b.Establish an overall strategy for achieving these objectives or goals.c.Allocate resources and develop a chain of communication.d.Develop a hierarchy of plans to integrate and coordinate activities.2.Which of the following is an argument against formal planning?a.Planning focuses on the future.b.Planning may create rigidity.c.Planning replaces creativity.d.Planning ignores prior successes.3.Which of following is not one of the reasons why managers should engage in planning as that was stated in the text?a. Planning reduces cost.b. Planning minimizes waste and redundancy.c. Planning provides direction.d. Planning facilitates control.4.Plans that determine specific details about organizational objectives that are to be achieved are calleda. strategic plans.b. tactical plans.c. long-term plans.d. detailed plans.5.Successful plans may providea.a false sense of security.b.only success.c.increased awareness of the environment.d.increased awareness of change.6.Which of the following statements is MOST accurate?a.Many studies confirm the positive relationship between planning and performance.b.All organizations that plan extensively outperform those that plan less formally.c.All organizations that plan outperform those that do not.d.Many studies confirm that planning does not lead to greater performance because labor unions are weak.7._ plans are differentiated by their breadth.a.Directional and specificb.Single use and standingc.Strategic and tacticald.Long-term and short-term8.Which of the following is not a popular way to describe plans?a.breadthb.time framec.specificityd.length9.Tactical and strategic plans differ in all of the following ways excepta.time frame.b.scope.c.known set of organizational objectives.d.environmental effects.10.The greater the uncertainty, the more plans should be of the _ variety.a.long-termb.short-termc.intermediate in lengthd.rigid11.When uncertainty is high and management must maintain flexibility, which of the following types of plans are preferable?a.long-term plansb.no plansc.directional plansd.specific plans12.Which type of plan is used to meet a particular or unique situation?a.tactical planb.operational planc.single-use pland.standing plan13.Which of the following is not a step in objective setting?a.Specify deadlines.b.Allow the employee to actively participate.c.Link rewards to effort.d.Prioritize goals.14.Each MBO objective must havea.a percentage change specified.b.a concise time period.c.a reference to quality.d.a specified dollar amount.15.MBO advocates participative goal setting. Research comparing participative set and assigned goals on performancea.shows consistently higher performance with participatively set goals.b.shows consistently lower performance with participatively set goals.c.has not shown any strong or consistent relationships.d.has been biased by the researchers.16.Which of the following is not an ingredient in MBO programs?a.goal specificityb.participative decision makingc.performance feedbackd.general time period17.According to the philosophy of MBO,a.Feedback occurs at the annual performance review b.Goals follow a top-down approachc.Goals typically are broad, general statements of intentd.Constant feedback is provided18.MBO assists in answering Whats in it for me as an employee bya.Linking rewards to goal attainmentb.Identifying employees key job tasksc.Allowing employees to participate actively d.Prioritizing goals 19.Managers can overcome the criticisms of management by objectives bya.ensuring that employees have multiple goals.b.treating MBO as a single-event activity.c.punishing employees who fail to achieve goals.d.rewarding employees for setting easy goals.20.Which of the following is not a component of the MBO process? a. Objectives are determined jointly by subordinates and supervisorb. Progress towards objectives is reviewed every three months.c. Employees are given ratings based on reaching specific targetsd. Rewards are based on progress towards achieving objectives.21.Which of the following is a nine-step process that involves strategic planning, implementation, and evaluation?a.decision-making processb.strategic management processc.tactical management processd.long-range planning process22.In environmental SWOT analysis, the external organizational position is analyzed according to itsa. strengths and weaknesses.b. opportunities and weaknesses.c. strengths and threats.d. opportunities and threats.23.The starting point in strategic management process is usuallya. analyzing current mission, strategies and objectives.b. identifying opportunities and threats.c. conducting an environmental scan.d. identifying opportunities and weaknesses. 24.After analyzing and learning about the environment, management needs to evaluate opportunities and threats. Opportunities area.internal resources.b.unmet needs.c.positive external environmental factors.d.internal competitive strategies.25.Which of the following is NOT a grand strategy that an organization can use for defining its all-encompassing focus? a.Stability strategy b.Market gain strategyc.Growth strategyd.Combination strategy26.Tims Company is analyzing the technology that allows it to produce wireless communication equipment for less money. This technological breakthrough for Tims Company is which of the following?a.strengthb.weaknessc.opportunityd.threat27.SWOT analysisa.Matches the organizations competencies with its environmental forces b.Sometimes involves industrial espionage tactics c.Occurs during the mission statement formulationd.Is most useful for helping an organization sustain its competitive28.The type of organizational strategy that emphasized increasing market share or the level of an organizations operations is called a.Stability Strategyb.Combination strategy c.Market gain strategyd.None of the above29.When Northwest Airlines began serving its own in-flight meals, which of the following strategies was it pursuing?a.growthb.stabilityc.retrenchmentd.combination30.Larrys Company is in the process of buying a smaller competitor and incorporating that companys resources into his business. This is an example of which of the following types of strategies?a.mergerb.stabilityc.retrenchmentd.acquisition31.Strategy formulation involves_. a.developing and evaluating a set of alternative strategiesb.evaluating a set of alternative strategies and selecting the best for each levelc.selecting a strategy that will increase the level of operationsd.completing a SWOT analysis32.Susans Ceramics is expanding the size of its unfinished products while decreasing the amount of firing and finishing of products it does. This is known as which of the following strategies?a.growthb.stabilityc.retrenchmentd.combination33.A company states that its product is reliable, even to the extent of never needing a service call, such as Maytag, is practicing which of the following competitive strategies?a.cost-leadership strategyb.differentiation strategyc.focus strategyd.retrenchment strategy34.Lilas Luscious Lips produces a cherry flavored lipstick and is targeting the teen girl who is between 12 and 14 years old. The strategy pursued isa.cost leadership.bdifferentiation.c.focus.d.segmentation.35.The premise behind _ is to design in quality as the product is being made.a.six sigmab.TQMc.reengineeringd.benchmarking36.A large discount store, like Wal-Mart, whose primary goal is to have the lowest prices in the industry, is using which of the following strategies to maintain a competitive advantage?a.cost-leadership strategyb.differentiation strategyc.focus strategyd.retrenchment strategy37.According to Michael Porter, the goal of the focus strategy is toa.exploit a narrow segment of the market.b.seek competitive advantages in large market segments.c.use technological innovation to target customers more accurately.d.bring suppliers and distributors together and combine efforts.38.Who determines employee goals in MBO?a.employeesb.managersc.managers and employeesd.managers and the CEO39.The basic idea in _ is that management can improve quality by analyzing and copying the methods of the leaders in the field.a.reengineeringb.benchmarkingc.TQMd.six sigma40.Which of the following is not a competitive strategy that a business may use in order to gain a distinct advantage, according to Michael Portera.retrenchmentb.cost-leadershipc.focusd.differentiationChapter Four: Foundations of Decision MakingMultiple Choice Questions1._ is not one of the eight steps in the decision making process.a.Identifying the problem b.Analyzing alternative solutions c.Implementing the decision d.Delegating the decision making 2.Which of the following sequences is correct for the decision-making Process?a.Identify decision criteria, analyze alternatives, allocate weights to criteriab.Analyze alternatives, select an alternative, implement the alternativec.Select an alternative, evaluate decision effectiveness, weight the criteriad.Analyze alternatives, develop alternatives, allocate weights to criteria3.Once a problem is formulated, the next step is toa.Select an alternativeb.List all possible Solutions c.Observe a discrepancy d.Decide what is critical in the decision4.When a manager who is contemplating all the features a new purchase should have prioritizes the most important, he or she is practicinga.selection of criteriab.problem formulationc.weighting of criteriad.analyzing alternatives5.After implementation has been accomplished


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