2019-2020年高中英语 Module3 第4课时 Cultural Corner课时作业 外研版选修6.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Module3 第4课时 Cultural Corner课时作业 外研版选修6.单词拼写1The island b_ to China.2The children were finally r_ with their family.3I m_ my idea to Jim,but he didnt seem to like it.4Tom is one of my _ (合伙人)5The _ (夫妇) are having dinner now.6He was at the _ (底部) of the class.同义词辨析1用blame,scold的适当形式填空(1)She was _ by her mother for watching TV.(2)His father is to _ for the spoiled child.(3)A dropped cigarette is _ for the fire.2用alike,like填空(1)You and I think _.(2)He has a high fever;he is _ walking in the clouds.(3)They are twins but they are not much _.完成句子1他们是什么时候认识的?When did they _ each other?2战后,他对研究工作已失去了兴趣。After the war,he _ his research work.3他们属于较年轻的一代。They _ a younger generation.4我不知道你是否是真心诚意地帮助我们。I wonder if you are helping us _.5大学毕业后,简已不再是以前的那个样子了。After graduation from college,Jane is no longer _.6他经常向我提到他的妻子。He often _ his wife _ me.单项填空1Tom and Mike look so much _ that they are _ twins.Aalike;alike Blike;alikeClike;likely Dalike;likely2I thought Jim would say something about his school report,but he _ it.Adoesnt mention Bhadnt mentionedCdidnt mention Dhasnt mentioned3She was so ashamed _ cheating in the exam that she went and admitted to the teacher.Ato BbyCwith Dof4Mrs.Murphy is _ twelve children,which makes most people envy her.Ablessed to Bblessed withCblessed about Dblessed on5He discovered that he was _ to the plant which touched him.Asentimental BsensibleCallergic Dchangeable6The old lady lives in a _ village far away from the city.She lives _ but she doesnt feel _.Alonely;lonely;alone Balone;alone;lonely Clonely;alone;lonely Dalone;lonely;alone7It is reported that some mainland visitors to Hong Kong Disneyland didnt _ the park rules and behaved improperly.Aget across Bkeep toCtake up Dmake up8The police _ the driver to stop the car immediately because it was running too fast in the street.Abegged BhopedCmanded Drequested9Mr.Johnson _ Jenny from the picture the moment he saw it.Arealized BlearnedCrecognized Dunderstood。10_ the terrible pollution,so many beautiful fish are fast disappearing in the river.AAccording to BBecause ofCBecause DAs a result.阅读理解People in the United States honour their parents with two special days:Mothers Day,on the second Sunday in May,and Fathers Day,on the third Sunday in June.These days are set aside to show love and respect for parents.They raise their children and educate them to be responsible citizens.They give love and care.These two days offer an opportunity to think about the changing roles of mothers and fathers.More mothers now work outside the home.More fathers must help with childcare.These two special days are celebrated in many different ways.On Mothers Day people wear carnations.A red one symbolizes a living mother.A white one shows that the mother is dead.Many people attend religious services to honour parents.It is also a day when people whose parents are dead visit the cemetery (公墓)On these days,families get together at home,as well as in restaurants.They often have outdoor barbecues for Fathers Day.These are days of fun and good feelings and memories.Another tradition is to give cards and gifts.Children make them at school.Many people make their own presents.These are valued more than the ones bought in stores.It is not the value of the gift that is important,but it is “the thought that counts”Greeting card stores,florists,candy makers,bakeries,telephone panies and other stores do lots of business during these holidays.1Which is NOT a reason for children to show love and respect for parents?Because parents _.Abring up childrenBgive love and care to childrenCeducate children to be good personsDpass away before children grow up2What do you know from the passage?AMothers Day and Fathers Day are both in May.BFewer women worked outside the home in the past.CNot all the children respect their parents.DFathers are not as important as mothers at home.3Which do you think is right about “carnation”?AIt only has two kinds of colour.BIt refers to the special clothes people wear on Mothers Day or Fathers Day.CIts a kind of flower showing love and best wishes.DPeople can wear carnations only on the second Sunday in May.4On Mothers Day and Fathers Day,_.Apeople usually have family partiesBeveryone goes to visit the cemeteryCchildren always go to parents homeDhandmade cards are the most valuable giftsThe first time.,.第一次,The first time I met Mary,her sense of humor impressed me deeply.我第一次遇到玛丽时,她的幽默给我留下了很深的印象。The first time I lost my best friend,I thought it was the end of the world.我第一次失去最好的朋友时,我认为是到了世界末日。 答案.1.belongs2.reunited3.mentioned4.partners5couple6.bottom.1.(1)scolded(2)blame(3)blamed解析(1)blame把归咎于;责备,指责,常用于下列词组:blame sb./sth.for sth.因责备,把归咎于,be to blame (对坏事)应负责任,主动形式表被动。(2)scold训斥,责骂,常用于下列词组:scold sb. for sth.因责骂/训斥某人,常用于父母对孩子训斥。2(1)alike(2)like(3)alike解析(1)alike adj.相同的,相像的;adv.同样地,一样地。alike用作形容词时,只作表语;alike一般不用very修饰;多用much或very much修饰。(2)like prep.像。.1.get to know2.lost interest in3.belong to4from the bottom of your heart5.what she used to be6mentions;to.1.D句意为:汤姆 和迈克看起来非常像,他们很可能是双胞胎。alike相似的;likely很可能的。2C句意为:我原以为吉姆会对他的成绩报告单说些什么,但他只字未提。but为并列连词,连接两个并列成分,时态与thought一致。3D句意为:她感到在考试中作弊是如此丢人,以致于向老师承认了这件事。be ashamed of对感到羞愧。4B句意为:墨菲夫人有十二个孩子,真有福气,大多数人都羡慕她。be blessed with享有的福气。5C句意为:他发现他对他接触的这种植物过敏。sentimental感伤的;sensible明智的;allergic过敏的;changeable可变化的。be allergic to对过敏。6C选项中前一个lonely意为“偏远的”;后一个lonely意为“寂寞的”,指心理状态。而alone指客观上“独自一个”,此处为副词。7B考查动词短语辨析。句意为:据报道,一些去香港迪斯尼的大陆游客不遵守公园规则,举止不当。keep to遵守,信守,符合题意。get across被人理解;take up占据;从事;拿起;make up组成;化妆;弥补;虚构,均不合题意。8Cmand命令。句意为:警察命令那位司机马上停车,因为超速了。beg乞求,请求;hope希望,其后面不跟不定式作宾语补足语;request请求,恳请,要求。9Crecognize认出;realize认识到,意识到;learn得知,获悉;understand明白,理解。10Bbecause of后接名词性短语或代词,意为“因为”。according to根据所说,按照;because是连词,后接句子构成原因状语从句;as a result意为“结果”,后接名词或代词时要与of连用。.1.D细节理解题。从第一段中“They raise their children and educate them to be responsible citizens.They give love and care.”可知D项“孩子长大之前就去逝”不是孩子尊敬父母的原因。2B从第一段第一句可知A项错误,母亲节在五月,父亲节在六月;C项文中没有提到;文中第一段最后一句告诉我们现在更多的父亲帮助照看孩子,但并不是说父亲在家中的地位不如母亲重要,排除D项。从文中第一段倒数第二句可推知,过去母亲在外面工作的少。3C文中提到红白两种颜色,但并不是说康乃馨只有两种颜色,排除A项;这是一种花,不是衣服,排除B项;根据常识,戴白色康乃馨代表母亲去世了,并不只是在五月的第二个星期天才戴,排除D。从原文我们可知,康乃馨是一种代表爱和美好祝愿的花。4AB项明显不对;文中最后一段说自制的卡片比从商店里买的更有价值,但并不是说自制卡片是最贵重的礼物,排除D项。从第二段“On these days,families get together at home,as well as in restaurants.”可知,在这两天特殊日子里,家人通常在家里或在餐馆里聚在一起,故排除C项。


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