2019-2020年高中英语 Unit4 Wildlife protection单元测试3 新人教版必修2.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit4 Wildlife protection单元测试3 新人教版必修2笔试部分:I. 单项选择1. What are you going to do this weekend? _, Im going to visit the Nature Museum.A. If anythingB. If everC. If possibleD. If busy2. We all believe that _ xx Shanghai World Expo will be _ success.A. a; aB. the; /C. the; aD. /; a3. The box _ a lot of coins, _ an old Chinese one.A. is containing; includingB. contains; includesC. is containing; included D. contains; including4. After the actor told a funny story about his childhood, all the people burst into _.A. laugh B. laughter C. laughingD. laughers5. It was hunger that his great-grandfather and grandfather _.A. died of B. died out C. died downD. died away6. Im sorry, sir. Your recorder isnt ready yet. It _ in the factory.A. is being repaired B. is repairedC. has been repairedD. hasnt repaired7. This important lesson by Professor Wang teaches primary students how to _ themselves from danger.A. permit B. prevent C. prove D. protect8. I would appreciate _ if you could give me a reply as soon as possible.A. youB. it C. that D. them9. She decided to go to Shenzhen to _ a better job.A. hunt for B. look after C. search of D. watch over10. Li Ming studied very hard. As a result, he succeeded _ the entrance examination to college.A. passing B. in passing C. having passedD. to pass11. So far 80% of the new English dictionaries _.A. have been sold out B. are being sold out C. was sold out D. had been sold out12. You must keep away from the man, who is _. If you are _, please call the number 110.A. dangerous; dangerous B. dangerous; in danger C. in danger; dangerous D. in danger; in danger13. Special attention should be paid _ your words while youre writing.A. picking B. to picking C. pick D. to pick14. We are often warned that smoking _ great harm to our health.A. does B. leaves C. makes D. gives 15. Did you have a good journey? Yes, but the bus was so full that I could hardly _.A. turn off B. turn over C. turn up D. turn aroundII 完形填空A businessman, with a large amount of money, was walking through a remote (偏远的) area. Upon 16 this, a thief followed him, planning to 17 his money at a certain time. The businessman noticed something was 18 , and he started to pay much more 19 to the thief.The businessman soon asked the thief if he 20 help find some water nearby, and when the thief went to 21 the water, the businessman put all of his 22 into the thiefs bag. Then the thief returned and told the businessman 23 the water was. 24 the businessman left to get some water, the thief quickly 25 the businessmans bag. Certainly, there was nothing that the thief 26 .The thief was 27 , but he still did not give up hope. After some time, the businessman returned and they both 28 for a long time. Then the businessman got tired and 29 under a big tree. The thief again checked the businessmans bag and still did not find any money. So the thief 30 that the businessman did not actually have any money with him.Finally, they arrived at a city. When the thief went after a job and left his own bag behind, the businessman 31 in and took back all of his own money he had put there 32 . When the thief came back, he was surprised to see that the businessman was 33 some jewels with the money in his bag. The thief couldnt 34 asking the question, “I didnt know you had money on the 35 .” The businessman smiled to him, “Of course you didnt, because it is not yours.”16. A. talkingB. learningC. thinkingD. speaking17. A. keepB. borrowC. stealD. put18. A. newB. monC. strangeD. dangerous19. A. careB. mercyC. needD. attention20. A. wouldB. couldC. shouldD. must21. A. carry onB. look forC. watch overD. bring along22. A. goodsB. foodC. moneyD. clothes23. A. howB. whatC. thatD. where24. A. As soon asB. As far asC. As well asD. As long as25. A. hidB. searchedC. exploredD. changed26. A. savedB. plannedC. ownedD. wanted27. A. frightenedB. angryC. surprisedD. nervous28. A. drankB. walkedC. rested D. discussed29. A. satB. stoodC. sleptD. stopped30. A. agreedB. wishedC. doubtedD. believed31. A. putB. gotC. reachedD. broke32. A. rightlyB. luckilyC. reallyD. formerly33. A. buyingB. wearingC. havingD. showing34. A. keepB. helpC. enjoyD. avoid35. A. tripB. visitC. holidayD. businessIII 阅读理解 AWhen I was young, I had an old neighbor named Dr. Gibbs. He didnt look like any doctor Id ever known. He never shouted at us for playing in his yard. I remembered him as a neighbor who was nicer than anyone else in the neighborhood.When Dr. Gibbs was happy, he was planting trees. And his lifes goal was to make it a forest.Dr. Gibbs had some interesting theories about planting. He talked about trees that werent watered would grow deep roots in search of water. So he never watered his trees. He planted an oak (橡树) and, instead of watering it every morning, he beat it with the rolled-up newspaper. I asked him why he did that, and he said it was to get the trees attention.Dr. Gibbs died a couple of years. Every now and again, I walk by his house and look at the trees that he planted twenty-five years ago. Theyre very strong now.I planted a couple of trees a few years later. I watered them regularly and took good care of them. Whenever a cold wind blows, they shake their leaves and branches.The funny thing about those trees of Dr. Gibbs was that difficulty seemed to help them in ways fort and ease never could.36. What was Dr. Gibbs life goal?A. To build a forest.B. To save more lives.C. To make a lot of money. D. To study plants.37. One of Dr. Gibbs theories about planting was that _.A. he often talked to the trees B. he kicked the trees heavilyC. he never watered the trees D. he buried the leaves around the roots38. What does the writer mainly want to tell us? A. Trees are not as weak as we think.B. We should listen to others advice.C. Difficulty is necessary for growth.D. Planting trees is good for the environment.BMany people keep the stamps in a drawer at home because theyll never know when they might need them! The trouble is that they have no idea of how many stamps they have left. When they want to send something by post, its very annoying to find out that they have run out of stamps! The Internet is possible to solve the problem. The United States Postal Service has e up with a system which allows people to print their own postage stamps at their own home! This is the perfect solution for those people that have busy lives! Whenever you go to the post office to buy a stamp, you are buying a boring and standard postage stamp. They are red in color, and you can easily buy them on the Internet as well. For example, you can just order a regular 1st class stamp and then print it off using your own printer (打印机). These days, you can have much more fun with your stamps. You can buy them online instead of going to the post office. You can decorate, preview (预览) and print your stamps all at your own home. You are able to use any of your own photos as part of your postage stamp as well. These stamps arent just allowed to be used in the United States; they can be used to send your mail throughout the world. They are perfect to use for many special occasions, such as weddings, festivals and even birthdays! They are fantastic! 39. The problem of keeping stamps at home is that _.A. the stamps may lose color B. you may not find them anywhereC. the stamps may be out of date D. you do not know how many are left40. With the system of the United States Postal Service, people can _.A. buy photo stamps at a very low priceB. send their international mails for free C. design their own photo stampsD. have their letters delivered faster than before41. Whats the writers attitude toward the new type of stamps?A. He thinks they are a great idea. B. He is afraid they may cause trouble.C. He thinks they save a lot of money.D. He thinks they are as good as the traditional ones.CScientists say cutting down trees is threatening one of Mexicos most famous insects. Satellite (卫星) pictures show large wooded areas have been cleared from central Mexico. The forests are the winter home for millions of monarch butterflies (黑脉金斑蝶). The butterflies travel there each year to reproduce (繁殖). Each year, more than two hundred thousand people travel to Mexico to see the butterflies. From November to March, millions of butterflies can be seen in the trees and the sky. Mexican officials hope that by protecting the forests, they can increase the number of visitors.These satellite pictures show the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve. About four hundred forty-five hectares (公顷) have been cleared illegally (非法地) since xx. Scientists say that, if the clearing continues, monarch butterflies will not use the reserve as their winter home. For thousands of years, the butterflies have been flying to the same forests. Their trip goes along Canada and the northeastern United States. It is about four thousand eight hundred kilometers. The insects fly about eighty kilometers a day. They reach central Mexico after about sixty days. No one is sure why the brightly-colored orange and black butterflies choose these forests. However, some scientists believe the area might offer the right wetness and cool weather to keep the insects alive through the winter. 42. If people continue cutting down trees, monarch butterflies _.A. will stop reproducing B. will not go there in winterC. will die out in the next few yearsD. will be protected by Mexican law43. From the text, we can learn that the trip of monarch butterflies _.A. started about 100 years agoB. is from the United States to Central MexicoC. is about two months long D. is more than five thousand kilometers44. Why do monarch butterflies choose the forests as their winter home according to the scientists?A. The warm weather. B. The dry air.C. The wet ground.D. The high temperature.45. What is the text mainly about?A. How a monarch butterfly grows up.B. Monarch butterflies winter home is in danger.C. The main habitats of monarch butterflies disappeared.D. What the Mexican government does to protect butterflies.CSurrounded by the towns of Davidson, Huntersville and Cornelius, Lake Norman is a man-made lake. It is also the largest lake in the state covering a shoreline of more than 500 miles. State Park on the lake gives a chance for different water activities. People, both tourists and locals, e to the area on weekends, where during the peak season a large crowd arrives to relax and have fun. A great activity for kids is education except fun. The tour covers aquatic(水生的) life, especially that seen at Lake Norman. Since it is more of an educational one it also covers other important knowledge about water. Those wanting to go boating are seen off into the lake on canoes and pedal boats which are rented on hourly basis. The charges are $5 per hour increased by $3 for every additional(附加的) hour. The boats can be kept on the lake all day from 10 in the morning till 5 in the evening during the summers. Both canoes and pedal boats can seat 2 to 4 people. The park also set up a group tent camp, where a site can hold about 25 people. People from all over the country e here to catch some fishing action, obviously hoping to catch some fish as well. The inner park lake is also great for fishing, though it offers a smaller area pared to Lake Norman. Those here for adventure like to go for biking and hiking on the trails inside the park.Lake Norman is a great place to spend time with family and friends. People e here on vacation or simply to kick back after a weeks work and relax. 46. From the passage we learn that Lake Norman is _. A. the second largest lake in the USA B. surrounded by the town of DavidsonC. not a natural one but made by peopleD. about five hundred metres long47. A large number of people came to the park _. A. to watch the performances hereB. during the peak seasonC. to have sports games D. all the year round48. In what way does the park attract children except having fun? A. Learning a lot. B. Catching fish.C. Going hiking. D. Going cycling. 49. How much will you have to pay at least if the five of you want to go boating a day? A. 28 dollars. B. 36 dollars.C. 23 dollars. D. 46 dollars. 50. If you want to save more money you can _. A. stay in the hotel that is near the park B. e to the park in summer or springC. stay in the tent of the park for the night D. fish in the small lake in the park DImagine winning a contest to have dinner with your favorite rock n roll band. Thats how the journey to stardom (明星界) started for Tripp Campbell, an ordinary teenager with a love of rock music, in the new Disney XD show, Im in the Band.Tripp, played by Logan Miller, is extremely excited when the legendary rockers from Iron Weasel show up at his front door. But the teen has something bigger than dinner on his mind: Hes dreamed of being the bands new lead guitarist (吉他手). Tripp thinks he can make the rock band popular again. He soon learns that the band has fallen on hard times over the years. So, the teen invites them to stay at his house. With some help from his best friend Isabella “Izzy” Fuentes, played by Caitlyn Taylor Love, Tripp gets Iron Weasel to perform at their school meeting. The band is a big hit with the students, and Tripp bees an excellent Iron Weasel member. Playing Tripp on the Disney XD show is a dream job for 17-year-old Logan Miller. “Being able to play the guitar and act is great,” he told TFK. “Its a chance to mix my two loves.” Logan has played the guitar for eight years. Logan says he relates to Tripp in several ways. “Were both outgoing, and he tries to have a good time,” Logan explained. “He sets goals and tries to achieve those goals.” As for the music, Logan says he listened to classic rock even before he got the part, “I was a big fan of 1980s music back in middle school. I listened to a lot of AC/DC.”And what is the shows message for its audience? Says Logan: “To follow your dream, do whatever it takes to get it done.”51. Whats Tripps dream?A. Having dinner with his favorite rock band.B. Being a member of the rock band.C. Learning to play the guitar for the rock bandD. Setting up his own rock band.52. To achieve his dream, Tripp does the following EXCEPT _.A. taking part in a contest to invite the rock band to dinnerB. inviting the rock band to stay at his houseC. getting the rock band known to his schoolmatesD. listening to a lot of rock music for years53. Which of the following is NOT true of the band?A. The rock band was once popular with people.B. The bands school performance was a great success.C. The rock band has more members than before.D. Tripp himself succeeds in saving the band.54. Logan, the actor, is similar to Tripp because _.(1) both of them try to enjoy life as much as possible(2) they have dreams and work hard to realize the dreams(3) they are easy to get along with(4) both of them have a gift for acting on stageA. (1) (3) (4)B. (1) (2) (3)C. (2) (3) (4) D. (1) (2) (4)55. The text is mainly about _.A. a review of a new Disney XD showB. an introduction to a new stars albumC. the purpose of a new Disney XD showD. a young actor of a new Disney XD showV 写作 第一节 阅读下面短文, 根据上下文填入适当的词语, 或使用括号中的词语的适当形式填空。Mr. David bought a small house in a village near the sea. He liked it and hoped to live a quiet 56 in it.But to his great 57 , many tourists came to see his house in summer holidays, for it was the 58 interesting building in the village. From morning to night there were many tourists 59 the house. They kept looking into the rooms 60 the windows and many of them even went into Mr. Davids garden. This was too much for Mr. David. He decided to drive the visitors 61 . So he put a notice on the window. The notice 62 , “If you want to satisfy your curiosity (好奇心), e in and look round. 63 : twenty dollars.” Mr. David was sure that the visitors would stop ing, but he was 64 . More and more visitors came and Mr. David had to spend every day 65 (show) them around his house.第二节 书面表达 假如你是李华,你的英国朋友Betty想知道中国野生动物保护的情况。你准备给她写一封e-mail,向她介绍中国的爱鸟周(Bird-loving Week),内容要点如下:1. 从1982年起每年的4月至5月初的某一个星期为“爱鸟周”;2. 我国现有鸟类1,300多种,其中有一些是珍稀种类;越来越多的人认识到鸟类是大自然的重要组成部分,需要人类的保护;3. 现在许多青少年也加入到这项活动中,争做志愿者,向人们宣传爱鸟的重要性。注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考答案:115 CCDBAADBAB ABBAD1635 BCCDA BCDAB DCBCD CDABA3655 ACCDC ABCCBCBADC BDDBA56. life 57. surprise 58. most 59. outside60. through 61. away 62. said / read 63. Price64. wrong 65. showingOne possible version:Dear Betty,In your e-mail, you said that you wanted to know something about wildlife protection in China. Do you know Bird-loving Week? Bird-loving Week has been held in a week in April or early May since 1982. There are more than 1,300 species of birds in China, some of which are rare. Now more and more people realize that birds are an important part of nature and we need to protect them. Many students also join in the activity and bee volunteers. They have public talks about birds, and tell people the importance of bird protection. I know you are a volunteer in a wildlife protection organization. Id love to share your own experience there.Im looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua


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