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教学资料参考范本九年级英语上册 Module 8 Unit 3 Language in use教案 (新版)外研版撰写人:_时 间:_1. 语言知识目标让学生们能学会运用本单元中学过的新单词短语及表达。2. 语言技能目标学生能学会总结与巩固一般过去时的被动语态。3. 情感目标让学生能很高兴地听别人的意见和保持健康的生活方式。二、教学重点让学生学会正确运用一般过去时的被动语态。三、教学过程Step 1 Language practice1. 让学生掌握被动语态的用法。1. Daming _ for the team last time. Keys: 1. wasnt chosen 2. was invitedStep 2 Grammar被动语态 (2)一、定义主语为动作的执行者时,表示主动语态。主语为动作的承受者时,表示被动语态。e.g. He told the story. (主动语态) The was told by him. (被动语态)二、一般过去时的被动语态我们知道,被动语态的动词形式为:be+动词的过去分词,其中be为助动词,根据不同的人称和时态有形式的变化。因此,一般过去时的被动语态为:1. 肯定句:主语+was/were+动词过去分词( + by+动作执行者)e.g. The letter was written by Jim.2. 否定句:主语+was/were not+动词过去分词( + by+动作执行者)e.g. The letter wasnt written by Jim.3.一般疑问句:Was/Were+主语+动词过去分词+(by+动作执行者)e.g. Was the letter written by Jim?4. 特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+was/were+主语+动词的过去分词+(by+动作执行者)e.g. When was the letter written by Jim?动词不定式作宾语补足语当动词不定式作宾语补足语时,要把主动语态中表人的直接宾语变为被动语态的主语,宾语补足语的位置不变。e.g. The school encouraged Liu Xiang to train for the high jump. Liu Xiang was encouraged to train for the high jump. 但是当to在宾语补足语里被省略时,在变被动语态时要在宾语补足语里加上to。Step 3 Practice1. 让学生个体活动,阅读对话,完成填空。然后全班核对答案。最后教师引导学生小结被动语态在特殊疑问句中的用法。choose hold winLinging: Lets answer these questions about sport in the school magazine. Are you ready?Betty: Sure, I love sport. Go on, ask me the first question.Linging: Where (1) _ the Olympic Games _ in 20xx? Betty: Thats too easy! They (2) _ in Beijing.Linging: And how many gold medals (3) _ China _ at the Beijing Olympics? Betty: Oh, I know. Fifty no, fifty-one gold medals (4) _ by China at the Beijing Olympics.Betty: Was it the hurdles?Linging: Well done! Yes, it was. And one more question. Who (6) _ for the school basketball team last week?Betty: Ha, ha! I dont know. Lets go and find out. Keys: 1. were; held 2. were held 3. did; win 4. were won 5. did; win 6. was chosen2. 让学生个体活动,通读短文,掌握大意。然后根据语境用动词的正确时态和语态填空。最后全班核对答案。Keys: 1. watched 2. were trained 3. was recorded3. 让学生看图技术图片。然后两人一组,根据提示谈论图片。最后教师点名,部分小组展示,全班反馈。an Italian marathon runner, Dorando Pietri / enter the stadium/take/wrong turn during the race/he/fall downhe / treat / a doctor he / help / across finishing line he / give / first place / the American, Johnny Hayes / give / second place after a discussion, the American, Johnny Hayes / give / first placeFor example:An Italian marathon runner, Dorando Pietri, entered the stadium and took a wrong turn during the race. He fell down. He was treated by a doctor and he was helped across the finishing line. At first, he was given first place, and the American runner Johnny Hayes was given second place. But after a discussion, the American runner was given the first place.4. 让学生先朗读方框中给出的单词,并理解其含义。然后让他们个体活动,根据语境完成句子。最后全班核对答案。ability Asian decision method neck pride race seat1. What _do the sportspersons use to prepare for the Olympic Games?2. They chose Daming for the team, and this was a good _.3. We waited in our _ for the _ to start at noon.4. Her parents take great _ in her when they see the Olympic gold medal round her _.5. Liu Xiang won a gold medal at the _ Games.6. His great _ in running helped him win a gold medal at the Olympic Games.Keys: 1. methods 2. decision 3. seats; race 4. pride; neck 5. Asian 6 ability5. 让学生熟读题目,选出正确答案,训练学生识词和理解句意的能力。1. The basketball player _ by his coach to train every day. a) score b) do c) win d) be successful a) was noticed b) was chosen c) set up d) held4. UN _ the United Nations. a) makes b) spells c) stands for d) looks like5. Our team lost! We _ by the other team. a) noticed b) were beaten c) won d) were encouragedKeys: 1.d 2. c 3. b 4. c 5.b6. 让学生个体活动,先看题,然后带着问题听录音,选出正确的句子。1. Betty is reading a book about Chen Zhong.2. Chen Zhong found her training difficult when she first started doing taekwondo.3. Chen Zhong did not win a gold medal at the Sydney Olympic Games.Keys: 27. 让学生先浏览问题,再听录音,理解细节信息,作出正确的选择。1 What did Chen Zhong do before she changed to taekwondo? a) She did a project on the Internet. b) She played basketball. c) She almost gave up sport.2 Who encouraged Chen Zhong to continue with her training? a) Her coach. b) Her friends. c) Her mother.3 How did Chen Zhong show she was happy after winning a gold medal? a) She cheered. b) She put her arms round her coach. c) She smiled for a photo.Keys: 1. b 2. c 3. b8. 让学生个体活动,阅读材料,分析句子间的逻辑关系,安排顺序。然后全班核对答案,并谈论排序的理由。a) Well, dont stop looking. Its important to find a club that fits you. Theres always a better one.c) I also want to find out whether I am too old to start taekwondo.d) Of course not! People of all ages can do taekwondo. First of all, you need to find a club.e) Thank you. I think Ill be a good player in three years.f) Theres one near my school, but I dont think its good.g) Well, it usually takes about five years, but it can be done in about two or three years, so go for it!Keys: a)6 b) 1 c) 3 d) 4 e) 7 f) 5 g) 2Step 4 Around the world让学生了解残奥会,教育学生尊重、关心弱势群体,并尽力去帮助他们。Step 5 Module task1. 让学生开展小组活动,设计所要的问题。Work in groups. Write questions in the table to find out about the sports that your classmates like to watch and do.Questions Student 1Student 2Student 3What sports do you like to do/watch?How often do you ?2. 让学生个体活动,采访同学,并认真记录同学的答案。然后整理出答案。Go around and ask as many students as you can. Write their answers in the table.Questions Student 1Student 2Student 3What sports do you like to do/watch?How often do you ?3. 让学生个人整理采访结果,完成调查报告。然后班级汇报、展示。Write up the results of your survey. Use words like and, although, but, etc.Step 6 Summary1.被动语态2.常用短语: stand for no way set up suffer from first place stop sb. from sth. take pride in 让学生了解被动语态的用法和这些常用短语的意思及用法。Step 7 Exercises通过一些练习来巩固学生所学的知识。1. Each year quite a lot of food _ around the world. Its really time for us to do something. A. was wasted B. is wasted C. will be wasted A. encourage B. is encouraged C. was encouraged3. Many children in Britain _ to have their own bank cards last year. A. allowed B. are allowed C. were allowed4. Tom _ three chances in the high jump then. A. give B. am given C. was given D. will be givenKeys: 1. B 2. C 3. C 4. C中考链接1. Many buildings in Lushan _ in the earthquake on April 20th. It will surely be reconstructed(重建) more beautifully. A. have destroyed B. are destroyed C. were destroyed D. are destroying2. -You bought a new car! An American car? -No. A Chinese car. It _ in Taizhou. A. makes B. made C. was made D. will be made3. -Why did Tom go to bed so late yesterday? -Because his homework _on time. A. didnt finish B. finish C. wasnt finished4. It was reported that nine Chinese people _ in a balloon crash (坠毁)in Egypt on February 26, 20xx. A. are killed B. were killed C. will kill D. have killed5. The mobile phone has influenced peoples life a lot since it _. A. invents B. invented C. is invented D. was invented 6. On June 11th, 20xx, Shenzhou-10 carrying three astronauts _ into space from the space center in Jiuquan. A. sent up B. are sent up C. was sent up 7. -“Frog”,Mo Yans latest novel, please! A. sold out B. is sold out C. has sold out D. was sold out8. -Who designed this game? -It _ by Tom in 19xx. A. is designed B. designs C. was designed D. designed9. Annie _ to the party. She had a wonderful time with us. A. invites B. is invited C. was invited D. has invitedKeys: 1. C 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. D 6. C 7. D 8. C 9. CStep 8 Homework 请写一篇文章来介绍体育运动的好处和坏处(Positive and Negative Aspects of Sports)。文章要点:a. 体育运动的好处。 b. 体育运动可能带来的副作用。 c. 我参加体育活动的体会。12 / 12

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