2019-2020年高中英语 Unit3 Computers Period2课时作业 新人教版必修2.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit3 puters Period2课时作业 新人教版必修2.语境填词1Im thinking of a way to _(解决) the problem we are faced with.2He said that he had _(探索) the North Pole.3By working hard,he reached his _(目标) at last.4It may rain,but I shall go out _(即使如此)5Her _(申请) to join the Party was refused,which made her sad.6Id like to talk to you about a _(私人的) matter.7They e from _(完全地) different cultures.8You mustnt give her _(假的) flowers.9They seemed to have a perfect marriage but the _(事实) was very different.10The development of science and _(技术) has been very fast.句型转换1Tom has changed much.I cant recognize him at first sight.Tom has changed _ much _ I cant recognize him at first sight.2We have written a lot of emails on the puter in the past year.A lot of emails _ _ _ on the puter in the past year.3You can go out for a walk after you have finished your work.You _ go out for a walk _ you have finished your work.4The young man was always careless;therefore,he was fired by the pany.The young man was always careless._ _ _,he was fired by the pany.5Child though he was,he made a living by himself._ he was _ _,he made his living _ _ _.6The teacher made the sentence easier so that his students could understand it.The teacher _ the sentence _ _ _ his students could understand it.7We are here to provide good service for the public.We are here to _ good service _ the public.8Li Ning held up a burning Olympic torch and lit the Olympic fire.Li Ning held up an Olympic torch _ _ _ and lit the Olympic fire.同义词辨析1用as a result或as a result of填空(1)It rained heavily._,we had to put off the sports meeting.(2)He was late _ the traffic jam.(3)He was always careless in his study;_,he failed to pass the exam.2用although,though或as填空(1)We all tried our best.We lost the game,_.(2)_ he works very hard,he makes very slow progress.(3)Tired _ they were,the students went on practising.(4)Object _ you may,Ill go.单项填空1The loss has not yet been _ accurately,but it is believed to be well beyond a hundred million dollars.Acalculated Bconsidered Cpleted Dcontrolled2These instructions should be made more _,so that the primary school students can understand it.Aeasy Bmodern Csimplified Dplicated3I cant tell you the exact time when Ill get there,maybe at eight or nine or later._,Ill be there as early as I can.AAnyhow BHowever CThus DTherefore4If you study hard _,you will pass the National Matriculation English Test.Afrom then on Bfrom now onCsince then Dfrom time to time5Tom and Mary got married last month.Are you kidding?They have _ in mon.Aanything BsomethingCnothing Deverything6Jenny nearly missed the flight _ doing too much shopping.Aas a result of Bon top of Cin front of Din need of7_ the police thought he was the most likely one,since they had no exact proof about it,they could not arrest him.AAlthough BAs long as CIf only DAs soon as8How long have you been studying in this senior high school?Less than two years and a half.So it will be half a year _ you graduate from this school.Awhen Bafter Cbefore Dsince9My cousin came to see me from the country,_ me a full basket of fresh fruits.Abrought Bbringing Cto bring Dhad brought10It was _ I went fishing in the open air yesterday.Asuch a nice weather Bso nice weather thatCsuch nice weather that Da nice weather so that.完形填空Although no one in my family was in nursing,my grandmother whom I respected worked at St.Vincents hospital in New York city.My family and I often _1_ the hospital to see her and came to _2_ the wonderful hospital staff as our extended _3_.When the time came for me to decide upon a school to study nursing,my only _4_ was St.Vincents School of Nursing.After my graduation I chose to work in the _5_ hospital as my grandmother._6_ I had to face so much blood and so many wounds,I never felt _7_ for my decision.Every time in my life while others are beginning to “_8_”,I am still moving “fast forward”I _9_ find new ambitions within my nursing career.I have developed a true _10_ for writing about nursing or topics related to nursing,teaching in the Masters Program at the university and now I have a new plan,which is to _11_ my pursuit of a doctoral degree soon.My passion for the nursing job _12_ to have rubbed off on my family as well.My daughter has _13_ that she will go to study _14_ next year when she goes to college.She has had several personal _15_ with the medical and nursing profession when she was younger and would also like to follow in her moms footsteps.I _16_ her it would be great to _17_ her own footprints along the way as there are so many opportunities to _18_ from in the field of nursing.Now my children feel a(n) _19_ connection to the wonderful hospital staff that have bee their extended family.Im so _20_ with my job choice.1A.searchedBwatchedCvisitedDhelped2A.makeBlookCknowDlike3A.childrenBfriendsCrelativesDfamily4A.chanceBdesireCchoiceDpurpose5A.newBbadCsameDbest6A.AsBBecauseCSinceDThough7A.excitedBsorryChappyDdelighted8A.slow downBspeed up Clook downDlook up9A.continuallyBsuddenlyCquicklyDactually10A.hobbyBsicknessCresearchDlove11A.finishBpleteCcontinueDbegin12A.likesBhappensCseemsDstops13A.thoughtBdecidedCconsideredDagreed14A.cookingBteachingCsingingDnursing15A.treatmentsBstoriesCaccidentsDexperiences16A.praisedBtoldCscoldedDstopped17A.makeBdoCmatchDchoose18A.learnBchooseCtakeDmiss19A.specialBmonCgeneralDordinary20A.relatedBconnectedCsatisfiedDdepressed1“It was时间段before.”表示“过了多久才”,从句常用一般过去时。It was some time before I realized the truth.过了一段时间我才悟出真相。2“It was not long before.”意为“不久就”,从句常用一般过去时。It wasnt long before he returned from abroad.不久,他就从国外回来了。3.It will not be very long before we meet again.过不了多久我们就会再见面的。答案.1.solve2.explored3.goal4.anyhow 5application6.personal7.totally8.artificial 9reality10.technology.1.so;that2.have;been;written3.cant;until/before 4As;a;result5.Although/Though;a;child;on;his;own6.simplified;in;order;that7.supply/offer;to8.which/that;was;burning.1.(1)As a result(2)as a result of(3)as a result(1)as a result“因此,结果”,单独使用,作连接性状语,起承上启下的作用。(2)as a result of.“由于的结果,作为的结果”,of后接引起某种结果的原因。2(1)though(2)Although/Though(3)as/though(4)as/though(1)共同点:三者均可引导让步状语从句,意为“虽然;尽管”。(2)不同点:although引导的让步状语从句不可倒装。as引导让步状语从句时,从句的表语、状语或谓语中的实义动词需提前至句首,如果表语是带冠词的名词,冠词需要省略。此外as还可引导时间状语从句和原因状语从句。though引导的让步状语从句可以倒装也可以不倒装,倒装时用法同as。此外though还可用作副词,常置于句末,意为“可是,不过,然而”。.1.A句意为:损失还没有确切地计算出来,但人们相信它将远远超出一亿美元。calculate“计算”;consider“考虑”;plete“完成,结束”;control“控制”。2C句意为:这些说明应该更加简化,这样小学生才能看懂。simplified简化的,符合题意。easy简单的;modern现代的;plicated复杂的。3A后一句句意为:无论如何我会尽可能早到那儿。anyhow(anyway)意为“无论如何,不管怎样”。4Bfrom then on从那时起;from now on从现在起;since then从那时以来,一般用于完成时态;from time to time不时地。根据句意“如果你从现在起努力学习,你会通过全国高考英语测试的。”可知选B。5C由“Are you kidding?”可知,Tom和Mary毫无共同之处,故用have nothing in mon。6A句意为:由于购物时间太长,Jenny差点误了航班。as a result of由于,符合语境。on top of在上面;in front of在前面;in need of需要。7A句意为:尽管警察认为他最有可能,但是由于没有确切的证据,他们不能逮捕他。although“虽然,尽管”,表示让步,符合语境。as long as“只要”,表示条件;if only“要是就好了”,引出虚拟句;as soon as“一就”,表示时间。8CIt will be时间段before.表示“要过多久才”。9B现在分词短语bringing me.在句中作伴随状语,my cousin与bring为主谓关系。10Cweather是不可数名词,不与不定冠词连用,排除A项和D项;此处考查句型:such形容词不可数名词that.,故选C。.1.C我们一家人经常去医院看望祖母。visit后加地点,表示“拜访某地,去某地”。2Ce to know强调逐渐地认识到。3D根据最后一段的暗示,可知我们把医院员工当作我们家庭的成员。4B根据前面的语境可知作者当时唯一的愿望就是去St.Vincents School of Nursing。5C根据语境可知,我进了祖母工作过的医院。the same.as.为固定搭配。6D根据语境可知答案为D,表示转折。虽然我不得不面对很多鲜血和伤口,但我从未对我的决定感到难过。7Bfeel sorry for.为感到难过,遗憾。8A在他人开始减速的时候,我自己仍然快速向前进。slow down与fast forward相对应。9A根据下文我一系列向上的努力可知我是在自己的行业中不断地找到新的目标。10D根据语境可知,我逐渐地爱上了关于护理和与护理有关的话题的写作以及在大学教书。11D我希望我很快能开始我博士学位的追求征程。这是作者的又一个新的目标。12C我对护理行业的热情似乎也对我的家人造成了一定的影响。在这里作者不能肯定地说女儿选择学习护理行业一定与自己有很大关系,因此她用“似乎”这个词。13B根据语境可知女儿已经做了决定。14D根据此段的最后一句话中的in the field of nursing,说明女儿已经决定明年学护理。15D根据后面的语境可知女儿有过几次与医药护理行业有关的经历。16B根据后面的从句可知,此处应是我告诉女儿。17A在自己的路上留下自己的足迹将会特别伟大。make footprints 留下足迹。18B根据前面我的几个追求目标的语境可知,这里指有很多可以选择的机会。19A孩子们把我工作的医院里的员工当家人一样看待,这种关系在作者看来是一种比较特殊的关系。20C无论从事业上,还是家庭上看,我都获得了大丰收,因此我对自己当时对工作的选择非常满意。


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